200 > 2 | - 200 - | 200 = 23x52 |
--- | Resh. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Resh = | |
--- | (850 w/f); pr.n. "Lord of Heat", name of the Phoenician sun god. | |
--- | to pour out; to cast (metal); to be firm, compressed; to set, place. | |
--- | (1010 w/f); to awake. | |
--- | (850 w/f); for therefore; for, because that. | |
--- | a Canaanite; a merchant | |
--- | (760 w/f); delicacies, dainty bits. | |
--- | (1010 w/f); to be angry; pr.n. "Anger". | |
--- | a couch or bed. | |
--- | (850 w/f); marked out or specified; a field or lot. | |
--- | (760 w/f); a pair of shoes. | |
--- | (760 w/f); to swallow down, to consume greedily. | |
--- | a locust (winged and eatable). | |
--- | (760 w/f); anklets. | |
--- | to lick, to suck. | |
--- | (760 w/f); a people or nation; aggregation or community. | |
--- | (920 w/f); to cover or deck. | |
--- | a bough or branch. | |
--- | branchy, full of boughs. | |
--- | trodden out; new wine or must. | |
--- | (850 w/f); to be high or hilly. | |
--- | (760 w/f); to close or fasten; to be firm or strong. | |
--- | bone; body, physical frame; self, strength. | |
--- | to turn or wind, to twist or pervert. |
201 > 3 | - 201 - | 201 = 3x67 |
--- | (207); to burn; to be or become bright; to light, to kindle; to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to enlighten (the mind). | |
--- | (1011 w/f); pr.n. "Thorn". | |
--- | (1247 w/f); in the day of thy planting (of thy being founded). | |
--- | (761 w/f); boughs or foliage. |
202 > 4 | - 202 - | 202 = 2x101 |
--- | to be strong, courageous; the mighty one; Mars; brave. | |
--- | to burn, to glow. | |
--- | pr.n. "Might". | |
--- | to empty out, despoil, depopulate; be poured out spread abroad. | |
--- | son; purely, sincerely; approved, chosen; pure, clear; clean, empty; corn, grain, feed; field; the country; cleanness, purity; salt of lye, alkali. | |
--- | (852 w/f); of a certainty, certainly | |
--- | (762 w/f); marked or distinguished men. | |
--- | for to make her image (of bread in the shape of a goddess). |
203 > 5 | - 203 - | 203 = 7x29 |
--- | to be strong or mighty. | |
--- | bird. | |
--- | wing or pinion. | |
--- | to blind stitch, weave; weave plots, lie in ambush, lurk. | |
--- | pr.n. "Ambush". | |
--- | ambush, a lurking; lurking-place, covert. | |
--- | plot laying, laying plots. | |
--- | to bore, to dip; to carve in, to engrave; to dig out; to explain. | |
--- | pit; well; cistern, reservoir. | |
--- | to cut or carve, form, create; feed. | |
--- | dwelling, sojourning; a sojourner, stranger, foreigner, visitor, pilgrim; lime; whelp. | |
--- | hewn or cut stones. | |
--- | aggressor or foe; intercessor or mediator. |
204 > 6 | - 204 - | 204 = 22x3x17 |
--- | to gather; to assemble, to fold up; gaining, hiring. | |
--- | (155/715); to beat to pieces, to pound or crush to power; to be beaten out; to be beaten small; to break in pieces. | |
--- | to plait; to weave. | |
--- | plait or braid (of hair); weaver's shuttle. | |
--- | pr.n. "Well". | |
--- | (210); skin bottle, flask. | |
--- | pr.n. "A Grain". | |
--- | a pearl; age, generation; a period; race or class of men; dwelling; circle. | |
--- | a cloak, mantle. | |
--- | an axe or adz. | |
--- | a step or walk. |
205 > 7 | - 205 - | 205 = 5x41 |
--- | roll, letter. | |
--- | (765 w/f); The Lord Stands Up (to help). | |
--- | to gird around; to get strength; to be ample, large, great; to be powerful; honorable; illustrious. | |
--- | twelfth month of the sacred year (Adar) from new moon of March to new moon of April. | |
--- | name of a Syrian deity, pr.n. "Mighty One". (from Persian "atar" = fire). | |
--- | threshing floor. | |
--- | wrapping (garment), mantle or tunic; adornment, splendour. | |
--- | to descend; to rule. | |
--- | to bind or twist together; be strong, mighty; to prevail, overcome; strong man; a man; warrior; male; husband, man-child; human being, mortal; each, every one; hero, mighty man. | |
--- | to scrape, scratch, to tear off; scab, scurvy; scabbed; scabby; pr.n. "Hill of the Leper". | |
--- | pr.n. "A Circle". | |
--- | to pierce the mind; to reject, refuse. | |
--- | (685 w/f); very crooked, perverse, tortuous. | |
--- | a mountain; mountainous region. | |
--- | a casting (of metal). | |
--- | (1415 w/f); some of the people | |
--- | a ship (especially a decked ship). | |
--- | strength; throng or multitude. |
206 > 8 | - 206 - | 206 = 2x103 |
--- | to shine, to be luminous. | |
--- | pr.n. "Cloddy", "Heap". | |
--- | to be strong, powerful | |
--- | to pull or pluck; to collect. | |
--- | to burn. | |
--- | roar. | |
--- | to curse. | |
--- | to scatter. | |
--- | (766 w/f); pr.n. "Sons of the East". | |
--- | to scatter; to hail; hail; besprinkled (of color); spotted. | |
--- | speaking; to speak; to promise; threaten; command; warn; sing; to drive (cattle to pasture); to drive away, snatch away (as the plague); destroy; to be behind; to be sharp, to sting; word, speech, command, precept, promise, oracle, revelation, saying, counsel, proposal, report; matters, events; pasture, range. (this word has meanings clustered around the idea of Oratory or Public Speaking --- manner of it, effect of it and pastoral subject of it.) | |
--- | to be sharp, pointed. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mountain Land"; to glow, burn. | |
--- | hardened. | |
--- | (766 w/f); strong or mighty. |
207 > 9 | - 207 - | 207 = 32x23 |
--- | (201); to light, to kindle; to make bright, to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to illuminate or enlighten (the mind). | |
--- | light (but usually not a luminary); day-light; lightning; the Sun; the dawn; happiness; instruction; life. | |
--- | a flame or blaze; region of light, the east; light of faith; revelation; pr.n. "Ur of the Caldees" --- the birth place of Abraham. | |
--- | (1577 w/f); Endless, Boundless. --- in Greek | |
--- | there!, see!, lo! | |
--- | to be bright, white. | |
--- | to cut; to feed, to eat; to separate, select. | |
--- | to hem in, enclose, surround; hedge in, wall in; wall up; wall-maker, mason; wall of a vineyard; fence; walled place; pr.n. "Enclosure", "Wall", "Fortress". | |
--- | to scratch, scrape out; to scratch. | |
--- | cause, reason. | |
--- | to step, tread. | |
--- | to divide, partition out. | |
--- | (767 w/f); old age. | |
--- | to run, distill, trickle; refine, percolate, filter; to burn, flame, glow; to compress, tie, bind, oblige. | |
--- | to gather, to brood. | |
--- | stranger; rim or border (of the ark); edge. | |
--- | pain or sorrow. | |
--- | the great in counsel. |
208 > 10 > 1 | - 208 - | 208 = 24x13 |
--- | pinion or wing. | |
--- | to gird; to equip; to arm. | |
--- | locust; swarmer. | |
--- | weavings, intrigues. | |
--- | the latticed work; windows; dove-cote; chimney. | |
--- | to be pressed together; hard, firm; to be compact. | |
--- | cedar; cedar-work (wainscoting). | |
--- | pr.n. "Well". | |
--- | to bore, to dig; to investigate; to protect. | |
--- | pit, dungeon; grave; cistern; cleanness, purity, salt of lye, alkali. | |
--- | to bow down. | |
--- | to glow; to be angry; excited; to inflame, stir up; to excite oneself; contend with; to swallow, gurgle; something swallowed down; the cud; a grain, kernel. | |
--- | pr.n. "Flight". | |
--- | to strike, smite down; kill, murder, slay, slaughter. | |
--- | something strange, loathsome. | |
--- | to cut into, to hew; to carve in, inscribe; to trance, portray; to ordain laws; to decree; "digging". | |
--- | a noble, free born; hole. | |
--- | pr.n. "He Sports" --- Isaac. | |
--- | (768 w/f); bread of affliction. |
209 > 11 > 2 | - 209 - | 209 = 11x19 |
--- | to delay, hinder; to defer; to linger. | |
--- | following, next, second; another, other, different; elsewhere, in another way; afterwards; than; after; after so; thereupon; behind. | |
--- | to go, to travel, journey; travelling; wayfarer. | |
--- | arrange, appoint. | |
--- | pr.n. "Wanderer". | |
--- | way; walk, manner of life; lot or destiny; traveler; manner, course (of nature); the course (menstruation cycle). | |
--- | to scatter; disperse, rout. | |
--- | to cut or pierce. | |
--- | treasurers. | |
--- | to collect, gather together; sojourn, dwell, meet together; to be afraid; to drink, suck; to boil up, to seethe, to effervesce; to excite, provoke; to roll; a suckling, whelp. | |
--- | to run, to course; to run on, endure, last. | |
--- | to shine, gleam, be conspicuous; to be splendid, glorious; to honor, favor; ornament, splendour, pomp; majesty, honor, dignity; my majesty; pr.n. "Splendor" --- a Syrian Fire god. | |
--- | to flow, stream. | |
--- | to ease the bowels; excrements, dung. | |
--- | pr.n. "Righteousness of Yah", Zedekiah. | |
--- | (769 w/f); the god of fortresses --- refers to a Syrian deity. |
210 > 3 | - 210 - | 210 = 2x3x5x7 (product of the 1st 4 primes) |
--- | assembler; pr.n. "Assembler" (proper name of the compiler of the 30th chap. of Proverbs). | |
--- | to close, shut up; to bind, to hamper. | |
--- | pr.n. "Lame". | |
--- | lame, hampered. | |
--- | to slay among. | |
--- | to glow, make hot, melt; to try, examine; approve, choose; delight in. | |
--- | to be ripe, mature; a youth. | |
--- | (860 w/f); pr.n. "Gracious Lord". | |
--- | (204); skin bottle, flask; pr.n. "Emptying". | |
--- | to break through or away, to flee with haste; fleeing, fugitive; fleet, quickly gliding. | |
--- | to cut down, fell; slaughter, kill; divide; decide; determine; piece, part (of a victim); precipice. | |
--- | to cut off, sever; pr.n. "A Waste". | |
--- | to pierce (of thorns); to move around, to turn oneself round, to continue; to dwell; to arrange; a period, age, generation; race or class; dwelling; circle; pile (of wood); a ball. | |
--- | (Mother); to conceive, to become pregnant; to meditate; to have posterity. | |
--- | to bind, string together, to unite, to be allied; to charm, fascinate; to hurt; conjuror; associate, a companion, friend; society or company; spell or charm; magician; partner. | |
--- | to be sharp, to cut; to dry up; to be desolate, waste; to be desolated; to lay waste; dry, desolate, waste; a sharp or cutting tool; a sword; dryness or drought. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Righteous". | |
--- | (371/1021) | |
--- | (1020 w/f); to deride. | |
--- | (1020) w/f); crushing; doormat; hammer. | |
--- | to ascend, to go up. | |
--- | (860 w/f); pleasantness. | |
--- | (1020 w/f); to fix in. | |
--- | to push; to supply. | |
--- | (930 w/f); to divide, to branch out; | |
--- | double minded, uncertain. | |
--- | (860 w/f); to be firm; spear. | |
--- | (690 w/f); according to thy mouth, on thy mouth. | |
--- | to sink down, to dip, to be deep; to be unsearchable. | |
--- | deep, unfathomable or unsearchable. | |
--- | deep place or depth; a valley. | |
--- | (770 w/f); pr. n. "Hardy", an Egyptian people. | |
--- | (690 w/f); pr. n. "King's Oracle", an idol or god of the Sepharvites, Ammelek. | |
--- | pr. n. "Hill Man". | |
--- | (770 w/f); trees; boards, timbers; sticks. | |
--- | (860 w/f); to be firm. | |
--- | spear. | |
--- | to close or shut up; to hold back, to detain; to rule or control; to gather or amass. | |
--- | wealth or dominion. | |
--- | a shutting up or closing; constraint or oppression. | |
--- | (770 w/f); curve. | |
--- | to step, walk, tread, stride, pace, march. | |
--- | (770 w/f); to strike (to pieces), split or rend. | |
--- | a distinct or definite one, such a one. | |
--- | to peel; (1068) | |
--- | (1020 w/f); a rib; the side (of a man); side-chamber (in a temple); a fall or overthrow. | |
--- | to be low, to be humble. | |
--- | (860 w/f); to load, to pack up; to migrate; pr.n. "Tanis" of an Egyptian city. | |
--- | (860 w/f); pr.n. "Smith" --- name of a descendent of Seth. | |
--- | caster oil seed; raven or pelican; abnormally large testicles. | |
--- | (930 w/f); to peel or shell. | |
--- | to tie, press. | |
--- | to fine or impose a penalty (Talmudic law: especially for seducing a girl --- punishment for statutory rape). | |
--- | fold, plait, pleat. | |
--- | rain. |
211 > 4 | - 211 - | 47th prime |
--- | pr.n. "God of Recompense". | |
--- | box, chest. | |
--- | pr.n. "Descent". | |
--- | pr.n. "Place of Refuge". | |
--- | lion; the roarer; the courageous beast; pr.n. "Leo" --- zodiacal sign; | |
--- | learned; a scholar; pr.n. "Ari" --- sobriquet for Moses Maimonides. | |
--- | strong or mighty; mighty one, hero; tyrant; mighty warrior, warrior; mighty one in wealth or of worth. | |
--- | decree, decision. --- | |
--- | to burn, to sink down, to lurk. | |
--- | cause, suit; reason; utterance, word; bee, pr.n. "Deborah" (217). | |
--- | pr.n. "A Circle". | |
--- | a guide, counselor; Vizier. | |
--- | mountain; --- name of the mountain where Aaron died. | |
--- | to be conceived. | |
--- | to grow tangled or luxuriant; pr.n. "Luxuriant Growth". | |
--- | an associate, companion, fellow. | |
--- | to bind around, gird; to gird on. | |
--- | to tremble, to haste, flee. | |
--- | to swell or heave up, project. | |
--- | to gleam, glitter; to flow, run fast; river, stream; the Nile; fosses or moats; channel or mine shaft. | |
--- | to look at, eye; to fear, to be afraid, to dread; to fear or reverence; timid, fearful. | |
--- | counsel, resolution. | |
--- | pr. n. "Possession of Yah". | |
--- | licker or sucker; a leech; a vampire. | |
--- | proud boasters. |
212 > 5 | - 212 - | 212 = 22x53 |
--- | light; happiness. | |
--- | to pluck; manager, crib or rack; stall or stable; a stall (pair) (of horses). | |
--- | well. | |
--- | serenity. | |
--- | might. | |
--- | wall, enclosure; fold or pen. | |
--- | receiver of the revenues, treasurer. | |
--- | to carve, hollow out. | |
--- | to shine; teach; warn; admonished, wary; brightness. | |
--- | to strew or scatter; to winnow; to rout; to be pressed out. | |
--- | to surround, enclose; to beset; an enclosure, room, chamber; a bedroom; a bride chamber; a storeroom; recesses, inmost parts. | |
--- | to tremble, quake; to be alarmed; to palpitate; to come trembling, to haste; trembling, anxious. | |
--- | pr.n. "Adversary". | |
--- | to hurt oneself. |
213 > 6 | - 213 - | 213 = 3x71 |
--- | strong one, a hero (of God). | |
--- | very mighty, manly; a valiant; obstinate; eminent one, chief. | |
--- | cedar work, ceder wainscoting. | |
--- | pr.n. "My Planning". | |
--- | fed, fattened (beasts); fat, rich (food). | |
--- | pr.n. "Wall", "Fortress". | |
--- | to boil up; lime, plaster; sojourner. | |
--- | slaughter. | |
--- | to bind, carry, bear a burden; bound, laden; guilty. | |
--- | to be turned away, estranged; to go away; stranger, foreigner; heathen, barbarian; to press together, to bind, to gird, bandage; to crush. | |
--- | to burn, glow (of anger); to protect. | |
--- | to push or drive on; to persist; to thrust out, drive forth. | |
--- | a heap, stone heap; to fear, to be afraid of. |
214 > 7 | - 214 - | 214 = 2x107 |
--- | band, fetter; belt, girdle. | |
--- | ceder-like; firm. | |
--- | a journeying; company of travellers, caravan. | |
--- | appointed measure (of food); portion; allowance; a meal or mess. | |
--- | a run, a race. | |
--- | ornament, glory. | |
--- | pr.n. "Digging". | |
--- | to become gray, white; to turn pale; to hollow out, bore; a hole, socket, opening, cave, cavern, den; white linen; dungeon; pr.n. "Free", "Noble". | |
--- | to shine, to be bright, to be or become clean, pure; brightness, purification. | |
--- | to be fresh. | |
--- | to go down, descend; to come or fall down; pr.n. "Descent". | |
--- | (774 w/f); delicacies or dainties; delights, ecstasies. | |
--- | (864 w/f); until now. |
215 > 8 | - 215 - | 215 = 5x43 |
--- | a grain or berry; small coin; something round. | |
--- | great or large; potent; illustrious or noble; excellent (morally). | |
--- | hinder part, back-side, rear; behind, backward, back; the west, western quarter; after time, future. | |
--- | (209); to delay, hinder; to defer; to linger. | |
--- | mighty, ruling, leading; lord, master. | |
--- | a cutting off; desolation; figure, form; hall, court. | |
--- | the valley (Jerusalem). | |
--- | to scatter, to shine forth, to rise, to break forth; to break out; sprout; sun rise. | |
--- | society, company. | |
--- | to turn round. | |
--- | wasteness, desolation; waste places, ruins; dryness. | |
--- | to bore through. | |
--- | to wait, watch for, expect; to go round, surround; to arrange, set in a row or order; wall, enclosure; a row, a course or range; rock, mountain. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Righteous". | |
--- | to be high; to molest; to be arrogant or aggressive. | |
--- | to cast; to shoot; to lay, to found, to erect; to shed, to wet, to irrigate; to tremble, quake. | |
--- | from above upwards. | |
--- | a burden. | |
--- | a ledge or parapet (esp. round the flat roof of an eastern house). | |
--- | a watch-tower; a look-out, a post of observation. | |
--- | branch. | |
--- | division or party; unsettled opinion. |
216 > 9 | - 216 - | 216 = 23X33 |
--- | native; indigenous; a native. | |
--- | lion; pr.n. "Coeur de Lion". | |
--- | to pluck; manger, crib, rack; stall; stable; pair (of horses). | |
--- | ripened, mature; a youth (of age but unmarried, draftable); young warriors. | |
--- | strength; valor; force, prowess; mightiness (of God); victory; oppression; pr.n. "Judicial Power", "Geburah" the fifth Sephira (Considered8 feminine and passive in traditional Qabalah, Geburah corresponds9 to the Left Arm of Adam Qadmon [161].) | |
--- | a man. | |
--- | the inner or hinder sanctuary (of the temple); pr.n. "Posture", "Oracle". | |
--- | pr.n. "Pastoral" or "Eloquent". --- see | |
--- | (1336 w/f); blood of grapes, wine. | |
--- | pr.n. "Junction" or "confluence". | |
--- | pr.n. "Embrace". | |
--- | to protect. | |
--- | fear, terror; terribleness; reverence, awe. | |
--- | (866 w/f); cleanness. | |
--- | pr. n. "Profound". | |
Notes: 8. G-K p. 91 9. G-K p. 93 |
217 > 10 > 1 | - 217 - | 217 = 7x31 |
--- | correctly, exactly. | |
--- | pr.n. "Light". | |
--- | pr.n. "After Brother". | |
--- | dazzling. | |
--- | castle, citadel, palace; a chief city. | |
--- | food; fatted; fleeing, fugitive; fleet, quickly gliding; bolt, bar. | |
--- | pr.n. "Enclosure. | |
--- | a bee; pr.n. "Deborah" --- of Rebekah's nurse and of a prophetess (see also | |
--- | girded; the girdle. | |
--- | to wave; shoot, twig; switch, rod. | |
--- | a trembling, terror; care, anxiety. | |
--- | to scrape, grave; a graver; chisel; stylus, metal pen. | |
--- | a summit, mountain. | |
--- | to burn, to inflame; inflammations, piles, hemorrhoids. | |
--- | to labor, to tire; an encumbrance, a burden. | |
--- | river, stream; the Nile; fosses, moats; channel, mine shaft. | |
--- | is watered. | |
--- | to shoot. |
218 > 11 > 2 | - 218 - | 218 = 2x109 |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Created". | |
--- | creation, novelty, new thing. | |
--- | crushed; to squeeze, press out. | |
--- | pr.n. "trembling". | |
--- | glow, heat; excrements, dung; white or fine bread; pr.n. "Cave Dweller"; white linen. | |
--- | to delay. | |
--- | to wander, travel onward; the moon, the wanderer; a month, a lunar month. | |
--- | (778 w/f); finest ornaments. | |
--- | (868 w/f); labor or travail, hard toil; pain. |
219 > 12 > 3 | - 219 - | 219 = 3x73 |
--- | (1029 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Anger". | |
--- | after. | |
--- | pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin bottle of Yah". | |
--- | a purifying, cleansing; purity. | |
--- | fresh. | |
--- | fearful; pr.n. "Tarrying Place". | |
--- | to throw down headlong; to throw, cast down; to be rash, headlong. |
220 > 4 | - 220 - | 220 = 22x5x11 |
--- | chosen, choice one. | |
--- | mistress, queen. | |
--- | pr.n. "Precipice". | |
--- | bright, clean, pure; unalloyed. | |
--- | pr.n. "He (God) Chooses". | |
--- | a Lamb; pasture, meadow-land; a battering ram; pillion or saddle; a litter; a hollow or deep vessel; a dry and liquid measure --- a cor = 10 ephahs = 11 1/4 bushells = 88 3/4 gallons. | |
--- | (780 w/f); works or deeds. | |
--- | (1030 w/f); a maul or war-club. | |
--- | work. | |
--- | pr. n. "The Look-out". | |
--- | (1030 w/f); to suck out; to be unleavened. | |
--- | (780 w/f); giants. | |
--- | (1030 w/f); to break or smash; to scatter or drive about | |
--- | a tempest or major storm. | |
--- | dispersion. | |
--- | to loathe, to turn away. | |
--- | (870 w/f); palm branch. | |
--- | (940 w/f); a cleft or fissure (in a rock); branch or bough. | |
--- | (940 w/f); to collect or receive. | |
--- | to be narrow | |
--- | collar or neck-chain; pr. n. "Giant", Anak. |
221 > 5 | - 221 - | 221 = 13x17 |
--- | to dig, to plow; tillage; a digger, tiller, husbandman. | |
--- | (701 w/f); to be arranged, adjusted. | |
--- | to stretch out, be long; to wear on. | |
--- | adapted, fit. | |
--- | long, enduring. | |
--- | delay. | |
--- | a stripe, weal; wound, cut. | |
--- | string of corals or pearls. | |
--- | pr.n. "He (god) Gives Light". | |
--- | pr.n. "He (God) Gives Light". | |
--- | pr.n. ""watering"; watering; the autumnal or early rain. | |
--- | spring rain. | |
--- | to surround; to dig or pierce; to be dirty; turbid stream; dirt, muddiness. | |
--- | to pierce; to be pained, grieved. | |
--- | (871 w/f); so that not, lest. | |
--- | pressure, affliction. | |
--- | profound or unsearchable things. |
222 > 6 | - 222 - | 222 = 2x3x37 |
--- | (228); pr.n. "Light of Yah". | |
--- | a prolonging, continuance. | |
--- | to break, to burst open; to ripen, to mature; bear early fruit; to treat as first-born. | |
--- | young camel. | |
--- | pr.n. "Firstling". | |
--- | (702 w/f); to bend; to bless; adore, worship; greet; part, renounce; to curse (euphemism); kneel; a knee; a break, bend. | |
--- | chambers, rooms. | |
--- | a girdle, apron or kilt. | |
--- | an adversary; pr.n. "Opponent". | |
--- | to bind together, to weave or plait; to be strong or great; great space or length; a stretch; long ago, already; pr.n. "Length" or "Strength". | |
--- | to grip, grasp; seize; to bear. | |
--- | to the utmost. | |
--- | forever. |
223 > 7 | - 223 - | 223 = 48th prime |
--- | (703 w/f); to bow the knee, to bless; good luck!, hail! | |
--- | pr.n. "Nobility". | |
--- | inflammations; piles, hemorrhoids. |
224 > 8 | - 224 - | 224 = 25x7 |
--- | knee. | |
--- | to pierce, penetrate; impress, remember; a male; ram. | |
--- | (704 w/f); to step, tread, walk; a going, way; manner; mode of life; lot, destiny. | |
--- | white linen, byssus clothes; white bread; pr.n. "Nobleman", "Linen-weaver". | |
--- | a wall; an enclosure; a castle; an encampment, pastoral village. | |
--- | (784 w/f); pr.n. "People's Burning". | |
--- | pr.n. "Moon". | |
--- | pr.n. "Odoriferous" or "Balmy". | |
--- | to bind. | |
--- | a mustering, a census; a charge or mandate; an appointed place or rendezvous; pr.n. "Place of Muster" --- of a gate of Jerusalem. |
225 > 225 > 9 | - 225 - | 225 = 32x52 |
--- | pr.n. "Worthy Gift". | |
--- | to hurt, injure. | |
--- | sunrise. | |
--- | a boar, swine. | |
--- | elated, arrogant; to injure or molest; aggressive. | |
--- | pr.n. "He Shines Forth". | |
--- | pr.n. "Protection", "enclosure". | |
--- | (231); pr.n. "Founded by Yah". | |
--- | to pierce, to dig; to excavate; to devise, prepare; to buy, purchase; to feed; to make a feast or banquet; a pit, cistern; a feast or banquet | |
--- | work. | |
--- | (785 w/f); assemblies. | |
--- | pr. n. "Palm Branch", a town in the south of Judah. |
226 > 10 > 1 | - 226 - | 226 = 2x113 |
--- | descendants of a native ( | |
--- | a prolonging, continuance. | |
--- | adjustment, bandage, healing, repair. | |
--- | pr.n. "An Archer". | |
--- | to dig, cut, pierce through; to glow, burn; a hollow or deep measure | |
--- | a cor = 10 ephahs = 11 1/4 bushels; a furnace. | |
--- | (786 w/f); Ammonites. | |
--- | they curse me. |
227 > 11 > 2 | - 227 - | 49th prime |
--- | first-born; seniority; birth-right; (233). | |
--- | young she-camel. | |
--- | (707 w/f); pr.n. "Warlike". | |
--- | blessing; divine gift, benefaction; happy or blessed man; pool or pond. | |
--- | to pick, pierce, penetrate; to remember; to keep in mind; recollect; mention; to bear a male; a male; remembrance; memorial, name; pr.n. "Yah is Mindful". | |
--- | purse or bay (for money). | |
--- | a sieve; length, stretch; a horse-run. | |
--- | to bind fast or hard; to force; to be strong, brave, cruel. | |
--- | to cry out, proclaim. | |
--- | a taught heifer (one used to the yoke). |
228 > 12 > 3 | - 228 - | 228 = 22x3x19 |
--- | (222); pr.n. "Light of Yah". | |
--- | hardy, firm; courageous, bold; harsh, cruel; violent, deadly. | |
--- | first-born; foremost, chief; first-fruits. | |
--- | pr.n. "Youth". | |
--- | (708 w/f); pr.n. "Blessed". | |
--- | to injure. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is a shelter". | |
--- | (708 w/f); to roast; to interlace; to catch, seize; to singe, burn; lattices, window-lattices. | |
--- | Cherub (symbolical being compounded of four forms: man, ox, lion, eagle). | |
--- | (1598 w/f); Tree of Life. | |
--- | (788 w/f); tongs; snuffers | |
--- | a calf of fusion or molten image of a calf. | |
--- | (878 w/f); the Ammonites (sons of kin). |
229 > 13 > 4 | - 229 - | 50th prime |
--- | amplification (in the sense of an extension to something said or written before, or an intensification without change of meaning). (Interestingly, if the name of the first Sephira, | |
--- | (789 w/f); disclosed of eyes (i.e. clear mental vision). |
230 > 5 | - 230 - | 230 = 2x5x23 |
--- | a regarding, ascertaining. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Shines Forth". | |
--- | pr.n. "May He Cause to Return". | |
--- | (880 w/f); pr.n. "Perverse". | |
--- | (710 w/f); to be tender; the thigh; the haunch; ham; shank, stem; side (of a tent or altar). | |
--- | a fire crock; pan. | |
--- | executioners. | |
--- | to lick up or lap up. | |
--- | (1270 w/f); pr.n. "King of Kings" --- title of the king of Babylon. | |
--- | (1040 w/f); at the end | |
--- | pr. n. "End" or "Limit". | |
--- | to go or come out, go forth; to be promulgated. | |
--- | a column of salt. | |
--- | (1040 w/f); to shine or glitter, to sparkle; to bloom or blossom; to fly. | |
--- | (950 w/f); to strike or beat; to cut down or fell (trees); to destroy utterly. | |
--- | to go round, to move in a circle (said of festivals. | |
--- | a beating or striking. |
231 > 6 | - 231 - | 231 = 3x7x11 |
(The number of Hebrew letters taken two at a time without repetition, the 231 gates of the Sepher Yetzirah) | ||
--- | delaying. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is a shelter". | |
--- | (225); pr.n. "founded by Yah". | |
--- | the thigh. | |
--- | as the lion; they surround. | |
--- | to dread, eye with alarm. | |
--- | outgoing, expense. |
232 > 7 | - 232 - | 232 23x29 |
--- | the strong one, the mighty one, hero; pr.n. "Lion of God". | |
--- | bandage; adjustment; healing. | |
--- | pr.n. "Youthful". | |
--- | (712 w/f); pr.n. "circuit". | |
--- | pr.n. "Contentions". | |
--- | a plaiting or braiding; a mattress or quilt; great, mighty. | |
--- | cake-wits or mockers (guests who jest or flatter to please); parasites. |
233 > 8 | - 233 - | 51st prime |
--- | a remembrance offering (sacrificial term); memorial (before God); incense. | |
--- | (227); first-born; seniority, birth-right. | |
--- | best figs. | |
--- | early fig. | |
--- | to roll; a pebble (used as a lot); to be rough, sharp; a lot; to cast lots; allotment, an inheritance. | |
--- | males; pr.n. "Mindful". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Gathers". | |
--- | (236); pr.n. "Odiferous" or "Balmy". | |
--- | a herald. | |
--- | (793 w/f); troops | |
--- | (1443 w/f); pr. n. "Garden's Fount", (Well in the plain of Judah). |
234 > 9 | - 234 - | 234 = 2x32x13 |
--- | (714 w/f); to overtake, to trace. | |
--- | (233); pr.n. "Odiferious" or "Balmy". | |
--- | (794 w/f); the two jaws --- as used for seizing and chewing | |
--- | (1444 w/f); from before | |
--- | (884 w/f); in order that Yahweh may bring. |
235 > 10 > 1 | - 235 - | 235 = 5x47 |
--- | side; the rear; inner parts or recesses; remote parts. | |
--- | a cord or rope, a rope girdle. | |
--- | to lay upon the neck, to load. |
236 > 11 > 2 | - 236 - | 236 = 22x59 |
--- | pr.n. "Hearth of God"; pr.n. "Mountain of God" --- by a pun: burning mountain of God and Law). | |
--- | pr.n. "Dread of Yah". | |
--- | a basin, pot; a fire-pan; a wash-basin; a platform, pulpit. | |
--- | fused or compact mass; acasting (of metal). | |
--- | narrowness; distress. | |
--- | straitness or distress. | |
--- | column or pillar; cliff or peak. |
237 > 12 > 3 | - 237 - | 237 = 3x79 |
--- | (717 w/f); pr.n. "Lion-like". | |
--- | delaying | |
--- | first born or eldest (daughter). | |
--- | pr.n. "Blessing of Yah". | |
--- | pr.n. "Memorable". | |
--- | pr.n. "No-pasture". | |
--- | to come up on the heart, to be though of or remembered. |
238 > 13 > 4 | - 238 - | 238 = 2x7x17 |
--- | fierce; cruel. | |
--- | to burn, to be sharp or stinging. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Pleads". | |
--- | little by little, by degrees. | |
--- | the valley weeping. |
239 > 14 > 5 | - 239 - | 52nd prime |
--- | iron, steel; iron scepter; fetter; iron tool. | |
--- | a lot; to cast lots; allotment, inheritance. | |
--- | (959 w/f); a (wind) driven leaf. |
240 > 6 | - 240 - | 240 = 24x3x5 |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Shines Forth". | |
--- | war, slaughter. | |
--- | a round; a circuit (of land); a round cake, a loaf of bread; a talent (= 3000 shekels). | |
--- | (720 w/f); to surround. | |
--- | (800 w/f); pr.n. "Red Hill". | |
--- | (800 w/f); divination. | |
--- | to be melted away or dissolved (as the heavenly bodies); to run (of sores); to pine or waste away (of men). | |
--- | a drop. | |
--- | bitter; sad or sorrowful; fierce; hard fate. | |
--- | the gum Myrrh of the acacia. | |
--- | to slap or strike; to smite on the thigh. | |
--- | to pour or overflow; to be abundant; to be overfull, to vomit. | |
--- | abundance or sufficiency. | |
--- | (800 w/f); sly or crafty ones, dissemblers. | |
--- | pr. n. "Laborious", Amalek (a descendant of Esau and founder of an Arab tribe; Amalekites.) |
241 > 7 | - 241 - | 53rd prime |
--- | (801 w/f & 45/605); to be high. | |
--- | Aramea. | |
--- | pr.n. "High One". | |
--- | mumble, murmur; to say, to speak, to think; to command. | |
--- | to be high. | |
--- | a saying, word, utterance; behest (utterance). | |
--- | lamb. | |
--- | pr.n. "Tall". | |
--- | a word, poetic speech, song of victory; promise; a matter or thing. | |
--- | height, mountain range. | |
--- | pr.n. "Babel-born". | |
--- | a locust. | |
--- | to be sharp, to be bitter. | |
--- | tube or funnel (for pouring). | |
--- | to be perverse or rebellious. | |
--- | to haste or flee. | |
--- | fat or strong. | |
--- | master or lord. | |
--- | straitness or distress. |
242 > 8 | - 242 - | 242 = 2x112 |
--- | hearth. | |
--- | pr.n. "Heroic". | |
--- | great hero, pr.n. "Lion of God"; God's altar; hearth of God. | |
--- | (802 w/f); to sever; be clean; test or prove; bind, interweave; but, yet. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Mindful" or "Yah is Male". | |
--- | a margin, border. | |
--- | pr.n. "No-pasture". | |
--- | for multitude | |
--- | pr. n. "Increase" --- of a daughter of Saul. |
243 > 9 | - 243 - | 243 = 35 |
--- | (803 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation", Abram. | |
--- | pr.n. "Blessing of Yah". | |
--- | basins, libation bowls. | |
--- | to come to an end, cease, fail; finish, complete; to perfect; pr.n. "Completion", "Darkness" --- Cimmerians. | |
--- | (803 w/f); to over-lay; to cover over; crust, skin, body; bone; self, very; to skin, to flay; to strip, lay bare (the bones), to lick clean. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Pleads". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Mindful". | |
--- | ambush or lurking place; an ambuscade (of troops). | |
--- | to flow or gush out; to cast down, overthrow. | |
--- | to press, bruise, crush. | |
--- | (1363 w/f); the mother with the children. |
244 > 10 > 1 | - 244 - | 244 = 22x61 |
--- | to trill, whir. | |
--- | (804 w/f); to shine, to be bright. | |
--- | (894 w/f); a division or row. | |
--- | a thorn-bush, nettle. | |
--- | to disobey, to war or rebel. | |
--- | rebellion. | |
--- | rebellious. | |
--- | pr. n. "Rebel". |
245 > 11 > 2 | - 245 - | 245 = 5x72 |
--- | to glow, pour. | |
--- | (805 w/f); to rise up, to be high; pr.n. "High Place", "Exaltation", "Exalted". | |
--- | the great Magus (chief of the Magi). | |
--- | (1055 w/f); directly after wakening. | |
--- | to be or make bitter; to be contumacious or rebellious; to rebel; to resist or insult; to rebel against. | |
--- | to cut off; to stroke or rub over; to shave. | |
--- | to be firm or strong. | |
--- | rebellion. | |
--- | bitter; bitterness; sadness; bitterly; pr. n. "Bitter" --- of a fountain in the peninsula of Sinai. |
246 > 12 > 3 | - 246 - | 246 = 2x3x41 |
--- | utterance; poetic speech; a song. | |
--- | chosen of Yaweh, Moses, prophets, Messiah. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mighty One of God", Gabriel. | |
--- | a curse, execration. | |
--- | pasture; a desert. | |
--- | to change, exchange, barter. | |
--- | (806 w/f); flights (of time or of life). | |
--- | a sight or vision.; a mirror. | |
--- | viewing or seeing; appearance. | |
--- | a bird's crop or craw. | |
--- | coverlet (for a bed). | |
--- | (1056 w/f); a spark. | |
--- | (806 w/f); pr. n. "Expansions". |
247 > 13 > 4 | - 247 - | 247 = 13x19 |
--- | pr.n. "Loquacious", "Boastful". | |
--- | to rebel against. | |
--- | to vibrate, twang, whir; to touch or strike (musical chords); to harp, sing; to clip, prune; music, playing (of instruments); singer; gazelle or antelope; vine branch; family branch or member. | |
--- | (807 w/f); to flow, flood, wash away; pouring rain, a storm. | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Foundation". | |
--- | a luminary; light; sparkling; a candlestick. | |
--- | fear; respect, reverence; object of fear; an astounding deed, a miracle or prodigy. | |
--- | to be corrupt or foul; to mix lewdly (mutually lascivious behavior). | |
--- | to bind or combine. | |
--- | northern constellations; the north; north winds.; the planets; zodiacal signs. | |
--- | increase; plenty or abundance. | |
--- | during the whoredoms of Jezebel. |
248 > 14 > 5 | - 248 - | 248 = 23x31 |
--- | (808 w/f); pr.n. "Father of a Multitude", Abraham. (see also Abram --- 243). | |
--- | pr.n. "Light of God". | |
--- | (808 w/f); variegated cloths; damask. | |
--- | (242, 227); pr.n. "Yah is Mindful". | |
--- | to be hot, to burn;to be red; to boil, ferment, to foam, to bubble, swell, rise in heaps; to be in a ferment; to yearn; rumbling in the bowels; to be red; to cover with bitumen, to pitch; to bear. to carry, to toil; to collect; ass; bitumen, pitch; something fermented, wine; clay, loam, potter's earth, mortar, cement, mire, mud; a boiling, foaming; a heap; a homer (dry measure). | |
--- | (808 w/f); to shut in, enclose; a net; to consign; to break off; cut off; shortened; flat-nosed, to be high; a curse, destruction. | |
--- | a saw. | |
--- | to buy or sell. | |
--- | to glow, to shine or dawn. | |
--- | dawn or morrow, tomorrow; after time, hereafter. | |
--- | to rub or bruise; to rub over or lay on (as a poultice of liniment). |
249 > 15 > 6 | - 249 - | 249 = 3x83 |
--- | pr.n. "Steely". | |
--- | (809 w/f); pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites. | |
--- | (809 w/f); to wait for, to expect; expectation; prospect; prospectively, not yet, before. | |
--- | fear, terror; tarrying; a dwelling. | |
--- | a threshing-sledge. | |
--- | to rain; rain. | |
--- | even to the highest. | |
--- | dominion or subjection. | |
--- | to rub or make smooth, to sharpen (a sword); to make bare by plucking; to become hairless or bald; to be poolished (of metal); to be sharpened (of a sword); bare or naked. |
250 > 7 | - 250 - | 250 = 2x53 |
--- | (810 w/f); the south (as bright); south wind. | |
--- | to change, alter; to be high. | |
--- | (810 w/f); to be high. | |
--- | the choice, choicest. | |
--- | flight; fugitive. | |
--- | dwelling, abode. | |
--- | descent, declivity; a hanging, festoon. | |
--- | a victim. | |
--- | a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting). | |
--- | wandering; a fleeing or flight. | |
--- | wide or broad place, breadth; relief or enlargement. | |
--- | contradiction or protest; perverseness; a rebel. | |
--- | to pierce or cleave open. | |
--- | a light or lamp. |
251 > 8 | - 251 - | 54th prime |
--- | (811 w/f; 305/865 & 255/815); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted". | |
--- | (901 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides". | |
--- | high; mountain top; tree top. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mountaineer", "Highlander", Amorite. | |
--- | pr.n. "Eloquent". | |
--- | in Aramean or Syriac (i.e. in that language. | |
--- | Aramean, Syrian. | |
--- | (901 w/f); to be sharp-eared, alert; wild goat. | |
--- | to trill, to make a tremulous noise. | |
--- | ark | |
--- | pine. | |
--- | pr.n. "Founded of God". | |
--- | a razor. | |
--- | teaching, instruction. | |
--- | an archer; a teacher; pr.n. "Archer". | |
--- | razor. | |
--- | fatling or fat beast; a fatted calf. | |
--- | to feel abhorrence; to abhor. | |
--- | double pipe, bagpipe. | |
--- | terebinth valley (near Bethlehem). |
252 > 9 | - 252 - | 252 = 22x32x7 |
--- | pr.n. "Height". | |
--- | (812 w/f); pr.n. "Wells". | |
--- | vine, branch, twig; sound; song. | |
--- | a gushing, emission (of semen), male ejaculation. | |
--- | light; cave, hole. | |
--- | rebelling. | |
--- | rebellious or obstinate. | |
--- | winnower or fan. | |
--- | to shine or gleam. |
253 > 10 > 1 | - 253 - | 253 = 11x23 |
--- | (813 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation". | |
--- | pr.n. "Father is Light". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Blesses". | |
--- | (903 w/f); to roll, to level, make smooth; a level place, area; threshing-floor; grain. | |
--- | pr.n. "Desolation". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Blesses". | |
--- | pr.n. "Bony" or "Strong". | |
--- | wrapper, mantle, cloak. | |
--- | (813 w/f); He does not keep them back. | |
--- | binding (of a wound); healing, remedy; snare or net; hurt, suffering | |
--- | pr.n. "A Driving Forth". | |
--- | pr. n. "Refuge". | |
--- | to flow on; to spread or extent; to be poured out, to flow; to be extended. | |
--- | to crush or cut in pieces. |
254 > 11 > 2 | - 254 - | 254 = 2x127 |
--- | (814 w/f); pr.n. "Noble Born". | |
--- | ass; a heap or load. | |
--- | fear; a storehouse. | |
--- | a sink or privy. | |
--- | splendour. | |
--- | a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting). | |
--- | bruised or crushed. | |
--- | to bind, to set fast, to vow. | |
--- | to fall or drop out (as grain in threshing). | |
--- | a vow; a votive-offering. | |
--- | nard, spikenard. |
255 > 12 > 3 | - 255 - | 255 = 3x5x17 |
--- | (815 w/f; 251/811 & 305/865); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted". | |
--- | pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites; (249/809). | |
--- | (815 w/f); exaltation. | |
--- | (905 w/f); to be high; pr.n. "High", Abraham's Brother. | |
--- | (815 w/f); not yet. | |
--- | pr.n. "Rebellious". | |
--- | an axe. | |
--- | pile of wood; a faggot. | |
--- | polished; sharp, impetuous. | |
--- | dawn; the east; eastward. | |
--- | a shouting (for joy); a wailing (for sorrow). | |
--- | pr. n. "Contumacy". | |
--- | pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (261 266 ) | |
--- | to flow (figuratively of a confluence or gathering). | |
--- | to be bright; to brighten up. | |
--- | a stream or current. | |
--- | a river (especially the river Euphrates or the Nile). |
256 > 13 > 4 | - 256 - | 256 = 28 |
--- | (906 w/f); luminous; pr.n. "Aaron", first High Priest and brother of Moses. | |
--- | (262); pr.n. "Promise of Yah". | |
--- | (906 w/f); a goad. | |
--- | (816); pr.n. "Yah is high". | |
--- | choice, selection. | |
--- | (816 w/f); to make one's actions good. | |
--- | to shine. | |
--- | fire. | |
--- | (816 w/f); for ever and ever, to all eternity. |
257 > 14 > 5 | - 257 - | 55th prime |
--- | (907 w/f); receptacle, box, chest; a coffin; wooden chest; the Ark (sacred). | |
--- | a song; song of praise; poem, hymn; song of triumph. | |
--- | pr.n. "Sung", "Celebrated". | |
--- | (817 w/f); inundation; strangers, fores. | |
--- | (817 w/f); a scribe; a sacred writer. | |
--- | a quarrel or strife; pr. n. "Strife" --- of a fountain. | |
--- | to consecrate, to vow; to separate oneself; to abstain; to consecrate oneself to. | |
--- | to bind or encircle. | |
--- | consecration (of a priest or Nazarite); a consecrated head (unshorn head); unshorn hair (of a woman); a crown or diadem (for a priest or king. | |
--- | (817 w/f); effrontery. |
258 > 15 > 6 | - 258 - | 258 = 2x3x43 |
--- | (264); pr.n. "Yah completes". | |
--- | (what has a tremulous motion or trilling sound); vine shoot; twig, branch. | |
--- | (818 w/f & 264/824); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre). | |
--- | (908 w/f); pr.n. "Noble". | |
--- | (818 w/f); pr.n. "He is Compassionated" or "He is Loved". | |
--- | price, purchase money; hire, wages; pr.n. "Hire". | |
--- | to snore or snort. | |
--- | a snorting (of a horse). |
259 > 16 > 7 | - 259 - | 259 = 7x37 |
--- | (819 w/f); pr.n. "Brother Exalted". | |
--- | Lord of Righteousness. | |
--- | (909 w/f); at last. | |
--- | (909 w/f); throat. | |
--- | (909 w/f); throat; to cry with the throat; neck. | |
--- | heap, load. | |
--- | pr.n. "Seeing Alive". | |
--- | pr.n. "Rainy". | |
--- | to keep or watch; to keep anger, to continue angry. |
260 > 8 | - 260 - | 260 = 22x5x13 |
--- | (910 w/f); web. | |
--- | (820 w/f); pr.n. "Hot Places". | |
--- | (910 w/f); an axe. | |
--- | (820 w/f); pr.n. "Who Assembles the People", "People's Existence". | |
--- | pr.n. "Dwelling on High". | |
--- | to glow, burn; to be scorched or swarthy; to plait, weave; an idol-priest; a priest. | |
--- | (820 w/f); to glow; to be bright red; to dig, cultivate; a vineyard; a vine dresser. | |
--- | at a price. | |
--- | to trade or barter, to sell (especially a daughter for marriage price); to deliver over (a people to their foes). | |
--- | ware (article for sale); price or worth; a property or possession. | |
--- | acquaintance. | |
--- | (740 w/f); softness; timidity or fear. | |
--- | light or day. | |
--- | a light. | |
--- | to break up or till. | |
--- | fallow ground; tillage; seed or offspring. | |
--- | a cleft or fissure. | |
--- | refractory, rebellious; sullen, ill humored. | |
--- | (910 w/f); pr. n. "Strong". |
261 > 9 | - 261 - | 261 = 32x29 |
--- | (821 w/f); pr.n. "Two Hills", a city in Judah. | |
--- | (911 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides". | |
--- | to bind together; to fetter, to hold captive; to fasten; to yoke fast, harness. | |
--- | restraint. | |
--- | vow of abstinence; inhibition. | |
--- | prohibition, interdict. | |
--- | (911 w/f); pr.n. "Descender" or "Ruler". | |
--- | (911 w/f); abhorrence; object of horror. | |
--- | (911 w/f); conception. | |
--- | (821 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is High". | |
--- | to come forth from the bowels of --- refers to male role in generation of offspring, evocative of the theory that the seed comes from the male and the female only provides a place for it to mature. This contention is based more on agriculture than biology. | |
--- | pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 266) | |
--- | light. | |
--- | (821 w/f); betrayed by blood. | |
--- | a hill of blood. |
262 > 10 > 1 | - 262 - | 262 = 2x131 |
--- | pr.n. "Promise of Yah"; (256). | |
--- | pr.n. "Joy of Yah"; (266). | |
--- | to condemn; sour, unripe grapes. | |
--- | (912 w/f); ox-goad; goads. | |
--- | pr.n. "Song". | |
--- | (912 w/f); pr.n. "The Chief Ruler". | |
--- | mat or coarse cloth; plated work or grating. | |
--- | a chariot; a carriage-seat. | |
--- | to raise or heap up. | |
--- | to hope or trust. | |
--- | to be refractory or rebellious. | |
--- | rebels. | |
--- | (1562 w/f); eye to eye; an eye for an eye. |
263 > 11 > 2 | - 263 - | 56th prime |
--- | pr.n. "Father is Light". | |
--- | to break or crush. | |
--- | (1383 w/f); the shew-bread. | |
--- | firm of front, impudent. | |
--- | snorting. | |
--- | to cut off or separate; to shut up, keep close; to close. |
264 > 12 > 3 | - 264 - | 264 = 23x3x11 |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Completes"; (258). | |
--- | (914 w/f); pr.n. "Cavernous". | |
--- | (824 w/f & 258/818); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre). | |
--- | (914 w/f); glow, heat; anger; a dry faggot; pr.n. "Hollow-place". | |
--- | a deer, stag, buck. | |
--- | (914 w/f); pr.n. "Descending", the river Jordan. | |
--- | (744 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk. | |
--- | pr. n. "Snorting". | |
--- | to arrange or put in order, to set in a row. | |
--- | to fear or tremble. |
265 > 13 > 4 | - 265 - | 265 = 5x53 |
--- | (915 w/f); latter, later; western. | |
--- | to tear, break, pull down, pull out destroy; break in; pr.n. "Lion" or "Sun". | |
--- | (915 w/f); to escape the eye. | |
--- | (271); pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah. | |
--- | a pit. | |
--- | piercers or stabbers; swords. | |
--- | (915 w/f); over. | |
--- | (745 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk. | |
--- | her fleeings. | |
--- | the light. | |
--- | pr. n. "Lamp of Yah". | |
--- | to be round or circular. | |
--- | roundness. | |
--- | tower, round tower or castle. | |
--- | to join or knit together. | |
--- | a turning away, apostasy or revolt; a leaving off, ceasing. |
266 > 14 > 5 | - 266 - | 266 = 2x7x19 |
--- | pr.n. "Joy of Yah". | |
--- | (826 w/f); young days, youth. | |
--- | (916 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Liberty". | |
--- | (916 w/f); pr.n. "Alliance". | |
--- | (916 w/f); drought, heats. | |
--- | they curse me. | |
--- | pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 261) | |
--- | to turn aside or go off, to depart; to backslide or apostatise; to pass away; to forsake. | |
--- | to pierce, dig or cut into, to hollow out. | |
--- | rejected, put back; banished one; a stray or wild shoot; pr. n. "Tendril" (name of a gate of the Temple). |
267 > 15 > 6 | - 267 - | 267 = 3x89 |
--- | bond, fetter. | |
--- | (827 w/f); pr.n. "Free-born is My Father". | |
--- | pr.n. "Ass Driver". | |
--- | (917 w/f); pr.n. "Dreadful". | |
--- | a chariot; a war chariot. | |
--- | (827 w/f); adulteries. |
268 > 16 > 7 | - 268 - | 268 = 22x67 |
--- | (918 w/f); a burden-stone --- used for gymnastic exercise. | |
--- | smooth; slippery places; flatteries. | |
--- | to be cut off; to be diminished; to fail, to be wanting; to want or lack; lacking, wanting. | |
--- | cave. | |
--- | to be rough; to be scabby; to be tough; sticky; to glow, to shine; the itch; the sun; pr.n. "Place of Clay". | |
--- | pr. n. "Snorer" | |
--- | to go round or about, to traverse; to trade; a trader. | |
--- | to be black or dark color. | |
--- | a mart; trade-gain, profit. | |
--- | to shed or pour out; to lay prostrate; to be redundant, to hand over. | |
--- | to stink, to be corrupt. | |
--- | a superfluity, a remainder. |
269 > 17 > 8 | - 269 - | 57th prime |
--- | (919 w/f); at last. | |
--- | One of the angels said to have imprisoned Lilith beneath the sea. Probably: "Setter of the Mark" | |
--- | enclosure or caul; pericardium; pure or precious; a warlike weapon, battle axe. | |
--- | a den or cage. |
270 > 9 | - 270 - | 270 = 2x33x5 |
--- | the round bowl. | |
--- | to bind, to tame; to correct, chastise. | |
--- | (830 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Possession". | |
--- | (1080 w/f); a smashing-tool, maul (a particular type only); | |
--- | to make a tremulous sound; to trill. | |
--- | pr.n. "Vineyard Man". | |
--- | (920 w/f); Lyre". | |
--- | pr.n. "Trader", "Patron". | |
--- | pr.n. "Precious". | |
--- | to know or recognise; to fail to know, to disown or repudiate; to be known or recognized; to make oneself strange; to feign or dissemble; to recognize or respect; not to know; to deny. | |
--- | to sell or deliver up. | |
--- | strangeness, foreignness. | |
--- | calamity. | |
--- | a pot; thorn or briar; fishing hook. | |
--- | (830 w/f); palm branches. | |
--- | (830 w/f); Anakites. | |
--- | a city. | |
--- | enemy. | |
--- | a caller. | |
--- | skin. |
271 > 9 | - 271 - | 58th prime |
--- | fettered one, prisoner. | |
--- | captive. | |
--- | to flee. | |
--- | the earth; the ground; low, below. | |
--- | (921 w/f); conception, pregnancy. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah. | |
--- | descent, nativity. | |
--- | smitten of spirit, contrite. | |
--- | light, illumination or wisdom. |
272 > 11 > 2 | - 272 - | 272 = 24x17 |
--- | (832 w/f); the strong one, the mighty one, hero, heroes; Lion of God. | |
--- | to browse, to feed upon; to burn up; to be brutish; feed on, consume; destroy; brutishness, stupidity. | |
--- | to make a present; pr.n. "Gift". | |
--- | (832 w/f & 278/838); Cherubim. | |
--- | wealth or abundance. | |
--- | (752 w/f); pr.n. "King of Jacob" --- a term for the deity. | |
--- | to pass over, to cross; to pass or go through; to go past or beyond, to pass away, to vanish or perish; to pass, distil, drop freely. | |
--- | to bear, to be fruitful or pregnant. | |
--- | a region or country beyond (any limit or boundary) --- essentially the English word that transliterates it: OVER as "beyond"; a place over against, opposite side; coast or side.; pr. n. Eber (an ancestor of the Hebrew race). | |
--- | his vessels are full of milk. | |
--- | to bind or combine, to plait or braid, to interweave; to mingle or combine; to exchabte or barter, to traffic; to pledge or pawn; to be or give security. | |
--- | to be or grow dark; evening. | |
--- | to be dry or parched, to be sterile or waste. | |
--- | to be sweet or pleasant. | |
--- | to cry or call, to croak. | |
--- | willows. | |
--- | the gadfly. | |
--- | pr. n. "Waste" or Barren", Arabia. | |
--- | woof or weft (in weaving); a mixed multitude or mass, rabble, riff-raff. | |
--- | evening. | |
--- | a raven, crow. |
273 - 12 > 3 | - 273 - | 273 = 3x7x13 |
--- | four, fourth. | |
--- | pr.n. "A Brand". | |
--- | gematria (Greek: | |
--- | to cry out, call out at, scold, rebuke. | |
--- | to tear, cut off; curtail, restrain, limit, avert (the eyes); to swallow (water); to drink up. | |
--- | pr.n. "Neediness". | |
--- | traffic; merchants. | |
--- | a shield. | |
--- | (833 w/f); calves of the peoples (tribes following leaders). | |
--- | to cry or make a shrill sound, to twitter or chatter. | |
--- | to cry or call, to bray or low; to long or pant. | |
--- | to arrange or lay out. |
274 > 13 > 4 | - 274 - | 274 = 2x137 |
--- | (924 w/f); record, register. | |
--- | to scatter, to sow; arm; pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge". | |
--- | pr. n. "Belonging to Marduk", Mordecai --- Esther's foster-father, who became chief minister of the Persian court. | |
--- | to arrange or marshall; to set in order; to dig or dress; to muster; to miss or find wanting. | |
--- | an array or muster; a herd or drove. | |
--- | pr. n. "Herd". | |
--- | to tremble or fear. | |
--- | pr. n. "Wild Ass". |
275 > 14 > 5 | - 275 - | 275 = 52x11 |
--- | arm; power. | |
--- | (925 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Hero". | |
--- | to be bare or naked. | |
--- | to run or flow | |
--- | cleared or open places, meadows. |
276 > 15 > 6 | - 276 - | 276 = 22x3x23 |
--- | pr.n. "Brilliant". | |
--- | one who turns away from me; corrector, reprover. | |
--- | a harp, lyre. | |
--- | to cry or call; to be astir or awake. | |
--- | to be bare or naked. | |
--- | to dig, to hallow out. | |
--- | to go round, to encircle or enclose. | |
--- | to oppress. | |
--- | to suck. | |
--- | to glow or burn. | |
--- | the skin or hide; leather; the body (as covering for the soul). | |
--- | chaff or hull. | |
--- | blind. |
277 > 16 > 7 | - 277 - | 59th prime |
--- | a burning. | |
--- | a present; in evil, misfortune. | |
--- | to be pressed together; to be small, little. | |
--- | to scatter, spread out, disperse; to sow (seed); sowing, time of sowing; seed, a plantation, crop, grain, produce; posterity; family, race; arm, forearm; shoulder or foreleg; strength, force, might. | |
--- | ferryboat. | |
--- | anger or wrath; pride or insolence. | |
--- | to begird or enclose; to strengthen, to help | |
--- | pr. n. "Help". | |
--- | wilderness or desert. | |
--- | surety or security; pledge or pawn. |
278 > 17 > 8 | - 278 - | 278 = 2x139 |
--- | four. | |
--- | pr.n. "Torch". | |
--- | rebuke. | |
--- | pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge". | |
--- | wanting, deficient. | |
--- | to be cunning. | |
--- | (838 w/f & 272/832); Cherubim --- angelic order associated10 with the 10th Sephira Malkut,(496). | |
--- | produce or grain. | |
--- | a passing over, result; for, on account, for the sake of; because, in order that; while, in passing away. | |
--- | pr. n. "Help", Ezra. | |
Note: 10. G-K p. 92 |
279 > 18 > 9 | - 279 - | 32x31 |
--- | (1649 w/f); he hides himself in the south. | |
--- | chattering or twittering (of the swallow); the swallow, a swift, the crane. | |
--- | embryo or fetus. | |
--- | to surround or encompass. | |
--- | a trembling or fear. |
280 > 10 > 1 | - 280 - | 280 = 23x5x7 |
--- | to make naked, to uncover or expose. | |
--- | (760 w/f); to turn right over. | |
--- | a tearing down, a ruin. | |
--- | to sprout, flourish; a luxuriant spot, a brake, thicket, wood, forest; wild honey. | |
--- | to tremble, to shake. | |
--- | (840 w/f); the crocus, saffron. | |
--- | bitterness or sorrow | |
--- | rattle or cymbal. | |
--- | unknown, alien or foreign; another; strange, marvellous. | |
--- | to shut up. | |
--- | to hire. | |
--- | (760 w/f); chief officer or president. | |
--- | a city, | |
--- | heat; anger. | |
--- | watcher (used for angels). | |
--- | suckling, a young ass, a foal or colt. | |
--- | a wild ass. | |
--- | pr. n. "Watchful". |
281 > 11 > 1 | - 281 - | 60th prime |
--- | (931 w/f); "Daric" --- a Persian coin | |
--- | (1001 w/f); a mixed multitude; the rabble; riff-raff. | |
--- | to break, to crumble or pulverize. | |
--- | to cover. | |
--- | to bear, to carry. | |
--- | ashes; animal ashes. | |
--- | head-cover, cover, turban. | |
--- | the bottom (of a pit). | |
--- | (1001 w/f); to stretch out, lie extended; to knit, plait. | |
--- | a region, expanse. | |
--- | throne. | |
--- | edict, mandate; command. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mamre", "Firmness" --- name of a friend of Abraham and of a place near Hebron | |
--- | pr. n. "Watcher", (a priest of David and 2 of his captains). | |
--- | nakedness; the privy parts, penis, vulva; shame, obscenity or foulness; a blemish; disgrace of ignominy. | |
--- | exposure; damage or injury. |
282 > 12 > 3 | - 282 - | 282 = 2x3x47 |
--- | (842 w/f); pr.n. "Arelim" --- the angelic order11 of the 3rd Sephira Binah, | |
--- | in the blind; cattle. | |
--- | (932 w/f); not anything | |
--- | Hebrew (signifying either "Descended from Eber" or "Emigrant") (used by foreigners or to foreigners; "Israelite" is used by the people among themselves in the Torah). | |
--- | help or aid. | |
--- | enclosure; a court (of the temple); a ledge or terrace (arround the altar). | |
--- | Arab or Arabian. | |
Note: 11. G-K p. 90 |
283 > 13 > 4 | - 283 - | 61st prime |
--- | (933 w/f, 742/1392 & 874/1524); Ark of Jehovah. | |
--- | to bind, to be hard, strong; cypress, gopher-tree. | |
--- | (1003 w/f); to seize, grasp. | |
--- | treasured gold. | |
--- | (933 w/f); memorial; record, account. | |
--- | a seed. | |
--- | pr. n. "Crusher", Nergal, a god of the Cuthites thought to be representative of the planet Mars. | |
--- | (1563 w/f); silver of dross (unrefined silver). | |
--- | pr. n. "Helper". | |
--- | (1493 w/f); pr. n. "Calves' Fount", (well in Moab on east shore of the Dead Sea). |
284 > 14 > 5 | - 284 - | 284 = 22x71 |
--- | the forearm; the arm. | |
--- | pr.n. "Not Compassionated". | |
--- | (1404 w/f); with delights, charmingly. | |
--- | a crown or diadem; a garland or chaplet. | |
--- | pr. n. "Shy". | |
--- | arranged or laid out; a bed or parterre. |
285 > 15 > 6 | - 285 - | 285 = 3x5x19 |
--- | pr.n. "Strong" --- name of cities in Batanea and in Nephtali. | |
--- | pr.n. "Border". | |
--- | the records. | |
--- | pr.n. "Bare"; forest, wild honey, honeycomb. | |
--- | for bitterness | |
--- | deceit or fraud; pr. n. "Fraud". | |
--- | a strange woman (i.e. harlot). | |
--- | a willing or ready spirit; liberal; princely. | |
--- | the city. | |
--- | nakedness. |
286 > 16 > 7 | - 286 - | 286 = 2x11x13 |
--- | (1006 w/f); the rabble. | |
--- | wood; forest; pr.n. "Forester". | |
--- | (846 w/f); a height or elevation; a high place; high rank or condition; highmindedness; haughtily or proudly. | |
--- | pr. n. "Height". | |
--- | pr. n. "Wakeful". |
287 > 17 > 8 | - 287 - | 287 = 7x41 |
--- | (297 & 291); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?) | |
--- | pr.n. "gift". | |
--- | a little; a little while; small, little. | |
--- | to be fragrant. | |
--- | (1007 w/f); to flow, pour. | |
--- | pr.n. "Auxiliary"; (297). | |
--- | a bastard (either born out of wedlock or between a Jew and a gentile); alien. | |
--- | pr. n. "Help of Yah". | |
--- | to act at evening. |
288 > 18 > 9 | - 288 - | 288 = 25x32 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is Help". | |
--- | to cut in, dig; to search out, to spy; to turn red (with shame); to be ashamed; a hole; pr.n. "Blushing", "Pit" or "Well". | |
--- | (1008 w/f); to pull or pluck fruit; to upbraid, reproach; to pass the autumn and winter; pr.n. "ripe"; harvest, autumn (inclusive of winter); maturity. | |
--- | pr.n. "Trusty". | |
--- | storehouse, garner | |
--- | a stone-heap. | |
--- | (848 w/f); since leaving the womb | |
--- | troublesome comforters. |
289 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 289 - | 289 = 172 |
--- | pr.n. "Brother is Bad". | |
--- | the young (of birds); a nestling. | |
--- | to project; to be pointed or sharp; a point, nail; claw, hoof. | |
--- | (1009 w/f); to pluck; to rend, tear in pieces; to be fresh, to sprout forty; to luxuriate; fresh leaf; prey (of wild beasts); food. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Compassionates". | |
--- | (849 w/f); while not yet, before | |
--- | (1099 w/f); one stripped of the shoe (dispossessed of property). |
290 > 11 > 2 | - 290 - | 290 = 2x5x29 |
--- | pr.n. "Father is Help". | |
--- | (1010 w/f); clinched hand, fist; grab, grip; (20). | |
--- | on my account. | |
--- | pr.n. "Hadad is Help". | |
--- | pr.n. "Forester". | |
--- | a garden, orchard; cultivated ground, park; garden-fruits; pr.n. "Carmel". | |
--- | to bow down; the leg (from knee to ankle). | |
--- | higher and higher, above or over; onward or forward. | |
--- | (850 w/f); pr. n. "Rebellion", Miriam or Mary --- name of the prophetess who was the sister of Moses and also of the maternal deity of the Christians. In Greek: | |
--- | spread abroad, diffuse itself; to be changed. | |
--- | to flow, to be limpid or clear. | |
--- | variegate, to be spotted or speckled. | |
--- | a leopard. | |
--- | a sad or grieved spirit. | |
--- | to trouble or disturb. | |
--- | pr. n. "Troubler". | |
--- | (770 w/f); to prepare. | |
--- | an array or row, a pile; preparation or outfit, a suit or set; estimation or value; estimate or price. |
291 > 12 > 3 | - 291 - | 291 = 3x97 |
--- | (297 & 287); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?) | |
--- | pr.n. "The Place of Assyria". | |
--- | to heap together, store up. | |
--- | pr.n. "Treasure". | |
--- | to shine; to guard; to press together; to form. | |
--- | (1101 w/f); to be compact, hard. | |
--- | the earth, the land; planet Earth; material earth; the ground; one's country; field; territory; inhabitants. | |
--- | not at a price, gratis. |
292 > 13 > 4 | - 292 - | 292 = 22x73 |
--- | pr.n. "Firmness". | |
--- | to cut out, off, gather in; to restrain, separate off on all sides; to fortify; fortified, strong; metal, ore, precious metal. | |
--- | pruning knife or hook. | |
--- | to carry or wear. | |
--- | garments, trousers. | |
--- | pr. n. "Help of Yah". | |
--- | mouse, field-mouse. |
293 > 14 > 5 | - 293 - | 62nd prime |
--- | reproach, scorn, contumely; a reproach, an object of reproach; disgrace, shame; parts of shame, penis. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Help". | |
--- | a song or lay, a psalm (heading used for Psalms). |
294 > 15 > 6 | - 294 - | 294 = 2x3x72 |
--- | (944 w/f); web, cloth; purple; purple cloth. | |
--- | (1014 w/f); pr.n. "Early Born". | |
--- | what is torn, cattle torn (by wild beasts); booty. | |
--- | pr.n. "Melchizedek", "King of Righteousness" --- name of the king of Salem, considered also as a metaphor for a good priest. | |
--- | pr. n. "Warrior" or "Rebel", Nimrod. |
295 > 16 > 7 | - 295 - | 295 = 5x59 |
--- | (775 w/f); pr.n. "The King's Majesty"; Adarmelek, a diety of the Sepharvites; the son & murderer of Sennacherib of Assyria. | |
--- | hanging or curtain, tent. | |
--- | a candlestick. | |
--- | pr. n. "Limpid", a city in Gilead. |
296 > 17 > 8 | - 296 - | 296 =23x37 |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of Help". | |
--- | a plow yoke; weaver's beam. | |
--- | (856 w/f); coverlets (for beds). | |
--- | pr. n. "Trouble". |
297 > 18 > 9 | - 297 - | 297 = 33x11 |
--- | (291 & 287); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?) | |
--- | receptacle; granary; treasury; store, stock, treasure. | |
--- | (857 & 95/655); pr.n. "Red Hills". | |
--- | (947 w/f); palace, fortress, citadel. | |
--- | enclosure; sheep-fold; pr.n. "Fortress". | |
--- | (947 w/f); pr.n. "celebrated". | |
--- | (287); pr.n. "Auxiliary". | |
--- | (947 w/f); pr. n. "Fertility". |
298 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 298 - | 298 = 2x149 |
--- | inaccessible, steep; ore. | |
--- | (948 w/f); son(s) of the gods. | |
--- | (948 w/f); pr.n. "Ruddy". | |
--- | to fence around, enclose; to sing, to sound forth bright and clear; to be bright or green, to bloom; court, yard; a village. | |
--- | (1018 w/f); pr.n. "Autumn Rain". | |
--- | (1108 w/f); to cut in, to scratch; to cut to a point, to sharpen; to decide; to gird oneself, to be active; loins; to shine, glitter. | |
--- | pr. n. "Help of Yah". | |
--- | pr. n. "Mouse". |
299 > 20 > 2 | - 299 - | 299 = 13x23 |
--- | (949 w/f); pr.n. "Overthrow". |
אין תגובות:
הוסף רשומת תגובה