
יום שני, 11 במרץ 2019

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200 > 2- 200 -200 = 23x52
(In spelling, interchanges with: Lamed, Nun; Dalet, Taw; Hay, Aleph, Ayin; Zain, Shin; Vau)
(Resh = ShinYodResh --- 510 --- Head).
NunMemChet LamedAyinBet---(850 w/f); pr.n. "Lord of Heat", name of the Phoenician sun god.
QofTzaddiYod---to pour out; to cast (metal); to be firm, compressed; to set, place.
TzaddiQofYod---(1010 w/f); to awake.
NunKaf-LamedAyin YodKaf---(850 w/f); for therefore; for, because that.
YodNunAyinNunKaf---a Canaanite; a merchant
MemAyinNunMem---(760 w/f); delicacies, dainty bits.
TzaddiAyinMem---(1010 w/f); to be angry; pr.n. "Anger".
AyinTzaddiMem---a couch or bed.
NunMemSamekhNun---(850 w/f); marked out or specified; a field or lot.
MemYodLamedAyinNun---(760 w/f); a pair of shoes.
MemAyinLamedSamekh---(760 w/f); to swallow down, to consume greedily.
---a locust (winged and eatable).
MemYodSamekhKafAyin---(760 w/f); anklets.
QofLamedAyin---to lick, to suck.
MemYodMemMemAyin---(760 w/f); a people or nation; aggregation or community.
PehNunAyin---(920 w/f); to cover or deck.
---a bough or branch.
---branchy, full of boughs.
SamekhYodSamekhAyin---trodden out; new wine or must.
NunPehAyin---(850 w/f); to be high or hilly.
MemTzaddiAyin---(760 w/f); to close or fasten; to be firm or strong.
---bone; body, physical frame; self, strength.
LamedQofAyin---to turn or wind, to twist or pervert.
201 > 3- 201 -201 = 3x67
ReshAleph---(207); to burn; to be or become bright; to light, to kindle; to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to enlighten (the mind).
TzaddiVauQofHay---(1011 w/f); pr.n. "Thorn".
KafAyinTetNun MemVauYodBet---(1247 w/f); in the day of thy planting (of thy being founded).
MemYodAlephPehAyin---(761 w/f); boughs or foliage.
202 > 4- 202 -202 = 2x101
AlephReshAleph---to be strong, courageous; the mighty one; Mars; brave.
---to burn, to glow.
---pr.n. "Might".
QofQofBet---to empty out, despoil, depopulate; be poured out spread abroad.
ReshBet---son; purely, sincerely; approved, chosen; pure, clear; clean, empty; corn, grain, feed; field; the country; cleanness, purity; salt of lye, alkali.
BetYodTzaddiYod-NunMem---(852 w/f); of a certainty, certainly
MemYodBetQofNun---(762 w/f); marked or distinguished men.
HayBetTzaddiAyinHayLamed---for to make her image (of bread in the shape of a goddess).
203 > 5- 203 -203 = 7x29
ReshBetAleph---to be strong or mighty.
---wing or pinion.
BetReshAleph---to blind stitch, weave; weave plots, lie in ambush, lurk.
---pr.n. "Ambush".
---ambush, a lurking; lurking-place, covert.
---plot laying, laying plots.
ReshAlephBet---to bore, to dip; to carve in, to engrave; to dig out; to explain.
---pit; well; cistern, reservoir.
AlephReshBet---to cut or carve, form, create; feed.
ReshGimel---dwelling, sojourning; a sojourner, stranger, foreigner, visitor, pilgrim; lime; whelp.
BetTzaddiChetMem YodNunBetAleph---hewn or cut stones.
AyinYodGimelPehMem---aggressor or foe; intercessor or mediator.
204 > 6- 204 -204 = 22x3x17
ReshGimelAleph---to gather; to assemble, to fold up; gaining, hiring.
QofQofDalet---(155/715); to beat to pieces, to pound or crush to power; to be beaten out; to be beaten small; to break in pieces.
GimelReshAleph---to plait; to weave.
---plait or braid (of hair); weaver's shuttle.
AlephReshAlephBet---pr.n. "Well".
QofBetQofBet---(210); skin bottle, flask.
AlephReshGimel---pr.n. "A Grain".
ReshDalet---a pearl; age, generation; a period; race or class of men; dwelling; circle.
HayPehTetAyinMem---a cloak, mantle.
DaletTzaddiAyinMem---an axe or adz.
DaletAyinTzaddiMem---a step or walk.
205 > 7- 205 -205 = 5x41
AlephReshGimelAleph---roll, letter.
MemQofYodNunDaletAleph---(765 w/f); The Lord Stands Up (to help).
ReshDaletAleph---to gird around; to get strength; to be ample, large, great; to be powerful; honorable; illustrious.
---twelfth month of the sacred year (Adar) from new moon of March to new moon of April.
---name of a Syrian deity, pr.n. "Mighty One". (from Persian "atar" = fire).
---threshing floor.
---wrapping (garment), mantle or tunic; adornment, splendour.
DaletReshAleph---to descend; to rule.
ReshBetGimel---to bind or twist together; be strong, mighty; to prevail, overcome; strong man; a man; warrior; male; husband, man-child; human being, mortal; each, every one; hero, mighty man.
BetReshGimel---to scrape, scratch, to tear off; scab, scurvy; scabbed; scabby; pr.n. "Hill of the Leper".
ReshAlephDalet---pr.n. "A Circle".
AlephReshDalet---to pierce the mind; to reject, refuse.
KafPehKafPehHay---(685 w/f); very crooked, perverse, tortuous.
ReshHay---a mountain; mountainous region.
HayQofTzaddiYod---a casting (of metal).
MemAyinHay-NunMem---(1415 w/f); some of the people
HayNunYodPehSamekh---a ship (especially a decked ship).
HayMemTzaddiAyin---strength; throng or multitude.
206 > 8- 206 -206 = 2x103
ReshHayAleph---to shine, to be luminous.
BetGimelReshAleph---pr.n. "Cloddy", "Heap".
HayReshAleph---to be strong, powerful
---to pull or pluck; to collect.
---to burn.
---to curse.
ReshDaletBet---to scatter.
MemDaletQof-YodNunBet---(766 w/f); pr.n. "Sons of the East".
DaletReshBet---to scatter; to hail; hail; besprinkled (of color); spotted.
ReshBetDalet---speaking; to speak; to promise; threaten; command; warn; sing; to drive (cattle to pasture); to drive away, snatch away (as the plague); destroy; to be behind; to be sharp, to sting; word, speech, command, precept, promise, oracle, revelation, saying, counsel, proposal, report; matters, events; pasture, range. (this word has meanings clustered around the idea of Oratory or Public Speaking --- manner of it, effect of it and pastoral subject of it.)
BetReshDalet---to be sharp, pointed.
AlephReshHay---pr.n. "Mountain Land"; to glow, burn.
MemVauTzaddiAyin---(766 w/f); strong or mighty.
207 > 9- 207 -207 = 32x23
ReshVauAleph---(201); to light, to kindle; to make bright, to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to illuminate or enlighten (the mind).
---light (but usually not a luminary); day-light; lightning; the Sun; the dawn; happiness; instruction; life.
---a flame or blaze; region of light, the east; light of faith; revelation; pr.n. "Ur of the Caldees" --- the birth place of Abraham.
PehVauSamekh NunYodAleph---(1577 w/f); Endless, Boundless. --- in Greek  (466). (Term used in Qabalah to signify the second aspect of the deity beyond the manifested universe).
VauReshAleph---there!, see!, lo!
ReshHayBet---to be bright, white.
HayReshBet---to cut; to feed, to eat; to separate, select.
ReshDaletGimel---to hem in, enclose, surround; hedge in, wall in; wall up; wall-maker, mason; wall of a vineyard; fence; walled place; pr.n. "Enclosure", "Wall", "Fortress".
DaletReshGimel---to scratch, scrape out; to scratch.
AlephReshBetDalet---cause, reason.
GimelReshDalet---to step, tread.
ReshBetHay---to divide, partition out.
MemYodNunQofZain---(767 w/f); old age.
QofQofZain---to run, distill, trickle; refine, percolate, filter; to burn, flame, glow; to compress, tie, bind, oblige.
ReshGimelDalet---to gather, to brood.
ReshZain---stranger; rim or border (of the ark); edge.
HayBetTzaddiAyinMem---pain or sorrow.
HayTzaddiAyinHay LamedDaletGimel---the great in counsel.
208 > 10 > 1- 208 -208 = 24x13
HayReshBetAleph---pinion or wing.
ReshZainAleph---to gird; to equip; to arm.
HayBetReshAleph---locust; swarmer.
---weavings, intrigues.
---the latticed work; windows; dove-cote; chimney.
ZainReshAleph---to be pressed together; hard, firm; to be compact.
---cedar; cedar-work (wainscoting).
HayReshAlephBet---pr.n. "Well".
ReshVauBet---to bore, to dig; to investigate; to protect.
---pit, dungeon; grave; cistern; cleanness, purity, salt of lye, alkali.
ReshHayGimel---to bow down.
HayReshGimel---to glow; to be angry; excited; to inflame, stir up; to excite oneself; contend with; to swallow, gurgle; something swallowed down; the cud; a grain, kernel.
ReshGimelHay---pr.n. "Flight".
GimelReshHay---to strike, smite down; kill, murder, slay, slaughter.
AlephReshZain---something strange, loathsome.
QofQofChet---to cut into, to hew; to carve in, inscribe; to trance, portray; to ordain laws; to decree; "digging".
ReshChet---a noble, free born; hole.
QofChetTzaddiYod---pr.n. "He Sports" --- Isaac.
YodNunAyin MemChetLamed---(768 w/f); bread of affliction.
209 > 11 > 2- 209 -209 = 11x19
ReshChetAleph---to delay, hinder; to defer; to linger.
---following, next, second; another, other, different; elsewhere, in another way; afterwards; than; after; after so; thereupon; behind.
ChetReshAleph---to go, to travel, journey; travelling; wayfarer.
---arrange, appoint.
---pr.n. "Wanderer".
---way; walk, manner of life; lot or destiny; traveler; manner, course (of nature); the course (menstruation cycle).
ReshZainBet---to scatter; disperse, rout.
ZainBetResh---to cut or pierce.
ReshVauGimel---to collect, gather together; sojourn, dwell, meet together; to be afraid; to drink, suck; to boil up, to seethe, to effervesce; to excite, provoke; to roll; a suckling, whelp.
ReshHayDalet---to run, to course; to run on, endure, last.
ReshDaletHay---to shine, gleam, be conspicuous; to be splendid, glorious; to honor, favor; ornament, splendour, pomp; majesty, honor, dignity; my majesty; pr.n. "Splendor" --- a Syrian Fire god.
BetReshZain---to flow, stream.
AlephReshChet---to ease the bowels; excrements, dung.
HayYodQofDaletTzaddi---pr.n. "Righteousness of Yah", Zedekiah.
MemYodZainAyinMem HayVauLamedAleph---(769 w/f); the god of fortresses --- refers to a Syrian deity.
210 > 3- 210 -210 = 2x3x5x7 (product of the 1st 4 primes)
ReshVauGimelAleph---assembler; pr.n. "Assembler" (proper name of the compiler of the 30th chap. of Proverbs).
ReshTetAleph---to close, shut up; to bind, to hamper.
---pr.n. "Lame".
---lame, hampered.
GimelReshHayBet---to slay among.
ReshChetBet---to glow, make hot, melt; to try, examine; approve, choose; delight in.
---to be ripe, mature; a youth.
NunNunChet-LamedAyinBet---(860 w/f); pr.n. "Gracious Lord".
QofVauBetQofBet---(204); skin bottle, flask; pr.n. "Emptying".
ChetReshBet---to break through or away, to flee with haste; fleeing, fugitive; fleet, quickly gliding.
ReshZainGimel---to cut down, fell; slaughter, kill; divide; decide; determine; piece, part (of a victim); precipice.
ZainReshGimel---to cut off, sever; pr.n. "A Waste".
ReshVauDalet---to pierce (of thorns); to move around, to turn oneself round, to continue; to dwell; to arrange; a period, age, generation; race or class; dwelling; circle; pile (of wood); a ball.
HayReshHay---(Mother); to conceive, to become pregnant; to meditate; to have posterity.
ReshBetChet---to bind, string together, to unite, to be allied; to charm, fascinate; to hurt; conjuror; associate, a companion, friend; society or company; spell or charm; magician; partner.
BetReshChet---to be sharp, to cut; to dry up; to be desolate, waste; to be desolated; to lay waste; dry, desolate, waste; a sharp or cutting tool; a sword; dryness or drought.
QofDaletTzaddiVauYod---pr.n. "Yah is Righteous".
ReshYod---(371/1021) Nun-finalVauTzaddiResh YodHayYod = "may it be God's will" by Noteriquon.
TzaddiTzaddiLamed---(1020 w/f); to deride.
TzaddiPehMem---(1020) w/f); crushing; doormat; hammer.
QofSamekhNun---to ascend, to go up.
NunMemAyinNun---(860 w/f); pleasantness.
TzaddiAyinNun---(1020 w/f); to fix in.
QofNunSamekh---to push; to supply.
PehAyinSamekh---(930 w/f); to divide, to branch out;
---double minded, uncertain.
NunTzaddiAyin---(860 w/f); to be firm; spear.
KafYodPeh-LamedAyin---(690 w/f); according to thy mouth, on thy mouth.
QofMemAyin---to sink down, to dip, to be deep; to be unsearchable.
---deep, unfathomable or unsearchable.
---deep place or depth; a valley.
MemYodMemNunAyin---(770 w/f); pr. n. "Hardy", an Egyptian people.
KafLamedMemNunAyin---(690 w/f); pr. n. "King's Oracle", an idol or god of the Sepharvites, Ammelek.
YodNunPehAyin---pr. n. "Hill Man".
MemYodTzaddiAyin---(770 w/f); trees; boards, timbers; sticks.
NunTzaddiAyin---(860 w/f); to be firm.
---to close or shut up; to hold back, to detain; to rule or control; to gather or amass.
---wealth or dominion.
---a shutting up or closing; constraint or oppression.
MemQofAyin---(770 w/f); curve.
AyinSamekhPeh---to step, walk, tread, stride, pace, march.
MemTzaddiPeh---(770 w/f); to strike (to pieces), split or rend.
YodNunMemLamedPeh---a distinct or definite one, such a one.
LamedQofPeh---to peel; (1068) BetReshQofLamed AyinBetPeh TawDaletQofPeh = "combat standing order" by Noteriquon.
TzaddiLamedTzaddi---(1020 w/f); a rib; the side (of a man); side-chamber (in a temple); a fall or overthrow.
AyinNunTzaddi---to be low, to be humble.
NunAyinTzaddi---(860 w/f); to load, to pack up; to migrate; pr.n. "Tanis" of an Egyptian city.
NunNunYodQof---(860 w/f); pr.n. "Smith" --- name of a descendent of Seth.
QofYodQof---caster oil seed; raven or pelican; abnormally large testicles.
PehLamedQof---(930 w/f); to peel or shell.
AyinMemQof---to tie, press.
SamekhNunQof---to fine or impose a penalty (Talmudic law: especially for seducing a girl --- punishment for statutory rape).
LamedPehQof---fold, plait, pleat.
211 > 4- 211 -47th prime
LamedAyinPehLamedAleph---pr.n. "God of Recompense".
ZainGimelReshAleph---box, chest.
DaletVauReshAleph---pr.n. "Descent".
---pr.n. "Place of Refuge".
YodReshAleph---lion; the roarer; the courageous beast; pr.n. "Leo" --- zodiacal sign;
---learned; a scholar; pr.n. "Ari" --- sobriquet for Moses Maimonides.
ReshVauBetGimel---strong or mighty; mighty one, hero; tyrant; mighty warrior, warrior; mighty one in wealth or of worth.
AlephReshZainGimel---decree, decision. ---
ReshChetGimel---to burn, to sink down, to lurk.
HayReshBetDalet---cause, suit; reason; utterance, word; bee, pr.n. "Deborah" (217).
AlephReshVauDalet---pr.n. "A Circle".
ReshBetDaletHay---a guide, counselor; Vizier.
ReshVauHay---mountain; --- name of the mountain where Aaron died.
VauReshHay---to be conceived.
DaletReshZain---to grow tangled or luxuriant; pr.n. "Luxuriant Growth".
AlephReshBetChet---an associate, companion, fellow.
ReshGimelChet---to bind around, gird; to gird on.
GimelReshChet---to tremble, to haste, flee.
ReshBetTet---to swell or heave up, project.
ReshAlephYod---to gleam, glitter; to flow, run fast; river, stream; the Nile; fosses or moats; channel or mine shaft.
AlephReshYod---to look at, eye; to fear, to be afraid, to dread; to fear or reverence; timid, fearful.
HayTzaddiAyinVauMem---counsel, resolution.
VauHayYodNunQofMem---pr. n. "Possession of Yah".
HayQofVauLamedAyin---licker or sucker; a leech; a vampire.
HayVauAyinGimel YodZainYodLamedAyin---proud boasters.
212 > 5- 212 -212 = 22x53
HayReshVauAleph---light; happiness.
HayVauReshAleph---to pluck; manager, crib or rack; stall or stable; a stall (pair) (of horses).
HayReshDaletGimel---wall, enclosure; fold or pen.
ReshBetZainGimel---receiver of the revenues, treasurer.
TetReshGimel---to carve, hollow out.
ReshHayZain---to shine; teach; warn; admonished, wary; brightness.
HayReshZain---to strew or scatter; to winnow; to rout; to be pressed out.
ReshDaletChet---to surround, enclose; to beset; an enclosure, room, chamber; a bedroom; a bride chamber; a storeroom; recesses, inmost parts.
DaletReshChet---to tremble, quake; to be alarmed; to palpitate; to come trembling, to haste; trembling, anxious.
BetReshYod---pr.n. "Adversary".
BetTzaddiAyinNun---to hurt oneself.
213 > 6- 213 -213 = 3x71
ReshYodBetAleph---strong one, a hero (of God).
---very mighty, manly; a valiant; obstinate; eminent one, chief.
HayZainReshAleph---cedar work, ceder wainscoting.
YodAlephReshBet---pr.n. "My Planning".
AlephYodReshBet---fed, fattened (beasts); fat, rich (food).
ReshVauDaletGimel---pr.n. "Wall", "Fortress".
ReshYodGimel---to boil up; lime, plaster; sojourner.
ReshZainVau---to bind, carry, bear a burden; bound, laden; guilty.
ReshVauZain---to be turned away, estranged; to go away; stranger, foreigner; heathen, barbarian; to press together, to bind, to gird, bandage; to crush.
HayReshChet---to burn, glow (of anger); to protect.
DaletReshTet---to push or drive on; to persist; to thrust out, drive forth.
ReshGimelYod---a heap, stone heap; to fear, to be afraid of.
214 > 7- 214 -214 = 2x107
ReshVauZainAleph---band, fetter; belt, girdle.
ZainVauReshAleph---ceder-like; firm.
HayChetReshAleph---a journeying; company of travellers, caravan.
---appointed measure (of food); portion; allowance; a meal or mess.
HayReshHayDalet---a run, a race.
HayReshDaletHay---ornament, glory.
QofQofVauChet---pr.n. "Digging".
ReshVauChet---to become gray, white; to turn pale; to hollow out, bore; a hole, socket, opening, cave, cavern, den; white linen; dungeon; pr.n. "Free", "Noble".
ReshHayTet---to shine, to be bright, to be or become clean, pure; brightness, purification.
HayReshTet---to be fresh.
DaletReshYod---to go down, descend; to come or fall down; pr.n. "Descent".
MemYodNunDaletAyinMem---(774 w/f); delicacies or dainties; delights, ecstasies.
NunAyinKaf-DaletAyin---(864 w/f); until now.
215 > 8- 215 -215 = 5x43
HayReshVauGimelAleph---a grain or berry; small coin; something round.
ReshYodDaletAleph---great or large; potent; illustrious or noble; excellent (morally).
ReshVauChetAleph---hinder part, back-side, rear; behind, backward, back; the west, western quarter; after time, future.
VauReshChetAleph---(209); to delay, hinder; to defer; to linger.
ReshYodBetGimel---mighty, ruling, leading; lord, master.
HayReshZainGimel---a cutting off; desolation; figure, form; hall, court.
QofMemAyinHay---the valley (Jerusalem).
ChetReshZain---to scatter, to shine forth, to rise, to break forth; to break out; sprout; sun rise.
HayReshBetChet---society, company.
ReshZainChet---to turn round.
HayBetReshChet---wasteness, desolation; waste places, ruins; dryness.
ZainReshChet---to bore through.
ReshVauTet---to wait, watch for, expect; to go round, surround; to arrange, set in a row or order; wall, enclosure; a row, a course or range; rock, mountain.
QofDaletTzaddiVauHayYod---pr.n. "Yah is Righteous".
ReshHayYod---to be high; to molest; to be arrogant or aggressive.
HayReshYod---to cast; to shoot; to lay, to found, to erect; to shed, to wet, to irrigate; to tremble, quake.
HayLamedAyinMemLamedMem---from above upwards.
HaySamekhMemAyinMem---a burden.
HayQofAyinMem---a ledge or parapet (esp. round the flat roof of an eastern house).
HayPehTzaddiMem---a watch-tower; a look-out, a post of observation.
---division or party; unsettled opinion.
216 > 9- 216 -216 = 23X33
ChetReshZainAleph---native; indigenous; a native.
HayYodReshAleph---lion; pr.n. "Coeur de Lion".
---to pluck; manger, crib, rack; stall; stable; pair (of horses).
ReshVauChetBet---ripened, mature; a youth (of age but unmarried, draftable); young warriors.
HayReshVauBetGimel---strength; valor; force, prowess; mightiness (of God); victory; oppression; pr.n. "Judicial Power", "Geburah" the fifth Sephira
(Considered8 feminine and passive in traditional Qabalah, Geburah corresponds9 to the Left Arm of Adam Qadmon [161].)
AlephYodReshBetGimel---a man.
ReshYodBetDalet---the inner or hinder sanctuary (of the temple); pr.n. "Posture", "Oracle".
YodReshBetDalet---pr.n. "Pastoral" or "Eloquent". --- see ReshBetDalet (207).
MemYodBetNunAyin MemDalet---(1336 w/f); blood of grapes, wine.
ReshVauBetChet---pr.n. "Junction" or "confluence".
QofVauQofBetChet---pr.n. "Embrace".
ChetReshChet---to protect.
HayAlephReshYod---fear, terror; terribleness; reverence, awe.
NunVauYodQofNun---(866 w/f); cleanness.
QofVauMemAyin---pr. n. "Profound".
8. G-K p. 91
9. G-K p. 93
217 > 10 > 1- 217 -217 = 7x31
AlephDaletZainReshDaletAleph---correctly, exactly.
YodReshVauAleph---pr.n. "Light".
ChetReshChetAleph---pr.n. "After Brother".
HayReshYodBet---castle, citadel, palace; a chief city.
HayYodReshBet---food; fatted; fleeing, fugitive; fleet, quickly gliding; bolt, bar.
YodReshDaletGimel---pr.n. "Enclosure.
HayReshVauBetDalet---a bee; pr.n. "Deborah" --- of Rebekah's nurse and of a prophetess (see also ReshYodBetDalet --- 216, 211).
ReshVauGimelChet---girded; the girdle.
ReshTetChet---to wave; shoot, twig; switch, rod.
HayDaletReshChet---a trembling, terror; care, anxiety.
ReshTetChet---to scrape, grave; a graver; chisel; stylus, metal pen.
ReshVauBetTet---a summit, mountain.
ReshChetTet---to burn, to inflame; inflammations, piles, hemorrhoids.
ChetReshTet---to labor, to tire; an encumbrance, a burden.
ReshVauAlephYod---river, stream; the Nile; fosses, moats; channel, mine shaft.
AlephReshVauYod---is watered.
VauAlephReshYod---to shoot.
218 > 11 > 2- 218 -218 = 2x109
HayYodAlephReshBet---pr.n. "Yah Created".
HayAlephYodReshBet---creation, novelty, new thing.
HayReshVauZain---crushed; to squeeze, press out.
DaletVauReshChet---pr.n. "trembling".
YodReshChet---glow, heat; excrements, dung; white or fine bread; pr.n. "Cave Dweller"; white linen.
ReshChetYod---to delay.
ChetReshYod---to wander, travel onward; the moon, the wanderer; a month, a lunar month.
MemYodYodDaletAyin YodDaletAyin---(778 w/f); finest ornaments.
NunVauBetTzaddiAyin---(868 w/f); labor or travail, hard toil; pain.
219 > 12 > 3- 219 -219 = 3x73
TzaddiAyinMemYodChetAleph---(1029 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Anger".
HayYodQofBetQofBet---pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin bottle of Yah".
HayReshHayTet---a purifying, cleansing; purity.
ReshVauGimelYod---fearful; pr.n. "Tarrying Place".
TetReshYod---to throw down headlong; to throw, cast down; to be rash, headlong.
220 > 4- 220 -220 = 22x5x11
ReshYodChetBet---chosen, choice one.
HayReshYodBetGimel---mistress, queen.
YodReshZainGimel---pr.n. "Precipice".
ReshVauHayTet---bright, clean, pure; unalloyed.
ReshChetBetYod---pr.n. "He (God) Chooses".
ReshKaf---a Lamb; pasture, meadow-land; a battering ram; pillion or saddle; a litter; a hollow or deep vessel; a dry and liquid measure --- a cor = 10 ephahs = 11 1/4 bushells = 88 3/4 gallons.
MemYodLamedLamedAyinMem---(780 w/f); works or deeds.
TzaddiYodPehMem---(1030 w/f); a maul or war-club.
HayPehTzaddiMemHay---pr. n. "The Look-out".
TzaddiTzaddiMem---(1030 w/f); to suck out; to be unleavened.
MemYodLamedYodPehNun---(780 w/f); giants.
TzaddiPehNun---(1030 w/f); to break or smash; to scatter or drive about
---a tempest or major storm.
AyinQofNun---to loathe, to turn away.
NunSamekhNunSamekh---(870 w/f); palm branch.
PehYodAyinSamekh---(940 w/f); a cleft or fissure (in a rock); branch or bough.
PehPehSamekh---(940 w/f); to collect or receive.
QofNunAyin---to be narrow
---collar or neck-chain; pr. n. "Giant", Anak.
221 > 5- 221 -221 = 13x17
ReshKafAleph---to dig, to plow; tillage; a digger, tiller, husbandman.
KafReshAleph---(701 w/f); to be arranged, adjusted.
---to stretch out, be long; to wear on.
---adapted, fit.
---long, enduring.
HayReshVauBetChet---a stripe, weal; wound, cut.
ZainVauReshChet---string of corals or pearls.
ReshYodAlephYod---pr.n. "He (god) Gives Light".
YodReshAlephYod---pr.n. "He (God) Gives Light".
HayReshVauYod---pr.n. ""watering"; watering; the autumnal or early rain.
---spring rain.
ReshAlephKaf---to surround; to dig or pierce; to be dirty; turbid stream; dirt, muddiness.
AlephReshKaf---to pierce; to be pained, grieved.
AlephLamed NunAyinMemLamed---(871 w/f); so that not, lest.
HayQofAyinVauMem---pressure, affliction.
AlephQofYodMemAyin---profound or unsearchable things.
222 > 6- 222 -222 = 2x3x37
HayYodReshVauAleph---(228); pr.n. "Light of Yah".
AlephKafReshAleph---a prolonging, continuance.
ReshKafBet---to break, to burst open; to ripen, to mature; bear early fruit; to treat as first-born.
---young camel.
---pr.n. "Firstling".
KafReshBet---(702 w/f); to bend; to bless; adore, worship; greet; part, renounce; to curse (euphemism); kneel; a knee; a break, bend.
YodReshDaletChet---chambers, rooms.
HayReshVauGimelChet---a girdle, apron or kilt.
BetYodReshYod---an adversary; pr.n. "Opponent".
ReshBetKaf---to bind together, to weave or plait; to be strong or great; great space or length; a stretch; long ago, already; pr.n. "Length" or "Strength".
BetReshKaf---to grip, grasp; seize; to bear.
ChetTzaddiNun DaletAyin---to the utmost.
223 > 7- 223 -223 = 48th prime
KafReshBetAleph---(703 w/f); to bow the knee, to bless; good luck!, hail!
HayReshYodChet---pr.n. "Nobility".
ReshVauChetTet---inflammations; piles, hemorrhoids.
224 > 8- 224 -224 = 25x7
ReshKafDalet---to pierce, penetrate; impress, remember; a male; ram.
KafReshDalet---(704 w/f); to step, tread, walk; a going, way; manner; mode of life; lot, destiny.
YodReshVauChet---white linen, byssus clothes; white bread; pr.n. "Nobleman", "Linen-weaver".
HayReshYodTet---a wall; an enclosure; a castle; an encampment, pastoral village.
MemAyinDaletQofYod---(784 w/f); pr.n. "People's Burning".
ChetVauReshYod---pr.n. "Moon".
VauChetReshYod---pr.n. "Odoriferous" or "Balmy".
ReshDaletKaf---to bind.
DaletQofPehMem---a mustering, a census; a charge or mandate; an appointed place or rendezvous; pr.n. "Place of Muster" --- of a gate of Jerusalem.
225 > 225 > 9- 225 -225 = 32x52
YodDaletYodReshAleph---pr.n. "Worthy Gift".
ReshKafHay---to hurt, injure.
ReshYodZainChet---a boar, swine.
ReshYodHayYod---elated, arrogant; to injure or molest; aggressive.
ChetReshZainYod---pr.n. "He Shines Forth".
ReshVauTetYod---pr.n. "Protection", "enclosure".
HayYodReshYod---(231); pr.n. "Founded by Yah".
HayReshKaf---to pierce, to dig; to excavate; to devise, prepare; to buy, purchase; to feed; to make a feast or banquet; a pit, cistern; a feast or banquet
MemYodLamedHayQofMem---(785 w/f); assemblies.
HayNunSamekhNunSamekh---pr. n. "Palm Branch", a town in the south of Judah.
226 > 10 > 1- 226 -226 = 2x113
YodChetReshZainAleph---descendants of a native (ChetReshZainAleph --- 216) of a place.
HayKafReshAleph---a prolonging, continuance.
---adjustment, bandage, healing, repair.
YodReshVauYod---pr.n. "An Archer".
ReshVauKaf---to dig, cut, pierce through; to glow, burn; a hollow or deep measure
---a cor = 10 ephahs = 11 1/4 bushels; a furnace.
MemYodNunVauNunAyin---(786 w/f); Ammonites.
YodNunVauLamedLamedQof---they curse me.
227 > 11 > 2- 227 -49th prime
HayReshKafBet---first-born; seniority; birth-right; (233).
---young she-camel.
KafDaletAlephReshBet---(707 w/f); pr.n. "Warlike".
HayKafReshBet---blessing; divine gift, benefaction; happy or blessed man; pool or pond.
ReshKafZain---to pick, pierce, penetrate; to remember; to keep in mind; recollect; mention; to bear a male; a male; remembrance; memorial, name; pr.n. "Yah is Mindful".
TetYodReshChet---purse or bay (for money).
HayReshBetKaf---a sieve; length, stretch; a horse-run.
ReshZainKaf---to bind fast or hard; to force; to be strong, brave, cruel.
ZainReshKaf---to cry out, proclaim.
HayDaletMemLamedMem HayLamedGimelAyin---a taught heifer (one used to the yoke).
228 > 12 > 3- 228 -228 = 22x3x19
VauHayYodReshVauAleph---(222); pr.n. "Light of Yah".
ReshZainKafAleph---hardy, firm; courageous, bold; harsh, cruel; violent, deadly.
ReshVauKafBet---first-born; foremost, chief; first-fruits.
VauReshKafBet---pr.n. "Youth".
KafVauReshBet---(708 w/f); pr.n. "Blessed".
ReshKafChet---to injure.
HayYodHayReshChet---pr.n. "Yah is a shelter".
KafReshChet---(708 w/f); to roast; to interlace; to catch, seize; to singe, burn; lattices, window-lattices.
BetVauReshKaf---Cherub (symbolical being compounded of four forms: man, ox, lion, eagle).
MemYodYodChet TzaddiAyin---(1598 w/f); Tree of Life.
MemYodChetQofLamedMem---(788 w/f); tongs; snuffers
HayKafSamekhMem LamedGimelAyin---a calf of fusion or molten image of a calf.
NunVauMemAyin YodNunBet---(878 w/f); the Ammonites (sons of kin).
229 > 13 > 4- 229 -50th prime
AlephYodVauBetYodResh---amplification (in the sense of an extension to something said or written before, or an intensification without change of meaning). (Interestingly, if the name of the first Sephira, ReshTawKaf(620) is misspelled with a Tet in place of a Taw, as ReshTetKaf, we also get 229. That could be taken to all sorts of speculations, the Crown before the fall, the Crown before "amplification" ...).
MemYodNunYodAyin YodVauLamedGimel---(789 w/f); disclosed of eyes (i.e. clear mental vision).
230 > 5- 230 -230 = 2x5x23
HayReshKafHay---a regarding, ascertaining.
HayYodChetReshZain---pr.n. "Yah Shines Forth".
HayReshZainChetYod---pr.n. "May He Cause to Return".
NunQofAyinYod---(880 w/f); pr.n. "Perverse".
KafReshYod---(710 w/f); to be tender; the thigh; the haunch; ham; shank, stem; side (of a tent or altar).
ReshYodKaf---a fire crock; pan.
QofQofLamed---to lick up or lap up.
MemYodKafLamedMem KafLamedMem---(1270 w/f); pr.n. "King of Kings" --- title of the king of Babylon.
TzaddiQofMem---(1040 w/f); at the end
---pr. n. "End" or "Limit".
QofPehNun---to go or come out, go forth; to be promulgated.
ChetLamedMem BetYodTzaddiNun---a column of salt.
TzaddiTzaddiNun---(1040 w/f); to shine or glitter, to sparkle; to bloom or blossom; to fly.
PehQofNun---(950 w/f); to strike or beat; to cut down or fell (trees); to destroy utterly.
---to go round, to move in a circle (said of festivals.
---a beating or striking.
231 > 6- 231 -231 = 3x7x11
(The number of Hebrew letters taken two at a time without repetition, the 231 gates of the Sepher Yetzirah)
HayYodChetReshChet---pr.n. "Yah is a shelter".
VauHayYodReshYod---(225); pr.n. "founded by Yah".
AlephKafReshYod---the thigh.
YodReshAlephKaf---as the lion; they surround.
AlephReshLamed---to dread, eye with alarm.
AlephQofPehNun---outgoing, expense.
232 > 7- 232 -232 23x29
LamedAlephReshAleph---the strong one, the mighty one, hero; pr.n. "Lion of God".
HayKafVauReshAleph---bandage; adjustment; healing.
YodReshKafBet---pr.n. "Youthful".
KafReshDaletChet---(712 w/f); pr.n. "circuit".
YodBetYodReshYod---pr.n. "Contentions".
ReshYodBetKaf---a plaiting or braiding; a mattress or quilt; great, mighty.
GimelVauAyinMem YodGimelAyinLamed---cake-wits or mockers (guests who jest or flatter to please); parasites.
233 > 8- 233 -51st prime
HayReshKafZainAleph---a remembrance offering (sacrificial term); memorial (before God); incense.
HayReshVauKafBet---(227); first-born; seniority, birth-right.
---best figs.
---early fig.
LamedReshGimel---to roll; a pebble (used as a lot); to be rough, sharp; a lot; to cast lots; allotment, an inheritance.
ReshVauKafZain---males; pr.n. "Mindful".
LamedAlephTzaddiBetQofYod---pr.n. "God Gathers".
HayChetYodReshYod---(236); pr.n. "Odiferous" or "Balmy".
ZainVauReshKaf---a herald.
HayMemChetLamedMem MemAyin---(793 w/f); troops
MemYodNunGimel NunYodAyin---(1443 w/f); pr. n. "Garden's Fount", (Well in the plain of Judah).
234 > 9- 234 -234 = 2x32x13
KafYodReshDalet---(714 w/f); to overtake, to trace.
VauChetYodReshYod---(233); pr.n. "Odiferious" or "Balmy".
MemYodChetVauQofLamedMem---(794 w/f); the two jaws --- as used for seizing and chewing
MemDaletQof NunMem---(1444 w/f); from before
HayVauHayYod AlephYodBetHay NunAyinMemLamed---(884 w/f); in order that Yahweh may bring.
235 > 10 > 1- 235 -235 = 5x47
HayKafReshYod---side; the rear; inner parts or recesses; remote parts.
HayPehQofNun---a cord or rope, a rope girdle.
QofYodNunAyinHay---to lay upon the neck, to load.
236 > 11 > 2- 236 -236 = 22x59
LamedAlephReshHay---pr.n. "Hearth of God"; pr.n. "Mountain of God" --- by a pun: burning mountain of God and Law).
HayYodYodAlephReshYod---pr.n. "Dread of Yah".
ReshVauYodKaf---a basin, pot; a fire-pan; a wash-basin; a platform, pulpit.
QofTzaddiVauMem---fused or compact mass; acasting (of metal).
---narrowness; distress.
QofVauTzaddiMem---straitness or distress.
---column or pillar; cliff or peak.
237 > 12 > 3- 237 -237 = 3x79
KafVauYodReshAleph---(717 w/f); pr.n. "Lion-like".
HayReshYodKafBet---first born or eldest (daughter).
HayYodKafReshBet---pr.n. "Blessing of Yah".
YodReshKafZain---pr.n. "Memorable".
ReshBetDalet AlephLamed---pr.n. "No-pasture".
BetLamed-LamedAyin HayLamedAyin---to come up on the heart, to be though of or remembered.
238 > 13 > 4- 238 -238 = 2x7x17
YodReshZainKafAleph---fierce; cruel.
LamedReshChet---to burn, to be sharp or stinging.
BetYodReshYodVauYod---pr.n. "Yah Pleads".
TetAyinMem TetAyinMem---little by little, by degrees.
AlephKafBetHay QofMemAyin---the valley weeping.
239 > 14 > 5- 239 -52nd prime
LamedZainReshBet---iron, steel; iron scepter; fetter; iron tool.
LamedReshVauGimel---a lot; to cast lots; allotment, inheritance.
PehDaletNun HayLamedAyin---(959 w/f); a (wind) driven leaf.
240 > 6- 240 -240 = 24x3x5
HayYodChetReshZainYod---pr.n. "Yah Shines Forth".
ReshVauDaletYodKaf---war, slaughter.
ReshKafKaf---a round; a circuit (of land); a round cake, a loaf of bread; a talent (= 3000 shekels).
KafReshKaf---(720 w/f); to surround.
MemYodMemDaletAleph HayLamedAyinMem---(800 w/f); pr.n. "Red Hill".
MemSamekhQofMem---(800 w/f); divination.
QofQofMem---to be melted away or dissolved (as the heavenly bodies); to run (of sores); to pine or waste away (of men).
ReshMem---a drop.
---bitter; sad or sorrowful; fierce; hard fate.
---the gum Myrrh of the acacia.
QofPehSamekh---to slap or strike; to smite on the thigh.
---to pour or overflow; to be abundant; to be overfull, to vomit.
---abundance or sufficiency.
MemYodMemLamedAyinNun---(800 w/f); sly or crafty ones, dissemblers.
QofLamedMemAyin---pr. n. "Laborious", Amalek (a descendant of Esau and founder of an Arab tribe; Amalekites.)
241 > 7- 241 -53rd prime
MemReshAleph---(801 w/f & 45/605); to be high.
---pr.n. "High One".
ReshMemAleph---mumble, murmur; to say, to speak, to think; to command.
---to be high.
---a saying, word, utterance; behest (utterance).
---pr.n. "Tall".
---a word, poetic speech, song of victory; promise; a matter or thing.
---height, mountain range.
LamedBetBetReshZain---pr.n. "Babel-born".
LamedGimelReshChet---a locust.
ReshAlephMem---to be sharp, to be bitter.
HayQofTzaddiVauMem---tube or funnel (for pouring).
AlephReshMem---to be perverse or rebellious.
---to haste or flee.
---fat or strong.
---master or lord.
HayQofVauTzaddiMem---straitness or distress.
242 > 8- 242 -242 = 2x112
YodLamedAlephReshAleph---pr.n. "Heroic".
LamedAlephYodReshAleph---great hero, pr.n. "Lion of God"; God's altar; hearth of God.
MemReshBet---(802 w/f); to sever; be clean; test or prove; bind, interweave; but, yet.
HayYodReshKafZain---pr.n. "Yah is Mindful" or "Yah is Male".
BetKafReshKaf---a margin, border.
ReshBetDalet VauLamed---pr.n. "No-pasture".
BetReshMem---for multitude
---pr. n. "Increase" --- of a daughter of Saul.
243 > 9- 243 -243 = 35
MemReshBetAleph---(803 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation", Abram.
VauHayYodKafReshBet---pr.n. "Blessing of Yah".
LamedTetReshGimelAleph---basins, libation bowls.
ReshMemGimel---to come to an end, cease, fail; finish, complete; to perfect; pr.n. "Completion", "Darkness" --- Cimmerians.
MemReshGimel---(803 w/f); to over-lay; to cover over; crust, skin, body; bone; self, very; to skin, to flay; to strip, lay bare (the bones), to lick clean.
BetYodReshYodVauHayYod---pr.n. "Yah Pleads".
ReshKafZainVauYod---pr.n. "Yah is Mindful".
BetReshAlephMem---ambush or lurking place; an ambuscade (of troops).
ReshGimelMem---to flow or gush out; to cast down, overthrow.
GimelReshMem---to press, bruise, crush.
MemYodNunBet-LamedAyin MemAleph---(1363 w/f); the mother with the children.
244 > 10 > 1- 244 -244 = 22x61
ReshMemDalet---to trill, whir.
MemReshDalet---(804 w/f); to shine, to be bright.
NunVauTzaddiTzaddiChet---(894 w/f); a division or row.
LamedVauReshChet---a thorn-bush, nettle.
DaletReshMem---to disobey, to war or rebel.
---pr. n. "Rebel".
245 > 11 > 2- 245 -245 = 5x72
ReshMemHay---to glow, pour.
MemReshHay---(805 w/f); to rise up, to be high; pr.n. "High Place", "Exaltation", "Exalted".
GimelMem-BetResh---the great Magus (chief of the Magi).
TzaddiYodQofHayMem---(1055 w/f); directly after wakening.
HayReshMem---to be or make bitter; to be contumacious or rebellious; to rebel; to resist or insult; to rebel against.
---to cut off; to stroke or rub over; to shave.
---to be firm or strong.
---bitter; bitterness; sadness; bitterly; pr. n. "Bitter" --- of a fountain in the peninsula of Sinai.
246 > 12 > 3- 246 -246 = 2x3x41
HayReshMemAleph---utterance; poetic speech; a song.
HayVauHayYod ReshYodChetBet---chosen of Yaweh, Moses, prophets, Messiah.
LamedAlephYodReshBetGimel---pr.n. "Mighty One of God", Gabriel.
HayReshAlephMem---a curse, execration.
ReshBetDaletMem---pasture; a desert.
ReshVauMem---to change, exchange, barter.
MemYodPehVauAyinMem---(806 w/f); flights (of time or of life).
HayAlephReshMem---a sight or vision.; a mirror.
---viewing or seeing; appearance.
---a bird's crop or craw.
DaletBetReshMem---coverlet (for a bed).
TzaddiVauTzaddiYodNun---(1056 w/f); a spark.
MemYodSamekhVauPehNun---(806 w/f); pr. n. "Expansions".
247 > 13 > 4- 247 -247 = 13x19
ReshMemVauAleph---pr.n. "Loquacious", "Boastful".
HayReshMemBet---to rebel against.
ReshMemZain---to vibrate, twang, whir; to touch or strike (musical chords); to harp, sing; to clip, prune; music, playing (of instruments); singer; gazelle or antelope; vine branch; family branch or member.
MemReshZain---(807 w/f); to flow, flood, wash away; pouring rain, a storm.
LamedAlephVauReshYod---pr.n. "God's Foundation".
ReshVauAlephMem---a luminary; light; sparkling; a candlestick.
AlephReshVauMem---fear; respect, reverence; object of fear; an astounding deed, a miracle or prodigy.
ReshZainMem---to be corrupt or foul; to mix lewdly (mutually lascivious behavior).
---to bind or combine.
---northern constellations; the north; north winds.; the planets; zodiacal signs.
HayBetReshMem---increase; plenty or abundance.
LamedBetZainYodAleph YodNunVauNunZain-DaletAyin---during the whoredoms of Jezebel.
248 > 14 > 5- 248 -248 = 23x31
MemHayReshBetAleph---(808 w/f); pr.n. "Father of a Multitude", Abraham. (see also Abram --- 243).
LamedAlephYodReshVauAleph---pr.n. "Light of God".
MemVauReshBet---(808 w/f); variegated cloths; damask.
VauHayYodReshKafZain---(242, 227); pr.n. "Yah is Mindful".
ReshMemChet---to be hot, to burn;to be red; to boil, ferment, to foam, to bubble, swell, rise in heaps; to be in a ferment; to yearn; rumbling in the bowels; to be red; to cover with bitumen, to pitch; to bear. to carry, to toil; to collect; ass; bitumen, pitch; something fermented, wine; clay, loam, potter's earth, mortar, cement, mire, mud; a boiling, foaming; a heap; a homer (dry measure).
MemReshChet---(808 w/f); to shut in, enclose; a net; to consign; to break off; cut off; shortened; flat-nosed, to be high; a curse, destruction.
HayReshGimelMem---a saw.
ReshChetMem---to buy or sell.
---to glow, to shine or dawn.
---dawn or morrow, tomorrow; after time, hereafter.
ChetReshMem---to rub or bruise; to rub over or lay on (as a poultice of liniment).
249 > 15 > 6- 249 -249 = 3x83
YodLamedZainReshBet---pr.n. "Steely".
MemReshDaletHay---(809 w/f); pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites.
MemReshTet---(809 w/f); to wait for, to expect; expectation; prospect; prospectively, not yet, before.
ReshVauGimelMem---fear, terror; tarrying; a dwelling.
GimelReshVauMem---a threshing-sledge.
ReshTetMem---to rain; rain.
HayLamedAyinMemLamed DaletAyin---even to the highest.
HayDaletReshMem---dominion or subjection.
TetReshMem---to rub or make smooth, to sharpen (a sword); to make bare by plucking; to become hairless or bald; to be poolished (of metal); to be sharpened (of a sword); bare or naked.
250 > 7- 250 -250 = 2x53
MemVauReshDalet---(810 w/f); the south (as bright); south wind.
ReshMemYod---to change, alter; to be high.
MemReshYod---(810 w/f); to be high.
ReshChetBetMem---the choice, choicest.
ChetReshBetMem---flight; fugitive.
ReshVauDaletMem---dwelling, abode.
DaletReshVauMem---descent, declivity; a hanging, festoon.
BetReshChetMem---a victim.
AlephReshTetMem---a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting).
DaletVauReshMem---wandering; a fleeing or flight.
BetChetReshMem---wide or broad place, breadth; relief or enlargement.
YodReshMem---contradiction or protest; perverseness; a rebel.
QofQofNun---to pierce or cleave open.
ReshNun---a light or lamp.
251 > 8- 251 -54th prime
MemReshVauDaletAleph---(811 w/f; 305/865 & 255/815); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted".
NunPehTzaddiLamedAleph---(901 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides".
ReshYodMemAleph---high; mountain top; tree top.
YodReshMemAleph---pr.n. "Mountaineer", "Highlander", Amorite.
---pr.n. "Eloquent".
YodMemReshAleph---in Aramean or Syriac (i.e. in that language.
---Aramean, Syrian.
NunReshAleph---(901 w/f); to be sharp-eared, alert; wild goat.
---to trill, to make a tremulous noise.
LamedAlephYodReshYod---pr.n. "Founded of God".
HayReshVauMem---a razor.
---teaching, instruction.
---an archer; a teacher; pr.n. "Archer".
AlephYodReshMem---fatling or fat beast; a fatted calf.
ReshAlephNun---to feel abhorrence; to abhor.
HayYodNunPehMemVauSamekh---double pipe, bagpipe.
HayLamedAlephHay QofMemAyin---terebinth valley (near Bethlehem).
252 > 9- 252 -252 = 22x32x7
HayMemVauReshAleph---pr.n. "Height".
MemYodReshBet---(812 w/f); pr.n. "Wells".
HayReshMemZain---vine, branch, twig; sound; song.
HayMemReshZain---a gushing, emission (of semen), male ejaculation.
HayReshVauAlephMem---light; cave, hole.
---rebellious or obstinate.
HayReshZainMem---winnower or fan.
ReshBetNun---to shine or gleam.
253 > 10 > 1- 253 -253 = 11x23
MemReshYodBetAleph---(813 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation".
ReshNunBetAleph---pr.n. "Father is Light".
LamedAlephKafReshBet---pr.n. "God Blesses".
NunReshGimel---(903 w/f); to roll, to level, make smooth; a level place, area; threshing-floor; grain.
HayMemReshChet---pr.n. "Desolation".
VauHayYodKafReshBetYod---pr.n. "Yah Blesses".
YodMemReshGimel---pr.n. "Bony" or "Strong".
AlephLamedBetReshKaf---wrapper, mantle, cloak.
MemBetQofAyinYod AlephLamed---(813 w/f); He does not keep them back.
ReshVauZainMem---binding (of a wound); healing, remedy; snare or net; hurt, suffering
DaletReshTetMem---pr.n. "A Driving Forth".
ZainVauReshMem---pr. n. "Refuge".
ReshGimelNun---to flow on; to spread or extent; to be poured out, to flow; to be extended.
GimelReshNun---to crush or cut in pieces.
254 > 11 > 2- 254 -254 = 2x127
MemReshVauChet---(814 w/f); pr.n. "Noble Born".
ReshVauMemChet---ass; a heap or load.
HayReshVauGimelMem---fear; a storehouse.
HayAlephReshChetMem---a sink or privy.
HayReshTetMem---a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting).
ChetVauReshMem---bruised or crushed.
ReshDaletNun---to bind, to set fast, to vow.
---to fall or drop out (as grain in threshing).
---a vow; a votive-offering.
DaletReshNun---nard, spikenard.
255 > 12 > 3- 255 -255 = 3x5x17
MemReshVauDaletHay---(815 w/f; 251/811 & 305/865); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted".
---pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites; (249/809).
MemYodReshHay---(815 w/f); exaltation.
NunReshHay---(905 w/f); to be high; pr.n. "High", Abraham's Brother.
MemVauReshTet---(815 w/f); not yet.
HayReshMemYod---pr.n. "Rebellious".
HayReshZainGimelMem---an axe.
HayReshVauDaletMem---pile of wood; a faggot.
TetReshVauMem---polished; sharp, impetuous.
ChetReshZainMem---dawn; the east; eastward.
ChetZainReshMem---a shouting (for joy); a wailing (for sorrow).
HayYodReshMem---pr. n. "Contumacy".
---pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (261 266 )
ReshHayNun---to flow (figuratively of a confluence or gathering).
---to be bright; to brighten up.
---a stream or current.
---a river (especially the river Euphrates or the Nile).
256 > 13 > 4- 256 -256 = 28
NunReshHayAleph---(906 w/f); luminous; pr.n. "Aaron", first High Priest and brother of Moses.
HayYodReshMemAleph---(262); pr.n. "Promise of Yah".
NunBetReshDalet---(906 w/f); a goad.
MemReshVauYod---(816); pr.n. "Yah is high".
ReshVauChetBetMem---choice, selection.
MemYodLamedLamedAyinMem BetYodTetYodHay---(816 w/f); to make one's actions good.
ReshVauNun---to shine.
DaletAyinVau MemLamedVauAyinLamed---(816 w/f); for ever and ever, to all eternity.
257 > 14 > 5- 257 -55th prime
NunVauReshAleph---(907 w/f); receptacle, box, chest; a coffin; wooden chest; the Ark (sacred).
ReshYodMemZain---a song; song of praise; poem, hymn; song of triumph.
YodReshMemZain---pr.n. "Sung", "Celebrated".
MemYodReshZain---(817 w/f); inundation; strangers, fores.
MemTetReshChet---(817 w/f); a scribe; a sacred writer.
HayBetYodReshMem---a quarrel or strife; pr. n. "Strife" --- of a fountain.
ReshZainNun---to consecrate, to vow; to separate oneself; to abstain; to consecrate oneself to.
---to bind or encircle.
---consecration (of a priest or Nazarite); a consecrated head (unshorn head); unshorn hair (of a woman); a crown or diadem (for a priest or king.
MemYodNunPeh ZainAyin---(817 w/f); effrontery.
258 > 15 > 6- 258 -258 = 2x3x43
HayYodReshMemGimel---(264); pr.n. "Yah completes".
HayReshVauMemZain---(what has a tremulous motion or trilling sound); vine shoot; twig, branch.
MemReshYodChet---(818 w/f & 264/824); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre).
NunReshChet---(908 w/f); pr.n. "Noble".
MemChetReshYod---(818 w/f); pr.n. "He is Compassionated" or "He is Loved".
ReshYodChetMem---price, purchase money; hire, wages; pr.n. "Hire".
ReshChetNun---to snore or snort.
---a snorting (of a horse).
259 > 16 > 7- 259 -259 = 7x37
MemReshYodChetAleph---(819 w/f); pr.n. "Brother Exalted".
QofDaletTzaddi-YodNunDaletAleph---Lord of Righteousness.
NunReshChetAleph---(909 w/f); at last.
NunReshVauGimel---(909 w/f); throat.
NunVauReshGimel---(909 w/f); throat; to cry with the throat; neck.
HayReshVauMemChet---heap, load.
YodAlephResh YodChetLamed---pr.n. "Seeing Alive".
YodReshTetMem---pr.n. "Rainy".
ReshTetNun---to keep or watch; to keep anger, to continue angry.
260 > 8- 260 -260 = 22x5x13
NunVauGimelReshAleph---(910 w/f); web.
MemYodReshChetBet---(820 w/f); pr.n. "Hot Places".
NunZainReshGimel---(910 w/f); an axe.
MemAyinMemQofYod---(820 w/f); pr.n. "Who Assembles the People", "People's Existence".
YodMemReshYod---pr.n. "Dwelling on High".
ReshMemKaf---to glow, burn; to be scorched or swarthy; to plait, weave; an idol-priest; a priest.
MemReshKaf---(820 w/f); to glow; to be bright red; to dig, cultivate; a vineyard; a vine dresser.
ReshYodChetMemBet---at a price.
ReshKafMem---to trade or barter, to sell (especially a daughter for marriage price); to deliver over (a people to their foes).
---ware (article for sale); price or worth; a property or possession.
KafReshMem---(740 w/f); softness; timidity or fear.
HayReshHayNun---light or day.
ReshYodNun---a light.
---to break up or till.
---fallow ground; tillage; seed or offspring.
QofYodQofNun---a cleft or fissure.
ReshSamekh---refractory, rebellious; sullen, ill humored.
NunYodMemTzaddiAyin---(910 w/f); pr. n. "Strong".
261 > 9- 261 -261 = 32x29
MemYodReshVauDaletAleph---(821 w/f); pr.n. "Two Hills", a city in Judah.
NunPehTzaddiYodLamedAleph---(911 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides".
ReshSamekhAleph---to bind together; to fetter, to hold captive; to fasten; to yoke fast, harness.
---vow of abstinence; inhibition.
---prohibition, interdict.
NunVauDaletReshAleph---(911 w/f); pr.n. "Descender" or "Ruler".
NunVauAlephReshDalet---(911 w/f); abhorrence; object of horror.
NunVauReshHay---(911 w/f); conception.
MemReshVauHayYod---(821 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is High".
YodAyinMemMem AlephTzaddiYod---to come forth from the bowels of --- refers to male role in generation of offspring, evocative of the theory that the seed comes from the male and the female only provides a place for it to mature. This contention is based more on agriculture than biology.
HayYodReshVauMem---pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 266)
MemDaletMem HayBetQofAyin---(821 w/f); betrayed by blood.
---a hill of blood.
262 > 10 > 1- 262 -262 = 2x131
VauHayYodReshMemAleph---pr.n. "Promise of Yah"; (256).
HayNunVauReshAleph---pr.n. "Joy of Yah"; (266).
ReshSamekhBet---to condemn; sour, unripe grapes.
NunVauBetReshDalet---(912 w/f); ox-goad; goads.
HayReshYodMemZain---pr.n. "Song".
NunDaletAlephReshZain---(912 w/f); pr.n. "The Chief Ruler".
ReshBetKafMem---mat or coarse cloth; plated work or grating.
BetKafReshMem---a chariot; a carriage-seat.
ReshBetSamekh---to raise or heap up.
---to hope or trust.
BetReshSamekh---to be refractory or rebellious.
NunYodAyinBet NunYodAyin---(1562 w/f); eye to eye; an eye for an eye.
263 > 11 > 2- 263 -56th prime
ReshNunYodBetAleph---pr.n. "Father is Light".
SamekhReshGimel---to break or crush.
MemYodNunPehHay MemChetLamed---(1383 w/f); the shew-bread.
ChetTzaddiMem YodQofZainChet---firm of front, impudent.
ReshGimelSamekh---to cut off or separate; to shut up, keep close; to close.
264 > 12 > 3- 264 -264 = 23x3x11
VauHayYodReshMemGimel---pr.n. "Yah Completes"; (258).
NunReshVauChet---(914 w/f); pr.n. "Cavernous".
MemVauReshYodChet---(824 w/f & 258/818); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre).
NunVauReshChet---(914 w/f); glow, heat; anger; a dry faggot; pr.n. "Hollow-place".
ReshVauMemChetYod---a deer, stag, buck.
NunDaletReshYod---(914 w/f); pr.n. "Descending", the river Jordan.
KafDaletReshMem---(744 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk.
ReshVauChetNun---pr. n. "Snorting".
ReshDaletSamekh---to arrange or put in order, to set in a row.
DaletReshSamekh---to fear or tremble.
265 > 13 > 4- 265 -265 = 5x53
NunVauReshChetAleph---(915 w/f); latter, later; western.
SamekhReshHay---to tear, break, pull down, pull out destroy; break in; pr.n. "Lion" or "Sun".
NunYodAyin LamedYodTzaddiHay---(915 w/f); to escape the eye.
HayYodMemReshYod---(271); pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah.
HayReshKafMem---a pit.
---piercers or stabbers; swords.
NunMem HayLamedAyinMemLamed---(915 w/f); over.
KafDaletAlephReshMem---(745 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk.
HayYodDaletVauReshMem---her fleeings.
ReshYodHayNun---the light.
HayYodReshNun---pr. n. "Lamp of Yah".
ReshHaySamekh---to be round or circular.
---tower, round tower or castle.
HayReshSamekh---to join or knit together.
---a turning away, apostasy or revolt; a leaving off, ceasing.
266 > 14 > 5- 266 -266 = 2x7x19
HayYodNunReshAleph---pr.n. "Joy of Yah".
MemYodReshVauChetBet---(826 w/f); young days, youth.
ReshVauChet-NunBet---(916 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Liberty".
NunVauReshBetChet---(916 w/f); pr.n. "Alliance".
NunVauBetReshChet---(916 w/f); drought, heats.
YodNunVauLamedLamedQofMem---they curse me.
HayYod-YodAlephReshMem---pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 261)
ReshVauSamekh---to turn aside or go off, to depart; to backslide or apostatise; to pass away; to forsake.
---to pierce, dig or cut into, to hollow out.
---rejected, put back; banished one; a stray or wild shoot; pr. n. "Tendril" (name of a gate of the Temple).
267 > 15 > 6- 267 -267 = 3x89
ReshVauSamekhAleph---bond, fetter.
YodBetAleph MemReshVauChet---(827 w/f); pr.n. "Free-born is My Father".
AlephNunVauBetReshChet---pr.n. "Ass Driver".
NunVauAlephReshYod---(917 w/f); pr.n. "Dreadful".
HayBetKafReshMem---a chariot; a war chariot.
MemYodPehVauPehAlephNun---(827 w/f); adulteries.
268 > 16 > 7- 268 -268 = 22x67
HaySamekhMemAyinMem NunBetAleph---(918 w/f); a burden-stone --- used for gymnastic exercise.
QofLamedQofLamedChet---smooth; slippery places; flatteries.
ReshSamekhChet---to be cut off; to be diminished; to fail, to be wanting; to want or lack; lacking, wanting.
SamekhReshChet---to be rough; to be scabby; to be tough; sticky; to glow, to shine; the itch; the sun; pr.n. "Place of Clay".
YodReshChetNun---pr. n. "Snorer"
ReshChetSamekh---to go round or about, to traverse; to trade; a trader.
---to be black or dark color.
---a mart; trade-gain, profit.
ChetReshSamekh---to shed or pour out; to lay prostrate; to be redundant, to hand over.
---to stink, to be corrupt.
---a superfluity, a remainder.
269 > 17 > 8- 269 -57th prime
NunYodReshChetAleph---(919 w/f); at last.
PehVauLamedGimelNunMemSamekh---One of the angels said to have imprisoned Lilith beneath the sea. Probably: "Setter of the Mark"
ReshVauGimelSamekh---enclosure or caul; pericardium; pure or precious; a warlike weapon, battle axe.
ReshGimelVauSamekh---a den or cage.
270 > 9- 270 -270 = 2x33x5
ReshHaySamekhHay---the round bowl.
ReshSamekhYod---to bind, to tame; to correct, chastise.
MemAyinNunQofYod---(830 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Possession".
TzaddiPehMem YodLamedKaf---(1080 w/f); a smashing-tool, maul (a particular type only);
ReshNunKaf---to make a tremulous sound; to trill.
YodMemReshKaf---pr.n. "Vineyard Man".
NunReshKaf---(920 w/f); Lyre".
ReshYodKafMem---pr.n. "Trader", "Patron".
YodReshKafMem---pr.n. "Precious".
ReshKafNun---to know or recognise; to fail to know, to disown or repudiate; to be known or recognized; to make oneself strange; to feign or dissemble; to recognize or respect; not to know; to deny.
---to sell or deliver up.
---strangeness, foreignness.
ReshYodSamekh---a pot; thorn or briar; fishing hook.
MemYodNunSamekhNunSamekh---(830 w/f); palm branches.
MemYodQofNunAyin---(830 w/f); Anakites.
ReshAyin---a city.
---a caller.
271 > 9- 271 -58th prime
ReshYodSamekhAleph---fettered one, prisoner.
AyinReshAleph---to flee.
---the earth; the ground; low, below.
NunVauYodReshHay---(921 w/f); conception, pregnancy.
VauHayYodMemReshYod---pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah.
HayReshVauKafMem---descent, nativity.
ChetVauResh HayBetNun---smitten of spirit, contrite.
VauReshYodHayNun---light, illumination or wisdom.
272 > 11 > 2- 272 -272 = 24x17
MemLamedAlephReshAleph---(832 w/f); the strong one, the mighty one, hero, heroes; Lion of God.
ReshAyinBet---to browse, to feed upon; to burn up; to be brutish; feed on, consume; destroy; brutishness, stupidity.
AyinReshBet---to make a present; pr.n. "Gift".
MemYodBetReshKaf---(832 w/f & 278/838); Cherubim.
ReshYodBetKafMem---wealth or abundance.
BetQofAyinYod KafLamedMem---(752 w/f); pr.n. "King of Jacob" --- a term for the deity.
ReshBetAyin---to pass over, to cross; to pass or go through; to go past or beyond, to pass away, to vanish or perish; to pass, distil, drop freely.
---to bear, to be fruitful or pregnant.
---a region or country beyond (any limit or boundary) --- essentially the English word that transliterates it: OVER as "beyond"; a place over against, opposite side; coast or side.; pr. n. Eber (an ancestor of the Hebrew race).
BetLamedChet VauAlephLamedMem VauYodNunYodTetAyin---his vessels are full of milk.
BetReshAyin---to bind or combine, to plait or braid, to interweave; to mingle or combine; to exchabte or barter, to traffic; to pledge or pawn; to be or give security.
---to be or grow dark; evening.
---to be dry or parched, to be sterile or waste.
---to be sweet or pleasant.
---to cry or call, to croak.
---the gadfly.
---pr. n. "Waste" or Barren", Arabia.
---woof or weft (in weaving); a mixed multitude or mass, rabble, riff-raff.
---a raven, crow.
273 - 12 > 3- 273 -273 = 3x7x13
AyinBetReshAleph---four, fourth.
AlephReshAyinBet---pr.n. "A Brand".
AlephYodReshTetMemYodGimel---gematria (Greek: GR:gamma-rho-alpha-mu-mu-alpha-tau-epsilon-iota-alpha = 501).
ReshAyinGimel---to cry out, call out at, scold, rebuke.
AyinReshGimel---to tear, cut off; curtail, restrain, limit, avert (the eyes); to swallow (water); to drink up.
HayReshSamekhChet---pr.n. "Neediness".
HayReshChetSamekh---traffic; merchants.
---a shield.
MemYodMemAyin YodLamedGimelAyin---(833 w/f); calves of the peoples (tribes following leaders).
ReshGimelAyin---to cry or make a shrill sound, to twitter or chatter.
GimelReshAyin---to cry or call, to bray or low; to long or pant.
---to arrange or lay out.
274 > 13 > 4- 274 -274 = 2x137
NunReshKafDalet---(924 w/f); record, register.
AyinReshDalet---to scatter, to sow; arm; pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge".
YodKafDaletReshMem---pr. n. "Belonging to Marduk", Mordecai --- Esther's foster-father, who became chief minister of the Persian court.
ReshDaletAyin---to arrange or marshall; to set in order; to dig or dress; to muster; to miss or find wanting.
---an array or muster; a herd or drove.
---pr. n. "Herd".
DaletReshAyin---to tremble or fear.
---pr. n. "Wild Ass".
275 > 14 > 5- 275 -275 = 52x11
AyinReshDaletAleph---arm; power.
ReshKafGimel-Nun-finalBet---(925 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Hero".
HayReshAyin---to be bare or naked.
---to run or flow
---cleared or open places, meadows.
276 > 15 > 6- 276 -276 = 22x3x23
SamekhChetReshChet---pr.n. "Brilliant".
ReshVauSamekhYod---one who turns away from me; corrector, reprover.
ReshVauNunKaf---a harp, lyre.
ReshVauAyin---to cry or call; to be astir or awake.
---to be bare or naked.
---to dig, to hallow out.
---to go round, to encircle or enclose.
---to oppress.
---to suck.
---to glow or burn.
---the skin or hide; leather; the body (as covering for the soul).
---chaff or hull.
277 > 16 > 7- 277 -59th prime
HayReshAyinBet---a burning.
HayAyinReshBet---a present; in evil, misfortune.
ReshAyinZain---to be pressed together; to be small, little.
AyinReshZain---to scatter, spread out, disperse; to sow (seed); sowing, time of sowing; seed, a plantation, crop, grain, produce; posterity; family, race; arm, forearm; shoulder or foreleg; strength, force, might.
---anger or wrath; pride or insolence.
ReshZainAyin---to begird or enclose; to strengthen, to help
---pr. n. "Help".
HayBetReshAyin---wilderness or desert.
---surety or security; pledge or pawn.
278 > 17 > 8- 278 -278 = 2x139
ReshVauAyinBet---pr.n. "Torch".
AyinDaletReshDalet---pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge".
ReshYodSamekhChet---wanting, deficient.
AyinReshChet---to be cunning.
MemYodBetVauReshKaf---(838 w/f & 272/832); Cherubim --- angelic order associated10 with the 10th Sephira Malkut,(496).
ReshVauBetAyin---produce or grain.
---a passing over, result; for, on account, for the sake of; because, in order that; while, in passing away.
AlephReshZainAyin---pr. n. "Help", Ezra.
10. G-K p. 92
279 > 18 > 9- 279 -32x31
NunYodMemYod PehTetAyinYod---(1649 w/f); he hides himself in the south.
ReshVauGimelAyin---chattering or twittering (of the swallow); the swallow, a swift, the crane.
AlephReshBetVauAyin---embryo or fetus.
ReshTetAyin---to surround or encompass.
HayDaletAyinResh---a trembling or fear.
280 > 10 > 1- 280 -280 = 23x5x7
HayReshAyinHay---to make naked, to uncover or expose.
HayLamedAyinMemLamed KafPehHay---(760 w/f); to turn right over.
HaySamekhYodReshHay---a tearing down, a ruin.
ReshAyinYod---to sprout, flourish; a luxuriant spot, a brake, thicket, wood, forest; wild honey.
AyinReshYod---to tremble, to shake.
MemKafReshKaf---(840 w/f); the crocus, saffron.
ReshMemMem---bitterness or sorrow
AyinNunAyinNunMem---rattle or cymbal.
YodReshKafNun---unknown, alien or foreign; another; strange, marvellous.
ReshKafSamekh---to shut up.
---to hire.
KafReshSamekh---(760 w/f); chief officer or president.
ReshYodAyin---a city,
---heat; anger.
---watcher (used for angels).
---suckling, a young ass, a foal or colt.
DaletVauReshAyin---a wild ass.
YodReshAyin---pr. n. "Watchful".
281 > 11 > 1- 281 -60th prime
NunVauKafReshDaletAleph---(931 w/f); "Daric" --- a Persian coin
PehSamekhPehSamekhAleph---(1001 w/f); a mixed multitude; the rabble; riff-raff.
ReshPehAleph---to break, to crumble or pulverize.
---to cover.
---to bear, to carry.
---ashes; animal ashes.
---head-cover, cover, turban.
YodAyinReshAleph---the bottom (of a pit).
PehReshAleph---(1001 w/f); to stretch out, lie extended; to knit, plait.
---a region, expanse.
ReshMemAlephMem---edict, mandate; command.
AlephReshMemMem---pr.n. "Mamre", "Firmness" --- name of a friend of Abraham and of a place near Hebron
AlephReshYodAyin---pr. n. "Watcher", (a priest of David and 2 of his captains).
HayVauReshAyin---nakedness; the privy parts, penis, vulva; shame, obscenity or foulness; a blemish; disgrace of ignominy.
---exposure; damage or injury.
282 > 12 > 3- 282 -282 = 2x3x47
MemYodLamedAlephReshAleph---(842 w/f); pr.n. "Arelim" --- the angelic order11 of the 3rd Sephira Binah,
HayNunYodBet (67)
ReshYodAyinBet---in the blind; cattle.
SamekhPehAlephMem NunYodAlephMem---(932 w/f); not anything
YodReshBetAyin---Hebrew (signifying either "Descended from Eber" or "Emigrant") (used by foreigners or to foreigners; "Israelite" is used by the people among themselves in the Torah).
HayReshZainAyin---help or aid.
---enclosure; a court (of the temple); a ledge or terrace (arround the altar).
YodBetReshAyin---Arab or Arabian.
11. G-K p. 90
283 > 13 > 4- 283 -61st prime
HayVauHayYod NunVauReshAleph---(933 w/f, 742/1392 & 874/1524); Ark of Jehovah.
ReshPehGimel---to bind, to be hard, strong; cypress, gopher-tree.
PehReshGimel---(1003 w/f); to seize, grasp.
ReshVauGimelSamekh BetHayZain---treasured gold.
NunVauReshKafZain---(933 w/f); memorial; record, account.
AyinVauReshZain---a seed.
LamedGimelReshNun---pr. n. "Crusher", Nergal, a god of the Cuthites thought to be representative of the planet Mars.
MemYodGimelYodSamekh PehSamekhKaf---(1563 w/f); silver of dross (unrefined silver).
ReshVauZainAyin---pr. n. "Helper".
MemYodLamedGimelAyin NunYodAyin---(1493 w/f); pr. n. "Calves' Fount", (well in Moab on east shore of the Dead Sea).
284 > 14 > 5- 284 -284 = 22x71
AyinVauReshZainAleph---the forearm; the arm.
HayMemChetResh AlephLamed---pr.n. "Not Compassionated".
MemYodNunDaletAyin-MemAyin---(1404 w/f); with delights, charmingly.
HayReshTetAyin---a crown or diadem; a garland or chaplet.
DaletReshYodAyin---pr. n. "Shy".
HayGimelVauReshAyin---arranged or laid out; a bed or parterre.
285 > 15 > 6- 285 -285 = 3x5x19
YodAyinReshDaletAleph---pr.n. "Strong" --- name of cities in Batanea and in Nephtali.
DaletPehReshAleph---pr.n. "Border".
AlephYodNunReshKafDalet---the records.
HayReshAyinYod---pr.n. "Bare"; forest, wild honey, honeycomb.
HayReshMemMem---for bitterness
HayMemReshMem---deceit or fraud; pr. n. "Fraud".
HayYodReshKafNun---a strange woman (i.e. harlot).
HayBetYodDaletNun ChetVauResh---a willing or ready spirit; liberal; princely.
ReshYodAyinHay---the city.
286 > 16 > 7- 286 -286 = 2x11x13
PehSamekhPehSamekhAlephHay---(1006 w/f); the rabble.
ReshVauAyinYod---wood; forest; pr.n. "Forester".
MemVauReshMem---(846 w/f); a height or elevation; a high place; high rank or condition; highmindedness; haughtily or proudly.
---pr. n. "Height".
VauReshYodAyin---pr. n. "Wakeful".
287 > 17 > 8- 287 -287 = 7x41
ReshPehVauAleph---(297 & 291); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?)
HayAyinYodReshBet---pr.n. "gift".
ReshYodAyinZain---a little; a little while; small, little.
ReshPehZain---to be fragrant.
PehReshZain---(1007 w/f); to flow, pour.
ReshZainAyinYod---pr.n. "Auxiliary"; (297).
ReshZainMemMem---a bastard (either born out of wedlock or between a Jew and a gentile); alien.
YodReshZainAyin---pr. n. "Help of Yah".
BetYodReshAyinHay---to act at evening.
288 > 18 > 9- 288 -288 = 25x32
ReshZainAyinYodAleph---pr.n. "Father is Help".
ReshPehChet---to cut in, dig; to search out, to spy; to turn red (with shame); to be ashamed; a hole; pr.n. "Blushing", "Pit" or "Well".
PehReshChet---(1008 w/f); to pull or pluck fruit; to upbraid, reproach; to pass the autumn and winter; pr.n. "ripe"; harvest, autumn (inclusive of winter); maturity.
AyinChetReshYod---pr.n. "Trusty".
HayReshGimelMemMem---storehouse, garner
HayMemGimelReshMem---a stone-heap.
MemChetReshMem---(848 w/f); since leaving the womb
LamedMemAyin YodMemChetNunMem---troublesome comforters.
289 > 19 > 10 > 1- 289 -289 = 172
AyinReshYodChetAleph---pr.n. "Brother is Bad".
ChetReshPehAleph---the young (of birds); a nestling.
ReshPehTet---to project; to be pointed or sharp; a point, nail; claw, hoof.
PehReshTet---(1009 w/f); to pluck; to rend, tear in pieces; to be fresh, to sprout forty; to luxuriate; fresh leaf; prey (of wild beasts); food.
LamedAlephMemChetReshYod---pr.n. "God Compassionates".
MemReshTetMem---(849 w/f); while not yet, before
LamedAyinNunHay TzaddiVauLamedChet---(1099 w/f); one stripped of the shoe (dispossessed of property).
290 > 11 > 2- 290 -290 = 2x5x29
ReshZainAyinYodBetAleph---pr.n. "Father is Help".
PehVauReshGimelAleph---(1010 w/f); clinched hand, fist; grab, grip; (20).
YodReshVauBetAyinBet---on my account.
ReshZainAyinDaletDaletHay---pr.n. "Hadad is Help".
ReshYodAyinYod---pr.n. "Forester".
LamedMemReshKaf---a garden, orchard; cultivated ground, park; garden-fruits; pr.n. "Carmel".
AyinReshKaf---to bow down; the leg (from knee to ankle).
HayLamedAyinMem HayLamedAyinMem---higher and higher, above or over; onward or forward.
MemYodReshMem---(850 w/f); pr. n. "Rebellion", Miriam or Mary --- name of the prophetess who was the sister of Moses and also of the maternal deity of the Christians. In Greek: GR:Mu-iota-rho-iota-alpha-mu (201) or GR:Mu-alpha-rho-iota-alpha (152)
ReshMemNun---spread abroad, diffuse itself; to be changed.
---to flow, to be limpid or clear.
---variegate, to be spotted or speckled.
---a leopard.
HayAlephKafNun ChetVauResh---a sad or grieved spirit.
ReshKafAyin---to trouble or disturb.
---pr. n. "Troubler".
KafReshAyin---(770 w/f); to prepare.
---an array or row, a pile; preparation or outfit, a suit or set; estimation or value; estimate or price.
291 > 12 > 3- 291 -291 = 3x97
ReshYodPehAleph---(297 & 287); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?)
ReshSamekhLamedAleph---pr.n. "The Place of Assyria".
ReshTzaddiAleph---to heap together, store up.
---pr.n. "Treasure".
---to shine; to guard; to press together; to form.
TzaddiReshAleph---(1101 w/f); to be compact, hard.
---the earth, the land; planet Earth; material earth; the ground; one's country; field; territory; inhabitants.
ReshYodChetMemBet-AlephLamed---not at a price, gratis.
292 > 13 > 4- 292 -292 = 22x73
AlephTzaddiReshAleph---pr.n. "Firmness".
ReshTzaddiBet---to cut out, off, gather in; to restrain, separate off on all sides; to fortify; fortified, strong; metal, ore, precious metal.
HayReshMemZainMem---pruning knife or hook.
LamedBetReshSamekh---to carry or wear.
---garments, trousers.
HayYodReshZainAyin---pr. n. "Help of Yah".
ReshBetKafAyin---mouse, field-mouse.
293 > 14 > 5- 293 -62nd prime
HayPehReshChet---reproach, scorn, contumely; a reproach, an object of reproach; disgrace, shame; parts of shame, penis.
ReshZainAyinVauYod---pr.n. "Yah is Help".
ReshVauMemZainMem---a song or lay, a psalm (heading used for Psalms).
294 > 15 > 6- 294 -294 = 2x3x72
NunMemGimelReshAleph---(944 w/f); web, cloth; purple; purple cloth.
PehVauReshChet---(1014 w/f); pr.n. "Early Born".
HayPehReshTet---what is torn, cattle torn (by wild beasts); booty.
QofDaletTzaddi-YodKafLamedMem---pr.n. "Melchizedek", "King of Righteousness" --- name of the king of Salem, considered also as a metaphor for a good priest.
DaletReshMemNun---pr. n. "Warrior" or "Rebel", Nimrod.
295 > 16 > 7- 295 -295 = 5x59
KafLamedMemReshDaletAleph---(775 w/f); pr.n. "The King's Majesty"; Adarmelek, a diety of the Sepharvites; the son & murderer of Sennacherib of Assyria.
HayAyinYodReshYod---hanging or curtain, tent.
HayReshNunMem---a candlestick.
HayReshMemNun---pr. n. "Limpid", a city in Gilead.
296 > 17 > 8- 296 -296 =23x37
ReshZainAyinYodChetAleph---pr.n. "Brother of Help".
ReshVauNunMem---a plow yoke; weaver's beam.
MemYodDaletBetReshMem---(856 w/f); coverlets (for beds).
ReshVauKafAyin---pr. n. "Trouble".
297 > 18 > 9- 297 -297 = 33x11
ReshYodPehVauAleph---(291 & 287); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?)
ReshTzaddiVauAleph---receptacle; granary; treasury; store, stock, treasure.
MemYodMemVauReshAleph---(857 & 95/655); pr.n. "Red Hills".
NunVauMemReshAleph---(947 w/f); palace, fortress, citadel.
HayReshTzaddiBet---enclosure; sheep-fold; pr.n. "Fortress".
NunReshMemZain---(947 w/f); pr.n. "celebrated".
ReshYodZainAyinYod---(287); pr.n. "Auxiliary".
NunVauAlephReshMem---(947 w/f); pr. n. "Fertility".
298 > 19 > 10 > 1- 298 -298 = 2x149
ReshVauTzaddiBet---inaccessible, steep; ore.
NunYodHayLamedAleph ReshBet---(948 w/f); son(s) of the gods.
NunReshMemChet---(948 w/f); pr.n. "Ruddy".
ReshTzaddiChet---to fence around, enclose; to sing, to sound forth bright and clear; to be bright or green, to bloom; court, yard; a village.
PehYodReshChet---(1018 w/f); pr.n. "Autumn Rain".
TzaddiReshChet---(1108 w/f); to cut in, to scratch; to cut to a point, to sharpen; to decide; to gird oneself, to be active; loins; to shine, glitter.
VauHayYodReshZainAyin---pr. n. "Help of Yah".
ReshVauBetKafAyin---pr. n. "Mouse".
299 > 20 > 2- 299 -299 = 13x23
NunVauReshGimelMem---(949 w/f); pr.n. "Overthrow".

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