400 > 4 | - 400 - | 400 = 24x52 |
--- | Taw. (In spelling, interchanges with: (Taw --- | |
--- | (960 w/f); pr.n. "Returned to Bread". | |
--- | to tread or press down. | |
--- | (1120 w/f); to speak softly, mutter; to pray with a low voice; mutter charms, practice magic; sorcery, incantation; a sorcerer. | |
--- | to smite, to rend or split; pr.n. "Fissure" or "Chasm". | |
--- | Manassite. | |
--- | (960 w/f); nudities, naked persons. | |
--- | smallness or littleness; a little one; a few; a little while. | |
--- | an awl. | |
--- | a teacher, a didactic poem or instructive psalm (often used in the titles of such in the OT). | |
--- | pr. n. "Discloser" | |
--- | (960 w/f); women. | |
--- | a fin (of a fish). |
401 > 5 | - 401 - | 79th prime |
--- | (1121 w/f); pr.n. "Fascination". | |
--- | (961 w/f); men. | |
--- | to curse. | |
--- | sign, portent, token. | |
--- | thou. | |
--- | plow-share, coulter, hoe. | |
--- | self. | |
--- | at; by; with; toward; the particle of directed emphasis: THIS! (first and last Hebrew letters, like | |
--- | pr.n. "Salvation of Yah". | |
--- | restraint or control. |
402 > 6 | - 402 - | 402 = 2x3x67 |
--- | (1056 w/f); pr.n. "The Long Face", "Macroprosopon" --- an alternate title of the 1st Sephira Keter, | |
--- | (406); to come; to bring; to be brought. | |
--- | to befall; to go; to pass away. | |
--- | to search for, to seek after, wish for, to choose. | |
--- | to sever; be clean (physically), polished, pure (morally); to prove or test. | |
--- | daughter; grand-daughter; female descendent; adopted daughter (often maintained as a servant/slave until married in Near Eastern countries); young woman; disciple; inhabitant (of a city); measure of liquids (bath ='s 8 1/2 gallons). | |
--- | (1052 w/f); pr. n. "Level" (a town in Judah). | |
--- | spider. |
403 > 7 | - 403 - | 403 = 13x31 |
--- | pr.n. "Hollow Passes"; (415). | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Thought". | |
--- | to collect, to snatch away; to saw; to gurgle, to chew the cud; to roll; pr.n. "Circle". | |
--- | wine press, trough (of a wine press). | |
--- | fortified cities. | |
--- | (2173 w/f); so shall he startle many nations. |
404 > 8 | - 404 - | 404 = 22x101 |
--- | pr.n. "Emptier". | |
--- | geese; fowl. | |
--- | to gleam, glitter; to turn, drive about, sweep along. | |
--- | mandate, edict; law, statute; a spring. | |
--- | (1054 w/f); pr.n. "Affluence". |
405 > 9 | - 405 - | 405 = 34x5 |
--- | tender grass. | |
--- | to rise, to be high, to swell; mountain. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Judge". | |
--- | terror; a crash (as striking terror). | |
--- | the loan of every hand (loan pledged by hand). | |
--- | booty or prey. | |
--- | caller and answerer (i.e., every living person). |
406 > 10 > 1 | - 406 - | 406 = 2x7x29 |
--- | pr.n. "God Made". | |
--- | to kiss; (450). | |
--- | (402); to bring; to be brought; to come. | |
--- | to befall; to go, pass away. | |
--- | thou. | |
--- | (1056 w/f); a stumblng or fall, ruin. | |
--- | restraint or hindrance. | |
--- | (1056 w/f); pr. n. "Gazellelike". | |
--- | pr. n. "A couple of Gazelles". | |
--- | pr. n. "God has made". |
407 > 11 > 2 | - 407 - | 407 = 11x37 |
--- | pr.n. "God-given" --- Persian name. | |
--- | to cut in; to engrave or mark; to be willing; to agree; to come in; to be, to exist. | |
--- | a characteristic; sign; token of proof (Sabbath, circumcision, sacrifice, etc.); military ensign; memorial, monument; warning, premonition; prodigy, wonder or miracle. | |
--- | (401); existence, being; self. ( | |
--- | entreaty. | |
--- | to break up, destroy; desolation. | |
--- | to sneeze; to bind, gird up, be active, nimble. | |
--- | (967 w/f); fierce of face. |
408 > 12 > 3 | - 408 - | 408 = 23x3x17 |
--- | to pass the night, lodge, house. | |
--- | mermaid. | |
--- | a prickly or thorny plant, calltrop, thistle. | |
--- | this. | |
--- | to be angry. | |
--- | to glow, to burn; to be purified or refined; to be noble, free-born; to be dry, parched up; sun-burnt place, arid spot. | |
--- | to hold, bind together; to be attached to; to love warmly; attachments, connecting rods or poles; attachment, delight; spoke of a wheel. | |
--- | broken; panic-struck; fear, dread; pr.n. "Object of Fright", Hittite. |
409 > 13 > 4 | - 409 - | 80th prime |
--- | One (1); first; once. | |
--- | to descend. | |
--- | pr.n. "Brightness". |
410 > 5 | - 410 - | 410 = 2x5x41 |
--- | pr.n. "Ararat", Kurdistan, --- name of the mountain of the landing of the Ark of Noah. | |
--- | pr.n. "Emasculated", "Eunuch". | |
--- | rising, mounting up of smoke; loftiness, vaunting; ornament, splendor. | |
--- | wheeling about; a swift, swallow; freeness, spontaneity; release, freedom. | |
--- | to excavate, hollow out; things cooked or baked in a pan. | |
--- | to conceive, to think; conception, thought. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Judge". | |
--- | to lay snares. | |
--- | (sign of the accusative case). | |
--- | dominion or lordship | |
--- | (1220 w/f); causer of terror, awe-inspirer (said of God). | |
--- | (1220 w/f); a haven or inlet. | |
--- | (1130 w/f); fining-pot or crucible. | |
--- | (970 w/f); large-testicled or lusty, stallions. | |
--- | (1060 w/f); habitation; lair or haunt; the grave; a tent; the tabernacle; temple. | |
--- | (970 w/f); an intimate or friend; pr. n. "Pious". | |
--- | to cleanse. | |
--- | to carry or bear. | |
--- | to be shut up; to be hindered or restrained; to be assembled. | |
--- | (970 w/f); clouds. |
411 > 6 | - 411 - | 411 = 3x137 |
--- | turnings or surroundings; circumstances or causes; account; (417). | |
--- | being, existence; possession; there is, there was. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Saves", Elishah. | |
--- | pr.n. "Mountaineer". | |
--- | thou. | |
--- | pr.n. "With Yah". | |
--- | to haste. | |
--- | 10th Hebrew month (January new moon to February new moon), wintermonth; pr.n. "Pleasantness". | |
--- | a spoiling or plundering. | |
--- | on the left | |
--- | pr. n. "Load" or "Burden". | |
--- | pr. n. "Made of God". |
412 > 7 | - 412 - | 412 = 22x103 |
--- | any building; the letter Bet (2); covert, house, tent, hut, castle, palace, temple, house; place; netherworld; haunt; nest; cobweb; box, case, receptacle; inside, within; house as: wife, children, people, servants, tribe. | |
--- | new. | |
--- | pr.n. "He Forsakes". | |
--- | to sit. |
413 > 8 | - 413 - | 413 = 7x59 |
--- | (973 w/f); pr.n. "Egyptians' Meadow" or "Egyptians' Mourning". | |
--- | female enemy. | |
--- | pr.n. "God of Oath", Elisabeth. | |
--- | bald forehead; baldness or bare place on the right side of cloth. | |
--- | this. | |
--- | to sneeze. | |
--- | to haste, to snatch up; terror. |
414 > 9 | - 414 - | 414 = 2x32x23 |
--- | to fear. | |
--- | meditation, thought. | |
--- | a resting, a keeping quiet. | |
--- | pr.n. "Irascible". | |
--- | to be afraid, terrified; to surround, encircle. | |
--- | to pierce, stick in; a peg, pin, nail; a small spade or shovel; a prince. | |
--- | (1064 w/f); pr. n. "Whisperer" or "Enchanter". |
415 > 10 > 1 | - 415 - | 415 = 5x83 |
--- | hollow passes (403). | |
--- | noble judge (a name of office in the Babylonian kingdom), astrologers of (the god) Adar. | |
--- | sister; female relation; woman of the same tribe or people; an ally. | |
--- | treacheries. | |
--- | my mountain (Zion); mountaineer. | |
--- | to be thick, strong. | |
--- | fasting; fastingly; without food; to be sticky, slimy; to coil; serpent; the letter Tet. | |
--- | dominion, rule (figuratively of the sun and moon); province, realm; princes, rulers | |
--- | a doing or performing; deed or action; a work or production; work, property. | |
--- | from or of littleness, very small. | |
--- | a bough or branch. | |
--- | (975 w/f); the brook of willows. |
416 > 11 > 2 | - 416 - | 416 = 25x13 |
--- | pr.n. "Possession". | |
--- | haughtiness. | |
--- | a fowler. | |
--- | (1066 w/f); a desert or waste. |
417 > 12 > 3 | - 417 - | 417 = 3x139 |
--- | (plural of | |
--- | pr.n. "god is Salvation". | |
--- | thou. | |
--- | pr.n. "Daughter of Yah". | |
--- | shining; brightness; olive tree; the olive. | |
--- | stripes, streaks (of a tiger). | |
--- | sinfulness; sinner; idol; sin offering; punishment of sin. | |
--- | pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). | |
--- | (1067 w/f); pr. n. "Adherent of Nebo" (a chief eunuch of Nebuchadnezzar) |
418 > 13 > 4 | - 418 - | 418 = 2x11x19 |
--- | sinfulness; sinner; idol; sin offering; punishment of sin. | |
--- | to surround, encircle; a wild beast; the letter Chet. (8) | |
--- | pr.n. "Object of Fright", Hittite. | |
--- | pr.n. "union". | |
--- | pr.n. "He Sports", Isaac (rare form of this name, see 208). | |
--- | to beat with a club. | |
--- | pr.n. "Sun Cliff". | |
--- | forwards. |
419 > 14 > 5 | - 419 - | 81st prime |
--- | pr.n. "Slaughter". |
420 > 6 | - 420 - | 420 = 22x3x5x7 |
--- | a quiet or retiring man. | |
--- | valleys. | |
--- | cutting, hewing. | |
--- | (980 w/f); pr.n. "The People is Spread Out". | |
--- | to dig, to cultivate; to go round, to roll, to turn; to dance or skip about. | |
--- | pr.n. "Deliverance", Mesha (the king of Moab c. 900 BCE who set up the Moabite Stone). | |
--- | pr.n. "My Work". | |
--- | the temple (with its buildings). | |
--- | (980 w/f); uses of parables or proverbs, poets. | |
--- | a cleansing. | |
--- | city of the kingdom, the capital. | |
--- | pr. n. "Burdensome". | |
--- | to urge or constrain. | |
--- | a mulet or fine; a war-contrIbution. | |
--- | (1070 w/f); to smoke. | |
--- | smoke, vapor, breath. | |
--- | smoking. |
421 > 7 | - 421 - | 82nd prime |
--- | there is. | |
--- | (1071 w/f); pr.n. "Support". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Hears". | |
--- | mountaineer, highlander. | |
--- | pr.n. "Strong". | |
--- | pr.n. "Festive". | |
--- | a vision, revelation; sight, view; conspicuousness; covenant. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Makes". | |
--- | the ox-goad |
422 > 8 | - 422 - | 422 = 2x211 |
--- | pr.n. "Burning". | |
--- | (982 w/f); pr.n. "The People Returns". | |
--- | to carve or engrave (on a wooden tablet); to write; to describe by writing; to prescribe or enjoin; to subscribe (as a witness); to write down, record; a writing or letter; a book; a writing, inscription, document, edict. | |
--- | pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). |
423 > 9 | - 423 - | 423 = 32x47 |
--- | corners (of an altar); corner columns. | |
--- | the kidneys. | |
--- | pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). |
424 > 10 > 1 | - 424 - | 424 = 23x53 |
--- | pr.n. "Well Born". | |
--- | girded. | |
--- | life; pr.n. "Living Ones", Chiaot --- the angelic order associated with the 1st Sephira Keter,(620); the celestial beasts of Ezekiel. Chiaot is | |
--- | life. | |
--- | love, friendship; a beloved object. | |
Note: 3. G-K p. 93 |
425 > 11 > 2 | - 425 - | 425 = 52x17 |
--- | sisters. | |
--- | confidences, tranquillity. | |
--- | (905 w/f); pr.n. "Verity". | |
--- | pr.n. "Work of Yah", Mishiah. | |
--- | the anointed prince, messiah. |
426 > 12 > 3 | - 426 - | 426 = 2x3x71 |
--- | pr.n. "Pleasantness". | |
--- | to conserve, keep safe; pr.n. "Hiding Place". | |
--- | (1076 w/f); pr. n. "Settlement", Ekron (northernmost of the 5 chief cities of the Philistines). |
427 > 13 > 4 | - 427 - | 427 = 7x61 |
--- | beat to pieces. | |
--- | (987 w/f); pr. n. "Help Rises". | |
--- | (1237 w/f); the sufferers or poor of the land; pious or humble, meek. |
428 > 14 > 5 | - 428 - | 428 = 22x107 |
--- | weeping. | |
--- | (988 w/f); pr.n. "Chashmalim" --- angelic order associated4 with the 4th Sephira Chesed, | |
--- | (908 w/f); to cut or sever; to decide. | |
--- | (1148 w/f); a peeling off or barking. | |
--- | offense or scruple of conscience, compunction. | |
--- | bloodshed. | |
Note: 4. G-K p. 91 |
429 > 15 > 6 | - 429 - | 429 = 3x11x13 |
--- | pr.n. "Mare Village". | |
--- | judgment; judgment-seat; sentence; a suit or cause; right; a law; a privilege, a right or due; a custom or manner; style. |
430 > 7 | - 430 - | 430 = 2x5x43 |
--- | pr.n. "God Judges". | |
--- | to be about to be smashed; to be destroyed. | |
--- | to come (or be) late; after (late) grass. | |
--- | to lay down, to bring forth, to bear. | |
--- | (1080 w/f); fatness (of body); fertility (of soil); firmness. | |
--- | to breathe, to live; to take breath, to be refreshed. | |
--- | breath; the vital or animate principle, life; the animal spirit; rational life, the soul or mind; a living being or thing; a person; self; odor or fragrance. | |
--- | this is the "animal soul" of Qabalah, associated with Yesod on the Tree of Life. It is said to be poured out with the blood (Gen. XII,13; Judge. XVI, 30; Is. LIII, 12.). It is also the seat of hunger, thirst, satiety, weariness, loathing and similar nonsocial physical drives. | |
--- | (1150 w/f); to breathe or blow. | |
--- | evening, night; dawn (all from the concept of a time of day when the winds rise). |
431 > 8 | - 431 - | 83rd prime |
--- | pr.n. "God of the Bow". | |
--- | (911 w/f); a melting. | |
--- | pr.n. "Hiding Place". | |
--- | pr.n. "Work of Yah", Mishiah. | |
--- | (1081 w/f); pr. n. "Giant's Back Bone", a sea port on the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea. | |
--- | to sacrifice to Yah. |
432 > 9 | - 432 - | 432 = 24x33 |
--- | weeping. | |
--- | lack, nothing. | |
--- | to separate, seclude. | |
--- | heaviness; difficulty. | |
--- | at cost or risk of life. |
433 > 10 > 1 | - 433 - | 84th prime |
--- | a carrying away, captivity, exile; exiles, captives. | |
--- | a family; a race; a people or nation, a tribe; a kind or sort. |
434 > 11 > 2 | - 434 - | 434 = 2x7x31 |
--- | door; the letter Dalet; pages, columns (of a roll or scroll). | |
--- | childbearing. | |
--- | a warrior | |
--- | (1244 w/f); pressed in the ground. | |
--- | (994 w/f); the womb. | |
--- | (1084 w/f); pr. n. "Well of the Close" (in Naphtali). | |
--- | pr. n. "Almighty's People". |
435 > 12 > 3 | - 435 - | 435 = 3x5x29 |
--- | wreathen work; something laced together. | |
--- | to mock, deride; mockings, derision; mockers. | |
--- | the Jewish language; pr.n. "Praised", Judith. | |
--- | (441); pr.n. "Yah hears". | |
--- | pr. n. "Fatness". | |
--- | (915 w/f); the king's scribe, royal secretary. |
436 > 13 > 4 | - 436 - | 436 = 22x109 |
--- | with, by. | |
--- | a very little time. | |
--- | slandering |
437 > 14 > 5 | - 437 - | 437 = 19x23 |
--- | wrongness; folly; godlessness. |
438 > 15 > 6 | - 438 - | 438 = 2x3x73 |
--- | pr.n. "Horses Nose". | |
--- | to bind, surround; to swathe. | |
--- | to spread or stretch out. | |
--- | clothed in splendid array. | |
--- | (998 w/f); closing of womb, barrenness. |
439 > 16 > 7 | - 439 - | 85th prime |
--- | pr.n. "Abode of God"; "Man of God". | |
--- | carrying away; captivity or exile; exiles or captives. | |
--- | lionesses. | |
--- | (1249 w/f); good is wisdom more than gold, wisdom is better than gold | |
--- | (999 w/f); the most violent nations. |
440 > 8 | - 440 - | 440 = 23x5x11 |
--- | place of olives. | |
--- | exiles. | |
--- | (1090 w/f); pr.n. "Hiding". | |
--- | to jest, mock; to be high. | |
--- | to flow or distill. | |
--- | to be bitter, to be in grief; to make bitter; to embitter; to do bitterly or grievously; to exasperate or provoke. | |
--- | bitter herbs; bitter things or hardships. | |
--- | to hold or possess. | |
--- | possessor or heir. | |
--- | a running about (said of locusts). | |
--- | a man. | |
--- | a dying person; a dead person or a corpse. | |
--- | dead. | |
--- | pr. n. "Cheerful". | |
--- | (1000 w/f); after the name. |
441 > 9 | - 441 - | 32x72 |
--- | pr.n. "palmgrove". | |
--- | hind. | |
--- | (1091 w/f); without number. | |
--- | firmness; certainty; faithfulness; truth; true heartedness. | |
--- | (1001 w/f); ye. | |
--- | pr.n. "Boundary of the Sea". | |
--- | coal (burning). | |
--- | to turn aside. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Hears"; (435). | |
--- | from within. | |
--- | to blow up a fire. | |
--- | (1561 w/f); Among the Ephraimites. |
442 > 10 > 1 | - 442 - | 442 = 2x13x17 |
--- | aloe trees. | |
--- | not; without, besides; besides that, unless. | |
--- | a running sore, ulcer. | |
--- | (1652 w/f); between straits, in distress. | |
--- | the valley of the blessing (south of Tekoa, now called Bereikut). |
443 > 11 > 2 | - 443 - | 86th prime |
--- | virgin; betrothed virgin; cities; countries. | |
--- | pr.n. "Revealer". | |
--- | baseness, abjectness. | |
--- | bandage, swaddling band. | |
--- | to draw in or hold back. | |
--- | a bit or curb (harness part). |
444 > 12 > 3 | - 444 - | 444 = 22x3x37 |
--- | branches, boughs. | |
--- | to be active, quick; pr.n. "Activity", Damascus; damask. (Damascus: "a city so fruitful and fair as to be often called Paradise"). | |
--- | bandage. | |
--- | a holy thing; a holy place, sanctuary; the temple; an asylum. |
445 > 13 > 4 | - 445 - | 445 = 5x89 |
--- | to soil. | |
--- | pr.n. "The Snake Stone". | |
--- | pr.n. "Hilly". | |
--- | runners; dromedaries. | |
--- | turnery (of wood or metal). | |
--- | a cucumber-field. | |
--- | turning or twisting (of the hair). | |
--- | bile or gall. | |
--- | bitterness or acerbity. | |
--- | a calf of the stall (i.e. fatted calf). | |
--- | a cup-bearer or butler; butlership; drink; a well-watered region. | |
--- | to extend, to be full growth. | |
--- | a calf of the stall, (a fatted calf, such as is produced in modern times for veal by confinement and force feeding). |
446 > 14 > 5 | - 446 - | 446 = 2x223 |
--- | pr.n. "God Commeth". | |
--- | (1166 w/f); an unclean bird, twilight or evening bird, owl or a bittern or heron. | |
--- | a noose or snare; a ring (in the snout for fastening a beast); a plot, stratagem; a plotter. | |
--- | to die (of natural causes); to wither up (of a tree); to lie waste (of a field); to faint (of the heart); to perish (of a state). | |
--- | death; place of the dead; destruction or ruin. | |
--- | death. | |
--- | a hollow way or narrow pass. |
447 > 15 > 6 | - 447 - | 447 = 3x149 |
--- | strength, force; help. | |
--- | pr.n. "Palm Grove". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Commeth". | |
--- | pr.n. "I Magnify (God)". | |
--- | (1007 w/f); pr.n. "An Olive Tree". |
448 > 16 > 7 | - 448 - | 448 = 26x7 |
--- | pr.n. "Heights of Baal". | |
--- | pr.n. "Citadel", "Fortress"; a skin bottle; bagpipe, shepherd's bottle; sack; pr.n. "Warm Spring". | |
--- | (1008 w/f); to enclose, shut up, wrap; to seal up; a seal; seal ring; perfection. | |
--- | pr.n. "Grasping". | |
--- | a derision or laughingstock. | |
--- | to turn away or thwart justice. | |
--- | to stretch or extend. | |
--- | to pervert judgment. |
449 > 17 > 8 | - 449 - | 87th prime |
--- | cover, sheet, cloak (similar to Roman pallium); Tallith (fringed prayer shawl). |
450 > 9 | - 450 - | 450 = 2x32x52 |
--- | (49); to make oneself like --- (also refers to silence, desolation and thought). | |
--- | pr.n. "Activity", "To be Level and Lovely", Damascus; (444). | |
--- | resemblance, likeness; image; model; shape, form; like. | |
--- | female child. | |
--- | childhood, youth; young men. | |
--- | (1010 w/f); to be desolate, bereaved; I close up | |
--- | to surround or enclose; a wall. | |
--- | (930 w/f); to pour out; a measure (for grain: 1/2 a | |
--- | a pan, a frying pan. | |
--- | poising or balancing (of the clouds). | |
--- | pr. n. "Bitter" or "Unhappy" --- of a son of Levi. | |
--- | a hearing or report. | |
--- | (1010 w/f); pr. n. "Cleansing". | |
--- | when?, when. | |
--- | to snare or trap; to be snared. | |
--- | to kiss. | |
--- | to bend or use (a bow); to arm (oneself). | |
--- | weapon; armour, arms; an armory. | |
--- | to be kindled. | |
--- | Nuit. | |
--- | (1010 w/f); bone from my bones. |
451 > 10 > 1 | - 451 - | 451 = 11x41 |
--- | (1011 w/f); complete. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Hears". | |
--- | pr.n. "Truthful". | |
--- | to incline to, to meet. | |
--- | (1101 w/f); to take short steps. --- persistent. | |
--- | ye. | |
--- | to mock or deride. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Hears", Ishmael. | |
--- | loops. | |
--- | snare, plot. | |
--- | (1011 w/f); pr.n. "Shinanim" --- angelic order associated5 with the 6th Sephira Tipheret,(1081). (Ps. LXVIII, 18) | |
Note: 5. G-K p. 91 |
452 > 11 > 2 | - 452 - | 452 = 22x13 |
--- | pr.n. "God is Existence". | |
--- | (42); handmaid, maid servant, female salve. | |
--- | heights. | |
--- | to abandon. | |
--- | sister in law; a brother's wife; a husband's brother's wife. (Important because of the requirement of raising up a son to such in the brother's name if the brother dies without issue). | |
--- | within. | |
--- | to tread or trample. |
453 > 12 > 3 | - 453 - | 453 = 3x151 |
--- | beasts; Behemoth; hippopotamus, Nile-horse. | |
--- | (1013 w/f); pr.n. "Two Winepresses". | |
--- | fire pan or censer. | |
--- | a curshing, destruction; terror, dismay. | |
--- | breath of life. |
454 > 13 > 4 | - 454 - | 454 = 2x227 |
--- | (1104 w/f); pr.n. "Given"; pr.n. "Two Cisterns". | |
--- | (1014 w/f); signet ring; pr.n. "Seal". | |
--- | mother in law. | |
--- | pr.n. "Abounding in Slabs" or "Abounding in Boards". | |
--- | harvest heap. |
455 > 14 > 5 | - 455 - | 455 = 5x7x13 |
--- | pr.n. "Theft". | |
--- | sighing. | |
--- | pr.n. "Orphanhood". |
456 > 15 > 6 | - 456 - | 456 = 23x3x19 |
--- | thou. | |
--- | present, reward; harlot's hire. | |
--- | ye. | |
--- | (1016 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is perfect". | |
--- | days. | |
--- | (1016 w/f); an orphan; a fatherless child. |
457 > 16 > 7 | - 457 - | 88th prime |
--- | (1107 w/f); she-ass, jenny. | |
--- | we come. | |
--- | hundreds. | |
--- | bond and free (i.e. everybody). |
458 > 17 > 8 | - 458 - | 458 = 2x229 |
--- | daughters. | |
--- | (464); pleasant things, delights; pleasantness. | |
--- | (1108 w/f); to enclose, combine, join affinity; father in law; bridegroom; son in law; marriage relation. | |
--- | in his death. | |
--- | pr. n. "Fruits". | |
--- | to descent; to sink deep; to come down on; to press down; to level; | |
--- | a letting or bringing down (of the arm to strike); a spread or supply; rest, quietness. | |
--- | to cut up or sever; to dismember. | |
--- | a piece (of flesh). |
459 > 18 > 9 | - 459 - | 459 = 33x17 |
--- | city of refuge (for homicides) |
460 > 10 > 1 | - 460 - | 460 = 22x5x23 |
--- | (1110 w/f); pr.n. "Fowler". | |
--- | (1110 w/f); to reach out, extend; to be perennial, constant. | |
--- | to hide. | |
--- | (1020 w/f); to make spots; to soil; to carve or mark; gold, bright gold. | |
--- | to cause to die, to put to death; to kill (of disease). | |
--- | Nuit. | |
--- | (1020 w/f); lordships, rulers | |
--- | bitter; dire (of a plague). | |
--- | (1110 w/f); a prop or stay. | |
--- | to be refractory or rebellious |
461 > 11 > 2 | - 461 - | 89th prime |
--- | (1111 w/f); very extended, lasting; constant; continuity, constancy, strength; firm, durable; might ones, nobles; rocks. | |
--- | pr.n. "Persistent". | |
--- | pr.n. "Munificent". | |
--- | (1111 w/f); pr.n. "Elevation". | |
--- | (1271 w/f); a crucible of earth. |
462 > 12 > 3 | - 462 - | 2x3x7x11 |
--- | (1112 w/f); palace. | |
--- | writing, a writing, an edict; a prescript or plan; a letter or epistle. | |
--- | trodden. |
463 > 13 > 4 | - 463 - | 90th prime |
--- | pr.n. "Protection". | |
--- | transparency, clearness; glass, crystal. | |
--- | I have proposed; my thoughts. | |
--- | whoredom; idolatry; unfaithfulness, rebellion (against god). | |
--- | espousals, nuptials. | |
--- | altars. | |
--- | pr. n. "Repose", a Cushite race. |
464 > 14 > 5 | - 464 - | 464 = 24x29 |
--- | (1114 w/f); pr.n. "Two Cisterns". | |
--- | pleasant things, delights; pleasantness. | |
--- | cell, vault; a sighing, a cry for pity. | |
--- | pr.n. "Pleasant". |
465 > 15 > 6 | - 465 - | 465 = 3x5x31 |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of Death". | |
--- | a breaking or smashing. | |
--- | (945 w/f); pr.n. "King Solomon" --- general interpretation in the Zohar and Talmud.6 | |
--- | pr.n. "King of Peace" --- used in Zohar for instances in the "Song of Songs".7 | |
--- | staff or support. | |
--- | the judgments of Yahweh. | |
--- | a kiss. | |
--- | to pour or shed forth. | |
Notes: 6. G-K p. 90 7. G-K p. 90 |
466 > 16 > 7 | - 466 - | 466 = 2x233 |
--- | skull, head; individual. | |
--- | branches, boughs. | |
--- | pr. n. "Pastures". | |
--- | pr. n. "Dwellings". | |
--- | to set or lay on. | |
--- | garment. | |
--- | rainy season, winter. |
467 > 17 > 8 | - 467 - | 91st prime |
--- | (1117 w/f); ingress, entrance. | |
--- | without prescription, without limit. | |
--- | (1117 w/f); pr.n. "Olive Tree". | |
--- | a foot-path. | |
--- | pr. n. "Repose", a Cushite race. |
468 > 18 > 9 | - 468 - | 468 = 22x32x13 |
--- | a prince's daughter. | |
--- | spear. | |
--- | (948 w/f); to anoint for king. | |
--- | pr. n. "Heights" (a people in Arabia Petraea, probably Nabatheans). |
469 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 469 - | 469 = 7x67 |
470 > 11 > 2 | - 470 - | 470 = 2x5x47 |
--- | darkenings, obscurations; eclipses of the sun. | |
--- | surname, official title; a colleague; an appointment or office. | |
--- | (1120 w/f); to stretch out; to spin. | |
--- | (1120 w/f); the second priest. | |
--- | a weighing; weight. | |
--- | (950 w/f); to pour out; to be poured out; to be melted. | |
--- | to wind, to twist or wrest. | |
--- | perverse. | |
--- | bare or naked. | |
--- | to enclose or encircle. | |
--- | to sprout or vegetate. | |
--- | to oppress; to cheat or defraud; to overflow. | |
--- | pr. n. "Oppression". | |
--- | pr. n. "Strife". | |
--- | time; timely; now. |
471 > 12 > 3 | - 471 - | 471 = 3x157 |
--- | pr.n. "God of Birth". | |
--- | fullness (of waters); the setting or bezel (of a ring). | |
--- | powders or spices. |
472 > 13 > 4 | - 472 - | 472 = 23x59 |
--- | to fear. | |
--- | pr.n. "Visions". | |
--- | to knit or twist, to bind together;' to complicate or pervert. | |
--- | tangled or interlaced. | |
--- | an interweaving; cord or band; braid or wreath; tangled to thick bough. |
473 > 14 > 5 | - 473 - | 11x43 |
--- | ships. | |
--- | (1123 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Strength". | |
--- | to touch. | |
--- | heavy rain, torrent of rain. |
474 > 14 > 6 | - 474 - | 474 = 2x3x79 |
--- | a knowing, knowledge; perception, intelligence; Da'at, the latent sephira on the Tree of Life. | |
--- | wisdom, variation on the name of the 2nd Sephira | |
--- | refuge. | |
--- | (1034 w/f); village of horses. | |
--- | because Yahweh loved | |
--- | a witnessing or testimony; an ordinance or precept (God's); to law (especially the ten commandments); style or spirit (of a psalm). | |
--- | to be set or prepared.; to make ready. |
475 > 16 > 7 | - 475 - | 475 = 52x19 |
--- | a string or cord. | |
--- | pr.n. "Hill" --- the birth city of king Saul. (note similarity to Geburah, the name of the 5th Sephira). | |
--- | distress. | |
--- | to succour. | |
--- | now. |
476 > 17 > 8 | - 476 - | 476 = 22x7x17 |
--- | (1126 w/f); pr.n. "Praising" or "Confessing". | |
--- | separations. | |
--- | pr.n. "King of Help" or "King of Salvation" | |
--- | the later rain --- rain which falls in March and April to bring on the harvest | |
--- | weight. | |
--- | what a weariness. | |
--- | treasure. | |
--- | to exercise royalty or dominion, to reign. | |
--- | (1036 w/f); to lay under tribute-service. | |
--- | to awake or rouse; to excite or stir up; to brandish or flourish. | |
--- | to haste (to rescue), to help or succor. | |
--- | to bend or crook, to make bent or crooked; to wrest or pervert, to be wrong; to turn aside or subvert. | |
--- | oppressor. |
477 > 18 > 9 | - 477 - | 477 = 32x53 |
--- | before; yesterday; aforetime; of old. | |
--- | fear, terror. | |
--- | folly. |
478 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 478 - | 478 = 2x239 |
--- | a lyre or guitar; sweet music. |
479 > 20 > 2 | - 479 - | 92nd prime |
480 > 12 > 3 | - 480 - | 480 = 25x3x5 |
--- | (1130 w/f); pr.n. "Praising" or "Confessing". | |
--- | pillows, cushions. | |
--- | pr.n. "Lilith"; night spectre, ghost. (Lilith is the succubus in Hebrew tradition. She is said to be the spirit who was wife to Adam before Eve. Lilith is also considered to be the demon of infant death, ostensibly out of jealousy against the daughters of Eve. Legend continues that she was imprisoned beneath a stone at the bottom of the sea by three angels named: | |
--- | birth, nativity; offspring; kindred; race. | |
--- | bitterness or sorrow | |
--- | a possession | |
--- | the work days. | |
--- | (1600 w/f); the fugitive poor. | |
--- | (1040 w/f); stout ones, heroes. | |
--- | fat things or delicacies. | |
--- | when. | |
--- | (1040 w/f); completeness, wholeness or soundness (of body). | |
--- | environs or surroundings. | |
--- | to be silent or still. | |
--- | a witnessing or testimony; an ordinance or precept (God's); to law (especially the ten commandments); style or spirit (of a psalm). | |
--- | pr. n. "Ruin". | |
--- | pr. n. "Heaver". | |
--- | ready or prepared. | |
--- | he-goat; leaders. | |
--- | pr. n. "Timely". | |
--- | timely or opportune. |
481 > 13 > 4 | - 481 - | 481 = 13x37 |
--- | to avert. | |
--- | a smiting; hammer, mallet. | |
--- | a signet, seal ring; a ring. | |
--- | pr.n. "Village of the Ammorites". | |
--- | wrong or oppression. |
482 > 14 > 5 | - 482 - | 482 = 2x241 |
--- | glass. | |
--- | because not | |
--- | (1042 w/f); bottles of heaven (figurative reference to clouds). | |
--- | falling or autumn leaves. | |
--- | servitude or bondage. |
483 > 15 > 6 | - 483 - | 483 = 3x7x23 |
--- | a wardrobe | |
--- | pr. n. "Fond of Repose", a Cushite race. | |
--- | ferocities, fiercely. |
484 > 16 > 7 | - 484 - | 484 = 22x112 |
--- | white of egg, albumen. | |
--- | (1134 w/f); pr.n. "Fountain Village". | |
--- | warriors | |
--- | the region across the river (east or west side of the Euphrates). | |
--- | ready; prepared or skillful. |
485 > 17 > 8 | - 485 - | 485 = 5x97 |
--- | the holy places of God's house, the compartments of the temple. | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Succours". |
486 > 18 > 9 | - 486 - | 486 = 2x35 |
--- | Destroying spirit. | |
--- | (1046 w/f); pr.n. "Double Cake". | |
--- | pr.n. "Hadad is Help". | |
--- | a covering, cover; a garment. | |
--- | forks. | |
--- | death. | |
--- | pr. n. "Huts" or "Booths". | |
--- | a tent (in honour of a deity). | |
--- | pr. n. "Ruins". --- a town in Edom. | |
--- | pr. n. "Helpful". | |
--- | pr. n. "Overthrow". |
487 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 487 - | 93rd prime |
--- | pitch. | |
--- | pr.n. "Signets" or "Impressions". | |
--- | planets, wanderers (of the sky). |
488 > 20 > 2 | - 488 - | 488 = 23x61 |
--- | (1048 w/f); virgin state, virginity. | |
--- | (1138 w/f); pr.n. "Concealment". | |
--- | (1208 w/f); to catch, seize; prey, repine; robbers. | |
--- | pr.n. "Meholathite". | |
--- | because of the voice of him that cried. | |
--- | the vagina or vulva. | |
--- | a possession or heritage. | |
--- | pr. n., the Egyptian deity Ptah. |
489 > 21 > 3 | - 489 - | 489 = 3x163 |
--- | a drop. |
490 > 13 > 4 | - 490 - | 490 = 2x5x72 |
--- | to sever, to single out; pr.n. "Extension". | |
--- | and so forth, etc. | |
--- | food. | |
--- | a queen | |
--- | a part of portion. | |
--- | (970 w/f); the king's second (next in authority), wazir. | |
--- | (1050 w/f); men. | |
--- | the dead; idols (as contrasted with living gods). | |
--- | (1140 w/f); to be strong or firm. | |
--- | pr. n. "Firmness". | |
--- | a gift; pr. n. "Gift". | |
--- | round about me. | |
--- | to shake or stir about. | |
--- | fine flower. | |
--- | destitute or forlorn; childless. | |
--- | (970 w/f); to turn in, to lodge. | |
--- | pr. n. "Lodging" or "Inn". |
491 > 14 > 5 | - 491 - | 94th prime |
--- | columns, posts; foster mother. | |
--- | (1141 w/f); tablets of stone. | |
--- | a knife; food; fuel. | |
--- | completion, a sheepfold. | |
--- | gift. |
492 > 15 > 6 | - 492 - | 492 = 22x3x41 |
--- | (1142 w/f); straw-heap. | |
--- | ear of corn (wheat, not maze). |
493 > 16 > 7 | - 493 - | 493 = 17x29 |
494 > 17 > 8 | - 494 - | 494 = 2x13x19 |
--- | pr.n. "Gigantic". | |
--- | a troubling, darkening. | |
--- | a net or snare, a catch | |
--- | to be put to death. | |
--- | the curb (dominion) of the mother-city. |
495 > 18 > 9 | - 495 - | 495 = 32x5x11 |
--- | the queen. | |
--- | to be astounded; delay, linger. | |
--- | cheerfulness. | |
--- | milky or soft curds; flattering words. | |
--- | the crutch or fork (where the legs branch out); the buttocks. | |
--- | a gift or present, a bribe. |
496 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 496 - | 496 = 24x31 |
--- | reproach. | |
--- | (1146 w/f); Levithon; a serpent, crocodile, sea monster. | |
--- | Kingdom, the name of the 10th Sephira; (101 & 95). Malkut is | |
--- | royal consorts or wives of a king who were of royal birth | |
--- | reign | |
--- | a kingdom, realm | |
--- | royally, in royal state | |
--- | his precepts. | |
--- | they make deep a revolt. | |
Notes: 8. G-K p. 93 9. G-K p. 93 |
497 > 20 > 2 | - 497 - | 497 = 7x71 |
--- | a message. | |
--- | parts |
498 > 21 > 3 | - 498 - | 498 = 2x3x83 |
--- | pr.n. "He (God) opens". | |
--- | to venture a trespass against Yahovah. | |
--- | pr.n. "Rest". | |
--- | burdens, tasks. | |
--- | to make war |
499 > 22 > 4 | - 499 - | 95th prime |
--- | (1149 w/f); of a truth, truly |
500 > 5 | - 500 - | 500 = 22x53 |
--- | Koph final --- see 20. | |
--- | to burn, blaze; to be burned. | |
--- | to bind or begird, to surround, to deck; to fetter. | |
--- | (1220 w/f); to cover; to load or burden; the shoulder; the side, border; shoulder piece of the High Priest's Ephod; side space or flank. | |
--- | to bite. | |
--- | (1060 w/f); a writing, a poem (title in some Psalms). (sometimes considered a mark of concealed meaning in poetry). | |
--- | pr.n. "Allotment" --- of a place of the Ammonites whence wheat was brought to Tyre. | |
--- | pr. n. "Liberal". | |
--- | (1150 w/f); to give. | |
--- | pr. n. "Gift". | |
--- | (1060 w/f); to close or stop up; to keep secret. | |
--- | the congregation of Yahweh. | |
--- | (1310 w/f); border-valley (a city in Benjamin). | |
--- | to hide or secrete. |
501 > 6 | - 501 - | 501 = 3x167 |
(for entries using finals, see: 21 --- |
--- | strong, powerful; well-hipped. | |
--- | (1151 w/f); a Cannanite. | |
--- | to grasp or seize, to appropriate; to marry. | |
--- | to seek after, to desire. | |
--- | (507); a step, going; pr.n. "A Plan". | |
--- | to be straight, even; to be prosperous. | |
--- | to bind. | |
--- | who, which, that which, that; to whom; where. | |
--- | happiness, prosperity. | |
--- | (1151 w/f); present, gift; harlot's hire; fruits, produce. | |
--- | to remove, to shift forward. | |
--- | pr.n. "Hill of Yahweh" --- mt. Zion. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Bestows". | |
--- | (1221 w/f); tribute-money. | |
--- | no-time, untimely. |
502 > 7 | - 502 - | 502 = 2x251 |
--- | pr.n. "Mistress". | |
--- | to cut, pierce. | |
--- | to lay open; announce, tell out; tell good tidings, bring good news; to be fresh or cool; to swell out, to be plump; flesh; body; skin; a human being, a mortal; all men, mankind; all living creatures; blood relation; "the parts of shame" --- sexual organs. | |
--- | to cut up. | |
--- | perverse of heart. |
503 > 8 | - 503 - | 96th prime |
(for entries using finals, see: 23 --- |
--- | (1153 w/f); pr.n. "Snake Stone". | |
--- | pr.n. "With Baal". | |
--- | to crush, pound; crushing; crushed or pounded grain; to drive, chase, send away; divorce; cast out; pillage; a putting forth (of fruit); a yield, product. | |
--- | to bind; to build a bridge. | |
--- | pr.n. "Village of Adar". | |
--- | pr.n. "Moth Destroyer". | |
--- | pr. n. "Heifer". |
504 > 9 | - 504 - | 504 = 23x32x7 |
(for entries using finals, see: 24 --- |
--- | gourd. | |
--- | to tread, beat out; lay open, search for, seek, investigate; to be intent, seek often, make inquiries about. | |
--- | the middle, midst. | |
--- | bands, fillets; plylacteries. | |
--- | pr.n. "Reposes" --- of a place. | |
--- | pipes or flutes | |
--- | a perverse heart. |
505 > 10 > 1 | - 505 - | 505 = 5x101 |
--- | drinking-vessels. | |
--- | pr. n. "Gift of Yah". | |
--- | to make or declare perverse. |
506 > 11 > 2 | - 506 - | 506 = 2x11x23 |
(for entries using finals, see: 26 --- |
--- | (516); happiness; pr.n. "Ashera" --- Phoenician and Syrian goddess of blissfulness and fortune. | |
--- | to be slimy, miry; pr.n. "Clay Soil". | |
--- | The knowledge of Yahweh, to know | |
--- | with, by. | |
--- | portions. | |
--- | a herdsman. | |
--- | (1066 w/f); they inclined not their ear (to listen). | |
--- | (1876 w/f); in terribleness of valleys. |
507 > 12 > 3 | - 507 - | 507 = 3x132 |
(for entries using finals, see: 27 --- |
--- | (1157 w/f); ye. | |
--- | (501); step, going; conduct; a species of cedar. | |
--- | a break, offset (in buildings), a gallery. | |
--- | (513); glad tidings, good news; reward for good news. | |
--- | pr.n. "Golden". |
508 > 13 > 4 | - 508 - | 508 = 22x127 |
(for entries using finals, see: 28 --- |
--- | pr.n. "Mistresses". | |
--- | fir; cypress or pine; spear; musical instrument. | |
--- | pr.n. "Sedgy". | |
--- | driving out, ejectment, expulsion. | |
--- | to be inert, still; to be deaf; to be dumb or silent; to glow, shine, glitter; to be green, to grow luxuriant; an artificer or workman; deaf; a wood, thicket, forest; craft or trade; art, artifice; silence; clay, potters earth; pottery, earthenware; potsherd. | |
--- | to bind together, to combine; gatherings; the nave of a wheel. |
509 > 14 > 5 | - 509 - | 97th prime |
(for entries using finals, see: 29 --- |
--- | swamps, marshes. | |
--- | (1159 w/f); pr.n. "Gardener". | |
--- | pr.n. "Bridge". | |
--- | pr.n. "Deaf"; pr.n. "Craftsmen". | |
--- | (1069 w/f); let our eyelids flow with water (shed tears). |
510 > 6 | - 510 - | 510 = 2x3x5x17 |
(for entries using finals, see: 30 --- |
--- | to seize, to take hold of; to take into possession; to inherit; to possess. | |
--- | to be straight or direct; to be even; right; upright; level, even; pr.n. "Uprightness"; straightness, evenness. | |
--- | (1160 w/f); pr.n. "Strong" or "Permanent". | |
--- | to enfold or embrace; to bend or turn aside. | |
--- | (1160 w/f); who shall give?, oh that! | |
--- | still waters. | |
--- | crooked way or place. | |
--- | oppression or exaction. | |
--- | a settling down. | |
--- | (1160 w/f); given or devoted ones. | |
--- | to break up. | |
--- | (990 w/f); thy precepts. | |
--- | an upper room or loft. | |
--- | to bind, snare. | |
--- | pr. n. "Secretive". | |
--- | (1070 w/f); to burn. |
511 > 7 | - 511 - | 511 = 7x73 |
(for entries using finals, see: 31 --- |
--- | pr.n. "She is of Nuit" --- name of an Egyptian wife of Joseph. | |
--- | an offset, portico, gallery. | |
--- | pr. n. "Gift of Yah". |
512 > 8 | - 512 - | 512 = 29 |
--- | object of aversion. |
513 > 9 | - 513 - | 513 = 3319 |
--- | (507); glad tidings, good news; reward for good news. | |
--- | (1073 w/f); pr.n. "Their Smiting" or "Their Touch". | |
--- | a gathering, a cloud. | |
--- | about the time of life. |
514 > 10 > 1 | - 514 - | 514 = 2x257 |
--- | folds; leaves (of doors). |
515 > 11 > 2 | - 515 - | 515 = 5x103 |
(for entries using finals, see: 35 --- |
--- | tabernacle of the law. | |
--- | pr.n. "Blackness". | |
--- | a possession, an inheritance. | |
--- | uprightness. | |
--- | straying or ruin. | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Gives". | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah hides". |
516 > 12 > 3 | - 516 - | 516 = 22x3x43 |
--- | pr.n. "Happiness" --- name of Phoenician and Syrian goddess of blissfulness or fortune. | |
--- | (1166 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Giver". | |
--- | pr.n. "Strength". | |
--- | foundations (of a building or of the earth); ruins. | |
--- | foolishness. |
517 > 13 > 4 | - 517 - | 517 = 4x47 |
--- | (522); pr.n. "Possession". | |
--- | (1002 w/f); by thine understanding |
518 > 14 > 5 | - 518 - | 518 = 2x7x37 |
--- | plowing; plowing time. | |
--- | they rutted. | |
--- | warring, fighting; war |
519 > 15 > 6 | - 519 - | 519 = 3x173 |
--- | pr.n. "Father of Rectitude". | |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of song". | |
--- | to the Highest they call him. |
520 > 7 | - 520 - | 520 = 23x5x13 |
--- | a bird, the hoopoe, the rock or mountain cock. | |
--- | pr.n. "The Preserver", Darius. | |
--- | scab. | |
--- | spelt (a cereal grain). | |
--- | pr.n. "Fire" or "Sun", Cyrus; convex, bulging, a belly. | |
--- | to be straight or upright; proper or right; to shoot up or sprout; to thrive. | |
--- | the thread or warp in weaving. | |
--- | to break or crush. | |
--- | society or fellowship; neighbor or fellow-man. | |
--- | (1170 w/f); to be strong. |
521 > 8 | - 521 - | 98th prime |
--- | (1081 w/f); in the end, at last. | |
--- | traffic, wares; present, tribute. | |
--- | (1171 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Giver". | |
--- | through visions | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Gives". | |
--- | round about the tabernacle. | |
--- | pr. n. "Audience". | |
--- | time. |
522 > 9 | - 522 - | 522 = 2x32x29 |
--- | (517); pr.n. "Possession". | |
--- | daughter of my people. |
523 > 10 > 1 | - 523 - | 99th prime |
--- | (1083 w/f); cluster of grapes. | |
--- | fiery darts. | |
--- | (1083 w/f); a charge of bloodshed. | |
--- | pr. n. "Death Strong". |
524 > 11 > 2 | - 524 - | 22x131 |
(for entries using finals, see: 44 --- |
--- | till when?, how long? |
525 > 12 > 3 | - 525 - | 3x52x7 |
--- | r.n. "Jehovah Sabaot" --- divine name associated10 with the 7th Sephira Netzach,(148). | |
--- | and thou shalt cause to shake. | |
--- | (1005 w/f); to throw up a rampart. | |
--- | (1485 w/f); thy pain and thy conception. | |
--- | (1085 w/f); gnawing the desert. | |
Note: 10. G-K p. 91 |
526 > 13 > 4 | - 526 - | 526 = 2x263 |
--- | pr.n. "Sun" or "Fire", Cyrus. | |
--- | folly. | |
--- | festivals. | |
--- | a splendid or conspicuous deed, a miracle; a sign, proof; portent. | |
--- | (1176 w/f); on the part of. | |
--- | (1246 w/f); a lintel (the upper cross-timber of a door-frame). | |
--- | break ye up the fallow ground. | |
--- | (1646 w/f); like tangled thorns. | |
--- | cry or call. | |
--- | (1086 w/f); oppressions or violences. |
527 > 14 > 5 | - 527 - | 527 = 17x31 |
(for entries using finals, see: 47 --- |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of the Dawn". | |
--- | citadels, palaces. | |
--- | widowhood. | |
--- | (1007 w/f); thy brow is copper, thy brow is bronze --- you are brazen faced or shameless. meaning |
528 > 15 > 6 | - 528 - | 528 = 24x3x11 |
--- | (1088 w/f); terrors. | |
--- | (532); pr.n. "Stripping Off". | |
--- | silent, still; sultry (of the east wind). | |
--- | seed-land of the Nile. | |
--- | a key. | |
--- | opening of the lips. |
529 > 16 > 7 | - 529 - | 529 = 232 |
--- | pr.n. "Brother of Folly". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Opens". |
530 > 8 | - 530 - | 530 = 2x5x53 |
--- | lily, bright meadow saffron. | |
--- | pr.n. "Torches". | |
--- | (1090 w/f); bitternesses or sorrows | |
--- | to breathe or blow. | |
--- | breezy; a height or hill. | |
--- | distilling or dropping. | |
--- | my associates. | |
--- | (1090 w/f); "Abram the Hebrew" or "Abram the Emigrant". | |
--- | pr. n. "Powerful". |
531 > 9 | - 531 - | 531 = 32x59 |
(for entries using finals, see: 51 --- |
--- | (1181 w/f); pr.n. "God is Giver". | |
--- | prosperity. | |
--- | every pass of the appointed rod (each blow of chastisement). | |
--- | opponent or adversary (in a suit). |
532 > 10 > 1 | - 532 - | 532 = 22x7x19 |
--- | (536); pr.n. "God of Consternation". | |
--- | pr.n. "God binds". | |
--- | (528); pr.n. "Stripping Off". | |
--- | a monument; stump (of a tree). |
533 > 11 > 2 | - 533 - | 533 = 13x41 |
534 > 12 > 3 | - 534 - | 534 = 2x3x89 |
--- | fever. | |
--- | (1014 w/f); the king's sanctuary. | |
--- | (1094 w/f); pr. n. "Double Booty", a city in Judah. |
535 > 13 > 4 | - 535 - | 535 = 5x107 |
(for entries using finals, see: 55 --- |
--- | to inquire of god, seek an oracle. | |
--- | "the King to whom peace belongs" --- from "Song of Songs". (this phrase is a hidden reference to Solomon, as | |
Note: 11. G-K p. 90 |
536 > 14 > 5 | - 536 - | 536 = 23x67 |
--- | pr.n. "God of Consternation". | |
--- | an upright, distaff. | |
--- | (1186 w/f); because of his name. | |
--- | (1096 w/f); deaths (through diseases or violence); the dead. | |
--- | a kingdom. | |
--- | quarrel or strife. | |
--- | free-flowing myrrh (the best sort). | |
--- | gleanings. |
537 > 15 > 6 | - 537 - | 537 = 3x179 |
--- | pr.n. "God Makes Happy". | |
--- | a mantle or cloak (worn by women). | |
--- | (1097 w/f); an accepted person. |
538 > 16 > 7 | - 538 - | 538 = 2x269 |
(for entries using finals, see: 58 --- |
--- | pr.n. "One Who Snorts and Pants". | |
--- | pr. n. "Dwelling of Ptah", the name of an Egyptian people. |
539 > 17 > 8 | - 539 - | 539 = 72x11 |
540 > 9 | - 540 - | 540 = 22x33x5 |
(for entries using finals, see: 60 --- |
--- | and so forth. | |
--- | strongholds or munitions. | |
--- | bill of sale. | |
--- | to divide. | |
--- | (1100 w/f); the loins (as the seat of strength); the waist. | |
--- | to suck, to taste or relish; to be sweet; to be pleasant, agreeable. | |
--- | sweetness; pleasantness. | |
--- | to burn or blaze; to be kindled or burned. | |
--- | (1350 w/f); to break down or destroy; to kill. | |
--- | pr. n. "A Covert". | |
--- | to call or excite. | |
--- | ruin or desolation; shrub or heath. |
541 > 10 > 1 | - 541 - | 100th prime |
--- | pr.n. "God's Binding". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Wrestling" --- Israel, the second name of Jacob. | |
--- | (1101 w/f); the utterance of wickedness. | |
--- | (1101 w/f); valley of giants (south-west of Jerusalem, running from south border of Hinnom valley towards Bethlehem). |
542 > 11 > 2 | - 542 - | 542 = 2x271 |
--- | pr.n. "Horse Given". | |
--- | pr.n. "God Binds". | |
--- | a hammer; a quarry. | |
--- | breakers, waves (that break on the shore). | |
--- | mouth of the womb (place whence a child breaks forth). | |
--- | gleanings. |
543 > 12 > 3 | - 543 - | 543 = 3x181 |
--- | (1103 w/f); pr.n. "Expulsion", "Stranger". | |
--- | a liberty or common; the area or precincts; produce or plunder. | |
--- | (1193 w/f); the country beyond the Jordan, over Jordan. |
544 > 13 > 4 | - 544 - | 544 = 25x17 |
--- | (1104 w/f); pr.n. "Woods of Weavers". | |
--- | pr. n. "Waters of Opening". |
545 > 14 > 5 | - 545 - | 545 = 5x109 |
(for entries using finals, see: 65 --- |
--- | pimples, blains, blisters. | |
--- | pr. n. "Capital"; pr. n. "Chief". | |
--- | dawn, aurora. | |
--- | a maceration or steeping (of grapes), grape-drink. | |
--- | lordship or empire. | |
--- | biters, teeth. | |
--- | pr. n. "Sweetness". | |
--- | stop not. |
546 > 15 > 6 | - 546 - | 546 = 2x3x7x13 |
--- | (1666 w/f); Aram (Syria) of the two rivers (Mesopotamia). | |
--- | (552); a night watch (3rd part of night). | |
--- | pr.n. "Upright God-ward". | |
--- | possession. | |
--- | thoughts, cogitations (that rise up in the mind); ascendings, goings up or pilgrimages (up to Jerusalem). | |
--- | pr. n. "Capital"; pr. n. "Chief". | |
--- | (1106 w/f); to impose tribute-service on. | |
--- | a saw. | |
--- | sweetness; agreeable, pleasant. | |
--- | crimes of the sword (i.e. matters to be addressed by violence). | |
--- | exploits or achievements. | |
--- | eternity. | |
--- | till death. | |
--- | ruin or desolation; shrub or heath. |
547 > 16 > 7 | - 547 - | 101st prime |
548 > 17 > 8 | - 548 - | 22x137 |
--- | a sickle. | |
--- | the half; the middle (of the day), noon. | |
--- | scurf or scab. |
549 > 18 > 9 | - 549 - | 549 = 32x61 |
--- | the feast of unleavened bread, passover. | |
--- | command or empire. |
550 > 10 > 1 | - 550 - | 550 = 2x52x11 |
--- | (560); pr.n. "Baals of Heights". | |
--- | even, smooth; upright. | |
--- | a falling; ruin (of a man); a trunk (of a fallen tree); a corpse or carcass. | |
--- | to tear or pluck to pieces.. | |
--- | an eagle; a vulture. | |
--- | to saw or cut asunder. | |
--- | to tear away; to draw off. | |
--- | scurf or mange; a scorbutic person. |
551 > 11 > 2 | - 551 - | 551 = 19x29 |
(for entries using finals, see: 71 --- |
--- | make deep, ask. | |
--- | pr.n. "Israelite", "God Wrestler". | |
--- | possession. | |
--- | measure (of liquids). |
552 > 12 > 3 | - 552 - | 552 = 23x3x23 |
--- | (546); a night watch. | |
--- | wall; to be upright, strong. |
553 > 13 > 4 | - 553 - | 553 = 7x79 |
--- | cutting tool; plowshare. | |
--- | a candlestick. | |
--- | pr. n. "The City of Destruction", Heliopolis. |
554 > 14 > 5 | - 554 - | 554 = 2x277 |
--- | wares or merchandise. |
555 > 15 > 6 | - 555 - | 555 = 3x5x37 |
--- | (1275 w/f); double money. | |
--- | (1275 w/f); other money. |
556 > 16 > 7 | - 556 - | 556 = 22x139 |
(for entries using finals, see: 76 --- |
--- | evenness; a level or plain (especially the plain in Reuben); straightforwardness, honesty.; equity. | |
--- | on account of our transgressions. | |
--- | castrated. |
557 > 17 > 8 | - 557 - | 102nd prime |
--- | pr.n. "God's Reverance". | |
--- | wonders or miracles. | |
--- | streams of Egypt --- the branches of the Nile in the Delta. |
558 > 18 > 9 | - 558 - | 558 = 2x32x31 |
(for entries using finals, see: 78 --- |
--- | braidings or plaitings (of hair). | |
--- | (1118 w/f); to vow vows. | |
--- | (1858 w/f); to grant or show favor. | |
--- | my soul was sad. |
559 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 559 - | 559 = 13x43 |
--- | (1209 w/f); pr.n. "Expulsion". | |
--- | (1039 w/f); when thou shalt finish plundering. | |
--- | (1209 w/f); pr. n. "Justice Fount." |
560 > 11 > 2 | - 560 - | 560 = 24x5x7 |
(for entries using finals, see: 80 --- |
--- | (550) pr.n. "Baals of the Heights". | |
--- | (1120 w/f); "Knowledge of God". | |
--- | pr.n. "Conservative". | |
--- | (1120 w/f); crooked ways or places. | |
--- | (1120 w/f); temple-bondmen, Nethinim. |
561 > 12 > 3 | - 561 - | 561 = 3x11x17 |
(for entries using finals, see: 81 --- |
--- | pr. n. "God's Mighty One". |
562 > 13 > 4 | - 562 - | 562 = 2x281 |
(for entries using finals, see: 82 --- |
--- | image or idol; wound; pain or sorrow |
563 > 14 > 5 | - 563 - | 103rd prime |
--- | pr.n. "Expulsion". |
564 > 15 > 6 | - 564 - | 564 = 22x3x47 |
(for entries using finals, see: 84 --- |
--- | (1214 w/f); pr.n. "Sherah's Ear" --- a village. | |
--- | pr.n. "Handful of Sheaves". |
565 > 16 > 7 | - 565 - | 565 = 5x113 |
--- | r.n. "The Smooth Point" --- an alternate name of the 1st Sephira Keter | |
--- | (1125 w/f); dainty bits. |
566 > 17 > 8 | - 566 - | 566 = 2x283 |
(for entries using finals, see: 86 --- |
--- | twig, shoot, branch. | |
--- | (1216 w/f); darling honest one. | |
--- | bells (used as trappings for horses and camels). | |
--- | wrestling. | |
--- | counsels. |
567 > 18 > 9 | - 567 - | 567 = 34x7 |
(for entries using finals, see: 87 --- |
--- | (1127 w/f); pr.n. "Scorpion Rise". |
568 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 568 - | 568 = 23x71 |
(for entries using finals, see: 88 --- |
--- | (1288 w/f); pr.n. "House of Joseph" ='s the ten tribes. | |
--- | holiday garments, festive array. | |
--- | to breathe away the soul, to give up the ghost, to die. | |
--- | thou puttest on ornament. |
569 > 20 > 2 | - 569 - | 104th prime |
--- | men of fewness, few men. | |
--- | (1129 w/f); valley of the flats (now the site of the Dead Sea). |
570 > 12 > 3 | - 570 - | 570 = 2x3x5x19 |
(for entries using finals, see: 90 --- |
--- | poverty, neediness. | |
--- | a furrow. | |
--- | (1220 w/f); the sill or threshold. | |
--- | pr. n. "My Wrestling", name of the sixth son of Jacob, Neptali, (in Greek: 650, | |
--- | to feed. | |
--- | to roof or arch over. | |
--- | a bed or couch, a tent-bed. | |
--- | ten. | |
--- | to be rich or prosperous; to abound in; to become rich. | |
--- | riches or wealth. | |
--- | to take the tenth of, to tithe. | |
--- | to move, to be removed; to be advanced (in years), to become old; to let go or make free; to be venerable or stately, noble or splendid. | |
--- | bold or arrogant; loose or wicked talk; contumacy, arrogance. | |
--- | stately or splendid. |
571 > 13 > 4 | - 571 - | 105th prime |
(for entries using finals, see: 91 --- |
--- | pr.n. "Black". | |
--- | pr.n. "Balance" --- a term in Qabalah describing12 the principle of two sephiroth, male and female or active and passive, being balanced in a third. Chokmah and Binah balance in Keter. Chesed and Gebruah balance in Tipheret. Netzach and Hod balance in Yesod. The entire Tree of life is studied in this aspect of three balanced triads and a pendant. The three triads are also considered to be balanced in this manner. | |
Note: 12. G-K p. 92 |
572 > 14 > 5 | - 572 - | 572 = 22x11x13 |
(for entries using finals, see: 92 --- |
--- | pr.n. "Son of Wickednes". |
573 > 15 > 6 | - 573 - | 573 = 3x191 |
--- | a cake of unleavened bread. | |
--- | pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). |
574 > 16 > 7 | - 574 - | 574 = 2x7x41 |
(for entries using finals, see: 94 --- |
575 > 17 > 8 | - 575 - | 575 = 52x23 |
(for entries using finals, see: 95 --- |
--- | (1055 w/f); one crushed in testicle. | |
--- | ten. |
576 > 18 > 9 | - 576 - | 576 = 26x32 |
(for entries using finals, see: 96 --- |
--- | (1226 w/f); success, prosperity; advantage, profit. | |
--- | storehouses, magazines. | |
--- | pr.n. "My Dwellings". | |
--- | pr. n. "Staves". | |
--- | a ten or decad; a tenth; a ten-stringed instrument, a decachord. |
577 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 577 - | 106th prime |
(for entries using finals, see: 97 --- |
--- | and she suckled him. |
578 > 20 > 2 | - 578 - | 578 = 2x172 |
--- | division, class (especially the 24 classes of the priests and Levites; of the people or of the army); slipperiness; escape. | |
--- | leaven. |
579 > 21 > 3 | - 579 - | 579 = 3x193 |
--- | pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). | |
--- | and David crossed to the other side. |
580 > 13 > 4 | - 580 - | 580 = 22x5x29 |
(for entries using finals, see: 100 --- |
--- | pr.n. "Meadow of Beth Ma'akha". | |
--- | a post (for a guard); a ward (for a prisoner); the watch or guard; observance or usage, a rite; treasure (as guarded). | |
--- | sword drawn or uplifted. | |
--- | sharpened sword. | |
--- | a rich man; influential, noble; proud or violent. | |
--- | splendid or stately. | |
--- | removed (from the breast), weaned. | |
--- | ancient. |
581 > 14 > 5 | - 581 - | 581 = 7x83 |
--- | (1231 w/f); pr.n. "God of Restoration". (620), from Keter being the first or "oldest" emanation. | |
--- | mount of Esau. | |
--- | to exalt oneself, to become conspicuous. | |
--- | assemblies. | |
--- | pr.n. "The Aged" --- an alternate name of the 1st Sephira Keter | |
--- | power!, might! |
582 > 15 > 6 | - 582 - | 582 = 2x3x97 |
--- | (1142 w/f); and ye shall trample down. |
583 > 16 > 7 | - 583 - | 583 = 11x53 |
(for entries using finals, see: 103 --- |
584 > 17 > 8 | - 584 - | 584 = 23x73 |
585 > 18 > 9 | - 585 - | 585 = 32x5x13 |
(for entries using finals, see: 105 --- |
--- | (1145 w/f); pr.n. "Elohim Sabaot" --- divine name associated13 with the 8th Sephira Hod, (15). | |
--- | burning (especially spices at a funeral) | |
Notes: 13. G-K p. 92 |
586 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 586 - | 586 = 2x293 |
--- | (1146 w/f); pr.n. "Seat of Peace" or "Possession of Peace, Jerusalem. | |
--- | (1236 w/f); pr.n. "From Sharon", "of Sharon". | |
--- | wicker baskets. |
587 > 20 > 2 | - 587 - | 107th prime |
--- | (1887 w/f); during a year and years and part of a year, 3 1/2 years. |
588 > 21 > 3 | - 588 - | 588 = 22x3x72 |
--- | scab. |
589 > 22 > 4 | - 589 - | 589 = 19x31 |
(for entries using finals, see: 109 --- |
590 > 14 > 5 | - 590 - | 590 = 2x5x59 |
(for entries using finals, see: 111 --- |
--- | pr.n. "Fort of the Crocus", "Border of the Crocus". | |
--- | possessions of the heart (i.e. fancies, imaginations). | |
--- | time of appointed season, settled or fixed time; festival; festival offering; (176/736). | |
--- | pr.n. "Splendor". | |
--- | (1720 w/f); pr. n. "King's Gift". | |
--- | tenth, tenth part. |
591 > 15 > 6 | - 591 - | 591 = 3x197 |
--- | a stranger. | |
--- | pr.n. "Opened Waters" (a fountain near Jerusalem). |
592 > 16 > 7 | - 592 - | 592 = 24x37 |
--- | pr.n. "Swelling". | |
--- | (1072 w/f); thy people (are) free-will offerings (i.e. volunteers). |
593 > 17 > 8 | - 593 - | 108th prime |
--- | for to flee to Pharaoh's refuge. |
594 > 18 > 9 | - 594 - | 594 = 2x33x11 |
--- | cushions, mattresses. |
595 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 595 - | 595 = 5x7x17 |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Causes to Rest". | |
--- | (1155 w/f); "He who sits upon the Cherubim" --- God. |
596 > 20 > 2 | - 596 - | 596 = 22x149 |
--- | (1156 w/f & 586/1146); pr.n. "Seat of Peace" or "Possession of Peace", Jerusalem. | |
--- | the fraudulent man. | |
--- | sloth. |
597 > 21 > 3 | - 597 - | 597 = 3x199 |
(for entries using finals, see: 117 --- |
598 > 22 > 4 | - 598 - | 598 = 2x13x23 |
--- | what at the first. | |
--- | (1248 w/f); whole (unhewn) quarry stones. |
599 > 23 > 5 | - 599 - | 109th prime |
אין תגובות:
הוסף רשומת תגובה