- 1 - | Multiplicative Identity operator |
--- | Aleph. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Aleph = (The value of 111 is significant in QBL tradition) | |
--- | the name of the first Sephira is |
- 2 - | 1st prime |
--- | Bet. (In spelling interchanges with: (Bet = | |
--- | As a prefix: in, within, among; with, by, at; upon; into, towards; in the manner, according to; in regard to. | |
--- | As an abbreviation: | |
--- | the name of the second Sephira is |
- 3 - | 2nd prime |
--- | Gimel. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Gimel = | |
--- | the name of the third Sephira is | |
--- | father; benefactor, cherisher, sustainer; teacher or adviser; lord or possessor; chief of a family or tribe; forefather; founder of a guild or of a profession or of a trade. | |
--- | blooming freshness; blossom-time, blooming age, bright verdur; fruit. | |
--- | to enter; to lead to, to bear. |
- 4 - | 4 = 22 |
--- | Dalet. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Dalet = | |
--- | the name of the fourth Sephira is | |
--- | pr.n. "Father" --- an alternate name1 of the 2nd Sephira Chokmah, | |
--- | elated, proud. | |
Note: 1. G-K p. 90 |
- 5 - | 3rd prime |
--- | Heh. (In spelling, interchanges with:
| |||||||||||||
--- | As prefix: the (definite article). | |||||||||||||
--- | To introduce a question: that. | |||||||||||||
--- | the name of the fifth Sephira is | |||||||||||||
--- | to be bright or fresh; to thrive, to bloom. | |||||||||||||
--- | to be hollow. | |||||||||||||
--- | to flee. | |||||||||||||
--- | fugitive. | |||||||||||||
--- | vapor, mist. | |||||||||||||
--- | (see also 417). turning or surrounding; circumstance or cause; account (of). | |||||||||||||
--- | food. | |||||||||||||
--- | ridge (of altar); top, bosses, bulwarks, rampart; vault; brothel; rim (of wheel); the back; plowers; piece of wood, board, plank; pit, cistern, den (of lions). | |||||||||||||
--- | this thing; that. |
- 6 - | 6 = 2x3 |
--- | Vau. (In spelling, interchanges with:
| ||||||||||||||||
--- | As prefix or free-standing: and, even. | ||||||||||||||||
--- | the name of the sixth Sephira is | ||||||||||||||||
--- | a separated thing, part. | ||||||||||||||||
--- | thread, yarn, cord; linen, white linen; branches; nobles. | ||||||||||||||||
--- | praters, liars. | ||||||||||||||||
--- | to cut out, excavate; cistern, pool. | ||||||||||||||||
--- | roof, covering; cover (of an altar). | ||||||||||||||||
--- | (12); bear; she-bear. | ||||||||||||||||
--- | the letter Heh, vent-hole, window; lo!, behold!, as, just as. |
- 7 - | 4th prime |
--- | Zain. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Zain = | |
--- | the name of the seventh Sephira is | |
--- | to be severed, forsaken; to stray (in solitude); to loose oneself, to vanish; to perish, to be undone; to sever, scatter, to dissipate; destroy, to bring to ruin, to rob. | |
--- | annihilation, ruin. (many offshoots of this root). | |
--- | the royal title of the Amalekite princes. | |
--- | perhaps: circle. | |
--- | to cause to pine, to vex. | |
--- | to train. | |
--- | will, choice, desire. | |
--- | or, either; or rather; or else, unless, perhaps; of if; if. | |
--- | where? (implying "not"). | |
--- | to prate, to lie, to invent. | |
--- | to be curved, crooked, bent; to dig; to be convex, high. | |
--- | coriander; fortune, a deciding, apportioning; luck. | |
--- | to melt, flow away, languish. | |
--- | (12, 17); yield up!, give!, come on! | |
--- | to flow; affluence, fullness. | |
--- | a fish. |
- 8 - | 23 |
--- | Chet. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Chet = | |
--- | the name of the eighth Sephira is | |
--- | to breathe after, to long for; to be willing, to obey; to will or wish. | |
--- | thriving vegetation; reed, bulrush. (from | |
--- | elephant. (Stresses life breath as vitality, longing and importance). | |
--- | to bind. | |
--- | to breathe after; to love; to lust; to be attached; to delight. | |
--- | amours; loveliness. | |
--- | then; at that time; thereupon. | |
--- | go in!, lead in!, bear in! | |
--- | entrance. | |
--- | this, these. | |
--- | a fish; to be crushed; depressed, anxious, despondent; pr.n. "Fearful". | |
--- | to speak; tattle; slander; to be hairy, shaggy. | |
--- | pr.n. "Friend"; pr.n. "Beloved" --- David (14, 24); breast (female only, in the sense of for suckling). |
- 9 - | 32 |
--- | Tet. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Tet = | |
--- | the name of the ninth Sephira is | |
--- | proper name form of | |
--- | to be strong. | |
--- | powerful one. | |
--- | to be hollow. | |
--- | water skin, leather bottle; the hollow belly (of conjurers, in which the conjuring spirit dwells and speaks as if from out of the earth); a necromancer. | |
--- | (see also 13); to light, to heat. | |
--- | brother; friend; kinsman; one of the same tribe; a fellow countryman; a confederate, an ally, a neighbor or fellow man; a fellow or match. | |
--- | oh!, ah!, alas!; fire; fire-stove or pot; howlings; owl. | |
--- | firm; pupil (of the eye). | |
--- | to cover; to conceal, act covertly, deceive, cheat. | |
--- | covering, clothing; outer garment; concealment, treachery; rapine. (First three consecutive letters after | |
--- | to enter. | |
--- | to despise. | |
--- | spoil, plunder. | |
--- | to sprout, grow up; rise, be high, exalted, majestic; to be haughty; to be deep, hollow; pride; ungodly. | |
--- | the back; body; the middle, midst. | |
--- | pr.n. "Exile". | |
--- | shout, cry (of joy). |
10 > 1 | - 10 - | 10 = 2x5 |
--- | Yod. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Yod --- ( | |
--- | the name of the tenth Sephira is | |
--- | to be strong. | |
--- | pr.n. "Might". | |
--- | to shine; blooming, blossoming. | |
--- | secrecy, concealment (in speaking or moving); sorcerer; sorcery; mutterings; necromancer; softly, stealthily, secretly. | |
--- | to be cut off, severed; to be forlorn; lonely. | |
--- | to bind. | |
--- | to prate | |
--- | separation, loneliness; separately, alone. | |
--- | pr.n. "Part". | |
--- | to hollow. | |
--- | to tread down, destroy. | |
--- | arch or brow of eye; felloe (of a wheel); to be high, tall, exalted; haughty, proud; high minded; height; highness, majesty; gather. | |
--- | back, body; middle, midst. | |
--- | a shearing; a fleece. | |
--- | to dart, to fly swiftly; rapid flier (a bird of prey), the glede, vulture, kite. | |
--- | ha!, ah!, oh! (grief); alternate spelling of the letter Heh. | |
--- | to be angry, fierce; wolf. | |
--- | skin on a grape, husk. | |
--- | bosom. | |
--- | to be miry, dirty. |
11 > 2 | - 11 - | 5th prime |
--- | to slaughter. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mighty One". | |
--- | to cluster (see also 17). | |
--- | ah!, oh! (interjection of grief). | |
--- | to turn; to wind; to surround; to be strong, mighty. | |
--- | turner (fire poker made of wood); a fire-brand. | |
--- | pr.n. "Father's Brother" = "Uncle". | |
--- | where? | |
--- | woe! | |
--- | howl; howler. | |
--- | abode; coast; shore-land; island. | |
--- | food. | |
--- | pr.n. "A Pit". | |
--- | to cleave, to dig; till, plow; to cut off; locusts. | |
--- | issuing forth, birth. | |
--- | to flow out, to evacuate (the body), urinate; tattle, talk, report, rumor. | |
--- | to shine, gleam; to glitter; gold. | |
--- | to speak softly, whisper; sound of heart beating. | |
--- | oh!, wo! (grief). | |
--- | a buzzer, fly, mosquito. | |
--- | proud; impudent, wanton; impious. | |
--- | to wrap, hide. | |
--- | festival; feast; festive sacrifice. | |
--- | good; pleasing. |
12 > 3 | - 12 - | 12 = 22x3 |
--- | Abyss; lost thing. (5,4, ,2,1: 3 missing = lacks This is the Hebrew word for "Abyss", that which is crossed by the path of If | |
--- | to be desired or fitting; to wish or crave for, to strive after. | |
--- | howl. | |
--- | to measure or mark off. | |
--- | to rest or dwell. | |
--- | desire, lust or longing. | |
--- | settled or decided. | |
--- | pr.n. "Father's Brother" = "Uncle". | |
--- | to be silent, still; to be empty, waste. | |
--- | (16); to prate, babble. | |
--- | particle of entreaty, pray! | |
--- | to cut away, crop off; banks of a river; fortune, Venus (as good luck sign, lucky "Star") | |
--- | pr.n. "Gog" = prince of the land of Magog, "To be High" or "Gigantic". | |
--- | a melting away (for anxiety); dread. | |
--- | (6); bear; she-bear. | |
--- | to increase, multiply abundantly; a fish, fish. | |
--- | to flow, pine away. | |
--- | (7,17); yield up!, give!, come on! | |
--- | he, she, it; to be. | |
--- | the letter Vau; a holdfast, hook, nail. | |
--- | this; lamb. | |
--- | to fold, cover up; to embrace, to love, imbosom, caress, cherish; pr.n. "Caressed". | |
--- | vertigo, dizziness, trepidation. | |
--- | the numerical adj "one", a, an; indicator of multiplication (as "one" seven times ...); sharp. | |
--- | to be bright, good; to be happy, to rejoice. |
13 > 4 | - 13 - | 6th prime |
--- | how!, ah!; pr.n. "Yah ( | |
--- | a band or tie; band to troop; a compacting together; arch, vault (of heaven). | |
--- | a loving; love; a love, a beloved or a darling. | |
--- | pr.n. "Water". | |
--- | (see also 9); to light; to heat. | |
--- | settled; firm. | |
--- | to unite. | |
--- | one (1); first; anybody, someone; the same, sole. | |
--- | to be eager; willful; hateful. | |
--- | enemy. | |
--- | wasteness, emptiness. | |
--- | to be high (of the forehead); forehead-bald. | |
--- | to be high; to lift up; to remove; to escape. | |
--- | to cut or wound; to decide or destine; to bind or join. | |
--- | a depression, valley, a hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms. | |
--- | anxiety, depression; agitation. | |
--- | to go slowly, softly. | |
--- | to fish; a fisher. | |
--- | to pound (vulgar term for activity in intercourse or for masterbation). | |
--- | love excessively. | |
--- | to murmur; have a deep tone; coo; sigh, moan; to mutter (as enchanters); to rumble; growl; to speak; to sign; to meditate, answer, think; devise, plot; to separate, remove (dross): to take away; murmuring, whispering; sighing, moaning, muttering (of thunder); meditation; a sound. | |
--- | to shout, cry, roar, sing; be powerful, strong; pr.n. "Mighty" --- a Syrian god "Hadad" or "Adad". | |
--- | Spelling of the letter name Vau in Briah & Yetzirah. | |
--- | pr.n. "A Gift". | |
--- | to present with, to endow, pr.n. "Endower"; gift, dowry. | |
--- | brightness, bloom; Ziv (2nd Hebrew month: New moon in May to new moon in June); this. | |
--- | to hop, spring; locust. | |
--- | one; to rejoice; to split, cleave. | |
--- | to be good, pleasant. | |
--- | to long for. | |
--- | to enter, go within, penetrate; have sex. |
14 > 5 | - 14 - | 14 = 2x7 |
--- | (see also 13); to go slowly; softly. | |
--- | to look out or hope. | |
--- | to join. | |
--- | to penetrate, to stick in. | |
--- | buckthorn. | |
--- | pr.n. "Boyish". | |
--- | to tread, despise. | |
--- | despised. | |
--- | prey, booty. | |
--- | pr.n. "Cavern of the Defile", "A Defile". | |
--- | to be curved, arched; body, ridge, back; a lifting up; pride; person. | |
--- | a depression, valley; hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms. | |
--- | to sacrifice; a sacrifice. | |
--- | to boil; to warm or move (the heart); to love; and object of love, a beloved; a friend; uncle; nephew, pr.n. "David" = "Beloved"; boiler, pot, kettle; basket. | |
--- | want, need; sufficiency, enough,; who, which, that. | |
--- | aha! | |
--- | gift, offering. | |
--- | to stretch out (the hand); to point, lead. | |
--- | to shine, glitter (as gold); to be bright yellow; gold; shekels (when preceded by a numeral); gold light, brilliance; oil. | |
--- | locust. | |
--- | to turn about, move in a circle, dance; to reel; to celebrate a festival or holiday. | |
--- | to shout, to shout afar or aloud. | |
--- | (20); the hand, the letter Yod; power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the brink; space, place; a monumental pillar. |
15 > 6 | - 15 - | 15 = 3x5 |
--- | sprout, ear (of grain). | |
--- | to love excessively. | |
--- | marsh-grass, sedge, bulrushes, Nile-grass. | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother" | |
--- | a turn or fate calamity, ruin. | |
--- | faithless. | |
--- | to tread, trample; despise; to show contempt for; to treat with impunity. | |
--- | contempt, derision. | |
--- | exaltation, highness, majesty; pride, haughtiness; excellency. | |
--- | pr.n. "Collector". | |
--- | to be curved or arched. | |
--- | to cut out, hew; pr.n. "Quarry"; a fleece. | |
--- | to be sick; to menstruate; to be sad, languish; to spin; to clothe; sickly, weakly, menstrous; a menstruous cloth; sad, wretched; to drive or push away; rinse, cleanse. | |
--- | India. | |
--- | to sound forth, sing; to make famous, to praise; to shine, to bloom; utterance, sound; renown or splendour; pr.n. "Hod" the eighth Sephira | |
--- | considered2 feminine in traditional Qabalah. Hod corresponds3 to the Left Leg of Adam Qadmon (161). | |
--- | signing, lamentation. Rare spelling of the letter Heh. | |
--- | to flow (water, menses, semen, etc.); flux. | |
--- | pr.n. "Projection". | |
--- | hide. | |
--- | to breath, to speak. | |
--- | to cut up, to plow; a plowed field. | |
--- | to utter, to confess; to praise. | |
--- | short from of | |
--- | pr.n. "He Is" or "She Is", Yah --- the divine name associated4 with the 2nd Sephira Chokmah, | |
Notes: 2. G-K p. 92 3. G-K p. 93 4. G-K p. 90. 5. G-K p. 90. |
16 > 7 | - 16 - | 16 = 24 |
--- | slaughter, murder.. | |
--- | pr.n. "Strength". | |
--- | where | |
--- | shortened form of | |
--- | hyssop | |
--- | to grasp, seize; to hold fast; to take fright; to join together; fasten in; to cover over; to shut fast; to take out (by lot). | |
--- | property. | |
--- | pr.n. "Seizer" or "Possessor". | |
--- | clamorous bird (of prey --- unclean), vulture, falcon. | |
--- | where?, where now?, anywhere. | |
--- | criers, howlers; jackals. | |
--- | so often as. | |
--- | to shine, gleam. | |
--- | marble; alabaster. | |
--- | to despise; cut off, plunder, spoil, rob. | |
--- | (12); to prate, babble. | |
--- | idle talk, prating. | |
--- | to flee, to hasten away; refuge. | |
--- | to gush, burst forth. | |
--- | to breathe, to live, to be or exist; to breathe after or desire; to expire, die; ruin; desire, cupidity; calamity; mischievousness. | |
--- | he, she, it; she; she is, was. | |
--- | to enclose, envelope. | |
--- | to cut into, to cleave. | |
--- | to be sharp, pointed, to be eager, quick, fierce; to sharpen, brighten; pr.n. "Sharpness". | |
--- | to be bound, indebted; debt. | |
--- | to behold, look on. | |
--- | a hook or ring. | |
--- | to be miry, dirty; to twine or bind together; to fast. | |
--- | to be becoming, suitable. |
17 > 8 | - 17 - | 7th prime |
--- | (a gentilic noun used for Haman --- suggests Amalekite origin). | |
--- | nut. | |
--- | pr.n. "Longing". | |
--- | woe! (of complaint or threatening.) | |
--- | to burn, be on fire. | |
--- | to join. | |
--- | to cry ah!, oh!; to groan, to howl. | |
--- | a cut or gash, furrow; a troop or band. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fortunate"; a kid (goat). | |
--- | to break forth, burst forth; deliver; rush, rush forth. | |
--- | to shear off, crop off, cut off, sever; pr.n. "Shearer". | |
--- | thew, sinew, tendon. | |
--- | to push or thrust down, overthrow. | |
--- | to fish; fisher. | |
--- | (7,12); yield up!, give!, come on! | |
--- | to be destroyed. | |
--- | to dream. | |
--- | a buzzer, fly, mosquito. | |
--- | to slaughter, kill (animals for food or sacrifice for a private reason); slaughtering; meal, repast; a sacrificing; a sacrifice. | |
--- | to shine. | |
--- | boiling; to boil up (with pride); to act proudly toward. | |
--- | this. | |
--- | cleft, fissure; excavation (home). | |
--- | to be glad, rejoice; pr.n. "Sharp Flowering". | |
--- | to make a circle, mark out with a compass; circle, vault, arch. | |
--- | to be bright, goodly, pleasant; to be cheerful, happy; to be good or well, to please; fertile (land); fat (cattle); fruitful, fresh, fine; fair, pleasant, sweet, nice, great, ample, right, true; virtue; benefit, welfare, prosperity; goodness; beauty; joyousness; good luck; good things, blessings; the best, choice. | |
--- | to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear. | |
--- | to give; give!, yield up!, set!, place!, come on!; to set or lay a foundation; a gift; lot, condition. | |
--- | to be about to bound or spring. |
18 > 9 | - 18 - | 18 = 2x32 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is | |
--- | at that time; then. | |
--- | enmity, hate. | |
--- | pr.n. "Boyish". | |
--- | fishing, fishery. | |
--- | pr.n. "Exile". | |
--- | to shine, gleam. | |
--- | pr.n. "Locust". | |
--- | to tie knots, make intricate; to riddle. | |
--- | to fail or miss; to sin; to forfeit; fault, sin; punishment, penalty; sinner, a guilty one. | |
--- | alive; living; fresh; running (water); life; a living one. | |
--- | to be pressed or pained; to expel, separate, remove. | |
--- | to love warmly; to cast or throw lots. | |
--- | to shout aloud; pr.n. "Loud-shouting." |
19 > 10 > 1 | - 19 - | 8th prime |
--- | craving or need; woe! (19 > 10 reflects the need for perfection). | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother". | |
--- | male enemy. | |
--- | pr.n. "Union". | |
--- | pr.n. "Brotherly". | |
--- | pr.n. "Union". | |
--- | to hide, conceal. | |
--- | pr.n. "Job", "Greatly Injured", "Greatly Hated". | |
--- | to confide; to feel confident, to be secure. | |
--- | to be bulging, thick. | |
--- | confidence, security. | |
--- | villagers? | |
--- | aunt. | |
--- | to wet, flow; to dye; a bird of prey inhabiting ruins, kite, glede. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mighty". | |
--- | pr.n. "Endowed". | |
--- | pr.n. "Buzzing". | |
--- | to beat off, to beat out, to thresh. | |
--- | to breathe, to live; to speak; to wind, coil, encircle; life --- name of Eve; a round tent or encampment, a hamlet or village. | |
--- | to hew, cut, to fell; to be cut, marked with cuts; to be party-colored. | |
--- | to slaughter (cattle); to kill (men), to massacre; a slaughter, killing, butchering; slaughtered beast, butcher's meat; slayer, butcher; cook; executioner, life-guard, body-guard. | |
--- | to sound forth, speak out; to throw or cast; to stretch forth, extend. | |
--- | to become a Jew; pr.n. "Praise". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Father." | |
--- | to flow away, to escape; to deliver or rescue. | |
--- | to be about to turn aside, deliver, rescue, avert, keep off. |
20 > 2 | - 20 - | 20 = 22x5 |
--- | Koph. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Koph --- (When on the end of a word, sometimes takes a different shape and has the value 500) | |
--- | As a prefix: as, like, as if; about, approximately, around; so, as well as, after, according to; very, most, utterly (comparison); when, according to. | |
--- | As a particle: as like; as it were. | |
--- | pr.n. "Blooming". | |
--- | intimation or declaration. | |
--- | brotherhood. | |
--- | contempt, objects of contempt. | |
--- | pr.n. "Loving". | |
--- | languor, illness; what is sickening, loathsomeness; faint, sick at heart. | |
--- | to thrust. | |
--- | a fluid; die, ink. | |
--- | to breathe, live; to be (root of | |
--- | to shine, gleam; to sprout, spurt, shoot forth, flourish, abound; move to and fro, range about. | |
--- | to hide | |
--- | to divide, to sunder; to discern, to select; to behold, look on; the divided part, middle part, breast; to cut; seer, prophet; covenant. | |
--- | to sweep away dirt. | |
--- | to twine, bind; to spin. | |
--- | (14); the hand, the letter Yod, power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the brink; space, place; a monumental pillar. | |
--- | pr.n. "Loving". | |
--- | pr.n. "battle-shout". |
21 > 3 | - 21 - | 21 = 3x7 |
--- | divine name expressing: "I AM"; (see also 16). The divine name associated with the 1st Sephira, | |
--- | (a thing) held, a holding; property. | |
--- | (501 w/f); that; but, yet, however; only (limitation). | |
--- | pr.n. "A Son of the People". | |
--- | pr.n. "Worshiper of Yah". | |
--- | swarm of locusts. | |
--- | to burst forth; break forth, rush; bear, deliver. | |
--- | to break forth, burst forth; bear, deliver; rush forth; pr.n. "Gushing Forth". | |
--- | signing, moaning; complaint. | |
--- | oh!, woe!, alas! (grief, threatening), ho! (exhortation). | |
--- | to boil up (with pride); to act proudly towards. | |
--- | festive. | |
--- | pr.n. "Hiding Place". | |
--- | to cover, to shelter. | |
--- | pr.n. "Sight"; "A Vision"; "Appearance". | |
--- | short form of | |
--- | to be good; to be well. | |
Note: 6. G-K p.90 |
22 > 4 | - 22 - | 22 = 2x11 |
--- | woe! (of complaint or threatening). | |
--- | to prate, babble. | |
--- | banks; a she-kid (goat). | |
--- | thrust, push; a fall. | |
--- | to destroy. | |
--- | spelling of the letter Vau for Atziloth. | |
--- | sacrifice. | |
--- | sharpness, point; joy, gladness. | |
--- | breast. | |
--- | to cut into, to hook fast; hook; thorn, thornbush. | |
--- | to cut into, pierce through, transfix. | |
--- | wheat. | |
--- | good, a blessing; welfare; goodness; bounty. | |
--- | to drive, thrust; to shoot; the reins (kidneys). | |
--- | pr.n. "Living One". | |
--- | to gather together; assemble. (The Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters). | |
--- | to be united; oneness, union, community; together, unitedly; alike, equally; all, all as one. |
23 > 5 | - 23 - | 9th prime |
--- | (503 w/f), to twirl or eddy; to mount up in a column (of smoke). | |
--- | pr.n. "Brotherhood". | |
--- | where?, where now? | |
--- | to drop or trickle, to flow scantily. | |
--- | trickling, weeping, a tree (like balsam-scrub). | |
--- | shout of joy; vintage-cry; war-cry. | |
--- | pr.n. "Gift of Yah", "Zebadi". | |
--- | to remove; to bind, knit. | |
--- | brightness, cheerfulness. | |
--- | to bind, to sew; thread, string. | |
--- | a sin, a sin offering; sinful; penalty for sin | |
--- | to live, be, exist; to coil up, to enclose, collect; vitality, life; animal, beast; living things; quadrupeds (opp. to birds, reptiles etc.); wild beasts; living creature (angel); a band or troop of men; a people. | |
--- | to daub, smear over; to plaster; besmear. | |
--- | to hurt, to pierce; to be sore; feel pain, to suffer; to be sick or sad; pain; grief. |
24 > 6 | - 24 - | 24 = 23x3 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is | |
--- | pr.n. "Hoped For". | |
--- | a riddle, enigma. | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother or Friend of Yah". (See also 30). | |
--- | trust, security. | |
--- | body; corpse; the name of the lowest soul in Qabalah (for Malkut). | |
--- | pr.n. "Loving"; baskets; love-apples. | |
--- | pr.n. "Beloved", "David". | |
--- | (504 w/f); this; crushed, oppressed, wretched; victim. | |
--- | choirs. | |
--- | pr.n. "Dowered". | |
--- | fullness, exuberance; an animal, wild beast; fertility (?). | |
--- | pr.n. "Villager". | |
--- | tapestry. | |
--- | a cook; a slaughtering (of cattle); flesh (of a butchered beast), meat. | |
--- | to be sticky, slimy; to coil; a serpent; the letter Tet. | |
--- | pr.n. "Loving". | |
--- | pr.n. "Extended". | |
--- | to make round. | |
--- | a pail, tub. |
25 > 7 | - 25 - | 25 = 52 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is He". ( | |
--- | pr.n. "Brotherly". | |
--- | to bind together, fortify; pr.n. "Fortress". | |
--- | to break in pieces, beat small; oppress; crushed; small; broken (in spirit); contrite; dust. | |
--- | pr.n. "Abundance". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Hides". | |
--- | an animal, a beast. | |
--- | to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear. | |
--- | pr.n. "High". | |
--- | Judah's Land --- Judea; the Jews. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Brother". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah lives". | |
--- | pr.n. "Hidden". | |
--- | thus; now; hear; this way, that way; hitherto. |
26 > 8 | - 26 - | 26 = 2x13 |
--- | pr.n. "Holder". | |
--- | (506 w/f); to stick, join together. | |
--- | pr.n. "Festive". | |
--- | pr.n. "Sharp-peak". | |
--- | hook, ring. | |
--- | to cut, dig, explore. | |
--- | god, Jehovah or Yahweh; He/She is; He/She creates. --- the divine name associated7 with the 3rd Sephirah Binah, (67) | |
--- | pr.n. "Pleasantness". | |
--- | to be dejected, sad. | |
--- | to be heavy, weighty; to be a burden; to be wealthy; to be severe; to be dull; to be in honour; to be glorious; sore, grievous; abundant, numerous; sluggish; difficult; the liver; glory; violence; a multitude. | |
--- | to lie, to deceive; lying, deceiving. | |
--- | a window, a hole; thus, now; hitherto; in this manner; how? | |
Notes: 7. G-K p. 90 |
27 > 9 | - 27 - | 27 = 33 |
--- | pr.n. "Brotherhood". | |
--- | to flow in drops, to weep; to weep at or for. | |
--- | weeping. | |
--- | (507 w/f); transparent, clear, pure; free from fault, blameless. | |
--- | sin. | |
--- | trick, intrigue; a riddle, poetic saying, song; a parable, proverb, maxim; oracle, vision. | |
--- | plaster (on a wall). | |
--- | to cover, hide; to go out, be quenched; to perish. |
28 > 10 > 1 | - 28 - | 28 = 22x7 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is renown". | |
--- | (508 w/f); to tangle, to perplex. | |
--- | pr.n. "Valley of Vision". | |
--- | pr.n. "Of Gold", a place reich in gold and near Sinai. | |
--- | (34); pr.n. "Yah Presents". | |
--- | (24); pr.n. "Dowered". | |
--- | to be clear, transparent; to be pure. | |
--- | sin-offering. | |
--- | to live. | |
--- | (508 w/f); a man-trap; the gums, palate, inside of mouth (stress is on those parts which taste food). | |
--- | clay; mud, mire. | |
--- | lovely, pleasant; one beloved, a friend. | |
--- | his or its unions; together; alike; all together; pr.n. "Union". | |
--- | to cut or hollow out; to burn, glow, sparkle. | |
--- | to shine, twinkle, pr.n. "Nubia". | |
--- | strength; might; ability, capacity; violence; strength (of the earth), wealth, produce, riches, means; a lizard (gecko). |
29 > 11 > 2 | - 29 - | 10th prime |
--- | to crush, break; crushing. | |
--- | (509 w/f); to tread to pieces, tread down. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fulness". | |
--- | pr.n. "He Thanks". | |
--- | pr.n. "Leader". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Presented". | |
--- | to bind together; to combine, devise, to fabricate, to lie; a lier; a lie, falsehood. |
30 > 3 | - 30 - | 30 = 2x3x5 (1st 3 primes) |
--- | Lamed. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Lamed = | |
--- | As a prefix: (direction or motion) to; into; for, towards; to, for, into; to, for, against; (may express "belonging to" or "possession"); by, from; in regard to respect to; at, in. | |
--- | mellon(s). | |
--- | pr.n. "Father is Goodness". | |
--- | declaration or solution (of a riddle). | |
--- | (see also 24); pr.n. "Brother or Friend of Yah". | |
--- | deceit, falsehood. | |
--- | (510 w/f); to pound, bruise (in a mortar); a cock, treader. | |
--- | pr.n. "Renown of Yah". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Beholds". | |
--- | pr.n. "Praised" --- Judah, Tribe of Judah; Judea, the Jews. | |
--- | pr.n. "Extended". | |
--- | (510 w/f); to strike or smite. | |
--- | to be weary, faint; to be feeble, dim; dull of sight; feeble, expiring; depressed; pale, faint; mitigation, healing. | |
--- | to pierce, to wound; to destroy. | |
--- | pr.n. "Deceptive". | |
--- | that; because; for; when; where fore, that; but. |
31 > 4 | - 31 - | 11th prime |
--- | (see also 37); pr.n. "Holds" | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of Union". | |
--- | (511 w/f); how?; oh how! | |
--- | that, yon. | |
--- | nothing. | |
--- | a strong or mighty one; a hero; strength, power; God --- divine name associated8 with the 4th Sephira Chesed, (72). | |
--- | to, towards, unto, into; against. | |
--- | these. | |
--- | (definite article replacement) "the". | |
--- | pr.n. "Love of Yah". | |
--- | (511 w/f); to go. | |
--- | pr.n. "Seer". | |
--- | to burn or brand. | |
--- | (37); nothing, nothingness; no, not; without; not yet. | |
Note: 8. G-K p. 91 |
32 > 5 | - 32 - | 32 = 25 |
--- | pr.n. "Strong". | |
--- | trickling; dripping; weeping. | |
--- | nothing; not; that not; lest; not yet. | |
--- | Lord, Bel, Belus, Baal. | |
--- | heart; purpose resolve. | |
--- | to be clear, pure, faultless; to gain or win (in a law-suit); to cleanse, make pure. | |
--- | arrow, lighting. (All thirty-two paths of the tree of light, created by the Lignting). | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Good". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Keeps" --- a chronicler to King Josiah. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah assembles". | |
--- | one alone, an onely one; an only son; only daughter; lonely, desolate; forlorn, wretched. | |
--- | weight; abundance; riches; glory, honour; majesty or glory. (This is the Divine Glory, used in a traditional Hebrew night prayer which formed the basis for the middle part of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual of the Order of the Golden Dawn). | |
--- | to hollow out, to pierce. | |
--- | to conceal, hide. | |
--- | the heart; the life, soul; feelings, affections, emotions; thinking, moral sentiments; volition, determination; knowledge, understanding; middle or midst. |
33 > 6 | - 33 - | 33 = 3x11 |
--- | to fall or sink down, to droop; to wither, anguish (of a green field); to be sorrowful; to mourn. | |
--- | to be moist; to be fresh or green. | |
--- | moist spot, meadow. | |
--- | mourning; a wailing cry. | |
--- | truly, decidedly; but, yet. | |
--- | river, stream; river district. | |
--- | to vex or hurt. | |
--- | exultation; heap; fountain, well; bowl; to be hollow. | |
--- | purity, cleanness (moral). | |
--- | to wait for; testing; a bait, a hook, an angle. | |
--- | pr.n. "Beloved". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Lives". | |
--- | to burn, to be parched. | |
--- | to seize or raven; to bellow or roar. | |
--- | a cavity or basin; a log (measure for liquids = 1/12th of a |
34 > 7 | - 34 - | 34 = 2x17 |
--- | to roll (of water), to flow in waves, to well. | |
--- | wellings of dew; reservoirs of dew. | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of Renown". | |
--- | pr.n. "Confusion"; Babel, Babylon. | |
--- | to open up, reveal | |
--- | a dashing (to pieces); breakers. | |
--- | moving, swaying to and fro, tottering; weak; poor, lowly; thin, lean. | |
--- | (28); pr.n. "Yah Presents". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". | |
--- | pr.n. "Roaming". | |
--- | according to need of; as, as soon as; when. | |
--- | to be strong, powerful; strength. | |
--- | wound, hurt; calamity. | |
--- | to cover up, envelop; the heart. | |
--- | pr.n. "Strife". |
35 > 8 | - 35 - | 35 = 5x7 |
--- | to break forth; cheer up. | |
--- | to turn, plait or combine, twist together; to be high; to bound or limit; to set (as a boundary); pr.n. "Little Mountain", "Hills". | |
--- | to shear away, shave off; barber. | |
--- | to be tottering, to be poor. | |
--- | (515 w/f) ; how? | |
--- | that. | |
--- | there, yonder; (particle of interrog.) | |
--- | a Judean; a Jew, a Hebrew. | |
--- | nothing (31). |
36 > 9 | - 36 - | 36 = 22x32 |
--- | to be bright, to gleam, to shine. | |
--- | contain; tent (both Bedowin and Tabernacle); shell or exterior of Tabernacle; dwelling place; the temple; the palace (of the Sun); people; family; patriarchal stock. | |
--- | to tent. | |
--- | lign-aloes, aloe-trees. | |
--- | pr.n. "Eloha" --- divine name associated9 with the 5th Sephira Geburah, (216). | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of Goodness". | |
--- | how?; how; how!; where?, where there? | |
--- | to worship, adore + god or might. | |
--- | to be strong, muscular, fleshy. | |
--- | will or wish; to affirm or swear by God; to intreat God (sometimes = to curse). | |
--- | swearing; oath; curse; a covenant or agreement. | |
--- | terebinth. | |
--- | God; idol. | |
--- | oak. | |
--- | to separate; to go away; to divide, part, distinguish. | |
--- | a part. | |
--- | to press together. | |
--- | (41); pr.n. "Praise ye Yah". | |
--- | to that side, yonder-ward. | |
--- | to be vigorous. | |
--- | to gasp or pant; to be tired or faint; pr.n. "Languid". | |
--- | to or in separation. | |
--- | not; oh that, of if!, if!, would! | |
Note: 9. K-G p. 91 |
37 > 10 > 1 | - 37 - | 12th prime |
--- | to be wrong (in mind); to be foolish. | |
--- | to knit or twist together; to be strong; mighty. | |
--- | to go before or in front of; to be before; to begin. | |
--- | strength; body. | |
--- | (see also 31); pr.n. "Holds". | |
--- | see!, lo!; if (conjunction). | |
--- | to haste; to be alarmed, to tremble; to flee; to hasten after; to perish suddenly. | |
--- | to fall away, fail, be worn out; to fall off, waste away; mistress, possessor. | |
--- | pr.n. "Timid." | |
--- | to be timid; to terrify; to scare. | |
--- | to bind, twist; to be firm, strong; nape of the neck; to be great, high, extolled, mighty, important, precious; to grow up; growing, lusty; greatness, honour, majesty; pr.n. "Huge". | |
--- | to cover over; enclose; covering; shin. | |
--- | to float, flutter; banner, standard; pendant; to set up or display a banner. | |
--- | to leap or spring. | |
--- | to breathe, blow, exhale; to be vain, to act or speak vainly, have a vain hope; breath of air, a gentle breeze; breath; vanity; idols; idolatry; exhalation, mist; pr.n. of Able, Adam's second son --- "Exhalation". | |
--- | pr.n. "Pure". | |
--- | pr.n. "Exploration". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Keeps". | |
--- | life; peerless or unique. Yehudia, the highest soul in Qabalah, associated with the Sephira Keter. | |
--- | splendid, gorgeous; important, precious things. | |
--- | to low, to roar; to burn, to parch; a flame; the heart. | |
--- | to burn, to flame; a flame; a flashing or glittering; sword blade. | |
--- | not; oh that!, oh if!, if!, would! |
38 > 11 > 2 | - 38 - | 38 = 2x19 |
--- | pr.n. "God's Training". | |
--- | will of God. | |
--- | to glide; move away; to depart; to flow off or ebb; to vanish. | |
--- | departure. | |
--- | to spring up or issue forth, to flow; to produce. | |
--- | a streaming, rain; produce, increase; bough; what is produced. | |
--- | Toll, tribute; consumption (tax), excise. | |
--- | pr.n. "Valley of Vision". | |
--- | to make bare, to strip, uncover, disclose, reveal, open; betray; to fling away; drive into exile; open up; cause to migrate, lead away captive; pr.n. "Circuit"; exile, captivity; a well; bowl-shaped capital (of a pillar); oil-bowl. | |
--- | to lift or draw (water). | |
--- | host, army; unconsecration, unholiness; common use. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Good". | |
--- | his or its unions; together; alike; all together. | |
--- | to be straight, even, direct. | |
--- | to strive or quarrel. | |
--- | study or learning. | |
--- | to burn or parch. | |
--- | moist, sappy, fresh, new; freshness, vigour. |
39 > 12 > 3 | - 39 - | 39 = 3x13 |
--- | (see also 33); river, stream; river-district. | |
--- | I will begin; I will profane. | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Friend". | |
--- | to be turbid; to become foul or corrupt (morally). | |
--- | to be hard, firm. | |
--- | old clothes, rags. | |
--- | redemption; relationship. | |
--- | to go in a circle, to whirl, to turn round; to exult; to rejoice; to tremble; worship. | |
--- | exile. | |
--- | to move to and fro, to swing, wave; to draw, draw out; hanging down or pendulous thing; thread work; weaver's thrum; locks (of hair); poverty. | |
--- | habitation; to roll, to be round; dung balls; to dwell; to cohabit with. | |
--- | to be sullied or rusty; to be sick. | |
--- | dew. (in Qabalah, a reference to the free gift of the deity without need for merit or prayer). | |
--- | pr.n. "False". | |
--- | pr.n. "Deceptive". | |
--- | child-bearing. | |
--- | to burn, to be swarthy. | |
--- | to scoop out. | |
--- | covered or secret; ladanum (gum from opium poppies) |
40 > 4 | - 40 - | 40 = 23x5 |
--- | Mem. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Mem = | |
--- | As a prefix: what!; whatever, somewhat; from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast) | |
--- | pr.n. "Deceptive". | |
--- | loathing; to loath, to abhor. | |
--- | pr.n. "Brightness". | |
--- | pr.n. "Son of Strife". | |
--- | to cut, strip off, flay; to tear, snatch away, seize; to rob, steal, plunder; evaporate water; peep, twitter. | |
--- | to bear, bring forth; child, offspring. | |
--- | to draw, lift out. | |
--- | a Jewess. | |
--- | to wrap together, twist, bind; to bind, pledge; act torturously; to wound, to hurt, to destroy; to overthrow; writhing (labor pains); pangs; cord, rope, measuring line; a portion, an estate; a district, region; a snare, a toil; a band, a troop; destruction, desolation; hurt, harm; pledge; perverseness; a ropeman, shipman, sailor; a cable, ship's cable; a mast, helm. | |
--- | to stick on, smear over; to be sticky, greasy, fat; to be white; milk, fresh milk; fatness; the best part. | |
--- | to hang about, to be torn; to be mended in pieces or patches. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Sees". | |
--- | in secret, stealthily; to conceal or hide; to utter privily or softly; gentleness; gently. | |
--- | to languish or faint; to wander or err, to act or speak rashly or foolishly. | |
--- | to be burnt, swarthy. | |
--- | to hide. | |
--- | if not; whether not; perhaps; unless. |
41 > 5 | - 41 - | 13th prime |
--- | "her tent" --- symbolic term for Samaria. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fat". | |
--- | a strong ram or buck; stag, hart. | |
--- | to knit or twist together; to be strong, mighty. | |
--- | mighty or foremost man; great or strong tree, oak, terebinth, palm; buttress, pilaster, piller, post; frieze. | |
--- | power or force. | |
--- | pr.n. "God"; to. | |
--- | to hop about, leap or spring. | |
--- | (601 w/f); mother; step-mother; grandmother; a female ancestor; benefactress; Earth-Mother; owner; city. | |
--- | there!, if now!; whether-or; no, not; if. | |
--- | to sever, leave off, rest, cease. | |
--- | separate, hinder. | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Majesty". | |
--- | limit, bound, edge, margin; a bounded district. | |
--- | to glow, burn; live coals; lightning. | |
--- | to be smooth, bare, bald; make bald, shear, shave; devastate. | |
--- | a solid mass, a cake. | |
--- | to be bright, to gleam. | |
--- | to that side, yonderward. | |
--- | to dip, to sink into; to be baptised. | |
--- | to will, wish; to be dull, foolish; to be wry; to be in front, to begin. | |
--- | a burning or branding; pr.n. "Window of Yah". | |
--- | to cast down or prostrate. | |
--- | to cleave to, to accompany; to bind oneself, to borrow; to will or wish. | |
--- | what?; whatsoever. (In Qabalah, much is made of contrasting |
42 > 6 | - 42 - | 42 = 2x3x7 |
--- | a god, God. | |
--- | cubit, ell; pr.n. "Mother" --- an alternate name10 of the 3rd Sephira Binah, (67) | |
--- | terror, sudden ruin. | |
--- | terror, sudden ruin; pr.n. "Timid" or "Shy" of the mother of the tribes of Dan and Naphtali. | |
--- | destruction; lack, nought, nothing; without. | |
--- | greatness, majesty (of God); renown. | |
--- | to be afraid. | |
--- | to trouble, make turbid. | |
--- | (31); pr.n. "Praise ye Yah". | |
--- | this. | |
--- | to lift or draw (water). | |
--- | to be slack, to leave off, cease, desist, rest, fail, let alone, abstain; failing, frail; forbearing; destitute, forsaken; resting-place; the grave. | |
--- | to hide; to dig; pr.n. "Concealment"; hidden or indefinite time; duration, life, age; the world; mole. | |
--- | pr.n. "God is Good". | |
--- | to flow or run; to sound aloud, shout; to bring; a stream; a blast, signal; the Jubilee. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Glorious" --- name of the mother of Moses. | |
--- | a lion. | |
--- | a flame; blade or point. | |
--- | to turn aside. | |
Note: 10. G-K p. 90 |
43 > 7 | - 43 - | 14th prime |
--- | pr.n. "Inglorious". | |
--- | great, vast, mighty. | |
--- | to roll; a revolving; age; exultation, joy. | |
--- | to open up, reveal; cause to migrate, lead away captive. | |
--- | (603 w/f); accumulation, junction, addition; together, also, even. | |
--- | to shake, pour out; put aside, remove. | |
--- | to be weak, feeble; to be sick or ill; to feel pain, hurt; to soothe, stroke; to be sweet, comely; to adorn; a cake; sacrificial cake. | |
--- | pr.n. "Beloved of Yah" --- a name of Solomon the Son of David. | |
--- | lion or lioness. | |
--- | to wend or bend aside; to turn away; almond-tree or hazel; pr.n. "An Incline". | |
--- | to grind, to chew, to eat. | |
--- | great, mighty; a Magus or magician. |
44 > 8 | - 44 - | 44 = 22x11 |
--- | pr.n. "Father of Might" ( weakness > | |
--- | (604 w/f); to be bent down, to be sad. | |
--- | to gather, to flow together. | |
--- | bowed down. | |
--- | a pool; sedge flag or reed. | |
--- | pr.n. "Emigrant". | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Gift". | |
--- | pr.n. "God is Father. | |
--- | Babylonian, (confusion). | |
--- | "Small precious things", bdellium --- a sweet resin. | |
--- | exile; captivity. | |
--- | to absorb, drink up; swallow; bulrush; absorbent (of moisture); Egyptian papyrus, paper-reed. | |
--- | (524 w/f); to crush, be wretched. | |
--- | bucket. | |
--- | (604 w/f); blood; blood-guiltiness, murder; sap, juice, wine. | |
--- | to move in a circle, to dance; to turn or twist oneself, to writhe; to bear a child; to tremble, to be afraid; to be firm, strong, mighty; to wait; to surround, enclose; sand; pr.n. "Circuit". | |
--- | a soiling or rust. | |
--- | to be fresh, young; a lamb. | |
--- | pr.n. "He (God) Redeems". | |
--- | in the Jubilee. | |
--- | to lay down, let down (from the womb); to bring forth, to bear; to lay eggs; to beget (as a father); to create, produce; one born; a male child; a lad or boy. | |
--- | a spark. | |
--- | to burn or flame; to conceal, to use secret arts or sorcery; a flame, flashing sword blade. | |
--- | to hew or cut; a tablet, table or slab; fold of a door. | |
--- | a garment; carpet; a measure. |
45 > 9 | - 45 - | 45 = 32x5 |
--- | (605 w/f); to stamp down, to make solid; to dam. | |
--- | to be blood or red colored; to sparkle. | |
--- | pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that | |
--- | land of Edom; father of the race of Edom. | |
--- | (see also 241/801) Aramea. | |
--- | a red (precious stone) --- garnet, carnelian. | |
--- | (see also 84/644); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed | |
--- | pr.n. "Bright". | |
--- | plunder. | |
--- | (605 w/f); pr.n. "Multitude"; noise, crowdings (of people); they; such as they. | |
--- | a habitation; heaven. | |
--- | to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid. | |
--- | a pledge or pawn. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fatness". | |
--- | to lift, to cast. | |
--- | so and so, thus and thus. | |
--- | to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. "Concealment", the name of Lot. | |
--- | a (kind of) lizard. | |
--- | garlands or festoons. | |
--- | force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly. |
46 > 10 > 1 | - 46 - | 46 = 2x23 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is Exultation". | |
--- | hind, doe (also a term of endearment for a woman). | |
--- | fat tail (burned in sacrifice --- 10 to 20 lbs on oriental sheep). | |
--- | pr.n. "God is God" or "God is Yah" or "El is God" or "Mighty God" or "Mighty He is"; "Elijah" --- (see also 52). | |
--- | cubit, ell. | |
--- | hand-maid, maid-servent, female slave. | |
--- | terror. | |
--- | Mother-city, metropolis; a foundation; fore-arm. | |
--- | a people, tribe. | |
--- | tin, tin-alloy; dross (to be separated from true metal). | |
--- | border, margin (of land); seashore; limit, a bounded district. | |
--- | young bird; young dove; eaglet. | |
--- | pr.n. "Partridge". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Sees". | |
--- | pr.n. "Strength". | |
--- | pr.n. "Binding" or "Garland", "Levi". | |
--- | to moisten; to be moist or juicy, fresh. | |
--- | to be great, much, numerous; magnitude or multitude, a number or amount; a hundred; before (or) after. |
47 > 11 > 2 | - 47 - | 15th prime |
--- | wry, perverse; foolish; a fool; wicked; godless. | |
--- | foolish. | |
--- | if not; whether not; perhaps; fearing, doubting or hoping. | |
--- | (607 w/f); hum, hubbub (exp. of noise tumult or alarm). | |
--- | (607 w/f); to be dumb, mute. | |
--- | an elevation, height, sacred or altar-height, shrines or chapels built on eminences; strong-holds; fastness; grave-mound, sepulcre. | |
--- | fringes, tassels; wreaths, festoons. | |
--- | to cut off; divide; measure; bind together; be strong, valiant; a dividing; ell or cubit; mighty men, warriors. | |
--- | this. | |
--- | (527 w/f); to be clean, bright, pure. | |
--- | to be shaky, to waver. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mole" or "Weasel". | |
--- | to draw out, to press (for information). | |
--- | head-dress, turban. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Might" or "Yah is God". | |
--- | to be honored, renowned; to be great or chief, to be noble; excellency, preciousness. |
48 > 13 > 4 | - 48 - | 48 = 24x3 |
--- | (608 w/f/); to be high, to rise upwards, to tower. | |
--- | in water. | |
--- | greatness, majesty (of God); renown; pr.n. "Greatness" --- alternate name of the 4th Sephira Chesed, (72). | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Good Luck", "God's Goat". | |
--- | exultation. | |
--- | this. | |
--- | removal, a putting aside, besides, except. | |
--- | to move in a circle, dance; power, might; strength, produce; riches, wealth; force (for war), army; honesty, virtue, worth; fortification, bulwark, rampart, moat; pain, pang; trembling, terror. | |
--- | (628 w/f); to seize. | |
--- | ornament, necklace; prostration, suffering, sickness; grief; evil; calamity. | |
--- | (608 w/f); father-in-law; warm, hot; pr.n. "Swarthy", Ham, Egypt; heat. | |
--- | produce (of the land); wealth. | |
--- | a blast, a loud shout, sound or signal; "Jubilant"; river, stream; the Jubilee. | |
--- | to wait, hope. | |
--- | a ruby or carbuncle. | |
--- | a star; the planet Mercury; a prince. | |
--- | jaw, jaw-bone; cheek. | |
--- | from that time | |
--- | to stretch out, to measure; to mete out; to requite, flight, a fleeing or passing away. | |
--- | fat, marrowy; wealthy, noble. | |
--- | marrow. |
49 > 13 > 4 | - 49 - | 49 = 72 |
--- | (609 w/f); to go softly, slowly. | |
--- | river, stream; river-district. | |
--- | pr.n. "El Chai" --- divine name associated11 with the 9th Sephira Yesod, (81). | |
--- | (see also 50); to flow. | |
--- | to be similar or like; to become like, to resemble; to liken or compare; to use similitudes; to think or deem; to meditate; to remember; to make oneself like. | |
--- | dumb, silent; to make silent; to destroy. | |
--- | silence; utter desolation. | |
--- | pr.n. "Father Tent" or "Family". | |
--- | camel keeper. | |
--- | (particle of wishing:) oh that! | |
--- | pr.n. "Sickly. | |
--- | "Ever Living God" or "God Lives". | |
--- | pr.n. "God is a Friend". | |
--- | (609 w/f); dumb. | |
--- | (55); pr.n. "Yah hath saved". | |
--- | (609 w/f); to stamp hard, to tread or beat upon; foot-stool, hassock; to cut (into parts); piece, portion. | |
--- | "Ever Living God" or "God Lives". | |
--- | to wrap together, to thicken or curdle; to be hot, to burn; to heat, anger, wrath. | |
--- | lamb; Aries (zodiacal sign). | |
--- | a girl, maiden. | |
--- | pancakes. | |
--- | a coming in, entering; an entrance; setting (of the Sun), westward. | |
--- | stretch, measure; middle; extension, greatness; tribute; garment, carpet; measure. | |
--- | to strike, smite. | |
--- | an incline or depression. | |
Notes: 11. G-K p. 92 |
50 > 5 | - 50 - | 50 = 2x52 |
--- | Nun. (In spelling, interchanges with: (May be added initially or medially or finally. May be assimilated or dropped). (Nun = | |
--- | (see also 450 & 49); firm ground, earth; land or soil; tract of land, territory, country; the whole earth, the globe. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fortress" | |
--- | to flow; to become or be similar or like; to compare, use similitude; to think or deem; to remember; dumb or silent; to rest, to be destroyed; silence. | |
--- | (610 w/f); to close. | |
--- | pr.n. "Unwedded". | |
--- | (610 w/f); to cut off, devour; locust. | |
--- | to be hard, firm. | |
--- | (610 w/f); to be dumb; to rest. | |
--- | to move to and fro, be pendulous, wave, totter, hang loose. | |
--- | to hum, growl, snarl, coo, groan; to sound, roar, splash; to make a din; to be internally stirred; to be agitated; to buss about; they. | |
--- | to plunge; to be soiled, sullied, polluted; to be unholy; unclean. | |
--- | pr.n. "Poverty-stricken." | |
--- | one born. | |
--- | (610 w/f); a humming, roaring; the sea, a large river, the Nile, Euphrates; a reservoir; the West; warm springs. | |
--- | completeness, totality, all; the whole; every; any one; wholly; altogether. | |
--- | garment. | |
--- | to mix. | |
--- | mixture; spiced wine. | |
--- | to reach or come to. | |
--- | who? (always suggests a person, even if applied to a thing); whoever, every one. (In Qabalah, much is made of contrasting |
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