
יום שני, 11 במרץ 2019

billheidrick.com 600 a 799

600 > 6600 -600 = 23x3x52
(for entries using finals, see: 120 --- Kaf-finalSamekhMemKaf-finalMemSamekh)
Mem-final---Mem final (See 40).
TawQofNunYodMem---a nurse, wet nurse.
TawAyinPehYodMem---pr.n. "Splendor".
TawYodQofNunMem---sacrificial dish, libation-bowl.
AyinQofShinMem MemYodMem---(1160 w/f); settling of water (cleared water, by standing).
TawTzaddiYodLamedAyin---exultation or rejoicing.
601 > 7601 -110th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 41 --- Mem-finalAleph121 --- Kaf-finalLamedMemLamedAleph)
TawReshAleph---green plants or herbs.
ShinShinAleph---to burn, to glow.
---to make firm; to be strong.
ReshTawAleph---to go about; place; room.
HayYodReshAyinVau MemReshAyin---(1161 w/f); thou wast naked and nakedness.
602 > 8602 -602 = 2x7x43
TawReshBet---to cut, hew.
ShinShinBet---to bring evil on.
ReshTawBet---to cut to pieces, split; after; piece, part.
603 > 9603 -603 = 32x67
(for entries using finals, see: 43 --- Mem-finalGimel)
ReshTawAlephBet---in place of.
ShinShinGimel---to touch, feel; grope for.
ReshTawGimel---pr.n. "Bridge".
604 > 10 > 1604 -604 = 22x151
(for entries using finals, see: 44 --- Mem-finalGimelAlephMem-finalDalet)
TawReshGimelAleph---roll, scroll; letter or epistle.
605 > 11 > 2605 -605 = 5x112
(for entries using finals, see: 45--- Mem-finalDaletAlephMem-finalHay125 --- Kaf-finalYodNunMemHay)
TawReshDaletAleph---luxuriant, mantling, noble; glory.
DaletShinKafPehReshAleph---pr.n. "Chaldean's Land" --- of the 3rd son of Shem.
ReshTawBetGimel---lady, mistress.
606 > 12 > 3606 -606 = 2x3x101
(for entries using finals, see: 126 --- Kaf-finalSamekhVauMem)
TawReshBetDalet---pr.n. "Pasture Land"; a drift, float, raft.
ReshBetTawDalet---one skilled in the law, a judge.
VauYodReshShin-NunMem---(1256 w/f); one of his rulers
TawVauMemTzaddiAyin---entities. (a way of considering the nature of the Sephiroth).
---bones (especially of the dead).
---strong defenses, bulwarks.
607 > 13 > 4607 -111th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 47 --- Mem-finalVauAlephMem-finalHayBet)
TawReshVauAleph---601); green plants or herbs.
TawReshHayBet---white spots (on the skin) --- a symptom of pro-forma "leprosy".
TawReshDaletGimel---a wall.
TawReshZain---the little finger; a span.
ReshTawZain---pr.n. "Star".
HayBetReshMem LamedLamedShin---spoil in plenty.
608 > 14 > 5608 -608 = 25x19
(for entries using finals, see: 48 --- Mem-finalVauBetMem-finalChet)
TawVauReshBet---cypress or pine; nourishment, food.
TawReshChet---to cut in, engrave, inscribe; to shine, glitter; to be green; pr.n. "A Wood" or "A Thicket".
ShinShinChet---to be dry, withered, hard; dry grass; hay.
ReshTawChet---to break through, to break into.
KafYodTawVauBetQofAyin---(1088 w/f); thy foot steps.
ChetReshTaw---to journey or travel.
---pr.n. "Traveller" --- name of Abraham's father and of a station in the Wilderness.
609 > 15 > 6609 -609 = 3x7x29
(for entries using finals, see: 49 --- Mem-finalDaletDaletAlephMem-finalHayDaletMem-finalDaletHay)
TawVauBetReshAleph---pr.n. "Dove Cotes".
TawVauReshAlephBet---pr.n. "Wells".
TawVauReshGimel---place of sojourn, an inn.
HayChetVauNunMem ReshShin---quarter master (in the sense of one who finds and prepares quarters).
610 > 7610 -610 = 2x5x61
(for entries using finals, see: 50 --- Mem-finalTetAlephMem-finalZainGimelMem-finalVauDaletMem-finalYod130 --- Kaf-finalAyinMemKaf-finalSamekhNun)
TawReshBetChet---junction; companion, wife.
QofReshQofReshYod---greenish, yellowish; yellowness (of gold).
ShinShinYod---to be sapless or withered, dry or hard; old, aged, ancient.
ReshTawYod---to fall or run over, to surpass or exceed; to bind or tie; the remainder, the rest; gain, profit; more, further; besides; a cord, string; abundance; abundantly; remainder, residue; excellence; over and above; besides.
ReshShinAyinMem---a tenth or a tithe.
611 > 9611 -611 = 13x47
(for entries using finals, see: 51 --- Mem-finalVauDaletAlephMem-finalYodAlephMem-finalChetGimelMem-finalVauHay131 --- Kaf-finalLamedMemYodLamedAleph)
ShinYodShinAleph---foundation; ruins.
AlephReshTawYod---pr.n. "Excellence".
ReshVauShinAyin LamedBetGimel---ten-stringed lyre.
612 > 9612 -612 = 22x32x17
(for entries using finals, see: 52 --- Mem-finalHayZainMem-finalBetYod)
TawYodReshBet---cutting up (of beasts in sacrifice); contract, covenant; mediator of the covenant; token of the covenant; people of the covenant; agreement; feast; washing soda (alkali, salt of lye).
YodTawReshBet---pr.n. "Wells".
TawVauTzaddiAyinVauMem---counsels, resolutions.
MemBetBetLamedBet TawVauLamedSamekhMem---(1172 w/f); the highways in their heart (description of fondness for a road leading to a place).
613 > 10 > 1613 -112th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 53 --- Mem-finalYodBetAleph)
ReshTawYodBetAleph---pr.n. "Father of Abundance".
YodTawReshAlephBet---I have created --- from R.Dov.Ber.
HayTawVauReshBet---pr.n. "Wells".
TawVauReshDaletGimel---pr.n. "Folds (sheep)".
614 > 11 > 2614 -614 = 2x307
(for entries using finals, see: 54 --- Mem-finalVauChet)
615 > 12 > 3615 -615 = 3x5x41
(for entries using finals, see: 55 --- Mem-finalYodBetGimel)
TawZainVauReshBet---pr.n. "Son of Olives", "Glistening"; "Wounds".
HayReshTawYod---abundance, wealth.
LamedAyin LamedAyinNun KafYodLamedShinHay---(1095 w/f); to throw the shoe upon, to take possession, to occupy.
616 > 13 > 4616 -616 = 23x7x11
(for entries using finals, see: 56 --- Mem-finalZainChetAlephMem-finalHayVauHayMem-finalVauYod136 --- Kaf-finalVauAyinMem)
AlephTawDaletYodReshAleph---pr.n. "Worthy Gift".
ReshTawVauYod---the remainder, the rest; gain, profit; more, further; besides.
ReshVauTawYod---a searching out.
VauReshTawYod---pr.n. "Excellent" --- Moses' father in law.
ChetShinMemMem BetVauReshKaf---cherub of extension, cherub with out-spread wings
MemSamekhVauKaf TawNunMem---(1176 w/f); the portion of their cup --- their portion in life.
MemYodLamedVauTawPehNun---(1176 w/f); wrestlings.
617 > 14 > 5617 -113th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 57 --- Mem-finalTetChet)
TawVauChetNunMemHay YodTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Midst of Resting Places".
ReshSamekhVauMem TetBetShin---the rod of correction.
MemYodTawYodZainHay HayLamedAyinMem---(1177 w/f); pr.n. "Olive Slope", "Mount of Olives".
TawVauQofMemAyin---deep things.
618 > 15 > 6618 -618 = 2x3x103
(for entries using finals, see: 58 --- Mem-finalChetYod)
HayNunGimelAyinTaw NunHayLamedHay---(1268 w/f); will ye therefore reserve yourselves?
619 > 16 > 7619 -114th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 59 --- Mem-finalYodVauGimel139 --- Kaf-finalMemSamekhYodChetAlephVauChetKafNun Kaf-finalLamedHay)
TawYodReshChetAleph---latter time; the future; the end; those who come after, posterity.
NunVauHayTawPehLamedChetMem---(1269 w/f); courses (of the Levites).
620 > 8620 -620 = 22x5x31
(for entries using finals, see: 60 --- Mem-finalAlephYodChetAleph140 --- Kaf-finalYodSamekhNun)
ShinYodShinYod---an old man.
ReshYodTawYod---pr.n. "Excelling"; surpassing, extraordinary.
YodReshTawYod---a cord or string.
TawReshKaf---to cut off; to cut down or fell; to hew down; to cut off, to destroy.
ReshTawKaf---to surround, a crown or diadem --- the name of the first Sephira. Keter (see 1) corresponds1 to the Head of Adam Qadmon 161).
ShinReshPehMem---expanding or sailing (of the clouds).
ShinPehReshMem---a treading; foul or troubled water (as trodden in by cattle).
TetPehShinMemHay MemVauQofMem---(1180 w/f); place of judgment.
MemYodReshShinAyin---(1180 w/f); twenty.
1G-K p. 93
621 > 9621 -621 = 23x23
(for entries using finals, see: 140 --- Kaf-finalNunAyin)
ReshYodTawVauHay---pr.n. "Survivor".
YodReshTawAlephYod---pr.n. "Yah Spies Out.
622 > 10 > 1622 -622 = 2x311
TawVauReshVauChetBet---time of youth, youth.
MemReshZainAyin HayShin---(1182 w/f); a head of the goats (one goat).
623 > 11 > 2623 -623 = 7x89
(for entries using finals, see: 143 --- LamedVauDaletGimelHay Kaf-finalLamedMemHay)
or ReshTzaddiAlephShinLamedBet
---pr.n. "Bel Who is Prince" --- last king of the Chaldeans, "Belshazzar" --- the one with the handwriting on the wall. He is mentioned in the book of Daniel as using the adornments of the sanctuary of the Temple as utensils at a feast.
ShinDaletQof YodReshDaletHay---adornments of the sanctuary.
624 > 12 > 3624 -624 = 24x3x13
ShinAlephResh ZainVauAyinMem---the defense of the head, helmet.
625 > 13 > 4625 -625 = 54
(for entries using finals, see: 65 --- Mem-finalYodAlephDaletVauDalet)
PehTawYodTzaddiMemHay---(1345 w/f); to make come to.
HayPehReshShinMem---burnings (of spices at a funeral, of lime).
626 > 14 > 5626 -626 = 2x313
(for entries using finals, see: 66 --- Mem-finalVauKaf)
MemYodShinReshChet MemKafChet---(1746 w/f); wise in magic arts.
HayYodReshTawAlephYod---pr.n. "Yah Spies Out".
NunVauReshShinAyin---(1276 w/f); tenth part, a tenth.
627 > 15 > 6627 -627 = 3x11x19
TawVauMemQofNun LamedAleph---God of avengings.
MemYodVauLamedHay TawVauTzaddiMem---(1187 w/f); the charge or duty of the Levites.
628 > 16 > 7628 -628 = 22x157
(for entries using finals, see: 68 --- Mem-finalYodYodChetMem-finalKafChet)
TawReshVauKafBet---pr.n. "First Birth".
ReshVauAyin DaletAyinBet ReshVauAyin---skin for skin (i.e. quid pro quo, like for like).
629 > 17 > 8629 -629 = 17x37
630 > 9630 -630 = 2x32x5x7
(for entries using finals, see: 150 --- Kaf-finalPehNun)
YodChet-LamedKafLamed DaletAyinVauMem TawYodBet---"the house of appointment for all living" (the grave).
YodShinYodShinYod---"like an old man".
TawYodReshKaf---pr.n. "Dug" or "Hollowed Out".
YodTawReshKaf---a Cretan, Cypriot; executioner; bodyguards.
MemYodQofTawMemMem---(1190 w/f); sweetnesses or sweet things, sweet drinks
TawQofTzaddiMem---founding or casting; 636).
MemQofNunTawMem---(1190 w/f); revengeful.
MemYodPehReshShin---(1190 w/f); pr.n. "Seraphim" --- angelic order associated2 with the 4th Sephira Chesed, 72(Isa. VI,6)
SamekhMemLamed NunTawNun---(1280 w/f); to lay under tribute-service.
2. K-G p. 91
631 > 10 > 1631 -115th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 71 --- Mem-finalLamedAlephMem-finalAlephYodKafMem-finalAlephLamed)
LamedAlephReshShinYod KafLamedMem---(1111 w/f); pr.n. "King of Israel" --- a term for the deity
HayReshVauTzaddiNun ReshYodAyin---a city of watch (either a well guarded city or one set up for military defense objectives, a strategic garrison town).
632 > 11 > 2632 -632 = 23x79
(for entries using finals, see: 72 --- Mem-finalYodKafBetMem-finalLamedBet)
ReshTzaddiAlephShinTetLamedBet---pr.n. "Bel who is Prince".
633 > 12 > 3633 -633 = 3x211
(for entries using finals, see: 73 --- Mem-finalLamedGimelMem-finalAlephBetLamed)
YodTawAlephTzaddiMem AlephNun-MemAleph---(1193 w/f); if now!, I have found.
634 > 13 > 4634 -634 = 2x317
MemDalet TawMemQofNun---(1194 w/f); avenging of blood.
635 > 14 > 5635 -635 = 5x127
(for entries using finals, see: 75 --- Mem-finalLamedHayMem-finalHayLamed)
ReshChetShin-NunBet LamedLamedYodHay---(1285 w/f); "bright star, son of the morning" --- Is. 14,12; A Babylonian king or Venus as "Lucifer"(For the history of St. Jerome's notorious "mis-translation" that gave rise to the fable of Lucifer as a devil, see the 2001/tlc0301.htm#fob">TLC, March 2001).
MemYodBetGimelAyin ReshYodShin---(1195 w/f); charming song.
QofTawAyin NunYodHay---(1285 w/f); lordly wealth.
636 > 15 > 6636 -636 = 22x3x53
TawQofTzaddiVauMem---founding or casting; 630)
637 > 16 > 7637 -637 = 72x13
(for entries using finals, see: 77 --- Mem-finalLamedVauAleph)
KafShinMem AyinReshZain---(1117 w/f); to draw out seed, to scatter or sow.
MemLamedYodAyin TetVauMemTaw-LamedBet---(1197 w/f); it shall not be moved for ever.
ReshPehAlephVau ReshPehAyin---dust and ashes.
638 > 17 > 8638 -638 = 2x11x29
(for entries using finals, see: 78 --- Mem-finalYodKafChetMem-finalLamedChetMem-finalChetLamed)
ShinChetNun ReshYodAyin---snake city.
639 > 18 > 9639 -639 = 32x71
(for entries using finals, see: 79 --- Mem-finalVauLamedGimelMem-finalAlephLamedChetMem-finalLamedTet)
QofChetReshMem TzaddiReshAleph---(1449 w/f); a distant land.
640 > 10 > 1640 -640 = 27x5
(for entries using finals, see: 80 --- Mem-finalMem160 --- Kaf-finalSamekhMemMem)
TawTzaddiLamedPehMem---terror; an idol (as an object of fear).
TawAyinLamedQofMem---carved work.
ReshQofReshQofMem---a digging-down or overthrow.
ShinShinMem---to touch, feel; to grope, to feel out or explore.
641 > 11 > 2641 -116th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 81 --- Mem-finalLamedYodAlephMem-finalYodLamedAlephMem-finalMemAlephMem-finalAlephMem)
ShinYodAleph ReshAyinMemKaf---according to the room of each; the space available to a man.
642 > 12 > 3642 -642 = 2x3x107
(for entries using finals, see: 82 --- Mem-finalYodBetLamed)
643 > 13 > 4643 -117th prime
(for entries using finals, see: (83 --- Mem-finalYodLamedGimelMem-finalMemGimel)
644 > 14 > 5644 -644 = 22x7x23
(for entries using finals, see: (84 --- Mem-finalYodLamedGimelAlephMem-finalMemDaletMem-finalVauLamedChetMem-finalVauChetLamedMem-finalDaletMem)
TawVauYodReshZainKafAleph---fierceness, horribleness.
QofShinMemReshDalet---to be quick, active pr.n. "Activity" --- Damascus; damask.
645 > 15 > 6645 -645 = 3x5x43
(for entries using finals, see: (85 --- Mem-finalMemHayMem-finalLamedHayYod)
HayQofReshShinMem---pr. n. "Plantation of Noble Vines".
NunYodNunTawHay NunYodAyin---(1945 w/f); pr. n. "The Dragon Well", (near Jerusalem).
646 > 16 > 7646 -646 = 2x17x19
(for entries using finals, see: (86 --- Mem-finalYodHayLamedAlephMem-finalYodLamedBetDaletMem-finalVauMem; (166 --- Kaf-finalLamedMem DaletBetAyin)
NunShinAyin ReshVauKaf---(1296 w/f); pr.n. "Smoking Furnace".
TawReshBetDaletMem---leadings, guidance.
ReshTawVauMem---profit; excellence.
TawVauReshMem---pr. n. "Bitter Springs".
ShinVauShinMem---joy or exultation; object of joy.
TawVauMemLamedAyin-LamedAyin---according to maidens (indicates treble or soprano in singing).
647 > 17 > 8647 -118th prime
(for entries using finals, see: (87 --- Mem-finalYodLamedVauAlephMem-finalMemZainMem-finalYodBetHayLamedMem-finalVauAlephMem)
648 > 18 > 9648 -648 = 23x34
(for entries using finals, see: (88 --- Mem-finalLamedYodChetMem-finalMemChet) TawReshChetMem --- tomorrow.
LamedMemAyinYodShin VauLamedMemAyin-LamedKafBet---in all his toil which he toileth.
649 > 19 > 10 > 1649 -649 = 11x59
(for entries using finals, see: (89 --- Mem-finalDaletMemDaletAlephMem-finalYodAlephLamedChet)
TzaddiReshAleph-YodQofChetReshMem---(1459 w/f); remote parts of earth.
650 > 11 > 2650 -650 = 2x52x13
(for entries using finals, see: (90 --- Mem-finalYodLamedVauAlephGimelMem-finalMemVauDaletMem-finalYodAlephLamedTetMem-finalMemYodMem-finalLamedKafMem-finalYodMem)
TawReshBetChetMem---union, connection (of two things); beam; cramp, iron fastening.
ReshTawYodMem---cord or bowstring.
ReshVauReshDalet ReshMem---free-flowing myrrh (the best sort).
ReshTawNun---to tremble or palpitate.
---to loosen.
---to loose, to fall off.
---natron (the mineral solvent).
651 > 12 > 3651 -651 = 3x7x31
(for entries using finals, see: (91 --- Mem-finalMemVauHayMem-finalAlephNun)
ReshMemTawYodAleph---pr.n. "Palm-coast", "Isle of Palms".
TawReshGimelChetMem---girdle, belt.
MemYodReshTawAleph---(1211 w/f); pr.n. "Places".
652 > 13 > 4652 -652 = 22x163
TawYodBetReshMem---numerousness or multitude; increase (of family), offspring; interest (on money); greatness (of wisdom).
653 > 14 > 5653 -119th prime
TawBetNunReshAleph---a hare.
654 > 15 > 6654 -2x3x109
(for entries using finals, see: (94 --- Mem-finalZainMemZainMem-finalYodTetHayLamed)
MemYodBetResh-TawBet---(1214 w/f); pr.n. "Daughter of Many" --- name of a particular gate.
QofVauChetReshMemLamed-ReshAyin---even to afar.
655 > 16 > 7655 -655 = 5x131
(for entries using finals, see: (95 --- Mem-finalYodMemDaletAlephMem-finalMemYodHayMem-finalNunHayMem-finalHayNun)
656 > 17 > 8656 -656 = 24x41
(for entries using finals, see: (96 --- Mem-finalMemVauYodMem-finalVauYodMemMem-finalVauNun)
TawVauMemReshYod---pr.n. "Height" or "Heights".
TawVauYodReshMem---pr. n. "Rebellions".
YodQofVauReshShinMem---a pipe, flute.
YodNunAyin TawVauNunAyin---cry of the afflicted.
NunVauTawLamedQofAyin---(1306 w/f); winding or tortuous.
657 > 18 > 9657 -657 = 32x73
(for entries using finals, see: (97 --- Mem-finalNunVauAlephMem-finalZainNun)
658 > 19 > 10 > 1658 -658 = 2x7x47
(for entries using finals, see: (98 --- Mem-finalNunChetMem-finalYodChetMemMem-finalChetNun)
NunVauReshTawBet---(1308 w/f); a ravine.
ReshVauShinAyin LamedBetNun---a ten-stringed lyre.
659 > 20 > 2659 -120th prime
(for entries using finals, see: (179 --- YodDaletAyin Kaf-finalDaletAyinAleph)
TawReshChetNunAleph---pr.n. "Panting".
TawVauReshGimelNun---things flowing away or fleeting; things scraped or heaped together.
660 > 12 > 3660 -660 = 22x3x5x11
(for entries using finals, see: (100 --- Mem-finalYodMemYodMem-finalYodLamedKafMem-finalSamekh)
NunReshTawYod---(1310 w/f); pr.n. "excellent".
TawPehNunTzaddiMem---a turban, tiara (of the high priest or a king).
ReshTawSamekh---to cover or close up.
---a covering or veil; a covert or shelter; a hiding place; defense or protection; concealment of secrecy.
MemYodSamekhMem YodReshShin---(1220 w/f); tribute; task-masters.
661 > 13 > 4661 -121st prime
(for entries using finals, see: 101 --- Mem-finalSamekhAlephMem-finalYodAlephLamedKafMem-finalVauHayNun)
ReshTawSamekhAleph---pr.n. "Star", Esther.
KafYodPeh-LamedAyin AyinMemShinYod AlephLamed---(1141 w/f); it shall not be heard on thy mouth.
662 > 14 > 5662 -662 = 2x331
(for entries using finals, see: 102 --- Mem-finalYodNunBet)
663 > 15 > 6663 -663 = 3x13x17
MemYodTawVauReshDaletGimel---(1223 w/f); pr.n. "Two Folds", "Two Pens (sheep)".
HayAlephReshMem TawBetVauTet---good-looking (woman).
664 > 16 > 7664 -664 = 23x83
(for entries using finals, see: 104 --- Mem-finalYodVauChetMemMem-finalDaletSamekh)
665 > 17 > 8665 -665 = 5x7x19
(for entries using finals, see: 105 --- Mem-finalHayMemKaf)
DaletReshVauMem HayShinAyinMem---festoon-work.
HayReshTawSamekh---covering or protection.
666 > 18 > 9666 -666 = 2x32x37
(for entries using finals, see: 106 --- Mem-finalVauNunYod)
TawVauMemYodReshYod---pr.n. "Height" or "Heights".
NunVauReshTawYod---(1316 w/f); excellence; gain, emolument.
ReshVauTawSamekh---pr. n. "Hidden".
667 > 19 > 10 > 1667 -667 = 23x29
668 > 20 > 2668 -
(for entries using finals, see: 108 --- Mem-finalYodNunDaletDaletMem-finalSamekhChetMem-finalYodDaletDaletNun)
TawVauBetKafReshMem---chariots; war chariots.
TawReshChetSamekh---business-skill; black marble (a particular type used in pavements).
669 > 21 > 3669 -3x223
YodTawMem YodReshChetAleph---after how long?
670 > 13 > 4670 -670 = 2x5x67
(for entries using finals, see: 110 --- Mem-finalNunKafMem-finalAyin190 ---Kaf-finalLamedMem LamedAyin)
TawReshNunKaf---676); pr.n. "Harplike".
YodReshTawSamekh---pr. n. "Protection of Yah".
ShinShinAyin---to gnaw or devour.
---to become sapless or dry, to wither or waste away; to grow old.
ReshTawAyin---to burn (incense); to pray or supplicate.
---to be rich, to abound.
---fragrance or perfume; suppliant, worshipper.
---pr. n. "Abundance".
671 > 14 > 5671 -671 = 11x61
(for entries using finals, see: 111 --- Mem-finalYodNunTetBetMem-finalHayVauMemKaf)
MemYodReshTzaddiMem TzaddiReshAleph---(2041 w/f); the land of Egypt.
MemKafTawVauYodHay NunAyinMemLamed---(1881 w/f); in order to your becoming.
HayYodReshKafNun NunVauShinLamed---(1321 w/f); a foreign language (figuratively a harlot's speech).
672 > 15 > 6672 -672 = 25x3x7
TawYodNunReshYodBet---palaces, castles.
MemYodTaw-YodReshDaletChet---(1232 w/f); chambers of death.
TawVauReshVauYodNun---youth, time of youth.
673 > 16 > 7673 -122nd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 113 --- Mem-finalYodAlephBetSamekhMem-finalGimelAyin)
HayTawAleph NunVauAyinMem YodNunDaletAleph---(1287 w/f); "Lord thou art the dwelling place" (PS 90,1) (Interpreted in Bereshith Rabba to signify that the deity includes the manifest universe; but the manifest universe does not include the deity).
674 > 17 > 8674 -674 = 2x337
TawVauSamekhReshChet---a pottery; sunrise.
MemYodReshDaletNun MemLamedShin---(1794 w/f); to perform vows.
675 > 18 > 9675 -675 = 33x52
(for entries using finals, see: 195 --- Kaf-finalLamedHayMem-LamedAyin)
676 > 19 > 10 > 1676 -676 = 22x132
(for entries using finals, see: 116 --- Mem-finalYodLamedVauLamed)
TawVauReshNunKaf---pr.n. "Harplike".
677 > 20 > 2677 -123rd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 117 --- HayVauHayYod Mem-finalAlephNunMem-finalAyinDaletGimelMem-finalAyinZainMem-finalYodTetNunChet)
LamedVauAlephShin YodReshTzaddiMem---straits of Sheol --- perils of death.
678 > 21 > 3678 -678 = 2x3x113
(for entries using finals, see: 118 --- Mem-finalYodLamedLamedChetMem-finalMemChetLamed)
TawYodSamekhReshChet---a pottery; sunrise.
QofTawNunHay AyinGimelNun---scurvy-spot, scorbutic eruption.
TawVauReshBetAyin---passages or fords.
679 > 22 > 4679 -679 = 7x97
(for entries using finals, see: 119 --- Mem-finalAyinTetMem-finalYodTetSamekh)
TawVauLamedGimelReshMem---places at the feet; at the feet.
MemYodReshDaletNun HayShinAyin---(1239 w/f); to perform vows.
680 > 14 > 5680 -680 = 23x5x17
(for entries using finals, see: 120 --- Mem-finalSamekhKafMem-finalYodKafNunMem-finalYodAyin)
HayReshAyinTawHay---to make oneself naked, to expose one's own nakedness or shame.
681 > 15 > 6681 -681 = 2x227
(for entries using finals, see: 121 --- Mem-finalYodAlephLamedMemMem-finalYodAlephKafNunMem-finalDaletAleph-DaletBetAyin)
TawReshPehAleph---pr.n. "Fruitful".
TawVauSamekhYodReshHay---a tearing down, destruction.
HayVauAlephGimel VauMemTawQofNunAyin---pride decks them as a collar.
682 > 16 > 7682 -682 = 2x11x31
(for entries using finals, see: 122 --- Mem-finalYodAyinBet)
ReshHaySamekhHay TawYodBet---the round-house.
683 > 17 > 8683 -124th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 123 --- Mem-finalYodMem LamedBetAleph)
684 > 18 > 9684 -684 = 22x32x19
(for entries using finals, see: 124 --- Mem-finalYodGimelMemLamedAlephMem-finalYodBetYodBetSamekh)
685 > 19 > 10 > 1685 -685 = 5x137
(for entries using finals, see: 125 --- Mem-finalYodBetGimelAyin205 --- Kaf-finalPehKafPehHay)
TawVauReshTetAyin---pr. n. "Crowns".
686 > 20 > 2686 -686 = 2x73
(for entries using finals, see: 126 --- Mem-finalKafVauMemKaf)
TawVauMemReshMem---pr. n. "Heights".
HayMemLamedShinKaf ReshVauAleph HayTetAyin---putting on light as the robe.
ChetChetYodNun TawYodResh---the odour of pleasantness (an agreeable smell).
687 > 21 > 3687 -687 = 3x229
(for entries using finals, see: 127 --- Mem-finalYodAlephVauLamedMem)
688 > 22 > 4688 -688 = 24x43
MemTawReshChetMem---(1248 w/f); on the morrow.
TawReshChetMemMem---on the following day
689 > 23 > 5689 -689 = 13x53
(for entries using finals, see: 129 --- Mem-finalTetYodAyin)
TawVauReshGimelMemMem---storehouses or garners
MemYodQofChetReshMem TzaddiReshAleph---(2059 w/f); a far off land.
ShinDaletQofHay ReshYodAyin---the holy city.
690 > 15 > 6690 -690 = 2x3x5x23
(for entries using finals, see: 130 --- Mem-finalYodMemVauGimelLamedAlephMem-finalKafLamedMemMem-finalLamedSamekhMem-finalYodYodAyin210 --- Kaf-finalYodPeh-LamedAyinKaf-finalLamedMemNunAyin)
ChetLamedMem TawYodReshBet---the covenant of salt --- salt taken as a symbol or pledge of inviolable amity; always used in the sacrifices.
TawLamedKafReshMem---a market or fair.
691 > 16 > 7691 -125th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 131 --- Mem-finalNunMemAlephMem-finalTzaddiAleph)
ReshShinAleph NunAyinMemLamed---(1341 w/f); so that.
HayBetYodTawNun KafReshDalet---(1171 w/f); a well-trodden way.
692 > 17 > 8692 -692 = 22x173
(for entries using finals, see: 132 --- Mem-finalYod-YodKafBetNun)
TawReshTzaddiBet---a cutting off (of rain); drought.
LamedVauShinKafMem ReshVauTzaddi---a rock (or stone) of stumbling; an occasion of a fall or harm.
MemTawYodBetReshMem---(1252 w/f); their multitude; the greater part of them.
693 > 18 > 9693 -693 32x7x11
(for entries using finals, see: 133 --- ChetLamedMemHay Mem-finalYodMem-finalYodDaletAyin DaletGimelBet)
MemYodNunPehReshDaletShinChetAleph---(1253 w/f); satraps or viceroys; king's court-guardian.
TawYodReshPehGimel---resin of the gopher tree, pitch; sulfur, brimstone.
TawVauReshMemZainMem---pruning knives or hooks.
694 > 19 > 10 > 1694 -694 = 2x347
(for entries using finals, see: 134 --- Mem-finalPehVauChetMem-finalYodDaletMemMem)
YodDalet TawReshBetDalet-DaletAyin---for purpose that.
695 > 20 > 2695 -695 = 5x139
696 > 21 > 3696 -696 = 23x3x29
TawVauAyinYodReshYod---pr.n. "Curtains".
TawVauNunReshMem---pr. n. "Fertile", Meronoth --- name of an unknown place. Possibly used by Joseph Smith as basis for the name of the Mormon Angel.
697 > 22 > 4697 -697 = 17x41
MemYodHayLamedAleph TawAlephReshYod---(1257 w/f); fear of God; religion; godliness.
698 > 23 > 5698 -698 = 2x349
(for entries using finals, see: 138 --- Mem-finalYodPehChetMem-finalChetNunMem)
699 > 24 > 6699 -699 = 2x233
700 > 7700 -700 = 22x52x7
(for entries using finals, see: 140 --- Mem-finalAyinLamedMem-finalYodMemYodMemMem-finalYodNunMemMem-finalYodNunMemMem-finalMemSamekhMem-finalLamedAyinMem-finalLamedAyin;
191 --- AlephYodKafLamedMem Kaf-finalLamedMem)
Nun-final---Nun final (see 50).
TawReshPehKaf---a cover (the lid of the Ark), the Mercy Seat (that part on the lid of the Ark which is between the two Cherubim --- sometimes taken to be depictions of Isis and Nephythis. Mercy is granted when the wings of the Cherubim point toward the Mercy Seat, tribulation or danger in varying degrees otherwise. There are various theories intended to account for the motion of the figures, including static electricity; but possibly the High Priest just gave the two figures a "spin" when he entered the Holy of Holies once a year, and took an omen from the final configuration. In support of the static electricity theory, the Ark was constructed somewhat along the lines of a very large condenser or Lyden bottle. In a very still room, like the Holy of Holies, a considerable charge could build up. Damp or dry conditions would influence the position of the wings through leakage or retention of the charge. When charged, the wings would naturally not point at the mercy seat unless they were discharged by being touched. The date of the visitation by the High Priest may have been established for optimum moisture conditions. Mechanical devices using air, weights and water were common in antiquity to add a bit of Barnum to temples. Hero of Alexandria describes many such devices, including coin operated oracles, temple doors, automata and self igniting altars. The existence of a relic of an electrical storage battery at Babylon would suggest that electrical effects were also used.), the propitiary.
ReshTawPehKaf---a knop or chaplet; the crown or capital (of a column); a circlet or knop (of a candelabrum); pr.n. "Crete" or "Cyprus". --- see ReshTawKaf 620
TawReshMemKafMem---a fish net or seine, drag net.
TawReshSamekhMem---a band or bond.
ReshTawSamekhMem---a hiding-place; a lair, den
---a hiding, averting (of the face).
701 > 8701 -126th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 51 --- Nun-finalAleph221 --- Kaf-finalReshAleph)
TawVauReshHayNunMem---riverbeds or channels; clefts or dens.
702 > 9702 -702 = 2x32x13
(for entries using finals, see: 52--- Nun-finalBet142 --- Mem-finalAyinLamedBet222 --- Kaf-finalReshBet)
TawReshQofBet---scrutiny; animadversion, chastisement.
TawShinBet---shame --- a contemptuous word for idols.
703 > 10 > 1703 -703 = 19x37
(for entries using finals, see: 53--- Nun-finalBetAlephNun-finalGimel223 --- Kaf-finalReshBetAleph)
NunYodNunPehReshDaletShinChetAleph---(1353 w/f); satraps or viceroys; kings court-guardian.
TawShinGimel---to touch, come close, approach; draw back, give place.
TawReshGimelSamekhMem---a stronghold (as enclosing); a border or margin; an enclosure or panel (especially a sort of ornament on the laver-stands.)
704 > 11 > 2704 -704 = 26x11
(for entries using finals, see: 54 --- Nun-finalGimelAlephNun-finalDalet144 --- Mem-finalLamedDaletAyinMem-finalYodZainAyin YodDaletGimel224 --- Kaf-finalReshDalet)
LamedAyinVauShin ReshTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Jackal-village".
TawVauReshTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Villages".
705 > 12 > 3705 -705 = 3x5x47
(for entries using finals, see: 55 --- Nun-finalDaletAlephNun-finalBetGimelNun-finalHay)
TawDaletShinAleph---declivity, sloping descent.
706 > 13 > 4706 -706 = 2x353
(for entries using finals, see: 56 --- Nun-finalDaletBet146 --- Mem-finalLamedVauAyin)
TawShinBetDalet---lump of fat, camel's hump.
ReshVauTawPehKaf---a knop or chaplet; the crown or capital (of a column); a circlet or knop (of a candelabrum); pr.n. "Crete, Cyprus.
ReshVauTawSamekhMem---a hiding-place, refuge.
TawVauAyinTzaddiQofMem---chisels or gouges.
707 > 14 > 5707 -707 = 7x101
(for entries using finals, see: 57 --- Nun-finalDaletBetAlephNun-finalVauAlephNun-finalHayBetNun-finalGimelDaletNun-finalBetHayNun-finalZain147 --- Mem-finalYodChetPehTet227 --- Kaf-finalDaletAlephReshBet)
HayTawBetShin---her sabbath.
708 > 15 > 6708 -708 = 22x3x59
(for entries using finals, see: 58 --- Nun-finalZainAlephNun-finalVauBetNun-finalDaletDaletNun-finalGimelHayNun-finalChet;
148 --- Mem-finalYodHayLamedAleph YodNunBetMem-finalYodNunZainAlephMemMem-finalYodNunVauBetMemMem-finalYodNunChetMem228 --- Kaf-finalVauReshBetKaf-finalReshChet)
709 > 16 > 7709 -127th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 59 --- Nun-finalVauGimelNun-finalBetZain)
710 > 8710 -710 = 2x5x71
(for entries using finals, see: 60 --- Nun-finalTetAlephNun-finalChetBetNun-finalVauAlephGimelNun-finalVauDalet150 --- Mem-finalLamedAyinYodMem-finalYodMemSamekhMem-finalLamedYodAyin230 --- Kaf-finalReshYod)
TawReshAyinMem---pr.n. "A Bare Spot" --- of a place in Judah.
711 > 9711 -711 = 32x79
(for entries using finals, see: 61 --- Nun-finalVauDaletAlephNun-finalBetChetAlephNun-finalYodAlephNun-finalTetBetNun-finalChetGimelNun-finalVauHay151 --- Mem-finalAyinYodLamedAleph)
LamedAleph MemYodNunPeh NunTawNun---(1921 w/f); to turn the face towards.
712 > 10 > 1712 -712 = 23x89
(for entries using finals, see: 62 --- Nun-finalYodBetNun-finalChetDaletNun-finalBetYod152 --- Mem-finalAyinLamedBetYodHayZainHay Mem-finalVauYodHay DaletAyinVauChetVauYod Mem-finalYodAyinBet;
232 --- Kaf-finalReshDaletChet)
TawShinBetYod---the dry land; the world.
TawVauReshSamekhVauMem---bands or bonds; pr.n. "Correction" (feminine)(356/916).
TawReshBetAyinMem---a ford; a mountain-pass or gorge.
713 > 11 > 2713 -713 = 23x31
(for entries using finals, see: 63 --- Nun-finalVauDaletBetAlephNun-finalGimelYodNun-finalVauBetAlephDaletNun-finalVauGimelDalet153 --- Mem-finalYodNunGimelNunMem-finalYodLamedGimelAyin)
TawAyinReshGimelMem---a cutting off or diminution.
714 > 12 > 3714 -714 = 2x3x7xs17
(for entries using finals, see: 64 --- Nun-finalYodDalet154 --- Mem-finalVauSamekhChetMem234 --- Kaf-finalYodReshDalet)
715 > 13 > 4715 -715 = 5x11x13
(for entries using finals, see: 65 --- Nun-finalYodDaletAlephDaletDaletHay-Nun-finalBetNun-finalYodHayNun-finalVauTet155 --- Mem-finalQofYodDaletAleph)
ReshKafNun TawMemDaletAleph---a foreign land.
HayPehShin YodQofMemAyin MemAyin---(1275 w/f); a people deep of lip (hard to understand).
716 > 14 > 5716 -716 = 22x179
(for entries using finals, see: 66 --- Nun-finalVauTetAlephNun-finalVauChetBetNun-finalZainVauGimelNun-finalVauYod156 --- Mem-finalVauQofYodMem-finalVauLamedYodAyin)
YodTawShinVau---pr.n. "A Beauty".
VauYodReshTawSamekhMem---hidden (private) places.
TawVauReshAyinMem---open spaces (about a camp).
717 > 15 > 6717 -717 = 3x239
(for entries using finals, see: 67 --- Nun-finalDaletYodBetAlephNun-finalVauChetGimelNun-finalYodZainNun-finalVauDaletZainNun-finalChetTetNun-finalZainYod237 --- Kaf-finalVauYodReshAleph)
HayShinQofBetShinYod---pr.n. "Seat of Hardship".
718 > 16 > 7718 -718 = 2x239
(for entries using finals, see: 68 --- Nun-finalYodGimelHayNun-finalYodChet158 --- Mem-finalYodQofZainAleph)
719 > 17 > 8719 -128th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 69 --- Nun-finalVauYodBetAlephNun-finalYodChetAlephNun-finalYodTetNun-finalVauGimelYod159 --- Mem-finalQofYodChetAlephMem-finalAyinTetMem)
TetPehShinMem KafReshAyin---(1199 w/f); to set forth a cause.
720 > 9720 -720 = 24x32x5
(for entries using finals, see: 70 --- Nun-finalYodChetBetNun-finalVauYodAlephGimelNun-finalVauDaletYodNun-finalYodYodNun-finalKaf160 --- Mem-finalYodQofYodMem-finalAyinNunMem-finalHayYodLamedAleph-DaletAyinMem-finalNunAyin;
240 --- Kaf-finalReshKaf)
MemAyinReshTawYod---(1280 w/f); pr.n. "Residue of the People".
ShinTawKaf---to pound, bray, smash.
TawYodAyinReshMem---a pasturing or feeding; a flock (as fed or pastured).
TawReshAyinNun---tow (loose fiber, as that shaken off from flax).
NunYodTzaddiQof TawAyin---(1370 w/f); pr. n. "Time of a Judge".
721 > 10 > 1721 -721 = 7x103
(for entries using finals, see: 71 --- Nun-finalKafAlephNun-finalVauZainChet161 --- HayAlephLamedYodAyin Mem-finalDaletAleph)
HayTawDaletChet ReshVauTzaddiChet---pr.n. "New Castle".
HayLamedYodLamedHay TawAlephReshMem---night-visions.
SamekhSamekhVauNunTawHayLamed SamekhNun---thou hast given a standard to be lifted up or displayed.
MemYodPehDaletReshHay VauBetShin-DaletAyin---(1281 w/f); till the pursuers returned.
722 > 11 > 2722 -722 = 2x192
(for entries using finals, see: 72 --- Nun-finalVauYodBetDaletNun-finalVauBetYodDaletNun-finalYodBetYodNun-finalBetKaf)
723 > 12 > 3723 -723 = 3x241
(for entries using finals, see: 73 --- Nun-finalVauChetTet163 --- Mem-finalYodNunVauNunZain)
724 > 13 > 4724 -724 = 22x181
(for entries using finals, see: 74 --- Nun-finalKafDaletNun-finalVauYodGimelHay)
725 > 14 > 5725 -725 = 52x29
(for entries using finals, see: 75 --- Nun-finalVauYodZainBetNun-finalVauChetTetBetNun-finalHayKaf)
726 > 15 > 6726 -726 = 2x3x112
(for entries using finals, see: 76 --- Nun-finalVauYodBetChetNun-finalVauKaf166 --- Mem-finalYodQofVauYod)
727 > 16 > 7727 -129th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 77 --- Nun-finalVauChetYodGimelNun-finalVauDaletYodZain167 --- Mem-finalYodQofYodZainMem-finalYodZainYodLamedAyin)
BetReshAyinVau ReshQofBet YodAlephTzaddiVauMem---the ports of morning and evening (east and west as connected with the rising and setting of the sun).
VauTawAyinBet ReshTetMem---rain in its season.
MemHayYodReshBetAyin YodNunShinMem---(1287 w/f); on both of their sides.
HayNunVauShinAlephResh HayDaletVauQofNun---pr.n. "The Primordial Point" --- an alternate name of the 1st Sephira Keter TawReshKaf (620). Especially signifies the instant of emanation before which there was no revelation.
728 > 17 > 8728 -728 = 23x7x13
(for entries using finals, see: 78 --- Nun-finalVauBetKaf)
729 > 18 > 9729 -729 = 36
(for entries using finals, see: 169 --- Mem-finalYodTetAyinMem)
730 > 10 > 1730 -730 = 2x5x73
(for entries using finals, see: 170 --- Mem-finalQofLamedMem-finalYodPehMemMem-finalYodNunAyin)
TawKafReshAyinMem---a row or pile (of loaves).
731 > 11 > 2731 -731 = 17x43
(for entries using finals, see: 81 --- Nun-finalLamedAlephNun-finalVauYodZainChet171 --- Mem-finalAyinYodNunAleph)
TawAlephReshQofLamed---for encountering, meeting with.
732 > 12 > 3732 -732 = 22x3x61
(for entries using finals, see: 82 --- Nun-finalBetLamed172 --- Mem-finalYodBetNunAyin)
LamedAlephTawShinAleph---pr.n. "Hallow-way"; "Woman of God".
733 > 13 > 4733 -130th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 173 --- Mem-finalAyinNunYodBetAleph)
HayReshVauVauHay AlephShinYodResh---pr.n. "The White Head" --- an alternate title of the 1st Sephira Keter,
TawReshKaf (620).
734 > 14 > 5734 -734 = 2x367
HayYodVauChetTawShinHay---prostration (in worship).
BetBetLamed TawLamedReshAyin---foreskin of the heart (moral insensibility).
735 > 15 > 6735 -735 = 3x5x72
(for entries using finals, see: 85 --- Nun-finalHayLamed)
YodTawYodMemAyin ReshBetGimel---man of my fellowship (companion).
736 > 16 > 7736 -736 = 25x23
(for entries using finals, see: 86 --- Nun-finalVauYodKafNun-finalVauLamed176 --- Mem-finalYodQofYodVauYodMem-finalVauQofLamedMem-finalVauYod DaletAyinVauMem)
TawDaletAyinHay NunVauReshAleph---(1386 w/f); ark of the law.
TawYodShinVauKaf---feminine Cushite, Ehiopian; pr.n. "Swarthy".
TawVauKafReshAyinMem---ranks (of an army in battle position).
737 > 17 > 8737 -737 = 11x67
(for entries using finals, see: 87 --- Nun-finalVauLamedAlephNun-finalDaletAlephLamedBetNun-finalHayLamedBet177 --- Mem-finalVauQofLamedAleph)
738 > 18 > 9738 -738 = 2x32x41
(for entries using finals, see: 88 --- Nun-finalLamedChetNun-finalChetLamed178 ---Mem-finalYodHay ZainVauAyinMem)
739 > 19 > 10 > 1739 -131st prime
(for entries using finals, see: 89 --- Nun-finalLamedVauGimelNun-finalVauLamedGimel179 --- Mem-finalAyinNunYodChetAlephMem-finalYodAyinTetNun)
740 > 11 > 2740 -740 = 22x5x37
(for entries using finals, see: 90 --- Nun-finalYodKafYodNun-finalVauDaletYodKafNun-finalYodLamedNun-finalMem180 --- Mem-finalQofMemMem-finalYodAlephYodBetNunHay YodNunBetMem-finalYodNunYodAyin;
260 --- Kaf-finalReshMem)
TawReshMemSamekhMem---a nail.
TawYodReshTzaddiMem---an Egyptian.
ReshVauDalet TawPehNun---the Height of Dor.
TawReshPehSamekh---pr. n. "Scribe".
TawReshKafAyinNun---being troubled.
741 > 12 > 3741 -741 = 3x13x19
(for entries using finals, see: 91 --- Nun-finalLamedYodAlephNun-finalYodLamedAlephNun-finalMemAlephNun-finalAlephMem181 --- Mem-finalYodNunPehAlephMem-finalYodQofYodVauHayYodMem-finalYodPehAlephNun)
TawAlephShinMem---lifting up (of the hands); rising up (of smoke); bearing (of reproach); a signal; a gift or present; tribute.
742 > 13 > 4742 -742 = 2x7x53
TawVauDaletAyinHay NunVauReshAleph---(1392 w/f)(283/933 & 874/1524); the Ark of the Law or Testimony.
TawMemShinBet---pr.n. "Fragrance".
TawBetShinMem---rest or cessation, sabbath.
743 > 14 > 5743 -132nd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 93 --- Nun-finalGimelMem)
744 > 15 > 6744 -23x3x31
(for entries using finals, see: 94 -- Nun-finalMemDaletNun-finalVauLamedChet184 --- Mem-finalDaletQofMem)
TawVauMemReshTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Village of Death".
745 > 16 > 7745 -745 = 5x149
(for entries using finals, see: 95 --- Nun-finalMemHayNun-finalLamedVauBetZainNun-finalVauLamedBetZainNun-finalTetVauLamed185 --- Mem-finalYodNunVauBetZainAyin265 --- Kaf-finalDaletAlephReshMem)
ShinDaletQof AlephReshQofMem---a holy convocation.
HayTawShinMem---a drinking; drink; a banquet.
746 > 17 > 8746 -746 = 2x373
(for entries using finals, see: 96 --- LamedZainAlephHay Nun-finalBetAlephNun-finalVauBetLamedChetNun-finalVauLamedYodNun-finalVauMem186 --- Mem-finalVauQofMemMem-finalLamedVauAyinMemMem-finalVauQofMem)
HayMemTawShinAleph---(817); pr.n. "Renowned".
ReshVauDalet TawVauPehNun---the Height of Dor.
TawVauSamekhYodReshAyin---grits or groats, coarse meal.
747 > 18 > 9747 -747 = 32x83
(for entries using finals, see: 97 --- Nun-finalVauLamedYodAlephNun-finalVauMemAlephNun-finalMemZain187 --- Mem-finalYodNunPehVauAleph)
ReshVauMemHay ReshVauReshTzaddi---the myrrh-bag (used for sent).
HayTawBetShinMem---her rests (her ruin --- a statement of derision punning "her sabbath").
748 > 19 > 10 > 1748 -748 = 22x11x17
(for entries using finals, see: 98 --- Nun-finalLamedYodChetNun-finalMemChet)
TawChetQofReshMem---unguent; perfumer's art, perfumery.
HayChetShinMemHay NunMemShin---(1398 w/f); the anointing-oil.
---a marring or disfigurement.
---defacement or blemish.
749 > 20 > 2749 -749 = 7x107
(for entries using finals, see: 99 --- Nun-finalVauYodLamedGimelNun-finalMemTet)
TawReshTetQofMem---a censer.
750 > 12 > 3750 -750 = 2x3x53
(for entries using finals, see: 100 --- Nun-finalVauMemGimelAlephLamedYodChet-Nun-finalBetNun-finalMemYodNun-finalKafLamedNun-finalVauDaletMemNun-finalYodMem190 --- Mem-finalQofNun)
TawBetShinChetMem---engineering work; skillful work.
PehSamekhKaf TawNunQofMem---(1470 w/f); the purchase of money (e.g. a slave).
YodTawShinMem---a banquet.
TawShinNun---to become dry or parched; to fail.
ShinTawNun---to pluck or root up, to extirpate, to rase.
---to become dry.
751 > 13 > 4751 -133rd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 101 --- Nun-finalNunAlephNun-finalVauMemHayNun-finalVauLamedVauBetZain191 --- Mem-finalAyinNunLamedAlephMem-finalYodQofYodLamedAlephMem-finalVauQofMemHayMem-finalKafAlephTzaddiMem)
TawAlephShinNun---a present or gift.
752 > 14 > 5752 -752 = 24x47
(for entries using finals, see: 102 --- Nun-finalDaletMemChet272 --- BetQofAyinYod Kaf-finalLamedMem)
753 > 15 > 6753 -753 = 3x251
(for entries using finals, see: 103 --- Nun-finalNunGimelNun-finalVauDaletGimelMemNun-finalVauZainMemNun-finalGimelNun)
TawVauQofReshZainMem---sacrificial bowls.
TawVauAlephVauShinMem---desolations or ruins.
754 > 16 > 7754 -754 = 2x13x29
(for entries using finals, see: 104 --- Nun-finalYodMemDaletNun-finalNunDaletNun-finalVauMemChetYodDalet-Nun-finalMemNun-finalDaletNun)
755 > 17 > 8755 -755 = 5x151
(for entries using finals, see: 105 --- Nun-finalNunBetGimelNun-finalMemYodHayNun-finalNunHay)
PehReshAyin HayShinQof---(1475 w/f); hard of neck, stubborn.
756 > 18 > 9756 -756 = 22x33x7
(for entries using finals, see: 106 --- Nun-finalYodKafYodVauYodNun-finalVauNun196 --- Mem-finalYodAyinVauAyinMem-finalYodMemVauLamedAyin)
TawVauReshYodPehSamekh---Sephiroth, intelligences or numbers. (see 335HayReshYodPehSamekh, the singular form, for a discussion of the sense of the word.) (Term used collectively for the ten emanations of the Tree of Life).
757 > 19 > 10 > 1757 -134th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 107 --- Nun-finalNunVauAlephNun-finalVauNunAlephNun-finalNunZain))
NunVauTawShinAleph---(1407 w/f); pr.n. "Uxorious".
TawVauMem-ShinYodAleph---of worthy of death; a deadly disease, pestilence.
758 > 20 > 2758 -758 = 2x379
(for entries using finals, see: 108 --- Nun-finalNunChet198 --- Mem-finalAlephNun VauMemAlephNunYod)
TawYodShinMemChet---(358368768); fifth, a fifth part.
TawYodChetShinMem---a destroyer, an ambush (said of troops); destruction.
TawShinChetNun---copper or bronze; worthlessness (figurative meaning relative to gold); a copper thing or article; money; a chain or fetter.
759 > 21 > 3759 -759 = 3x11x23
(for entries using finals, see: 109 --- Nun-finalMemYodChetAleph)
AlephTawShinChetNun---pr. n. "Bronze".
760 > 13 > 4760 -760 = 23x5x19
(for entries using finals, see: 110 --- Nun-finalVauMemYodDaletNun-finalYodMemYodNun-finalMemKafNun-finalYodNun;
200 --- Mem-finalAyinNunMemMem-finalYodLamedAyinNunMem-finalAyinLamedSamekhMem-finalYodSamekhKafAyinMem-finalYodMemMemAyinMem-finalTzaddiAyin280 --- HayLamedAyinMemLamed Kaf-finalPehHayKaf-finalReshSamekh)
ShinYodLamedTawKaf---pr.n. "Fortified".
ShinTawKafMem---a mortar; socket (of a tooth); pr.n. "A Hollow" --- name of a valley near Jerusalem.
TawReshTzaddiAyin---an assembly or crowd; a religious assembly, a feast or festival (especially the 7th day of Passover or the 8th of the feast of Tabernacles).
761 > 14 > 5761 -135th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 111 --- Nun-finalYodNunAlephNun-finalAlephSamekh201 --- Mem-finalYodAlephPehAyin)
762 > 15 > 6762 -762 = 2x3x127
(for entries using finals, see: 112 --- Nun-finalYodNunBet202 --- Mem-finalYodBetQofNun)
HayVauHayYod YodPeh-TawAleph HayReshMem---to spurn the mouth of Yahweh (break his commandment).
AlephShinDalet TawVauAlephNun---meadows of young grass.
MemYodShinAyin HayMemHay MemHayYodPehBet MemYodBetGimelAyin-YodKaf---(2442 w/f); for they are making (avowing) love with their mouth.
763 > 16 > 7763 -763 = 7x109
(for entries using finals, see: 113 --- Nun-finalGimelSamekh)
764 > 17 > 8764 -764 = 22x191
(for entries using finals, see: 114 --- Nun-finalVauNunChetNun-finalDaletSamekh)
765 > 18 > 9765 -765 = 32x5x17
(for entries using finals, see: 115 --- Nun-finalHayMemKaf205 --- Mem-finalQofYodNunDaletAleph)
766 > 19 > 10 > 1766 -766 = 2x383
(for entries using finals, see: 116 --- Nun-finalVauYodLamedKafNun-finalVauMemKafNun-finalVauKafMemNun-finalVauSamekh206 --- Mem-finalDaletQof-YodNunBetMem-finalVauTzaddiAyin)
TawKafShinVauMem---bands or ropes.
PehAleph MemYodTetPehShinMem ReshBetDalet---(2046 w/f); to litigate.
767 > 20 > 2767 -767 = 13x59
(for entries using finals, see: 117 --- Nun-finalVauSamekhAlephNun-finalVauAlephSamekh207 --- Mem-finalYodNunQofZain)
768 > 21 > 3768 -768 = 28x3
(for entries using finals, see: 118 --- Nun-finalSamekhChet208 --- YodNunAyin Mem-finalChetLamed)
TawYodShinYodMemChet---(358368758); fifth, fifth part.
769 > 22 > 4769 -136th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 119 --- YodNunVauAleph-Nun-finalBet209 ---Mem-finalYodZainAyinMem HayVauLamedAleph)
770 > 14 > 5770 -770 = 2x5x7x11
(for entries using finals, see: 120 --- Nun-finalNunKafNun-finalMemLamedNun-finalYodSamekh210 --- Mem-finalTzaddiPehMem-finalYodMemNunAyinMem-finalYodTzaddiAyin290 --- Kaf-finalReshAyin)
TawYodKafShinMem---an image or figure; an imagination.
ShinMemShin NunYodAyin---(1420 w/f); pr. n. "Sun Fount", (well on the confines of Judah and Benjamine).
TawShinAyin---to form; to think.
---to shine, to be right or fair.
---device, artificial work.
---think or plan.
771 > 15 > 6771 -771 = 3x257
(for entries using finals, see: 121 --- Nun-finalMemLamedAlephBetDaletNunYodBetAleph-Nun-finalBet)
TawDaletLamedVauMem TzaddiReshAleph---(1581 w/f); native country.
AlephShinMem ShinPehNun---the soul's burden.
772 > 16 > 7772 -772 = 22x193
(for entries using finals, see: 122 --- Nun-finalAyinBetNun-finalBetLamedMem)
TawLamedShinBetMem---hearths, boiling places.
BetLamed-TawReshTzaddiNun---hidden or subtle of heart.
773 > 17 > 8773 -137th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 123 --- Nun-finalGimelAyin)
774 > 18 > 9774 -774 = 2x32x43
(for entries using finals, see: 124 --- DaletSamekhChet-Nun-finalBetNun-finalVauSamekhChetNun-finalNunChetVauYodNun-finalYodDaletSamekhNun-finalDaletAyin214 --- Mem-finalYodNunDaletAyinMem)
AyinBetShin-TawBet---pr.n. "Daughter of Oath", Bath-Sheba --- mother of Solomon.
775 > 19 > 10 > 1775 -775 = 52x31
(for entries using finals, see: 295 --- Kaf-finalLamedMemReshDaletAleph)
TawVauShinYodTetNun---tendrils or twigs.
776 > 20 > 2776 -776 = 23x97
(for entries using finals, see: 126 --- Nun-finalVauLamedMemNun-finalVauKafNunNun-finalVauYodSamekhNun-finalVauAyin)
TawVauShinAyin---wrought or prepared.
QofTawAyin ReshBetDalet---to speak wantonness.
777 > 21 > 3777 -777 = 3x7x37
(for entries using finals, see: 127 --- Nun-finalYodTetNunChetNun-finalZainAyin)
LamedAlephShinVauTawMem---pr. n. "Man of Prayer".
778 > 22 > 4778 -778 = 2x389
(for entries using finals, see: 128 --- Nun-finalYodSamekhChet218 --- Mem-finalYodYodDaletAyin YodDaletAyin)
AyinVauShin-TawBet---pr.n. "Daughter of Oath", Bath-Sheba --- mother of Solomon.
TawChetLamedShinMem---a sending, a mission, a discharge or dismissal.
779 > 23 > 5779 -779 = 12x41
(for entries using finals, see: 129 --- Nun-finalAyinTetNun-finalNunChetVauHayYodNun-finalTetAyin)
KafPehAleph TawVauReshBetAyin---(1259 w/f); outbursts of thy wrath.
780 > 15 > 6780 -780 = 22x3x5x13
(for entries using finals, see: 130 --- Nun-finalAyinYodNun-finalMemMemNun-finalKafSamekhNun-finalYodAyin220 --- Mem-finalYodLamedLamedAyinMemMem-finalYodLamedYodPehNun300 --- Kaf-finalReshVauBetAyinBet)
TawReshPehSamekhMem---pr.n. "Number".
TawTzaddiReshMemNun---violent (of cursing).
781 > 16 > 7781 -781 = 11x71
(for entries using finals, see: 131 --- Nun-finalPehAlephNun-finalVauAyinBetGimel)
TawPehShinAleph---a deposit; dung; dung-hill.
782 > 17 > 8782 -782 = 2x17x23
(for entries using finals, see: 132 --- Nun-finalVauDaletBetAyin)
ChetVauResh TawBetVauTzaddiAyin---afflicted in spirit.
783 > 18 > 9783 -783 = 33x29
(for entries using finals, see: 133 --- Nun-finalVauAyinDaletGimelNun-finalPehGimelNun-finalVauAyinZainDaletVauSamekh Nun-finalYodAlephBet)
VauTawShinGimel-DaletAyin---until he approached.
HayVauReshAyin ReshShinBet---flesh of nakedness (external sexual organs).
784 > 19 > 10 > 1784 -784 = 24x72
(for entries using finals, see: 134 --- Nun-finalVauLamedChetMemNun-finalVauChetYodSamekhNun-finalYodDaletAyin224 --- Mem-finalAyinDaletQofYod)
ChetLamedShinVauTawMem---pr. n. "Missile-man".
785 > 20 > 2785 -785 = 5x157
(for entries using finals, see: 135 --- Nun-finalDaletPehAlephNun-finalVauMemLamedTet225 --- Mem-finalYodLamedHayQofMem305 --- Kaf-finalLamedMemHay QofMemAyin)
TawYodShinAleph-DaletAyin---till I shall set.
786 > 21 > 3786 -786 = 2x3x131
(for entries using finals, see: 136 --- Nun-finalVauYodAyin226 --- Mem-finalYodNunVauNunAyin)
787 > 22 > 4787 -138th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 137 --- Nun-finalPehVauAleph)
788 > 23 > 5788 -788 = 22x197
(for entries using finals, see: 138 --- Nun-finalPehChetNun-finalVauNunBetLamed228 --- Mem-finalYodYodChet TzaddiAyinMem-finalYodChetQofLamedMem)
HayReshTawSamekhNun HayMemKafChet---Secret Wisdom --- alternative name for Qabalah (see 137 & 708)
789 > 24 > 6789 -789 = 3x263
(for entries using finals, see: 139 --- Nun-finalNunChetLamedAlephNun-finalYodTetAyin229 --- Mem-finalYodNunYodAyin YodVauLamedGimel)
NunVauKafYodTawHay ReshTzaddiChet---(1439 w/f); pr.n. "Middle Village".
790 > 16 > 7790 -790 = 2x5x79
(for entries using finals, see: 140 --- Nun-finalAyinKafNun-finalKafAyin)
TawLamedKafShinMem---abortion or miscarriage.
YodReshPeh NunTawNun---(1440 w/f); to yield fruit.
791 > 17 > 8791 -791 = 7x113
(for entries using finals, see: 311 --- Kaf-finalReshTzaddiAleph)
792 > 18 > 9792 -792 = 23x32x11
793 > 19 > 10 > 1793 -793 = 13x61
(for entries using finals, see: 143 --- Nun-finalTzaddiBetAlephNun-finalBetTzaddiAlephNun-finalGimelNunMem233 --- HayMemChetLamedMem Mem-finalAyin)
794 > 20 > 2794 -794 = 2x397
(for entries using finals, see: 234 --- Mem-finalYodChetVauQofLamedMem)
TawVauShinPehChet---prostration, illness.
795 > 21 > 3795 -795 = 3x5x53
(for entries using finals, see: 145 --- Nun-finalTzaddiHayNun-finalDaletAyinVauHayYod)
796 > 22 > 4796 -796 = 22x199
(for entries using finals, see: 146 --- Nun-finalVauNunMemNun-finalVauLamedSamekh)
MemYodReshBetDalet TawLamedYodLamedAyin---(1356 w/f); deeds of words (subjects for gossip).
797 > 23 > 5797 -139th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 147 --- Nun-finalVauNunMemAlephYodDaletGimel Nun-finalYodAyinHayDaletChet Nun-finalYodAyin)
798 > 24 > 6798 -798 = 2x3x7x19
(for entries using finals, see: 148 --- Nun-finalTzaddiChet)
TawYodShinPehChet---prostration, illness.
799 > 25 > 7- 799 -799 = 17x47
(for entries using finals, see: 149 --- Nun-finalVauBetTzaddiAleph)

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