
יום שני, 11 במרץ 2019

billheidrick.com 1000 a 1199

1000 > 11000 -1000 = 23x53
(for entries using finals, see: 440 --- Mem-finalShin LamedAyin)
1001 > 21001 -1001 = 7x11x13
(for entries using finals, see: 281 --- Peh-finalSamekhPehSamekhAlephPeh-finalReshAleph351 --- Nun-finalShinAleph441 --- Mem-finalTawAleph)
1002 > 31002 -1002 = 2x3x167
(for entries using finals, see: 352 --- Nun-finalQofReshBetNun-finalShinBetNun-finalNunAyin YodNunNunAyinBet517 --- Kaf-finalTawNunYodBetMem)
1003 > 41003 -1003 = 17x59
(for entries using finals, see: 283 --- Peh-finalReshGimel353 --- Nun-finalBetShinAlephNun-finalShinGimel)
1004 > 51004 -1004 = 22x251
(for entries using finals, see: 354 --- Nun-finalShinDaletNun-finalVauReshTzaddiChet)
1005 > 61005 -1005 = 3x5x67
(for entries using finals, see: 525 --- HayLamedLamedSamekh Kaf-finalPehShin)
1006 > 71006 -1006 = 2x503
(for entries using finals, see: 196 --- Tzaddi-finalVauQof286 --- Peh-finalSamekhPehSamekhAlephHay356 --- ReshQofDalet-Nun-finalBet)
1007 > 81007 -1007 = 19x53
(for entries using finals, see: 287 --- Peh-finalReshZain357 --- Nun-finalVauShinAleph447 --- Mem-finalTawZain527 --- HayShinVauChetNun Kaf-finalChetTzaddiMem)
1008 > 91008 -1008 = 24x32x7
(for entries using finals, see: 288 --- Peh-finalReshChet358 --- Nun-finalShinChet448 --- Mem-finalTawChet)
1009 > 10 > 11009 -169th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 289 --- Peh-finalReshTet)
1010 > 21010 -1010 = 2x5x101
(for entries using finals, see: 200 --- Tzaddi-finalQofYodTzaddi-finalAyinMem290 --- Peh-finalVauReshGimelAleph360 --- Nun-finalVauQofReshDaletNun-finalShinYodNun-finalVauReshDaletSamekhMem;
450 --- Mem-finalTawYodMemAyinShinMemYodMemTzaddiAyinMem Mem-finalTzaddiAyin)
TawReshTawYod---what is redundant or overlapping.
TawAyinShinReshMem---wickedness; wicked woman.
1011 > 31011 -1011 = 3x337
(for entries using finals, see: 201 --- Tzaddi-finalVauQofHay451 --- Mem-finalTawYodAlephMem-finalYodNunAlephNunShin)
1012 > 41012 -1012 = 22x11x23
1013 > 51013 -170th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 363 --- Nun-finalShinYodGimelLamedGimelResh Nun-finalYodAyin453 -- Mem-finalYodTawGimel)
TawShinBet-ShinYodAleph---pr.n. "Man of Shame".
1014 > 61014 -1014 = 2x3x132
(for entries using finals, see: 294 --- Peh-finalVauReshChet364 --- Nun-finalShinYodDalet454 --- Mem-finalTawVauChet534 --- Kaf-finalLamedMem ShinDaletQofMem)
TawVauShinAyin LamedVauReshBet---prepared iron, steel.
1015 > 71015 -1015 = 5x7x29
TawVauTzaddiMem TawVauGimelAyin---unleavened cakes.
1016 > 81016 -1016 = 23x127
(for entries using finals, see: 366 --- Nun-finalVauBetShinChetNun-finalChetShinChetNun-finalVauQofReshYod456 --- Mem-finalTawVauYodMem-finalVauTawYod)
TawReshTawVauYod---what is redundant or overlapping.
TawBetShinBet BetShinYod---pr.n. "Dwelling at Rest".
1017 > 91017 -1017 = 32x113
(for entries using finals, see: 367 --- Nun-finalVauShinYodAleph)
1018 > 10 > 11018 -1018 = 2x509
(for entries using finals, see: 298 --- Peh-finalYodReshChet)
1019 > 11 > 21019 -171st prime
1020 > 31020 -1020 = 22x3x5x17
(for entries using finals, see: 210 --- Tzaddi-finalTzaddiLamedTzaddi-finalPehMemTzaddi-finalAyinNunTzaddi-finalLamedTzaddi370 --- Nun-finalVauShinYodDaletNun-finalReshAyinNun;
460 --- Mem-finalTawKafMem-finalYodLamedShinMemMem)
TawReshTawKaf---capital, crown (of a column).
1021 > 41021> -172nd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 371 --- Nun-finalVauTzaddiResh YodHayYod)
1022 > 51022 -1022 = 2x7x73
(for entries using finals, see: 372 --- Nun-finalShinBetKaf)
TawVauSamekhSamekhVauNunTawMem---conspicuous (plural, said of gems).
1023 > 61023 -1023 = 3x11x31
1024 > 71024 -1024 = 210
(for entries using finals, see: 304 --- Peh-finalYodZainReshZain)
1025 > 81025 -1025 = 52x41
TawYodReshBetChetTawHay---a befriending, affection.
1026 > 91026 -1026 = 2x33x19
(for entries using finals, see: 376 --- Nun-finalShinVauKaf)
TawReshTawVauKaf---capital, crown of a column.
TawVauTawReshKaf---hewed beams, planks.
TawVauMem-YodReshAyinShin---gates of death.
1027 > 10 > 11027 -1027 = 13x79
DaletSamekhChet YodDaletMemAyin AlephNun-TawYodShinAyin---thou doest, I pray, a kindness; please do a favor.
1028 > 11 > 21028 -1028 = 22x257
1029 > 12 > 31029 -1029 = 3x73
(for entries using finals, see: 219 --- Tzaddi-finalAyinMemYodChetAleph)
1030 > 41030 -1030 = 2x5x103
(for entries using finals, see: 220 --- Tzaddi-finalYodPehMemTzaddi-finalTzaddiMemTzaddi-finalPehNun380 --- Nun-finalShinLamed)
TawTawYodReshKaf---(1036); a cutting off; separation, divorce.
1031 > 51031 -173rd prime
1032 > 61032 -1032 = 23x3x43
(for entries using finals, see: 382 --- Nun-finalShinLamedBet)
1033 > 71033 -174th prime
1034 > 81034 -1034 = 2x11x47
(for entries using finals, see: 474 --- Mem-finalYodSamekhVauSamekh ReshTzaddiChet)
1035 > 91035 -1035 = 32x5x23
1036 > 10 > 11036 -1036 = 22x7x37
(for entries using finals, see: 386 --- Nun-finalVauShinLamed476 --- SamekhMemLamed Mem-finalVauShin)
TawVauTawYodReshKaf---(1030); a cutting off; separation, divorce.
1037 > 11 > 21037 -1037 = 17x61
1038 > 12 > 31038 -1038 = 2x3x173
1039 > 13 > 41039 -175th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 389 --- Nun-finalYodNunDaletAleph ReshBetAyinBet559 --- DaletGimelBetLamed Kaf-finalTawLamedNunKaf)
1040 > 51040 -1040 = 24x5x13
(for entries using finals, see: 230 --- Tzaddi-finalQofMemTzaddi-finalTzaddiNun480 --- Mem-finalYodNunMemShinMemMem-finalTawMem)
1041 > 61041 -1041 = 3x347
(for entries using finals, see: 391 --- Nun-finalMemShinAleph)
1042 > 71042 -1042 = 2x521
(for entries using finals, see: 482 --- Mem-finalYodMemShin YodLamedBetNun)
1043 > 81043 -1043 = 7x149
1044 > 91044 -1044 = 22x32x29
(for entries using finals, see: 324 --- Peh-finalDaletReshMem)
TawDaletReshTawMem---pr. n. "Given by Mithra" or "Given by the Sun".
1045 > 10 > 11045 -1045 = 5x11x19
1046 > 11 > 21046 -1046 = 2x523
(for entries using finals, see: 326 --- Peh-finalReshHayYodLamedAleph486 --- Mem-finalYodTawLamedBetDalet)
ZainAyin YodReshReshHayLamed HayTawDaletMemAyinHay---thou didst set firmness to my mountain (didst confirm it).
1047 > 12 > 31047 -1047 = 3x349
(for entries using finals, see: 397 --- Nun-finalVauAlephShinMem)
1048 > 13 > 41048 -1048 = 23x131
(for entries using finals, see: 398 --- Nun-finalMemShinChet488 --- Mem-finalYodLamedVauTawBet)
TawReshTawChetMem---a breaking in (by a thief), burglary.
1049 > 14 > 51049 -176th prime
1050 > 61050 -1050 = 2x3x52x7
(for entries using finals, see: 490 --- Mem-finalYodTawMem)
1051 > 71051 -177th prime
1052 > 81052 -1052 = 22x263
(for entries using finals, see: 402 --- Nun-finalShinBetNun)
ShinMemShin TawYodBet---(51 and 57); pr.n. "House of the Sun", "Heliopolis" (also NunVauAlephNunAleph).
1053 > 91053 -1053 = 34x13
1054 > 10 > 11054 -1054 = 2x17x31
(for entries using finals, see: 334 --- Peh-finalMemVauReshChet404 -- Nun-finalVauMemShinChet)
1055 > 11 > 21055 -1055 = 5x211
(for entries using finals, see: 245 --- Tzaddi-finalYodQofHayMem575 --- Kaf-finalShinAleph ChetVauReshMem)
NunVauHayNunMem YodHayVauLamedGimelResh
NunVauHayNunMemVau LamedZainReshPeh-YodDalet
PehSamekhChet YodDalet
---(3075 w/f); his feet, a part of them was iron and a part of them was clay
1056 > 12 > 31056 -1056 = 25x3x11
(for entries using finals, see: 247 --- Tzaddi-finalVauTzaddiYodNun;402 --- Nun-finalYodPehNunAleph DaletYodReshAleph; 406 --- Nun-finalVauLamedShinKafNun-finalVauReshPehAyin)
1057 > 13 > 41057 -1057 = 7x151
1058 > 14 > 51058 -1058 = 2x232
1059 > 15 > 61059 -1059 = 3x353
1060 > 71060 -1060 = 22x5x53
(for entries using finals, see: 340 --- Peh-finalReshSamekh410 --- Nun-finalKafShinMem500 --- Mem-finalTawKafMemMem-finalTawSamekh)
1061 > 81061 -178th prime
TawVauLamedAyinMemHay ReshYodShin---song of the pilgrimages, pilgrim-song.

1062 > 91062 -1062 = 2x32x59

1063 > 10 > 11063 -179th prime

1064 > 11 > 21064 -1064 = 23x7x19
(for entries using finals, see: 414 --- Nun-finalVauShinChetNun)

1065 > 12 > 31065 -1065 = 3x5x71

1066 > 13 > 41066 -1066 = 2x13x41
(for entries using finals, see: 416 --- Nun-finalVauMemYodShinYod506 --- Mem-finalVauZainAleph-TawAleph VauTetHay AlephLamed)

1067 > 14 > 51067 -1067 = 11x97
(for entries using finals, see: 417 --- Nun-finalBetZainShinVauBetNun)
1068 > 15 > 61068 -1068 = 22x3x89

BetReshQofLamed AyinBetPeh TawDaletQofPeh---"combat standing order".
TawVauDaletReshPeh VauShinBetAyin---the grains rot.
1069 > 16 > 71069 -180th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 509 --- Mem-finalYodMem-VauLamedZainYod VauNunYodPehAyinPehAyin)

TawYodChetShinMem ShinYodAleph---a destroyer.
1070 > 81070 -1070 = 2x5x107
(for entries using finals, see: 350 --- Peh-finalReshAyin420 --- Nun-finalShinAyin)

TawReshTawAyin---abundance or riches.

1071 > 91071 -1071 = 32x7x17
(for entries using finals, see: 421 --- Nun-finalAyinShinAleph)
1072 > 10 > 11072 -1072 = 24x67
(for entries using finals, see: 592 --- TawVauBetDaletNun Kaf-finalMemAyin)

ReshVauBetTaw TawVauNunZainAleph---pr.n. "Summits (or "Ears") of Tabor", name of a village.

1073 > 11 > 21073 -1073 = 29x37
(for entries using finals, see: 513 --- Mem-finalTawAyinGimel)
1074 > 12 > 31074 -1074 = 2x3x179

ReshTzaddiAlephReshShin LamedGimelReshNun---pr. n. "Nergal, Chief of the Treasury" of a chief of the Magians.

1075 > 13 > 41075 -1075 = 52x43

1076 > 14 > 51076 -1076 = 22x269
(for entries using finals, see: 426 --- Nun-finalVauReshQofAyin)

1077 > 15 > 61077 -1077 = 3x359

1078 > 16 > 71078 -1078 = 2x72x11

1079 > 17 > 81079 -1079 = 13x83

1080 > 91080 -1080 = 23x33x5
(for entries using finals, see: 270 --- Tzaddi-finalPehMem YodLamedKaf430 --- Nun-finalMemShinMem)
1081 > 10 > 11081 -1081 = 23x47
(for entries using finals, see: 431 --- ReshBetGimel Nun-finalVauYodTzaddiAyin521 --- Mem-finalTawPehAleph)

TawReshAlephPehTaw---pr.n. "Tipheret", "Mildness" or "Beauty" --- the name of the sixth Sephira. Tipheret corresponds1 to the Chest of Adam Qadmon (161).
1G-K p. 93

1082 > 11 > 21082 -1082 = 2x541
1083 > 12 > 31083 -1083 = 3x192
(for entries using finals, see: 523 --- Mem-finalYodMemDalet TetPehShinMemMem-finalYodBetNunAyin LamedKafShinAleph)

MemYodHayTaw TawVauNunYodAyin ZainVauZainAyinBet---(1643 w/f); when the fountains of the deep became mighty.

1084 > 13 > 41084 -1084 = 22x271
(for entries using finals, see: 434 --- ReshVauTzaddiChet Nun-finalYodAyin)
1085 > 14 > 51085 -1085 = 5x7x31
(for entries using finals, see: 525 --- HayYodTzaddi Mem-finalYodQofReshAyin)

TawReshAyin HayShinAyinMem---wreathed work.

1086 > 15 > 61086 -1086 = 2x3x181
(for entries using finals, see: 526 --- Mem-finalYodQofVauShinAyin)

1087 > 16 > 71087 -181st prime

1088 > 17 > 81088 -1088 = 26x17
(for entries using finals, see: 528 --- Mem-finalYodTawVauAyinBet608 --- Kaf-finalYodTawVauBetQofAyin)

1089 > 18 > 91089 -1089 = 32x112

1090 > 10 > 11090 -1090 = 2x5x109
(for entries using finals, see: 440 --- Nun-finalPehShinYod530 --- YodReshBetAyinHay Mem-finalReshBetAlephMem-finalYodReshReshMemMem)

1091 > 11 > 21091 -182nd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 441 --- ReshPehSamekhMem Nun-finalYodAleph)

1092 > 12 > 31092 -1092 = 22x3x7x13

1093 > 13 > 41093 -183rd prime

1094 > 14 > 51094 -1094 = 2x547
(for entries using finals, see: 534 --- Mem-finalYodTawYodDaletAyin)

1095 > 15 > 61095 -1095 = 3x5x73
(for entries using finals, see: 615 --- LamedAyin LamedAyinNun Kaf-finalYodLamedShinHay)

1096 > 16 > 71096 -1096 = 23x137
(for entries using finals, see: 536 --- Mem-finalYodTawVauMemMem)

1097 > 17 > 81097 -184th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 537 --- Mem-finalYodNunPeh AlephVauShinNun)

1098 > 18 > 91098 -1098 = 2x32x61

1099 > 19 > 10 > 11099 -1099 = 7x157
(for entries using finals, see: 289 --- LamedAyinNunHay Tzaddi-finalVauLamedChet)

1100 > 21100 -1100 = 22x52x11
(for entries using finals, see: 540 --- Mem-finalYodNunTawMem)

1101 > 31101 -1101 = 3x367
(for entries using finals, see: 291 --- Tzaddi-finalReshAleph381 --- Peh-finalShinAleph451 --- Nun-finalTawAleph;
541 --- AyinShinPeh Mem-finalAlephNunMem-finalYodAlephPehResh QofMemAyin)

1102 > 41102 -1102 = 2x19x29

1103 > 51103 -185th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 383 --- Peh-finalShinGimel543 --- Mem-finalShinReshGimel)

1104 > 61104 -1104 = 24x3x23
(for entries using finals, see: 454 --- Nun-finalTawDalet544 --- Mem-finalYodGimelReshAleph YodReshAyinYod)

1105 > 71105 -1105 = 5x13x17

1106 > 81106 -1106 = 2x7x79
(for entries using finals, see: 546 --- LamedAyin SamekhMem Mem-finalVauShin)

1107 > 91107 -1107 = 33x4
(for entries using finals, see: 457 --- Nun-finalVauTawAleph)

1108 > 10 > 11108 -1108 = 22x277
(for entries using finals, see: 298 --- Tzaddi-finalReshChet388 --- Peh-finalShinChet458 --- Nun-finalTawChet)

1109 > 11 > 21109 -186th prime
1110 > 31110 -1110 = 2x3x5x37
(for entries using finals, see: 390 --- Peh-finalShinYod460 --- Nun-finalShinQofYodNun-finalTawYodNun-finalAyinShinMem)

MemYodNunMem TawReshShinAyin---(1670 w/f); ten times.

1111 > 41111 -1111 = 11x101
(for entries using finals, see: 461 --- Nun-finalTawYodAlephNun-finalVauTawBetGimel631 --- LamedAlephReshShinYod Kaf-finalLamedMem)

1112 > 51112 -1112 = 23x139
(for entries using finals, see: 462 --- Nun-finalTawYodBet)

1113 > 61113 -1113 = 3x7x53

1114 > 71114 -1114 = 2x557
(for entries using finals, see: 304 --- Tzaddi-finalVauReshChet464 --- Nun-finalYodTawDalet)

1115 > 81115 -1115 = 5x223
1116 > 91116 -1116 = 22x32x31

NunShinYodTaw HayMemLamed HayReshVauAyin---(1766 w/f); awake! why sleepest thou?
BetAlephVauYod TawYodBet TawVauReshTetAyin---pr. n. "Crowns of the house of Joab.
1117 > 10 > 11117 -187th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 467 --- Nun-finalVauTawYodAlephNun-finalTawYodZain637 --- Kaf-finalShinMem AyinReshZain)

TawReshPehKafHay TawYodBet---the Holy of Holies, "House of the Mercy-seat", "Place of the Cover of the Ark".

1118 > 11 > 21118 -1118 = 2x13x43
(for entries using finals, see: 308 --- Tzaddi-finalYodReshChet398 --- Peh-finalYodShinChet558 --- Mem-finalYodReshDaletNun ReshDaletNun)

1119 > 12 > 31119 -1119 = 3x373

1120 > 41120 -1120 = 25x5x7
(for entries using finals, see: 310 --- Tzaddi-finalYodTzaddiAyinNun400 --- Peh-finalShinKaf470 --- Nun-finalTawKafHayNunShinMem Nun-finalHayKaf;
560 --- Mem-finalYodHayLamedAleph TawAyinDaletMem-finalYodShinQofAyinMemMem-finalYodNunYodTawNun)

1121 > 51121 -1121 = 19x59
(for entries using finals, see: 401 --- Peh-finalShinKafAleph)

1122 > 61122 -1122 = 2x3x11x17
1123 > 71123 -188th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 473 --- TawChetVauZain-Nun-finalBet)

TawKafReshAyinMemHay NunChetLamedShin---(1773 w/f); the table of the shew-bread.
1124 > 81124 -1124 = 22x281

ReshVauBetTaw-TawVauLamedSamekhKaf---pr.n. "Flanks of Tabor".

1125 > 91125 -1125 = 32x53
(for entries using finals, see: 565 --- Mem-finalYodMemHayLamedTawMem)

1126 > 10 > 11126 -1126 = 2x563
(for entries using finals, see: 476 --- Nun-finalVauTawVauDaletYod)

1127 > 11 > 21127 -1127 = 72x23
(for entries using finals, see: 567 --- Mem-finalYodBetReshQofAyin HayLamedAyinMem)

1128 > 12 > 31128 -1128 = 23x3x47

1129 > 13 > 41129 -189th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 569 --- Mem-finalYodDaletShinHay QofMemAyin)
1130 > 51130 -1130 = 2x5x113
(for entries using finals, see: 410 --- Peh-finalReshTzaddiMem480 --- Nun-finalVauTawYodDaletYod)

MemYodTawPehShin LamedReshAyin---(1690 w/f); uncircumcised of lips (thick of speech).

1131 > 61131 -1131 = 3x13x29

1132 > 71132 -1132 = 22x283

1133 > 81133 -1133 = 11x103

1134 > 91134 -1134 = 2x34x7
(for entries using finals, see: 484 --- Nun-finalVauNunYodAyin ReshTzaddiChet)

1135 > 10 > 11135 -1135 = 5x227

1136 > 11 > 21136 -1136 = 24x71

1137 > 12 > 31137 -1137 = 3x379

1138 > 13 > 41138 -1138 = 2x569
(for entries using finals, see: 488 --- Nun-finalLamedTawChet)

1139 > 14 > 51139 -1139 = 17x67

1140 > 61140 -1140 = 22x3x5x19
(for entries using finals, see: 330 --- Tzaddi-finalReshMem490 --- Nun-finalTawMem)
1141 > 71141 -1141 = 7x163
(for entries using finals, see: 491 --- Nun-finalBetAleph TawChetLamed661 --- Kaf-finalYodPeh-LamedAyin AyinMemShinYod AlephLamed)

YodShinPehNun ReshAyinTaw-LamedAleph---pour not out my life.

1142 > 81142 -1142 = 2x571
(for entries using finals, see: 332 --- Tzaddi-finalBetReshMem492 --- Nun-finalBetTawMem)

1143 > 91143 -1143 = 32x127

1144 > 10 > 11144 -1144 = 23x11x13

1145 > 11 > 21145 -1145 = 5x229
(for entries using finals, see: 585 --- TawVauAlephBetTzaddi Mem-finalYodHayLamedAleph)

1146 > 12 > 31146 -1146 = 2x3x191
(for entries using finals, see: 336 --- Tzaddi-finalVauReshMem496 --- Nun-finalTawYodVauLamed586 --- Mem-finalLamedShinVauReshYod)

1147 > 13 > 41147 -1147 = 31x37

1148 > 14 > 51148 -1148 = 22x7x41
(for entries using finals, see: 428 --- Peh-finalShinChetMem)

1149 > 15 > 61149 -1149 = 3x383
(for entries using finals, see: 499 --- TetShinQof-Nun-finalMem)

1150 > 71150 -1150 = 2x52x23
(for entries using finals, see: 340 --- Tzaddi-finalYodTzaddiHay HayLamedAyinMem430 --- Peh-finalShinNun500 --- Nun-finalTawNun)

1151 > 81151 -190th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 501 --- Nun-finalAyinNunKaf ShinYodAlephNun-finalNunTawAleph)

1152 > 91152 -1152 = 27x32

1153 > 10 > 11153 -191st prime
(for entries using finals, see: 503 --- TawLamedChetZainHay Nun-finalBetAleph)

1154 > 11 > 21154 -1154 = 2x577

1155 > 12 > 31155 -1155 = 3x5x7x11
(for entries using finals, see: 595 --- Mem-finalYodBetReshKafHay BetShinVauYod)

1156 > 13 > 41156 -1156 = 22x172
(for entries using finals, see: 596 --- Mem-finalYodLamedShinVauReshYod)
1157 > 14 > 51157 -1157 = 13x89
(for entries using finals, see: 507 --- Nun-finalVauTawNunAleph)

HayTawShinMem TawYodBet---banqueting-hall.

1158 > 15 > 61158 -1158 = 2x3x193

1159 > 16 > 71159 -1159 = 19x61
(for entries using finals, see: 509 --- Nun-finalVauTawNunGimel)

1160 > 81160 -1160 = 23x5x29
(for entries using finals, see: 510 --- Nun-finalNunTawYodNun-finalYodTawNunNun-finalTawYod YodMem600 --- AyinQofShinMem Mem-finalYodMem)

1161 > 91161 -1161 = 33x43
(for entries using finals, see: 601 --- HayYodReshAyinVau Mem-finalReshAyin)
1162 > 10 > 11162 -1162 = 2x7x83

YodTawShinMem TawYodBet---banqueting-hall.

1163 > 11 > 21163 -192nd prime

1164 > 12 > 31164 -1164 = 22x3x97
1165 > 13 > 41165 -1165 = 5x233

ReshVauReshDaletHay TawNunShin---jubilee, "the year of freedom".

1166 > 14 > 51166 -1166 = 2x11x53
(for entries using finals, see: 446 --- Peh-finalVauShinNunYod516 --- Nun-finalTawNunVauYod)

1167 > 15 > 61167 -1167 = 3x389

1168 > 16 > 71168 -1168 = 24x73
1169 > 17 > 81169 -1169 = 7x167

HayShinVauChetNun TawShinQof---a copper or bronze bow.

1170 > 91170 -1170 = 2x32x5x13
(for entries using finals, see: 360 --- Tzaddi-finalReshAyin520 --- Nun-finalTawAyin)

1171 > 10 > 11171 -193rd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 521 --- Nun-finalTawNunVauHayYod691 --- HayBetYodTawNun Kaf-finalReshDalet)

1172 > 11 > 21172 -1172 = 22x293
(for entries using finals, see: 612 --- Mem-finalBetBetLamedBet TawVauLamedSamekhMem)

1173 > 12 > 31173 -1173 = 3x17x23
1174 > 13 > 41174 -1174 = 2x587

HayReshYodAyinTzaddiMem TawChetAleph NunReshQof---(1824 w/f); one horn of small size.
TawReshTetNun YodBetLamedBet AlephTawLamedMem---I kept the word in my heart.

1175 > 14 > 51175 -1175 = 52x47
1176 > 15 > 61176 -1176 = 23x3x72
(for entries using finals, see: 366 --- Tzaddi-finalVauReshAyin526 --- TawVauLamed Nun-finalMem;
616 --- Mem-finalSamekhVauKaf TawNunMemMem-finalYodLamedVauTawPehNun)

TawVauTawShinAyin---thought or opinion.

1177 > 16 > 71177 -1177 = 11x107
(for entries using finals, see: 617 --- Mem-finalYodTawYodZainHay HayLamedAyinMem)
1178 > 17 > 81178 -1178 = 2x19x31

TawShinLamedShinMem HayLamedGimelAyin---a three years old heifer.

1179 > 18 > 91179 -1179 = 32x131

1180 > 10 > 11180 -1180 = 22x5x59
(for entries using finals, see: 370 --- Tzaddi-finalYodReshAyin620 --- TetPehShinMemHay Mem-finalVauQofMemMem-finalYodReshShinAyin)

1181 > 11 > 21181 -194th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 531 --- Nun-finalTawNunLamedAleph)

1182 > 12 > 31182 -1182 = 2x3x197
(for entries using finals, see: 622 --- Mem-finalReshZainAyin HayShin)

1183 > 13 > 41183 -1183 = 7x132

1184 > 14 > 51184 -1184 = 25x37
(for entries using finals, see: 374 --- HayChetLamedMem Tzaddi-finalReshAleph)

1185 > 15 > 61185 -1185 = 3x5x79

1186 > 16 > 71186 -1186 = 2x593
(for entries using finals, see: 536 --- VauMemShin Nun-finalAyinMemLamed)
1187 > 17 > 81187 -195th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 627 --- Mem-finalYodVauLamedHay TawVauTzaddiMem)
1188 > 18 > 91188 -1188 = 22x33x11
1189 > 19 > 10 > 11189 -1189 = 29x41
1190 > 11 > 21190 -1190 = 2x5x7x17
(for entries using finals, see: 630 --- Mem-finalYodQofTawMemMemMem-finalQofNunTawMemMem-finalYodPehReshShin)
1191 > 12 > 31191 -1191 = 3x397
1192 > 13 > 41192 -1192 = 23x149
1193 > 14 > 51193 -196th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 543 --- Nun-finalDaletReshYodHay ReshBetAyinBet633 --- YodTawAlephTzaddiMem AlephNun-Mem-finalAleph)
1194 > 15 > 61194 -1194 = 2x3x199
(for entries using finals, see: 634 --- Mem-finalDalet TawMemQofNun)
1195 > 16 > 71195 -1195 = 5x239
(for entries using finals, see: 635 --- Mem-finalYodBetGimelAyin ReshYodShin)
1196 > 17 > 81196 -1196 = 22x13x23
VauShinPehNun TawYodMemLamed HayReshAyinHay---he poured out to death his life.
1197 > 18 > 91197 -1197 = 32x7x19
(for entries using finals, see: 637 --- Mem-finalLamedYodAyin TetVauMemTaw-LamedBet)
1198 > 19 > 10 > 11198 -1198 = 2x599
1199 > 20 > 2- 1199 -1199 = 11x109
(for entries using finals, see: 719 --- TetPehShinMem Kaf-finalReshAyin)

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