100 > 1 | - 100 - | 100 = 22x52 |
--- | Qof (In spelling, interchanges with: (Qof = | |
--- | (750 w/f); pool; rope or rush cord. | |
--- | (750 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Valour". | |
--- | (910 w/f); to rejoice. | |
--- | (910 w/f); to be sharp (of smell or color) --- to have a strong smell or be bright, reddish. | |
--- | to hew, to dig out; to mine; to carve; to slay; to bind; cut or dug out. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Adorns". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Knows". | |
--- | (660 w/f); days. | |
--- | (580 w/f); "He Causes to Reign". | |
--- | (750 w/f); to support. | |
--- | renown; beauty, glory, loveliness. | |
--- | (660 w/f); organs (of the Deity). (a way considering the nature of the Sephiroth). | |
--- | pr.n. "Sustenance". | |
--- | (820 w/f); The Letter Koph ( | |
--- | (750 w/f); therefore. | |
--- | the swallow or throat. | |
--- | (750 w/f); strife, contention. | |
--- | a brook; pr.n. "Brook". | |
--- | water. | |
--- | from day of. | |
--- | (750 w/f); form or shape; species or kind. | |
--- | to speak, utter, to tell | |
--- | to be cut off; to be circumcised | |
--- | Used in Qabalah to describe the covenant of circumcision, that the tongue may be loosened (to speak) of that which is above by the act of cutting off below (circumcision) | |
--- | (580 w/f); from thee | |
--- | one of my days | |
--- | a nodding or shaking (of the head in derision). | |
--- | to appoint (to office) | |
--- | fate or death; pr.n. of a goddess worshipped by Jews in Babylonia | |
--- | conjectured to be similar to Venus. | |
--- | pr. n. "Portion" --- of a province of Armenia. | |
--- | from (poetic form). | |
--- | allotment or share; a levy (of men). | |
--- | a pining or afflicted one. | |
--- | roaring; groaning. | |
--- | to deceive, to act clandestinely or deceitfully; to act fraudulently against. | |
--- | deceits, knavish tricks. | |
--- | (580 w/f); to plait or interlace; to cover over. | |
--- | to cut. | |
--- | a covering or mantlet (used in a siege, testudo). | |
--- | pr. n. "A Slighter". | |
--- | (660 w/f); spice. | |
--- | to pledge or pawn; extortion or robbery. | |
--- | height or elevation. | |
--- | what is high or above, over or upon; on or upon, above or over; although, though, because. | |
--- | a yoke (for the neck of draught animals, of slavery, of affliction). |
101 > 2 | - 101 - | 26th prime |
--- | (821 w/f); make to bow down (toil); to urge on, to press. | |
--- | what causes to bend; weight; authority, pressure. | |
--- | languid, weak. | |
--- | (751 w/f); to bemoan oneself; to murmur. | |
--- | (661 w/f); to set, to put together; to put by. | |
--- | storehouses, granaries. | |
--- | (911 w/f); to cut, to wound. | |
--- | (751 w/f); noise, sound; a multitude, crowd, troop, confluence of waters; abundance, wealth; the rich; they. | |
--- | (751 w/f); pr.n. "Habitation"; tribe of Zebulun, (95/745). | |
--- | ((95); pr.n. "Yah Establishes". | |
--- | to go or come out; to be descended or begotten, to come forth; to rise (sun); to be exported; to be expended; to stick out, project; to extend, reach along; to close, end; to come to an end, finish. | |
--- | (661 w/f); two kinds, two sorts. | |
--- | to reject, refuse; to despise. | |
--- | pr.n. "Who Like God?". | |
--- | pr.n. "My Messenger". | |
--- | a kingdom, royalty. (variation of spelling of 10th Sephira --- 496). | |
--- | from him. | |
--- | slumber or drowsiness. | |
--- | (661 w/f); pr. n. "Comfort"; pr. n. "Consoler", the prophet Nahum. | |
--- | above or over. | |
--- | pr. n. "Yoke". |
102 > 3 | - 102 - | 102 = 2x3x17 |
--- | firmness; security; faithfulness. | |
--- | to eat greedily, to swallow down; to destroy utterly. | |
--- | (662 w/f); the space between two hosts (armies); sons. | |
--- | possession, control; property; Baal; Lord; to marry, to be husband; master; to rule; to reject or despise. | |
--- | (752 w/f); pr.n. "Pleasantness". | |
--- | pr.n. "Bright". | |
--- | pr.n. "Flowing", "Melting"; "Lent Succor by God". | |
--- | (912 w/f); to shine, to be splendid. | |
--- | to set, establish; to be set, firm, sure. | |
--- | to sport or jest. | |
--- | precious or costly things. | |
--- | a circle (of persons sitting in company); round about. | |
--- | servant or worshipper of Yahweh. | |
--- | to swell, to rise up. | |
--- | to prevail. |
103 > 4 | - 103 - | 27th prime |
--- | (583 w/f); pr.n. "Father is King" --- usual title of Philistine kings. | |
--- | to pound to dust, to crush. | |
--- | to grasp round; to twine round one another; to wrestle, to struggle. | |
--- | dust. | |
--- | pr.n. "Circuit". | |
--- | exultation. | |
--- | to be stiff, hard; to fling or hurl; quarrel, fight; be violently excited. | |
--- | (753 w/f); to cover, guard, defend. | |
--- | to profane, defile; abhor, reject, cast away; pr.n. "Loathing". | |
--- | pr.n. "Brilliant". | |
--- | to cut off, to divide; to cut in two, to halve. | |
--- | to set, place. | |
--- | to stammer or babble; to mock or deride; mockery, ridicule; scoffing, blasphemy; babbling or speaking as a barbarian or foreigner; a jester or buffoon. | |
--- | (753 w/f); pr.n. "Place of Troops", "Megiddon". | |
--- | (753 w/f); food. | |
--- | camp, band; court (of the Lord, station of a priest). | |
--- | a camp (of troops, nomads or Israelites); a host or army; a band or troop; swarm (of locusts). | |
--- | quiet, stillness; comfort or ease; settlement (in life or marriage); quietly; resting place. | |
--- | a gift or present (especially to a superior); tribute; an offering (especially a bloodless meat offering to the deity). | |
--- | (753 w/f); to strike or touch (especially a musical chord); to play a stringed instrument. | |
--- | pipe or flute. | |
--- | consolation, comfort. | |
--- | to turn round or roll; to skip or frisk about. | |
--- | round or circular. | |
--- | a calf; a young bullock. | |
--- | to stutter or stammer. | |
--- | stammering (also of a barbarian). |
104 > 5 | - 104 - | 104 = 23x13 |
--- | to be thick. | |
--- | (754 w/f); a likeness. | |
--- | (754 w/f); to whisper, murmur. | |
--- | to fear. | |
--- | beaten small, pulverized, fine; particle of dust; lank; shrivelled, withered; slight; shrunken, dwarfed; fineness, fine cloth. | |
--- | (914 w/f); to sever, divide; party-wall, wall of separation; the outside; a street; without, abroad. | |
--- | window-work. | |
--- | (754 w/f); pr.n. "Warm" or "Sunny". | |
--- | to fix or appoint. | |
--- | (664 w/f); villagers; pr.n. "Mahavites". | |
--- | (754 w/f); whoso, whoever | |
--- | from the time that | |
--- | a resting, settling down; rest, a state of rest; a settlement; pr.n. "Rest" --- of the father of Samson. | |
--- | a foundation. | |
--- | (754 w/f); to be hollow. | |
--- | to give or present. | |
--- | a sheath (of a sword); a liberal gift. | |
--- | despised or vile. | |
--- | (664 w/f); to burn, consume with fire. | |
--- | pr. n. "Lime Kiln" or "Burning" (a city in the vale of Sidim destroyed by fire. | |
--- | to twist up; to be hard or firm. | |
--- | to cease or rest. |
105 > 6 | - 105 - | 105 = 3x5x7 |
--- | pr.n. "God is Witness". | |
--- | (755 w/f); back, ridge. | |
--- | small cup; calix or corolla of flowers. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fountain of Bubbling". | |
--- | (755 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful", "Trustful". | |
--- | to break or cut off; broken twigs, sticks, brushwood. | |
--- | (755 w/f); to lament, whine, weep, cry. | |
--- | (585 w/f); to turn; to turn about; to turn back, flee, change; over turn, destroy, pervert; reverse, contrary; perverseness. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Omniscient". | |
--- | (915 w/f); to tread or trample down. | |
--- | pr.n. "Dove". | |
--- | pr.n. "Good-luck". | |
--- | (106); pr.n. "Cane: or "Reed". | |
--- | (665 w/f); pr.n. "Pining". | |
--- | to extinguish; a branch; a palm-top. | |
--- | to speak foolishly or hastily. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is King". | |
--- | to become fluid, to flow away.; to cause to flow, to dissolve; to wet or soak; to make (the heart) melt. | |
--- | trial, testing (of fidelity); tempting or proving (e.g. murmuring against the deity); calamity or suffering; pr.n. "A Proving" --- of a place in the desert. | |
--- | measure or proportion; by measure or quota of (with a following noun). | |
--- | pr. n. "Covert". | |
--- | to mark or stamp. | |
--- | to go or come up, to ascent or mount up.; whither; whence; to rise or be high, to excel. | |
--- | vegetation or sprouting; a leaf, foliage. | |
--- | high. | |
--- | burnt offering, holocaust; ascent or stair-case. | |
--- | wickedness or wrong. | |
--- | cause or occasion, ground (of an accusation). |
106 > 7 | - 106 - | 106 = 2x53 |
--- | to break through, to make a breach; to repair a breach, to rebuild. | |
--- | to cleave to, adhere to, cling to, press after; chase, pursue; attached or steadfast; a soldering or welding (of metals). | |
--- | pr.n. "Multitude". | |
--- | pr.n. "He Praises God". | |
--- | (756 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Establishes". | |
--- | (666 w/f); pr.n. "Slumber". | |
--- | (826 w/f); to be high, pointed or towering, crag-like. | |
--- | pr.n. "Cane" or "Reed". | |
--- | to suck or swallow down; wander or go astray. | |
--- | messenger of Yah, a prophet. | |
--- | pr.n. "My Counsellor". | |
--- | pr.n. "Counsellor" | |
--- | (756 w/f); pr. n. "Fish" (father of Joshua). | |
--- | to swim; fish.; to increase or thrive; the Letter Nun with value 50. | |
--- | to suckle or give milk; a suckling or infant. | |
--- | to turn or twist, to be wrong or perverse. | |
--- | perverseness. | |
--- | wrong-doer, transgressor. | |
--- | yoke,(for the neck of draught animals, of slavery, of affliction). | |
--- | burnt-offering, holocaust. | |
--- | The Supreme (deity). |
107 > 8 | - 107 - | 28th prime |
--- | (757 w/f); pr.n. "Strong". | |
--- | (757 w/f); they. | |
--- | roe, roe-buck; she-goat; to admire. | |
--- | to shine; be white; a whitish, pale skin-eruption. | |
--- | egg. | |
--- | mistress or possessor; witch; a city. | |
--- | to be hard, rough; pr.n. "Hill of Witness". | |
--- | (757 w/f); whoredoms; apostasy; idolatry; foreign commerce. | |
--- | flame, burning arrow; fiery dart; fetter, bond. | |
--- | pr.n. "To God". | |
--- | to stammer or jabber; to speak unintelligibly. | |
--- | refuse, an object of contempt. | |
--- | pr. n. "God's Servant". | |
--- | to depart or remove. | |
--- | to move or hop about, to dance; to exult or rejoice. | |
--- | a rejoicer. |
108 > 9 | - 108 - | 108 = 22x32 |
--- | powder. | |
--- | to grasp or hold. | |
--- | to pour out, to make empty, to desolate. | |
--- | (668 w/f); pr.n. "Greeks". | |
--- | prayers(?) --- making affirmations by Amen. | |
--- | and he rests not. | |
--- | pr.n. "Captive". | |
--- | (918 w/f); a wall, party-wall. | |
--- | to be sharp, to be gold, oppressive; to use violence, to hurt; to violate a law; to cast down, to shake off; violence, wrong; wealth wrongfully obtained; ill-gotten-gain. | |
--- | (758 w/f); to incline towards; to be gracious to, to favor; to bestow graciously; to pity; to be charitable; to groan, sigh; to show mercy, to compassionate; pr.n. "Gracious". | |
--- | the browser, a locust. | |
--- | (668 w/f); to stop up, to muzzle; to impede or stop. | |
--- | the middle, the midst; half, the half; arrow. | |
--- | bosom; a decree, resolve; what is cut in or graven; prescribed, appointed; a task; allowance; boundary; statute; body of laws; decree (of God); a portion or custom (established by law). | |
--- | pr.n. "Command of Yah". | |
--- | straight ahead; in front of; in behalf of. | |
--- | tower of God. | |
--- | a circuit or area (around a house). | |
--- | waters of Noah (the deluge). | |
--- | a keeping back or warding off. | |
--- | (668 w/f); tossings, startlings (in slumber). | |
--- | a she-calf, heifer or young cow. | |
--- | a cart or wagon; a roller or sledge (for threshing); a chariot. | |
--- | pr. n. "Hill" or "Eminence". | |
--- | take, pray! |
109 > 10 > 1 | - 109 - | 29th prime |
--- | (589 w/f); Ahimelech, pr.n. "Brother of a King". | |
--- | (759 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of a Gift". | |
--- | towards. | |
--- | to be about to take or lay hold of. | |
--- | to break forth, to be bright. | |
--- | brightness, lightning. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Redeems". | |
--- | pr.n. "Appointment". | |
--- | to eat or devour. | |
--- | a store-house, granary. | |
--- | quiet, stillness; comfort or ease; settlement (in life or marriage); quietly; resting place. | |
--- | a sheath; a body (as the soul's sheath). | |
--- | to be dark. | |
--- | to cover or hide, to be dark. |
110 > 2 | - 110 - | 110 = 2x5x11 |
--- | pr.n. "God's Acquaintance". | |
--- | pr.n. "God's Adornment". | |
--- | we. | |
--- | to bruse, crush; lock out, look around. | |
--- | (760 w/f); pr.n. "Pining", "Wasting". | |
--- | overthrow, destruction. | |
--- | to fold, to embrace, clasp, hug; folding (of the hands). | |
--- | to lick up, swallow down; to roll, wriggle; to speak rashly. | |
--- | (760 w/f); the right hand; the right side; the south; pr.n. "Right Hand" or "Lucky". | |
--- | right (as opposed to left). | |
--- | to go up, ascend or reach the height; to be eminent; climber, chamois goat. | |
--- | (760 w/f); to hide, to lay up or store away; to preserve, season; spice, seasoning; cumin. | |
--- | (670 w/f); to pierce, sting; a gnat. | |
--- | to be foolish; to bind together, to be firm; folly, loin, flank; confidence. | |
--- | a foundation | |
--- | pr.n. "Eloquent" | |
--- | the bowels, intestines; the stomach; the womb; the lower belly (in males as the seat of generative power; the inmost part (as seat of emotion); the belly (externally) | |
--- | (760 w/f); offspring or posterity. | |
--- | an elevated or lofty (object); a pole; a flag; a standard or signal. | |
--- | to be foolish; to make or show oneself foolish; to act foolish. | |
--- | a fool. | |
--- | folly. | |
--- | (590 w/f); to move or go. | |
--- | (590 w/f); to hem in or enclose. | |
--- | a pestle. | |
--- | pr. n. "High", Eli the high priest in Shiloh. | |
--- | high or supreme. | |
--- | (670 w/f); with; at, by, near. | |
--- | as long as, during. |
111 > 3 | - 111 - | 111 = 3x37 |
--- | red or ruddy. (also "manly" --- this word is Adonai made substance | |
--- | (831 w/f & 117/837); attached; familiar; friend; domesticated or tame; ox; the letter Aleph; head of a family; chieftain. | |
--- | to bind, to join; a family, a thousand; to learn; to teach | |
--- | (761 w/f); they. | |
--- | to press, to urge, to force. | |
--- | troubles ("no secret press thee"). | |
--- | to fall or sink; to set, become dark; to be drooping or tender. | |
--- | sunless, dark; sunset, darkness; concealment; mischance. | |
--- | (671 w/f); pr.n. "Pistacias" (nuts). | |
--- | pr.n. "Knowledge of God". | |
--- | lo! now! | |
--- | come out, descended (as offspring). | |
--- | (671 w/f); pr.n. "Pining". | |
--- | so, thus, in this manner; as is said; namely. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is King" | |
--- | a covering or veil. | |
--- | (761 w/f); to wear mud-boots or shoes; to be shod; booted. | |
--- | to be thorny. | |
--- | burnt-offering, holocaust; ascent or stair-case. | |
--- | wickedness or wrong, pr. n. "Evil" of a tribe in Edom. |
112 > 4 | - 112 - | 112 = 24x7 |
--- | (762 w/f); building. | |
--- | to be angry. | |
--- | pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin Bottle of Yah". | |
--- | to thrust, push, press upon; oppressor. | |
--- | to be sharp, to pierce, scratch; a prickly thorn. | |
--- | to pour or gush forth. | |
--- | established, fixed; certain, sure. | |
--- | to dig, excavate; excavation, wine-vat; wine-press. | |
--- | around. | |
--- | pr. n. "Hill", mount Ebal. |
113 > 5 | - 113 - | 30th prime |
--- | intensely glowing, sparkling; gem. | |
--- | emptiness. | |
--- | married. | |
--- | to cut into, engrave, delineate; statute, law, custom. | |
--- | they rutted. | |
--- | a treading down, subduing. | |
--- | pr. n. "Comfort of Yah". | |
--- | a refuge, shelter (figuratively a reference to God). | |
--- | pr.n. "A Band". | |
--- | to draw back; to be driven back, removed. | |
--- | (673 w/f); drunkards. | |
--- | (763 w/f); to check or control, to administer affairs. | |
--- | ruler or governor; nobleman. | |
--- | remission or forgiveness. | |
--- | a ring, earring. | |
--- | (673 w/f); to be pressed or bowed down, to be sad. |
114 > 6 | - 114 - | 114 = 2x3x19 |
--- | to build an altar. (57 + 57 --- both component words total the same independly). | |
--- | pr.n. "God is My Recompense". | |
--- | a look-out or watch-tower (used by besiegers), siege-tower. | |
--- | (834 w/f); to drop, drip; to shed tears; to flow away; a dropping or dripping. | |
--- | to flow; to shed tears; tear; "tears" of grapes and olives (expressed or pressed out juices). | |
--- | to wrap up, enclose, surround; breast, bosom. | |
--- | (764 w/f); pr.n. "Favored"; gracious, merciful. | |
--- | to burn, blaze; a burning mass. | |
--- | to shine or blaze. | |
--- | the water of uncleanness; menstruation. | |
--- | appointed time, season; an appointed sign, a signal; appointed place, appointed assembly. | |
--- | (30, 74 --- | |
--- | around | |
--- | to waver, totter; palsied; to make tremble. | |
--- | (764 w/f); to cover or clothe. | |
--- | pr. n. "Restful". | |
--- | darkness or gloom. | |
--- | to stand; to halt or stay; to stand up or arise; to stand fast, to persist or endure. | |
--- | to sink down, to recline. | |
--- | with me, against me. | |
--- | a place or station; a standing. | |
--- | pillar or column. | |
--- | a stand or platform. |
115 > 7 | - 115 - | 115 = 5x23 |
--- | pr.n. "God's Acquaintance". | |
--- | we. | |
--- | to bind fast; to be bound fast; to be firm, persist; to be strong; to be severe; to be pressing; firm; violent, severe; powerful; assistance, strength; might. | |
--- | a female chamois; wild she-goat. | |
--- | a burning. | |
--- | to revere, obey; pr.n. "Pious". | |
--- | (765 w/f); pr.n. "Pining". | |
--- | folly; hope, confidence; flanks. | |
--- | a foundation; an appointment, decree. | |
--- | an ear of corn | |
--- | to curve or twist (in convolution). | |
--- | bowels; the sea (figurative reference to its complex abundance). | |
--- | a pasture. | |
--- | to weigh, to try (by weighing); to try or test; to tempt; to attempt or assay; to try to. | |
--- | pr. n. "Road" | |
--- | to be sharp or pointed, thorny. | |
--- | a thorn bush, bramble. | |
--- | pr. n. "Point" or "Peak". | |
--- | pr. n. "God's ornament". | |
--- | a sending away or dismissing; an averting or expiation; the scape-goat, pr. n. "Azazel". | |
--- | departing goat. | |
--- | upper chamber, upper room or loft (figurative for heavens); ascent or stairs. | |
--- | to bind or join together. | |
--- | with, at, by or near; pr. n. "Community". |
116 > 8 | - 116 - | 116 = 22x29 |
--- | darkness, gloom. | |
--- | not unto; as far as; nothing to or for. | |
--- | (766 w/f); a pining or failing; consumption, destruction. | |
--- | (766 w/f); spice, seasoning; cumin. | |
--- | ninth month (new moon of December to new moon of January). | |
--- | (676 w/f); winding stairs. | |
--- | work. | |
--- | (766 w/f); a basis or foundation; a stand or place, a site. | |
--- | over against | |
--- | to flee; to haste away. | |
--- | (766 w/f); to be soft of sticky. | |
--- | to be jagged or pointed. | |
--- | pr. n. "Thorn Hedge", a town in Judah. | |
--- | suckling; child. | |
--- | wicked or perverse. |
117 > 9 | - 117 - | 117 = 32x13 |
--- | "they are not". | |
--- | (837 w/f & 111/831); attached; familiar; a friend; domesticated or tame; ox; alternate spelling of the Letter Aleph; head of a family; chieftain. | |
--- | (767 w/f); trouble, harm. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Lord". | |
--- | (677 w/f); pr.n. "A Cutting Down (of trees)"; | |
--- | (837 w/f); to drop, trickle. | |
--- | (677 w/f); to be agitated, to rage; to be angry; to curse; raging; wrath, anger. | |
--- | (677 w/f); the embalming (of the dead). | |
--- | pr.n. "Removed by God". | |
--- | (677 w/f); utterance of Yahweh. | |
--- | (597 w/f); a messenger from God --- may also stand for | |
--- | thickness. | |
--- | fortification or fortress; asylum or refuge. | |
--- | a turn, course. | |
--- | (767 w/f); a shoe or boot; mud boot. | |
--- | pr. n. "Servant of God". | |
--- | exultant. |
118 > 10 > 1 | - 118 - | 118 = 2x59 |
--- | pr.n. "Our son". | |
--- | bosom; to requite; inside of a chariot. | |
--- | (678 w/f); pipers. | |
--- | (838 w/f); pr.n. "Gracious". | |
--- | pr.n. "Hercules", name of an Egyptian City. | |
--- | (768 w/f); to bind together; to be strong or mighty; to be rich, to amass wealth; strong, mighty; to possess; strength, might; riches, wealth. | |
--- | pr.n. "Rich" or "Strong". | |
--- | (678 w/f); for warming; their flesh or body. | |
--- | a fountain. | |
--- | compassion or pity; object of affection or favor. | |
--- | music of string instruments; a song; a satire; stringed instrument. (as "song", a kind of mantra used by Hassidics to directly convey or evoke a specific emotion or sequence of emotions. Usually composed of tonal sounds mixed with few, if any, words. Usually referred to some specific event in the life of the R' who originated it. Usually not written down, but conveyed orally from one to another.) | |
--- | copper. | |
--- | to pluck up or tear away; to turn out (of a house); to expel or banish; to demolish; to be driven out. | |
--- | to be dragged or pulled out. |
119 > 11 > 2 | - 119 - | 119 = 7x17 |
--- | (769 w/f); pr.n. "Son of My Sorrows". | |
--- | pr.n. "Lord of the Flys" (obtained by considering the name to be in Hebrew roots instead of Syriac), "Bridegroom" (obtained by using Syriac roots, as is correct for the Philistine usage), Balzebub --- name of a Philistine god (2Kings 1,2). | |
--- | tear. | |
--- | to be set or placed. | |
--- | (679 w/f); to taste; to relish; to understand, to perceive; to cause to taste, to feed; taste, flavor; discernment; decision, decree; a decree; relish; reason; account; edict. | |
--- | to besmear, to lay on; to charge; impute. | |
--- | a planting; a plant. | |
--- | a cake. | |
--- | to be slender or thin; keen or sharp; to be small or few; to become few; to grow small, diminish; to be slight or trivial; to become few. | |
--- | little; a few; small. | |
--- | (679 w/f); errors or wrongs. | |
--- | till when? how long? | |
--- | a station or resting place, a domicile. |
120 > 3 | - 120 - | 120 = 23x3x5 |
--- | being strong; strength, force. | |
--- | (840 w/f); to cling to. | |
--- | right. | |
--- | obedience. | |
--- | a burning. | |
--- | to lay up, to reserve. | |
--- | (770 w/f); to set, place. | |
--- | a fool; the strong one; Orion (in Egyptian, Sah, the constellation of hunting Osiris). | |
--- | (680 w/f); to shear. | |
--- | height or elevation; the High One, Most High; what is high, above, over or upon; on; because of; about, concerning; to, unto; yoke. | |
--- | (770 w/f); to ... from. | |
--- | (930 w/f); mocker or scorner. | |
--- | a turban or cap (of the ordinary priests). | |
--- | what known?, why?, wherefore? | |
--- | appointed time, season, festival; an appointed sign, a signal; appointed place, appointed assembly. | |
--- | perfections, splendid garments; perfection, completeness. | |
--- | to count or number; a tribute. | |
--- | (600 w/f); to mix or mingle (especially to spice wine); to infuse or instil. | |
--- | a mixture; mixed or spiced wine. | |
--- | a covering (especially the veil or curtain at the entrance to the tabernacle). | |
--- | a heap or ruin. | |
--- | pr. n. "compassionate". | |
--- | (840 w/f); pr.n. "Dwelling or Phtah", Memphis --- | |
--- | fugitive. | |
--- | (680 w/f); smitters (with the tongue), slanderers, railers. | |
--- | to cut off, to nibble or gnaw. | |
--- | (770 w/f); pr. n. "Loamy", a city in the north-east of Egypt. | |
--- | to be high or pendulous, to raise or heap up; to cast up (earth); highway. | |
--- | to prick or pierce. | |
--- | to plait or interlace. | |
--- | (600 w/f); the letter Samekh (60); a prop or support. | |
--- | to lay or place on; to lean or press; to uphold or support; to draw near, to lean to. | |
--- | a moth (destroying garments). | |
--- | (680 w/f); heat or glow. | |
--- | pillar or column. | |
--- | a stand or platform. | |
--- | pr. n. "My People". |
121 > 4 | - 121 - | 121 = 112 |
--- | (601 w/f); pr.n. "King's Oak". | |
--- | (771 w/f); made solitary, widowed; a widow. | |
--- | widowhood. | |
--- | (931 w/f); to press together; to force. | |
--- | drooping, bending down (in the stalk); late; unripe. | |
--- | to lean on. | |
--- | support, side; beside, at, near. | |
--- | to put aside, to take away, separate; to select for one. | |
--- | pr.n. "Noble", "Side". | |
--- | (771 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Noble Father". | |
--- | pr.n. "Bristly". | |
--- | pr.n. "Removed by God". | |
--- | (681 w/f); consecrations; sacrifices of consecrations; setting (of gems). | |
--- | pr. n. "Abode", Nineveh. | |
--- | (681 w/f); afflicted ones. | |
--- | pr. n. "Rush", the name of a city in the south of Egypt. | |
--- | (681 w/f); pr. n. "Serving Edom" or "Serving Adom". |
122 > 5 | - 122 - | 122 = 2x61 |
--- | pr.n. "Dance-meadow". | |
--- | to tread upon, trample. | |
--- | (682 w/f); in the heat. | |
--- | (772 w/f); pr.n. "The Lord's Aim". | |
--- | to be peely, to have coatings; peelings off, onions. | |
--- | agitated, raging, angry, curse. | |
--- | dropping; myrrh. | |
--- | pr.n. "Let Him Help". | |
--- | (772 w/f); a burning or brick making; brick kiln; brick yard. | |
--- | pr.n. "Banded". | |
--- | to gush out; to declare, publish abroad; to ferment or spoil. | |
--- | to be convex or bulging, to be round or globular. | |
--- | pr. n. "Grape Town", a city in Judah south of Hebron, Anab. | |
--- | a berry, a grape. |
123 > 6 | - 123 - | 3x41 |
--- | (683 w/f); water meadow. | |
--- | (127); pr.n. "Sorrowful". | |
--- | pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin Bottle of Yah". | |
--- | grace, favor. | |
--- | (120); pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". | |
--- | to marshal or prepare battle. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is a Refuge". | |
--- | warring, fighting; war | |
--- | fortification or fortress; asylum or refuge. | |
--- | to smite; to blast; to touch; to move or affect (the mind); to smite hard (chiefly said of divine judgments). | |
--- | a stroke or blow; a plague; spot or mark (on the skin); plague-spot or warning (on walls or garments); one afflicted with eruptions. | |
--- | (773 w/f); to shut in or enclose. | |
--- | to live delicately; to make oneself delicate; to delight or enjoy oneself; to make oneself merry; to sport or mock. | |
--- | delicate of effeminate. | |
--- | delight or enjoyment. |
124 > 7 | - 124 - | 124 = 22x31 |
--- | (684 w/f); almug trees; red sandal-wood. | |
--- | pr.n. "God is My Praises". | |
--- | (774 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Kindness". | |
--- | (844 w/f); a passing by, forsaking. | |
--- | (774 w/f); strong, mighty. | |
--- | (844 w/f); pr.n. "Tearful". | |
--- | (774 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". | |
--- | a torch or lamp. | |
--- | pr.n. "Adorned" --- in modern times, a title used for a successor to the Caliph of Islam. | |
--- | a covering or mantle. | |
--- | (684 w/f); surroundings or environs; neighbors. | |
--- | the property of Yahweh. | |
--- | (774 w/f); a sort of linen undergarment like a shirt or shift. | |
--- | (774 w/f); to be soft, delicate or pleasant; to indulge or delight oneself. | |
--- | to bind. | |
--- | delights or pleasures, delicacies; pr. n. "Delight", Eden. | |
--- | pr. n. "Pleasantness", a place in Mesopotamia or Assyria. | |
--- | till now, yet. | |
--- | time; a season; a year. | |
--- | to bind. |
125 > 8 | - 125 - | 125 = 53 |
--- | (605 w/f); necklace. | |
--- | to sink, to be low; pr.n. "Low Land". | |
--- | pr.n. "My Strength". | |
--- | pr.n. "Known of God". | |
--- | what is rejected or loathed; a vomiting. | |
--- | festival. | |
--- | an appointed place of asylum or refuge. | |
--- | a number (of persons); a price. | |
--- | a covering; the membrane covering the bowels. | |
--- | possession, property. | |
--- | a covering. | |
--- | fusion (especially a molten image); a libation; truce or league (ratified with libations). | |
--- | the ant. | |
--- | to lean or incline. | |
--- | pr. n. "Slope", of a place in Zebulon. | |
--- | pr. n. "Wandering". | |
--- | a mound, rampart. | |
--- | (685 w/f); lovers or paramours. | |
--- | loves or charms; fond regards, affection. | |
--- | pr. n. "Delight". | |
--- | to utter a sound or raise a cry; to cry or shout; to sing; to declare or propose; to pronounce or decide; to answer or respond. | |
--- | to bend or bow down; to bend over; to bend down, to be low, depressed or humbled. | |
--- | to answer of speak. | |
--- | to be lowly or oppressed. | |
--- | pr. n. "Affliction", a son of Seir and the Edomite tribe named after him. |
126 > 9 | - 126 - | 126 = 2x32x7 |
--- | window. | |
--- | sacrifice and oblation (especially to an idol). | |
--- | (686 w/f); as to you. | |
--- | (936 w/f); to stammer, to mimic, to mock or deride. | |
--- | a baking, baked food. | |
--- | (606 w/f); a covered walk, portico. | |
--- | perfection, splendour. | |
--- | (776 w/f); a night's lodging or rest; an inn, caravanserai | |
--- | one of the three angels said to have confined Lilith under the sea. probably "Thorn of Yah" or "Hater". | |
--- | to shake or agitate, to reel or stagger; to tremble; to rustle, to wave about; to dangle or swing; to quake; to wander about. | |
--- | (776 w/f); pr. n. "Prepared" (name of a threshing-floor). | |
--- | to spring or leap; to gallop. | |
--- | twitter. | |
--- | to gnaw or nibble. | |
--- | a horse; a swallow (bird). | |
--- | (776 w/f); pr. n. "Blooming", Siwan, the third month of the Hebrew Year from the new moon of June to that of July. | |
--- | (776 w/f); to lie down or rest, to dwell. | |
--- | to move or agitate, to twinkle; to wave or bubble. | |
--- | sin or wrong; punishment; misery. | |
--- | suffering or oppressed. |
127 > 10 > 1 | - 127 - | 31st prime |
--- | pr.n. "Bubbling". | |
--- | (123); pr.n. "Sorrowful". | |
--- | pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin Bottle of Yah". | |
--- | (777 w/f); wheat. | |
--- | (687 w/f); consecrations; sacrifices of consecrations; setting (of gems). | |
--- | pr. n. "Day of God". | |
--- | very measurably or moderately. | |
--- | (777 w/f); to be strong. |
128 > 11 > 2 | - 128 - | 27 |
--- | pr.n. "God of Purity"; Eliphaz. | |
--- | (938 w/f); to cover, clothe; to arm, equip; to break away, withdraw; to draw out; the girded or strong parts; the two hips or loins; pr.n. "Strength". | |
--- | stone; hail-stone, hard-frost. | |
--- | (778 w/f); mighty. | |
--- | pr.n. "God's command". | |
--- | (938 w/f); to press, crush; to oppress; to crowd out; oppression or distress. | |
--- | a smiting, pestilence, plague; slaughter (in battle). | |
--- | a breathing out, exhalation; expiring (of life). | |
--- | the blower or bellows (of a forge). | |
--- | pr. n. "Bulging". |
129 > 12 > 3 | - 129 - | 129 = 3x43 |
--- | pr.n. "God is Gracious". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". | |
--- | (779 w/f); to stab; to load. | |
--- | (779 w/f); pr.n. "God is Gracious". | |
--- | pr.n. "He (God) Delivers". | |
--- | pr.n. "Ornament of Yah". | |
--- | pr. n. "God's Valley" or "God's Heritage". | |
--- | to set or fix in; to plant; to establish or settle; to implant; to pitch (a tent); to set up (an image). | |
--- | a planting; a plant; a plantation. | |
--- | to be forsaken, to be abandoned. | |
--- | till now, yet. | |
--- | pr. n. "Pleasure". | |
--- | pleasure (especially sexual). | |
--- | (779 w/f); to bind together, to hold. | |
--- | (689 w/f); pr. n. "Aerie". |
130 > 4 | - 130 - | 130 = 2x5x13 |
--- | (690 w/f); almug-trees, red sandal-wood (plural). | |
--- | deliverance. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". | |
--- | (780 w/f); to call or cry; to screech; an answering; because of; the ostrich. | |
--- | (850 w/f); to strike. | |
--- | pr.n. "Whom Yah Set Up". | |
--- | to collect; to assemble; to cover up, hide. | |
--- | to bend; a doubling; double, twice. | |
--- | (690 w/f); pr.n. "Their King" --- name of an Ammonite idol | |
--- | (780 w/f); from | |
--- | to gather or amass. | |
--- | resources or funds. | |
--- | (610 w/f); to press, to be pressed. | |
--- | according to the command of | |
--- | (610 w/f); to pour out (a libation); to shed forth (a spirit of sleep); to cast (metal); to constitute or appoint (a king). | |
--- | to intertwine or weave; to cover. | |
--- | to pour out, to offer a libation. | |
--- | a drink-offering or libation. | |
--- | (850 w/f); pr. n. Memphis (see also 120). | |
--- | pr. n. "Pointed" or "Peaky", Mount Sinai. | |
--- | pr. n. "Mountaineer", a Canaanitish people. | |
--- | swift or swallow. | |
--- | (780 w/f); to recline or rest; to be accustomed or familiar. | |
--- | to cut or wound; to hurt. | |
--- | to be bowed down, to stoop or crouch; to be poor. | |
--- | to store or shut up. | |
--- | (690 w/f); a ladder. | |
--- | to be like, to resemble. | |
--- | a likeness or image. | |
--- | till when? how long? | |
--- | (690 w/f); pr. n. "Ruins". | |
--- | (780 w/f); fountains; what stirs, twinkling, waving; the eye. (as "eye", name of the Hebrew letter Ayin, | |
--- | to eye or ogle, to suspect or envy. | |
--- | to turn or move round; to bind; to be astir or active; to roll; to make a stir, act or do, to meddle, to vex; to glean; to extirpate. | |
--- | to enclose or contain. | |
--- | to enter. | |
--- | to go or come it, to occur; to go down (of the sun). | |
--- | toiling or suffering, poor or helpless; lowly or meek. --- affliction or suffering. | |
--- | pr. n. "Bowed Down". |
131 > 5 | - 131 - | 32nd prime |
--- | (781 w/f & 137/787); wheel; roller. | |
--- | to turn, revolve. | |
--- | a round, a turn, season. | |
--- | (611 w/f); pr.n. "God is King". | |
--- | a certain one, such an one. | |
--- | (941 w/f & 141/951); strong; strength; to be alert; to make firm; establish (a house); to make bold; to confirm; bravery. | |
--- | active, fleet; deep red. | |
--- | (691 w/f); truly, certainly. | |
--- | (851 w/f); to breathe through the nose, snort; to be angry. | |
--- | the face; the nostrils. | |
--- | leaning upon; a noble; side. | |
--- | firmly supported; joint. | |
--- | (691 w/f); to be strong. | |
--- | (781 w/f); pr.n. "On a Hill". | |
--- | no-height, an idol. | |
--- | a night-hut, lodge. | |
--- | pr.n. "God is King" | |
--- | a thorn-hedge. | |
--- | to reach to, arrive at; to be at hand; to come to (something); to acquire or get; to suffice; to come upon or meet with; to find; | |
--- | (851 w/f); to commit adultery; an adulterer or adulteress; to be unfaithful (to the covenant), to apostatise; to pant or lust after. | |
--- | a mare; a woman (poetic figurative). | |
--- | a lying down, cohabiting. | |
--- | humility, piety; gentleness or condescension. | |
--- | meekness, piety. |
132 > 6 | - 132 - | 132 = 22x3x11 |
--- | (136); pr.n. "God is High". | |
--- | to break out, pour forth; devastate. | |
--- | pr.n. "Devastation". | |
--- | pr.n. "Decision of Yah". | |
--- | a stand or place; a military post or garrison; appointment or office. | |
--- | station or post (of troops). | |
--- | (692 w/f); the fountains of the sea. | |
--- | (782 w/f); pr. n. "Servile". | |
--- | to the heart. | |
--- | to receive --- root of |
133 > 7 | - 133 - | 133 = 7x19 |
--- | (783 w/f); without counsel, hurriedly. | |
--- | (693 w/f); menstruous garment. | |
--- | (783 w/f); pr.n. "Feller" ='s "Mighty Warrior". | |
--- | (943 w/f); to dig. | |
--- | (853 w/f); to cover over, hide. | |
--- | (783 w/f); to be bent, curved, winding; a vine. | |
--- | (783 w/f); pr.n. "Agitated". | |
--- | a change, suit of clothes; change of life, amendment; exchange of soldiers. | |
--- | (693 w/f); the salt sea,pr.n. for the Dead Sea | |
--- | (853 w/f); to smite (with a plague); to smite (with defeat); to thrust or push; to gore; to trip or stumble. | |
--- | a plague; a stumbling. | |
--- | to come out, to sprout. | |
--- | pr. n. "Sprout". | |
--- | pr. n. "Liberal People". |
134 > 8 | - 134 - | 134 = 2x67 |
--- | to burn, to flame. | |
--- | to wave (of a tree). | |
--- | to make small, diminish; to accomplish little; to stint or spare. | |
--- | (694 w/f); pr.n. "Harbored". | |
--- | pr.n. "Wise". | |
--- | (784 w/f); pr.n. "An Invalid". | |
--- | (694 w/f); measures, extensions | |
--- | a mountain fastness, a stronghold. | |
--- | (854 w/f); to drive away or disperse (like wind dispersing smoke); to rout. | |
--- | (784 w/f); pr. n. "Broom (of destruction)", a king of the Amorites. | |
--- | to uphold or support; to aid, animate; to take refreshment. | |
--- | to aid or succour. | |
--- | (784 w/f); delicate, voluptuous. |
135 > 9 | - 135 - | 135 = 33x5 |
--- | (785 w/f); castle, palace. | |
--- | (945 w/f); the oppressor. | |
--- | (785 w/f); pr.n. "Oppression". | |
--- | the female ostrich. | |
--- | (141); pr.n. "Yah Hath Set Up". | |
--- | pr.n. "Assembly of Yah". | |
--- | reign; kingdom or realm | |
--- | a raised way, highway, public road; a way or course; course of life; stairs or staircase. | |
--- | pr.n. "Depression" or "Lowland". | |
--- | to suck or drink out, drain; to press or wring out | |
--- | a sucklng; (something) sweet or unsoured; unleavened bread; | |
--- | contention or quarrel. | |
--- | a sieve or winnowing fan; a high place or height. | |
--- | pr. n. "Servant of Venus" or "Servant of Beauty". | |
--- | to run or rush. | |
--- | pr. n. "Luxurious". | |
--- | pr. n. tribe of Judah. | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Answers". |
136 > 10 > 1 | - 136 - | 136 = 23x17 |
--- | (132); pr.n. "God is High". | |
--- | strength. | |
--- | (name of an unclean bird); sandpiper(?), angry bird; heron(?), parrot(?). | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". | |
--- | (946 w/f); to press; to press or crush off, to separate. | |
--- | chaff. | |
--- | according to its kind (used to refer to the animals on the Ark of Noah). | |
--- | from us, from him | |
--- | (616 w/f); pr.n. "Oppressed". | |
--- | pressed or bruised (of a man emasculated by crushed testes). | |
--- | let me, pray, escape. | |
--- | (856 w/f); to raise or life up, to wave up and down; to sprinkle. | |
--- | elevation or height. | |
--- | pr. n. "horseman". | |
--- | to shoot forth. | |
--- | to come together | |
--- | child, infant. | |
--- | (786 w/f); pr. n. "A Ruin". | |
--- | meek. |
137 > 11 > 2 | - 137 - | 33rd prime |
--- | (787 w/f & 131/781); wheel; roller. | |
--- | (947 w/f); pr.n. "Courageous". | |
--- | pr.n. "Feller" (of trees). | |
--- | instruments of praise. | |
--- | pushings, upsettings or overthrows. | |
--- | a coming or going forth, exit; a promulgation; rising (of the sun); exportation; place of issue; mine or vein of metal; the east; a way out, a door; utterance, speech; pr.n. "Out-let" or "Issue". | |
--- | a military post. | |
--- | a garrison. | |
--- | something set up; a pillar or column; a statue, idol-image. | |
--- | (132); Qabalah; oral tradition --- the name given to mystical study involving Hebrew, the Tree of Life diagram and similar approaches ultimately stemming from Palestine, and early non-Christian gnostic practices. Antecedents include Chaldean (Babylonian), Old Persian, Egyptian, Greek and Hindu practices. This term was applied mainly after secondary exodus from Spain. Qabalah makes extensive use of methods originally intended for literary criticism, fragments of folklore and systems of initiatic training from western and near eastern cultures. The systematic derivation of many short words from three and two letter roots combines with historic use of numerical puns in place of rhymes and a penchant for word games to produce a unique and elaborate collection of mental exercises. Since Hebrew letters have long done double duty for numbers, many numbers have evolved meanings substantially like the ideas represented by Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese ideographs. |
138 > 12 > 3 | - 138 - | 138 = 2x3x23 |
--- | to be smooth; to lick off, consume, plunder; to cut up, share, divide, distribute; smooth, not hairy; flattering; lot, portion; baldness, bareness. | |
--- | (948 w/f); to be sharp, pungent; to be sour; to be acid; salted or seasoned; to be bright (color), dazzling; deep red, purple; to be eager, violent; anything made sour, leavened dough; violence or extortion; vinegar; sour grapes. | |
--- | (858 w/f); to cover, to hide, becloud; to pollute; to be polluted, defiled; profane, impious, reprobate; godlessness. | |
--- | (698 w/f); pr.n. "Coverings". | |
--- | (788 w/f); to enclose; to bend or curve; a fist. | |
--- | (788 w/f); pr.n. "The White Mountain", Lebanon. | |
--- | pr.n. "Battle-ground". | |
--- | to take or lay hold of; to seize; to capture; to captivate; to accept; to catch or perceive; to receive; takingness or captivating charms; learning or knowledge (as being received), doctrine or teaching. | |
--- | (948 w/f); to cleave or smite through; to wound; to smash or crush; to cut one's way through; to restrain; to dash or strike, to splash. | |
--- | confusion, wound. | |
--- | (698 w/f); pr.n. "Comforter", Menachim --- of a king of Israel. | |
--- | pr.n. "Decision of Yah". | |
--- | to shine, to be conspicuous. | |
--- | the front or forehead. | |
--- | to puff, to blow or breathe. | |
--- | pr. n. "Breezy", a town of the Moabites. |
139 > 13 > 4 | - 139 - | 34th prime |
--- | (619 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Support". | |
--- | (789 w/f); pr.n. "God is Gracious". | |
--- | (949 w/f); pit. | |
--- | (619 w/f); walking right before himself; plain or evident. | |
--- | pr.n. "God is Gracious". | |
--- | (859 w/f); to be dirty, foul. | |
--- | (149) pr.n. "God Distributes". | |
--- | like a little, nearly, almost. | |
--- | to take or pick up, to gather together; to glean; a gleaning. | |
--- | stronghold. | |
--- | plant. | |
--- | (859 w/f); to drop down or distil; to be gentle or plesant (as dew). | |
--- | a drop (a kind of gum or resin). | |
--- | (789 w/f); holder or receptacle, a vessel. |
140 > 5 | - 140 - | 140 = 22x5x7 |
--- | (146); pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". | |
--- | to lick or eat off; locust; the devourer. | |
--- | pr.n. "Responsive". | |
--- | to bend, bow down (the knee); to be low; to compress, fold up. | |
--- | to distribute, assign or reckon. | |
--- | (790 w/f); here, now, at this time. | |
--- | (860 w/f); sledge hammer. | |
--- | company or school | |
--- | (700 w/f); to eat or devour. | |
--- | a hewing (of stones); a quarry. | |
--- | (950 w/f); pressure or squeezing out. | |
--- | (700 w/f); from two days, immediately after two days | |
--- | (700 w/f); strings or chords of an instrument | |
--- | parts; times (as in "ten times" when used with a number). | |
--- | (700 w/f); strings or chords; a stringed instrument or lyre. | |
--- | to act covertly or treacherously. | |
--- | faithlessness or treachery. | |
--- | what is above, the upper part | |
--- | the goings in (i.e. setting of the sun). | |
--- | from above. | |
--- | a raising (of the hands). | |
--- | a hill fortress or citadel. | |
--- | a net. | |
--- | from on high. | |
--- | rottenness or stench. | |
--- | (620 w/f); a libation or drink-offering; an appointed one, a prince. | |
--- | (950 w/f); flower or blossom; a hawk. | |
--- | (700 w/f); smell sweet or fragrant. | |
--- | (860 w/f); basin; threshold. | |
--- | pr. n. "Luxurious". | |
--- | (700 w/f); indefinite or uncertain time, eternity; perpetuity or everlastingness, without beginning or end; for ever. | |
--- | world; worldly thoughts or cares. | |
--- | to cover, to obscure. | |
--- | to glow or burn. | |
--- | (790 w/f); to trouble. | |
--- | pr. n. "Troubler". | |
--- | a vessel, a crucible; a furnace or work-shop. | |
--- | (700 w/f); to roll or wrap up, to hide. | |
--- | to be strong or vigorous, to be ripe or mature (sexually). | |
--- | to know or understand; science. | |
--- | a youth, young (of age to marry). | |
--- | to labor or toil. | |
--- | fruit of labor; trouble or travail, distress or misery; he shall see; oppression, wrong. | |
--- | laboring or toiling; laborer or worker; suffering or miserable. | |
--- | (620 w/f); to be close or tight. |
141 > 6 | - 141 - | 141 = 3x47 |
--- | (951 w/f & 131/941); strong; strength. | |
--- | pr.n. "Brave". | |
--- | (861 w/f); to gather; to assemble; to draw up; to with-draw; to receive; to restore; to keep together; to take away; to perish. | |
--- | pr.n. "Assembler". | |
--- | gatherings. | |
--- | leasing; ingathering, harvest. | |
--- | pr.n. "Judgment". | |
--- | to end, to fail, to vanish. | |
--- | end; not, without; nothing; nobody. | |
--- | (135); pr.n. "Yah Hath Set Up". | |
--- | pr.n. "Malchielite" --- one of the people of that name: "God is King" | |
--- | a commandment, injunction. | |
--- | (951 w/f); to pierce or strike; to slight or reject; to despise or condemn; to cause to despise, to excite to contempt. | |
--- | to bloom; to blossom. | |
--- | to fly, fly forth. | |
--- | pr. n. "Assembly". | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Sustains". | |
--- | to feed, to give to eat. |
142 > 7 | - 142 - | 142 = 2x71 |
--- | pr.n. "God Loathes". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Has Selected". | |
--- | worthlessness, wickedness; destruction; destroyer. | |
--- | (702); pr.n. "Destroyer"; Ballam. | |
--- | pr.n. "Sharp", "swift Flowing", the river Tigris. | |
--- | he fashioned us. | |
--- | out-goings, descents or lineages; privies or sewers. | |
--- | to be set over; to set oneself, to take one's stand; to be set up or stand up (said of men, sheaves, waters), to be firm or healthy. | |
--- | handle or haft (of a tanged blade); an officer or prefect. | |
--- | a species of eagle. |
143 > 8 | - 143 - | 143 = 11x13 |
--- | (793 w/f); pr.n. "Gleaming". | |
--- | (793 w/f); pr.n. "Willing". | |
--- | the most high God. | |
--- | flatteries; smoothness; the smooth of the neck; portion of a field; pr.n. "Portion"; proportion, division. | |
--- | pollution, impiety. | |
--- | the half. | |
--- | (623 w/f); pr.n. "The Great King" --- title of the Persian monarch. | |
--- | (793 w/f); player, minstrel | |
--- | a track or rut; a way; course, conduct, way (of life). | |
--- | a frontlet (for the leg or shin), a greave. | |
--- | firmness or hardness (of iron). |
144 > 9 | - 144 - | 144 = 24x32 |
--- | (954 w/f); a violent man, robber. | |
--- | a knowing one; a wizard; intelligent; magician; a wizard spirit. | |
--- | (954 w/f); without | |
--- | pr. n. "Dropping" (of a city in Judea). | |
--- | to smite; to mourn. | |
--- | (704 w/f); pr. n. "Repose" or "Resting Place", a city in Judah and a cave. | |
--- | (704 w/f); kid of the goats. |
145 > 10 > 1 | - 145 - | 145 = 5x29 |
--- | to cause to waste away. | |
--- | (795 w/f); to defend; armour. | |
--- | (795 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Delightsome". | |
--- | pr.n. "He Shall be Turned". | |
--- | bundle or bale. | |
--- | upwards. | |
--- | a going up or ascent; stair or step; degree; elevated position, high rank. | |
--- | an ascent; an acclivity or cliff; elevation or platform. | |
--- | a net (for fishing); a high fortress. | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Meets". | |
--- | to fly or flee away; to seize by the hair, to strive or quarrel; to lay or lie waste, to be desolate. | |
--- | a wing-feather or pinion. | |
--- | refuse (in a bird's crop) or excrement. | |
--- | a flower or blossom. | |
--- | to add. | |
--- | to take off, remove (the hair), to shave; to take away (life), to destroy; to pass away, perish. | |
--- | work or deed. | |
--- | a maiden or young woman (of age to marry, usually also a virgin.) |
146 > 11 > 2 | - 146 - | 146 = 2x73 |
--- | (152); pr.n. "Strength of Yah". | |
--- | (141/801); to gather; to assemble; to withdraw; to receive; to restore; to take away. | |
--- | assemblies. | |
--- | (140); pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". | |
--- | to be light or foolish | |
--- | (796 w/f); offspring, child. | |
--- | reproach or reviling. | |
--- | (956 w/f); to move rapidly or flee. | |
--- | - (866 w/f); an end; rear. | |
--- | to collect or scrape together; to sweep or snatch away. | |
--- | to imbibe. | |
--- | an end, to perish. | |
--- | to come to an end; to be fulfilled (said of prophecy); to destroy. | |
--- | bulrushes; sea-weed. | |
--- | pr. n. "Assembly-man". | |
--- | (796 w/f); a thorn (especially on a palm tree). | |
--- | (706 w/f); indefinite or uncertain time, eternity; perpetuity or everlastingness, without beginning or end; for ever. | |
--- | world; worldly thoughts or cares. |
147 > 12 > 3 | - 147 - | 147 = 3x72 |
--- | (797 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful". | |
--- | (1357 w/f); "Son of Wailing". | |
--- | (707 w/f); dandlings, caressings (of infants). | |
--- | pr. n. "Muster-Place". | |
--- | a hammer. | |
--- | (797 w/f); pr. n. "Kid's Fount" (well on west shore of Dead Sea). | |
--- | (797 w/f); pr. n. "Swift Fount", (well in Issachar). |
148 > 13 > 4 | - 148 - | 148 = 22x37 |
--- | (708 w/f); pr.n. "Beni Elohim" --- angelic order associated1 with the 8th Sephira Hod, (15). (Gen. VI, 4) | |
--- | pr.n. "Portion of Yah". | |
--- | (958 w/f); salted, seasoned. | |
--- | to enclose, encompass, gird; to turn round, to go away. | |
--- | (868 w/f); to strip, peel off; to bind, to hold, stick together; clay, potter's clay, earthenware. | |
--- | pr.n. "Boxer". | |
--- | (798 w/f); to collect, to enclose; bosom. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fond of Instruction". | |
--- | (708 w/f); pair of scales, a balance. | |
--- | (708 w/f); insight, wisdom; wise teachers. | |
--- | victory (through persistence); pr.n. "Netzach", "Firmness", "Victory by Tenacity" --- the name of the seventh Sephira, (considered2 masculine in traditional Qabalah). Netzach corresponds3 to the Right Leg of Adam Qadmon (161). | |
--- | (708 w/f); pr.n. "Double Camp" --- a Levitical town beyond Jordan. | |
--- | to cut or smite through. | |
--- | a way or track; course or conduct; wagon-barricade. | |
--- | a taking or receiving. | |
--- | (958 w/f); to press or urge on. | |
--- | to shine or gleam; to be splendid or illustrious; to be clear or pure; to be true; to last or endure. | |
--- | to sprinkle or wet. | |
--- | brightness or splendour; clearness, truth; perpetuity or eternity. | |
--- | juice or liquor as spurting (in the treading of grapes). | |
--- | (868 w/f); to sweep off; to cast or hurl down. | |
--- | to pour or shed forth; to anoint; to appoint. | |
--- | to attach oneself, to adhere to. | |
Notes: 1. G-K p. 92 2. G-K p. 91 3. G-K p. 93 |
149 > 14 > 5 | - 149 - | 35th prime |
--- | (799 w/f); pr.n. "Splendor". | |
--- | (139); pr.n. "God Distributes". | |
--- | (795 w/f); a cellar or underground store; a store or a treasure. | |
--- | pr. n. "Sheep-markng" --- a place in Judah, formerly a royal city of the Canaanites. | |
--- | up to might, mightily or exceedingly. |
150 > 6 | - 150 - | 150 = 2x3x52 |
--- | (see also 111, | |
--- | (870 w/f); to increase; to add to do; to do again; to do longer. | |
--- | (800 w/f); pr.n. "Troubling". | |
--- | (710 w/f); pr.n. "Climber". | |
--- | (870 w/f); to cover, protect; covering; a wing; extremity, corner; battlement, pinnacle; flap, skirt. | |
--- | to be vexed; to be angry; anger; vexation, irritableness. | |
--- | (800 w/f); to twist or bend; hunger. | |
--- | (800 w/f); to repel. | |
--- | a burning; fuel. | |
--- | (800 w/f); from right hand of; pr.n. "On Right Hand". | |
--- | (800 w/f); treasure. | |
--- | (800 w/f); number. | |
--- | a covering, upper garment or mantle. | |
--- | a falling (i.e. the refuse or chaff); a flap. | |
--- | to go in to enter; to fasten, to bolt; to shoe, put on sandals. | |
--- | a shoe or sandal. | |
--- | (630 w/f); to blow (a coal); to glow, burn, to be bright red. | |
--- | a carbuncle or ruby (probably, actually a precious stone of a glowing or bright red color). | |
--- | (710 w/f); spices. | |
--- | (800 w/f); to mark off or designate. | |
--- | pr. n. "Belonging to the Threshold". | |
--- | (710 w/f); pr. n. "Concealment", Elam (eldest of Shem's sons, their descendants and their country). | |
--- | to wind or coil. | |
--- | fetter; anklet. | |
--- | to wear anklets. | |
--- | Elamite | |
--- | (710 w/f); to cover or hide. | |
--- | to join or combine. |
151 > 7 | - 151 - | 36th prime |
--- | (711 w/f); pr.n. "god of the People". | |
--- | pr.n. "God is Judge". | |
--- | to cry with anguish; to groan; to sob, sigh. | |
--- | (871 w/f); harvest. | |
--- | to breathe, to blow, to hiss. | |
--- | breath. | |
--- | (801 w/f); haste, hurry. | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Upholds". | |
--- | pr.n. "Not My People". | |
--- | darkness. | |
--- | a pool or reservoir. | |
--- | hope or expectation; object of trust; a gathering or confluence (of water); a company or caravan. | |
--- | to groan or cry out. | |
--- | wing-feather, a pinion. | |
--- | to be pure. | |
--- | pure. | |
--- | a whirlwind or tempest. | |
--- | Elamites. | |
--- | pr. n. "God's People". |
152 > 8 | - 152 - | 152 = 23x19 |
--- | (146); pr.n. "Strength of Yah". | |
--- | (712 w/f); pr.n. "Stream of People" or "Confluence of People". | |
--- | an overseer or officer; a military post, a garrison; a pillar. | |
--- | to pierce or prick; to bore (a hole); to break in or crack (a skull); to tick or mark, to fix or specify; to curse or slight. | |
--- | a bezel (gem setting). | |
--- | right up to. | |
--- | (712 w/f); till this day (inclusive). | |
--- | (712 w/f); in the heat of his spirit (i.e. in anger). |
153 > 9 | - 153 - | 153 = 32x17 |
--- | pr.n. "In god's Shadow"; "In God's Protection". | |
--- | pr.n. "Portion or lot of Yah". | |
--- | emptiness. | |
--- | (713 w/f); players on stringed instruments. | |
--- | (713 w/f); pr. n. "Two Calves". | |
--- | pr. n. "Border", a town in the south of Judah. |
154 > 10 > 1 | - 154 - | 154 = 2x7x11 |
--- | (874 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Gatherer". | |
--- | (804 w/f); pr.n. "Gourd-Field". | |
--- | compassing; girdle. | |
--- | (804 w/f); pr.n. "Appointed". | |
--- | (714 w/f); a muzzle. | |
--- | station or post. | |
--- | standing-place or footing. | |
--- | drops or pendants (for the ear). | |
--- | to prick or mark, to specify by markings; to mark or notch, to keep (a flock or head, from the practice of ear notching). | |
--- | spotted or speckled. | |
--- | a shepherd or herdsman; cattle dealer. | |
--- | crumbs or crusts; crumble cake. | |
--- | (874 w/f); to be full or ample; to be redundant or in excess; left over. |
155 > 11 > 2 | - 155 - | 155 = 5x31 |
--- | (715 w/f & 204); to beat to pieces, to pound or crush to powder; to be beaten out; to be beaten small; to break in pieces. | |
--- | to make light of, mock, deride. | |
--- | a pouch, scrip. | |
--- | wormwood. | |
--- | the gathering of bones. (Reburial --- after the body has decayed and the soft tissues have been absorbed by a cave sarcophagus, the bones are gathered and permanently buried elsewhere so that the cave and sarcophagus may be reused by the family or owner of the place of temporary burial. This was the common practice in Palestine from prehistory through Roman times. It is indirectly cited in the Torah in the cases of Moses and Joseph. Cremation may be indirectly cited in the case of Ezekiel. The practice of reburial could account for the story of the Resurrection and Second Coming of Christ in the New Testament, with the Ascension referring to cremation of remains thrown out of the cave of burial --- this would have happened if the owner of the cave was not paid for its rental, had a death in his family or had second thoughts about harboring the corpse of an executed political criminal). | |
--- | hearth or fuel (on the altar). | |
--- | (1455 w/f); from that time. | |
--- | a falling, ruins. | |
--- | a ruin or overthrow. | |
--- | to bray; to cry out. | |
--- | to be high or exalted; to rise up or move; to be led or taken up. | |
--- | to be pure, innocent; to be innocent with respect to (any interested party); to be free from punishment; to be quit (of an oath); to be cleaned out or emptied; to declare innocent, to acquit; to cleanse, to forgive. | |
--- | pr. n. "Anklet". | |
--- | doing or achievement. | |
--- | to cover or deck. |
156 > 12 > 3 | - 156 - | 156 = 22x3x13 |
--- | a cry of anguish, moaning; a type of Lizard. | |
--- | the blowing or hissing one; a poisonous serpent. | |
--- | pr.n. "Expansion". | |
--- | (806 w/f); pr.n. "The King of Greece" --- Alexander. | |
--- | (876 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Gives Increase", Joseph; the entire nation of Israel; the name of the Golem of R.Lowe. | |
--- | pr.n. "God Strengthens", Ezekiel. | |
--- | (716 w/f); what exists, a living being. | |
--- | (806 w/f); pr.n. "Grandee" | |
--- | refuge; flight. | |
--- | wonder or miracle. | |
--- | a groaning or outcry. | |
--- | to suck. | |
--- | (876 w/f); to shelter or hide; to fly; to be overcast or darkened; to faint or swoon; to brandish (a sword). | |
--- | a wing; birds, fowl. | |
--- | (716 w/f); eternity. | |
--- | (806 w/f); pr. n. "Wicked". |
157 > 13 > 4 | - 157 - | 37th prime |
--- | (807 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful". | |
--- | to cast, throw, to hurl, spring or leap forth; to compress. | |
--- | (877 w/f); to boil or bubble up; effervesce; to be angry, troubled, haggard; rage; judicial anger; violence. | |
--- | (807 w/f); the chin (bearded); the beard; to be pointed, prominent; to be old; an old man; elder; old age. | |
--- | (807 w/f); pr.n. "Camp of Dan" --- a place in Judah. | |
--- | to suffer loss; losing, injured. | |
--- | loss or damage. | |
--- | a female (from the hollowness of the sexual organs). |
158 > 14 > 5 | - 158 - | 158 = 2x79 |
--- | (718 w/f); manacles, bonds. | |
--- | a blown pot (a pot over a fire enhanced by forced air. | |
--- | to be pressed, narrow; to hang oneself. | |
--- | (878 w/f); slaughter knives. | |
--- | (1278 w/f); living water (running water). | |
--- | (808 w/f); scales, a balance. | |
--- | to be salted or seasoned. | |
--- | satire | |
--- | a division or class. | |
--- | pr. n. "Comforter". | |
--- | pr. n. "Illustrious". | |
--- | spontaneous growth; a flood. |
159 > 15 > 6 | - 159 - | 159 = 3x53 |
--- | (719 w/f); pr.n. "Brother Stands Up". | |
--- | pr.n. "Lot or Portion of Yah". | |
--- | the tent of the congregation, the tabernacle. | |
--- | (719 w/f); a savory dish. | |
--- | place of refuge. | |
--- | a point or stud. | |
--- | to loathe. | |
--- | (809 w/f); pr. n. "Frisky" or "Rolling", a king of Moab and a city in Judah, Ajlan. | |
--- | (879 w/f); to cover, to be covered; to swoon or faint. |
160 > 7 | - 160 - | 160 = 25x5 |
--- | pr.n. "God is Rescue". | |
--- | (1460 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Pity". | |
--- | to suck. | |
--- | (880 w/f); to be wearied, exhausted; faint, worn out; an exhausting or swift course. | |
--- | to shine, appear. | |
--- | (720 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Raises". | |
--- | (880 w/f); to be pale, white; to long after; silver, money. | |
--- | to tie or bind together; to connect. | |
--- | pr.n. "Treasury" (a city in Benjamin). | |
--- | (970 w/f); to be smooth or pleasant | |
--- | (640 w/f); a mixing; mixed or spiced wine | |
--- | to keep back, to withhold; to be withheld; to keep oneself back. | |
--- | to melt, dissolve; to waste away; to be dissolved; to fall apart; to be wasted, lean (of cattle); to faint, despond; to disappear, remove. | |
--- | to measure or apportion. | |
--- | (810 w/f); object or aim (particle used with other words). | |
--- | a shadowing. | |
--- | (720 w/f); to be tender or soft; to be pleasant or sweet; to be agreeable or charming; to turn out pleasant or well. | |
--- | pr. n. "Pleasantness". | |
--- | pleasantness; beauty or charm; grace or favor. | |
--- | to fall, to be slain; fallen, slain; to attack; to fall ill; to drop or fall (be born); to fall away; to frown; to fall out or happen; to present (a petition); to leave off or desist. | |
--- | to be marvelous or gigantic. | |
--- | an untimely birth, an abortion. | |
--- | clean or pure, innocent; clean or free (of an obligation or charge). | |
--- | high cliff or precipice; a rock. | |
--- | (810 w/f); to wave or shake. | |
--- | (720 w/f); as far as to them. | |
--- | (880 w/f); to languish or faint. | |
--- | languid, faint or weary. | |
--- | to rejoice. | |
--- | (720 w/f); to be hard or strong. | |
--- | pr. n. "Double Fountain", a city in Issachar. | |
--- | bough or foliage. | |
--- | (970 w/f); a tree; trees; wood or timber; a wooden post or stake, a gibbet or cross; a stick or rod; a wooden idol. |
161 > 8 | - 161 - | 161 = 7x23 |
--- | (721 w/f); pr.n. "Adam Qadmon", "The Heavenly Man" --- a term for all ten Sephiroth as forming the body of the Primordial Man. | |
--- | (881 w/f); to join on; to press or crowd, to surround. | |
--- | (1371 w/f; 95/655 & 183); "the valley of the Son(s) of lamentations" (Hinnom) --- name of the valley S.E. of Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Molock. | |
--- | (881 w/f); pr.n. "He Increases". | |
--- | the assembling places of God, the assemblies of God. (temple with its buildings). | |
--- | flight. | |
--- | pr. n. "God's Inclining" of a place in Naphtali. | |
--- | pr. n. "Headsman". | |
--- | innocent. |
162 > 9 | - 162 - | 162 = 2x34 |
--- | pr.n. "God Distinguishes Him". | |
--- | (1462 w/f); pr.n. "Son of the Right-hand", "Son of Good Luck"; Benjamin. | |
--- | to cut up; break bread; to be wounded. | |
--- | gain; unjust gain; filthy lucre; plunder, robbery. | |
--- | old age. | |
--- | (972 w/f); to be white or bright. | |
--- | upon the altar. | |
--- | to form or fashion; to pain or distress,. | |
--- | distressed. | |
--- | images or idols. | |
--- | a thing fashioned or devised; a vessel or utensil; labor or trouble. |
163 > 10 > 1 | - 163 - | 38th prime |
--- | finger; forefinger; finger breadth. | |
--- | toe. | |
--- | (883 w/f); to be gibbous, curved. | |
--- | (723 w/f); whoredoms; apostasy; idolatry; foreign commerce. | |
--- | (813 w/f); son of wickedness. |
164 > 11 > 2 | - 164 - | 164 = 22x41 |
--- | (814 w/f); pr.n. "Small". | |
--- | (814 w/f); outer; civil (profane). | |
--- | dainty (of food). | |
--- | knowledge, understanding | |
--- | to cut or hew. |
165 > 12 > 3 | - 165 - | 165 = 3x5x11 |
--- | pr.n. "Lily of Yah". | |
--- | splendour, beauty. | |
--- | pr.n. "Existence of Yah". | |
--- | a dwelling; habitation; an asylum, refuge; a lair or den. | |
--- | a furrow. | |
--- | answer or reply; refutation; purpose or object. | |
--- | bell. | |
--- | a shade or shady place. | |
--- | pr. n. "Pleasant". | |
--- | darkness. | |
--- | to close, to be firm or hard. | |
--- | back bone or spine. | |
--- | wood, timber; counsel or purpose; advice; plan or design; wisdom or deliberation. |
166 > 13 > 4 | - 166 - | 166 = 2x83 |
--- | a sucking child; a young twig, a shoot. | |
--- | (726 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up". | |
--- | (816 w/f); pr.n. "Confidence", "strong". | |
--- | darkness of Yah (profound darkness). | |
--- | a raised road, highway. | |
--- | (816 w/f); a dwelling, habitation; a lair or den; at home; abode, asylum or house; pr.n. "Habitation" --- of a city in Judah near a desert; pr.n. "Asylum" --- of an Arabian people; pr.n. "Dwelling". | |
--- | (646 w/f); pr. n. "King's Servant" | |
--- | equal to (or as much as) the children of Judah. | |
--- | (976 w/f); to fasten or fix; to counsel or decide. | |
--- | to bloom or flourish, | |
--- | (816 w/f); The High One, Most High; high or upon. | |
--- | The Highest or Supreme (deity). | |
--- | (816 w/f); pr. n. "Son of my Kin" (born of incest), Ammon --- a son of Lot by his younger daughter, also the descendants of Lot or Ammonites. |
167 > 14 > 5 | - 167 - | 39th prime |
--- | (727 w/f); burning arrow. | |
--- | dense or heavy soil. | |
--- | (727 w/f); exalters. |
168 > 15 > 6 | - 168 - | 168 = 23x3x7 |
--- | (888 w/f); to cover, protect; scrape off, to lay bare. | |
--- | rod of appointment. |
169 > 16 > 7 | - 169 - | 169 = 132 |
--- | (889 w/f); to make redundant, to have something to spare. | |
--- | civil; profane. | |
--- | (889 w/f); to mince, to toddle, trip along; to bind, to collect. | |
--- | pleasures, with pleasure, cheerfully.. | |
--- | bands or fetters. | |
--- | (729 w/f); few. |
170 > 8 | - 170 - | 170 = 2x5x17 |
--- | step-chain, ankle-chain; arm-band, bracelet. | |
--- | (820 w/f); pr.n. "Blear-eyed". | |
--- | pr.n. "He Will withhold". | |
--- | (980 w/f); to fasten or fix; to set firmly; to resolve firmly; to admonish. | |
--- | pr.n. "Bright". | |
--- | to set, spread. | |
--- | a cross-beam or tie. | |
--- | anterior or front; before. | |
--- | face or presence. | |
--- | (730 w/f); to obstruct. | |
--- | trousers. | |
--- | to snap or wring --- applied to the neck of a fowl | |
--- | (820 w/f); a poor or needy one. | |
--- | a stone quarry; a dart, arrow. | |
--- | a breaking up, departure, journeying; a station or starting place. | |
--- | a little of food. | |
--- | (820 w/f); a place of springs or fountains; a fountain or spring; source or supply. | |
--- | (730 w/f); pr.n. "Flights" (of time or of life). | |
--- | neighing (of horses). | |
--- | to stir or waver to and fro, to shake. | |
--- | a branch or bough; a rod, stick or staff; a shepherd's rod or crook. | |
--- | (820 w/f); Nisan (first or spring month of the Hebrews from new-moon of April to that of May). | |
--- | to be sick, to pine away; a sick man, a patient. | |
--- | to lift or hoist up, to display or make conspicuous. | |
--- | giant. | |
--- | (730 w/f); pleasant or agreeable.; delights or pleasures; pleasant regions. | |
--- | pr. n. "Pleasant", Naomi (Ruth's mother-in-law). | |
--- | pr. n. "Pleasant", Naamite. | |
--- | to be delivered or saved; to escape from; to strip off (a garment), to strip (a person); to deliver. | |
--- | to pull out. | |
--- | (890 w/f); to twist or turn; to pervert' to overturn or subvert. | |
--- | perversity. | |
--- | pr. n. "Fragrant". | |
--- | to be low; to be hollow. | |
--- | a dish or bowl. | |
--- | pr. n. "Fainting". | |
--- | suck or swallow. | |
--- | a rib. | |
--- | to lift up or heave; to heave on, to load. | |
--- | (730 w/f); pr. n. "Fountains", a city in Judah. | |
--- | (820 w/f); to cover or hide. | |
--- | a cloud; to cloud or overspread. |
171 > 9 | - 171 - | 171 = 32x19 |
--- | (821 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Strength". | |
--- | (731 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Sighing". | |
--- | pr.n. "Yah Gives Increase:. | |
--- | pr.n. "White". | |
--- | (981 w/f); forces; resources. | |
--- | to fill up and run over. | |
--- | a dwelling; habitation; an asylum, refuge; a lair or den. | |
--- | depth or deep; distances. | |
--- | abyss. |
172 > 10 > 1 | - 172 - | 172 = 22x43 |
--- | (822 w/f); pr.n. "Son of my People". | |
--- | pr.n. "Lordly". | |
--- | to cut, cleave asunder, wound, split, divide (used of the Red Sea in Ex 14,16); rip up, open up, hatch, break into, invade; half, half-shekel. | |
--- | (982 w/f); pr.n. "He Shines", "Conspicuous". | |
--- | (732 w/f); grapes. | |
--- | to spin or weave, to bind; to plot, to deceive. | |
--- | to be bulging, protuberant or prominent; to take by the heel, to supplant. | |
--- | a heel; hoof; step or foot print; the rear (of an army); a deceiver or supplanter, a plotting foe. | |
--- | prominent or hilly; a hill or knoll; deceitful or treacherous;deceived or betrayed. | |
--- | the end or last, to the end or for ever; reward or pay. |
173 > 11 > 2 | - 173 - | 40th prime |
--- | (733 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Pleasure." | |
--- | valley. | |
--- | (823 w/f); to shut up or confine oneself. |
174 > 12 > 3 | - 174 - | 174 = 2x3x29 |
--- | pr.n. "Adonis: Lord of Bezek", king of Bezek | |
--- | a support, a balustrade. | |
--- | to bind or tie. | |
--- | banded, striped or streaky. | |
--- | binding or union. |
175 > 13 > 4 | - 175 - | 175 = 52x7 |
--- | sucker, shoot. | |
--- | pr.n. "A Doubling or Couple" (a place near Hebron). | |
--- | a song (of derision), a taunt. | |
--- | an enigma or riddle; something indistinct. | |
--- | upwards. | |
--- | assembly. | |
--- | enchantress. | |
--- | clouds or a mass of cloud. | |
--- | to check or press in. | |
--- | oppression. |
176 > 14 > 5 | - 176 - | 176 = 24x11 |
--- | to spread out. | |
--- | (736 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up". | |
--- | (986 w/f); to set firmly; to resolve firmly; to advise; to admonish. | |
--- | (986 w/f); pr.n. "Counselor". | |
--- | a bed; bridal-bed; floor or story. | |
--- | (826 w/f); mocking or derision. | |
--- | (736 w/f); pr.n. "Barrier" or "Fort". | |
--- | (736 w/f & 590); time of appointed season, settled or fixed time; festival; festival offering. | |
--- | sucklings or children. | |
--- | to be close or tight, to be pressed. | |
--- | their eyes. | |
--- | Ammonite. | |
--- | pr. n. "Burden-Bearer", Amos. | |
--- | pr. n. "Voluntary People". | |
--- | (826 w/f); to act covertly, to use magic, to conjure; magician, enchanter. |
177 > 15 > 6 | - 177 - | 177 = 3x59 |
--- | (737 w/f); rise thou not; with whom the people is; with whom God is. | |
--- | sunken ground, depression, valley; wide plain. | |
--- | (1477 w/f); pr. n. "Garden of Delight", the Garden of Eden. | |
--- | to cry out; outcry. | |
--- | (1217 w/f); a messenger from God --- may also stand for | |
--- | to work or till. | |
--- | a hill. --- deceit or treachery. |
178 > 16 > 7 | - 178 - | 178 = 2x89 |
--- | (988 w/f); to incline, to bend; to be favorably disposed; to will, choose, please; to take pleasure in; delight in; loving; inclination, pleasure, delight; will or choice, cherished ; purpose; desire, longing; matter, business. | |
--- | (898 w/f); to storm, rage. | |
--- | a strangling. | |
--- | (738 w/f); the fortress of the sea --- refers to the city of Tyre. | |
--- | according to truth or right. | |
--- | ring or signet. | |
--- | pr. n. "Supplanter". |
179 > 17 > 8 | - 179 - | 41st prime |
--- | (739 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Pleasantness". | |
--- | place of refuge, an asylum. | |
--- | (739 w/f); plants. | |
--- | (659 w/f); I will deck thee with adornment. |
180 > 9 | - 180 - | 180 = 22x32x5 |
--- | (740 w/f); the sons of the prophets (their disciples). | |
--- | a floor, story. | |
--- | to move away; tear oneself away; to be dislocated; to be alienated; to transfix, pierce. | |
--- | (900 w/f); to bend, curve, to be concave; to project or mount upwards; to be high or lofty. | |
--- | (900 w/f); to burn or glow. | |
--- | above; from above, above. | |
--- | in the face of, before | |
--- | assembly. | |
--- | (740 w/f); a place (to stand on or be in); a dwelling-place; a spot, district or region. | |
--- | to pull up, to pluck or pull out; to break up (a camp); to remove, to journey; to be pulled or torn away. | |
--- | (740 w/f); pr. n. "Two Fountains". | |
--- | (830 w/f); pr. n. "Springy" (having water springs). | |
--- | (900 w/f); to cover or hide; to faint or swoon.. | |
--- | (830 w/f); the oppressed, the poor or suffering ones. | |
--- | work or labor; business; a matter or thing. | |
--- | clouds. | |
--- | pr. n. "My Covering". | |
--- | to swell up to rise. | |
--- | to be swollen up, to be lofty or arrogant. | |
--- | a hill; tumors or piles; emerods. |
181 > 10 > 1 | - 181 - | 42nd prime |
--- | (901 w/f); pr.n. "God Increases". | |
--- | (741 w/f or 187/747); pr.n. "Wheels", Ophanim --- the angelic order associated4 with the 2nd Sephira Chokmah,(73). Ophanim is | |
--- | pr.n. "Towards Yah My Eyes". | |
--- | to be sunken, deep; valley. | |
--- | to pour out, to flow, gush forth; stream. | |
--- | to wind or twist; to be firm, strong. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fortress". | |
--- | (741 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up". | |
--- | (741 w/f); adulteries. | |
--- | to be met with or found; to be acquired to be found out or detected; to be found, to exist. | |
Notes: 4. G-K p. 90 5. G-K p. 93 |
182 > 11 > 2 | - 182 - | 182 = 2x7x13 |
--- | (992 w/f); to gush out. | |
--- | fissure, cleft, breach in a wall. | |
--- | outcry, complaint; cry for help; boisterous shout; cry against. | |
--- | pr.n. "Heel-catcher", "Supplanter" --- Jacob. | |
--- | tribute of one serving (tribute-paid service). | |
--- | her fortresses. | |
--- | pr. n. "Tillage". | |
--- | sons of my people. |
183 > 12 > 3 | - 183 - | 183 = 3x61 |
--- | (95/655; 161/1371); pr.n. "Field of Blood (or man)", the Western part of Hinnom. | |
--- | weapons of war |
184 > 13 > 4 | - 184 - | 23x23 |
--- | to push, thrust, press, drive on; knock (at a door). | |
--- | a taking; booty (of animals or captives) | |
--- | (744 w/f); before | |
--- | a smiting (on the breast); wailing or lamentation. | |
--- | pr. n. "A Quaking" --- a city in Asher. |
185 > 14 > 5 | - 185 - | 185 = 5x37 |
--- | pr.n. "God's Eternity", "God's Antiquity". | |
--- | (745 w/f); barter or trading; gains or profits; market or fair. | |
--- | pr. n. "Set Free". | |
--- | languor; languishing or drooping. | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Lifts Up". | |
--- | pr. n. "Yah Covers or Protects". | |
--- | pr. n. "The Hill", Ophel (an eminence of the southern part of Mount Zion.) |
186 > 15 > 6 | - 186 - | 2x3x31 |
--- | (1556 w/f); a stumbling-stone (a stone or problem that occasions a stumble or error). | |
--- | pr.n. "God is Maker". | |
--- | pr.n. "fortress". | |
--- | pr.n. "Whom the Lord Knows". | |
--- | (746 w/f); from of old. | |
--- | (746 w/f); locus or place --- | |
--- | a place (to stand on or be in); a dwelling-place; a spot, district or region. | |
--- | their eyes. |
187 > 16 > 7 | - 187 - | 187 = 11x17 |
--- | (747 w/f or 181/741 w/f); pr.n. "Wheels", Ophanim --- the angelic order associated6 with the 2nd Sephira Chokmah,(73). Ophanim is | |
--- | pr.n. "To Yah My Eyes". | |
--- | (907 w/f); to glow, to burn. | |
--- | (907 w/f); to raise, lift up, hang up; to crucify. | |
--- | pr.n. "Jacob-ward", "To the Supplanter". | |
--- | the throne of the kingdom (royal throne). | |
--- | fodder. | |
Notes: 6. G-K, p.90 7. G-K p. 93 |
188 > 17 > 8 | - 188 - | 188 = 22x47 |
--- | (998 w/f); pr.n. "Shining", "Glittering". | |
--- | (998 w/f); to cut, divide; to divide into troops; to shoot arrows; a little piece, fragment, small stone, gravel, grit; arrow, lightning. | |
--- | (908 w/f); to be bent or crooked. | |
--- | one of the angels said to have confined Lilith beneath the sea. probably "Ancient Hate" or "Ancient Binder". |
189 > 18 > 9 | - 189 - | 189 = 33x7 |
--- | (839 w/f); pr.n. "Dan the piper" --- (from | |
--- | pr.n. "Cattle-driving". | |
--- | (909 w/f); a bat. |
190 > 10 > 1 | - 190 - | 190 = 2x5x19 |
--- | very beautiful. | |
--- | (910 w/f); to go round; to move in a circle. | |
--- | (840 w/f); pr.n. "Low-lander"; "Low-Land", Cannan, Phoenicia, Philistia; a merchant. | |
--- | (840 w/f); to that (toward motivation). | |
--- | bolt or bar. | |
--- | to expand. | |
--- | (840 w/f); a flower or blossom. | |
--- | (750 w/f); to avenge or take vengeance; to be avenged or punished; | |
--- | vengeance. | |
--- | to ascend. | |
--- | (670 w/f); to rule over | |
--- | (910 w/f); to wobble or waggle. | |
--- | (840 w/f); to cover over, to roof; to wainscot or clap-board. | |
--- | a wainscoting; ceiling. | |
--- | to stone, to pelt; to clear of stones. | |
--- | pr. n. "Might of Yah", Uzziah. | |
--- | (1000 w/f); to rejoice or exult. | |
--- | trample or tread down, to crush (grapes). | |
--- | to lean, to recline or repose. | |
--- | slothful, a sluggard. |
191 > 11 > 2 | - 191 - | 43rd prime |
--- | (751 w/f); pr.n. "God is Delight". | |
--- | strong, powerful. | |
--- | flowing, stream; a river-bed, sea-bottom, a valley. | |
--- | pr.n. "Fortress". | |
--- | will be poured. | |
--- | (751 w/f); pr.n. "God Sets Up". | |
--- | to impale or crucify. | |
--- | (751 w/f); the locus or place --- | |
--- | (700 w/f); king of kings --- spoken of the kings of Babylon | |
--- | (751 w/f); your finding. |
192 > 12 > 3 | - 192 - | 192 = 26x3 |
--- | pr.n. "To Yah My Eyes". | |
--- | to swell up, blister, have tumors; to gall. | |
--- | dough (leaven). | |
--- | glow, heat; wrath. | |
--- | come ye forth. |
193 > 13 > 4 | - 193 - | 44th prime |
--- | the arrow snake. | |
--- | attack; object of attack; a mark or butt. |
194 > 14 > 5 | - 194 - | 194 = 2x97 |
--- | to be right or straight; to be right or just; to be in the right (in the forensic sense); to gain ones cause; to be righteous, upright, good. | |
--- | straightness (physical sense); rectitude, right (moral sense); justice; blamelessness or probity; deliverance, prosperity or happiness (resulting from rectitude). |
195 > 15 > 6 | - 195 - | 195 = 3x5x13 |
--- | pr.n. "My Delight in Her"; (symbolic name of Zion). | |
--- | pr.n. "Beat". | |
--- | pr.n. "Traffic". | |
--- | possession; a purchase; purchase-money or price. | |
--- | property or wealth (cattle only). | |
--- | to wail a wail of wailing. | |
--- | vengeance; revenge or vindictiveness. | |
--- | (675 w/f); to the king. | |
--- | sloth, laziness. |
196 > 16 > 7 | - 196 - | 196 = 22x72 |
--- | (1476 w/f); pr. n. "Weedy-sea", the Red Sea. | |
--- | (916 w/f); darkness. | |
--- | (846 w/f); pr.n. "God's Gathering". | |
--- | bolt. | |
--- | (916 w/f); darkness, obscurity; to urge (by entreaties or prayers). | |
--- | to pour out. | |
--- | to set up, to place. | |
--- | distress or oppression. | |
--- | (756 w/f); perversities, waywardness. | |
--- | (756 w/f); young days, youth; prime or vigour. | |
--- | our secret sin. | |
--- | (846 w/f); pr. n. "Hiding Place". | |
--- | our secret sin. | |
--- | to straighten, to press upon; to blockade or invest (a city); to press. | |
--- | (1006 w/f); to loathe; to be alarmed | |
--- | to be astir, to move; to awake (from sleep or from death), to rise from the dead; to arouse oneself; to hasten on. | |
--- | the fruit harvest, summer. | |
--- | to pass the summer. |
197 > 17 > 8 | - 197 - | 45th prime |
--- | decision; definition; limit, definite scope. | |
--- | pr. n. "God With Us", Immanuel --- in Greek |
198 > 18 > 9 | - 198 - | 198 = 2x32x11 |
--- | to make a loud and joyous noise, laugh. | |
--- | laughter or sport; object of ridicule. | |
--- | (758 w/f); they speak very oracularly (said of false prophets). | |
--- | his heavy yoke. |
199 > 19 > 10 > 1 | - 199 - | 46th prime |
--- | justness, rightness; justice; integrity or piety; deliverance or prosperity. | |
--- | liberality or beneficence. |
אין תגובות:
הוסף רשומת תגובה