
יום שני, 11 במרץ 2019

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300 > 3300 -300 = 22x3x52
(In spelling, interchanges with: ZainSamekhTzaddiDaletTawTetQofChetAyinKafAyinResh).
(Shin --- Nun-finalYodShin --- 360/1010 --- Tooth).
(As prefix: who, which, what, that; he who, him that; that; whither).
KafReshVauBetAyinBet---(780 w/f); for thy sake.
BetTzaddiReshChet---a tight cord; pangs.
ReshTzaddiYod---to press together; to straiten; to be pressed together; to be distressing, perplexing; to cut; to form, fashion; to create; to produce, arrange; to devise, design; a potter, statuary; a shaping, thought; frame or constitution; a device, pattern; an image; pr.n. "Form"; formed, fashioned.
ReshPehKaf---to cover; to forgive; to bind or combine, to be strong, vigorous; village, hamlet; pitch cypress flower (Henna); a ransom; expiations, atonement.
SamekhKafReshKaf---pr.n. "Eagle".
LamedYodMemReshKaf---crimson, crimson cloth.
ReshMemKafMem---a net, hunter's net; nets.
ReshKafMemMem---a sale; a thing for sale or sold; possession
HayReshHayNunMem---riverbed or channel; cleft or den.
ReshSamekhMem---to transmit
ReshSamekhMem---to venture, dare; to risk oneself, volunteer.
---admonition, instruction.
MemYodQofMemAyinMem---(860 w/f); depths.
AyinTzaddiQofMem---an angle or corner, a nook.
SamekhReshMem---pr. n. "Meritorious".
ReshMemSamekh---to be prickly, to bristle; to shudder.
---hairy or bristly.
LamedReshAyin---the foreskin; to circumcise; to expose one's foreskin.
---uncircumcised, dull, unfeeling.
MemYodHayLamedAleph ChetVauResh---(860 w/f); spirit of the god(s), breath of the god(s).
301 > 4301 -301 - 7x43
YodNunMemReshAleph---pr.n. "Fortress", "Palace", "Citadel".
NunNunReshAleph---(951 w/f & 307/957); noisy or murmuring.
---pr.n. "Sharp-eared".
---pr.n. "Jubilant", (name of the former owner of the site of Solomon's temple).
QofReshAleph---the earth.
ShinAleph---fire; the fire of God, lightning; anger; zeal, ardor; war; heat or scorching (of sun); flashing (of weapons).
---existence, being; there is.
(The words for Man and Woman are made from this word by addition of a Yod for Man (311) or a Heh for Woman (306) --- it is said that man and woman are nothing but fire and fire without the letters Yod and Heh of the great name. This may also be the origin of assignment of gender to the letters of the Tetragrammaton, but Yod and Heh are used in gender assignment in other words beside ShinAleph = being).)
NunVauMemReshHay---(951 w/f); a fortress, castle.
HayReshVauNunMem---a candlestick.
ReshKafNun LamedAleph---a foreign god.
302 > 5302 -302 = 2x151
HayReshTzaddiVauAleph---make treasurers.
ReshYodTzaddiBet---cutting off; grape gathering, vintage; inaccessible, lofty.
ReshQofBet---to cut, cleave open, plow; break forth (light), daybreak; to break into, search; admire; investigate; cattle, ox, cow, horned beast, clovenhoofed beast; morning.
QofReshBet---to break or send forth lightning, to flash forth; lightning; flash; pr.n. "Thunderbolt".
303 > 6303 -303 = 3x101
BetShinAleph---to think.
ShinAlephBet---to have a bad smell, to stink; to be bad, wicked.
---to be evil.
ShinGimel---to touch; come close, approach; draw back, give place.
ReshGimelSamekhMem---incloser; a locksmith or smith; a prison.
NunGimelReshNun---(953 w/f); a whisperer or slanderer.
ReshBetAyin-LamedAleph---to beyond, over or across, over against, towards.
304 > 7304 -304 = 24x19
ReshQofDalet---to bore through, pierce, stab; curse, condemn; pr.n. "Swordsman".
QofReshDalet---to hasten.
PehYodZainReshZain---(1024 w/f); a heavy shower.
ReshVauTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Enclosed Place", "Castle".
VauReshTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Blooming".
TzaddiVauReshChet---(1114 w/f); ditch or fosse (of a fortress); a decision or judgment; gold; active, eager; industrious, strenuous; sharp, pointed; a pointed shard or sharp stone.
NunVauMemReshChet---(954 w/f); pr.n. "Mountain Peak".
305 > 8305 -305 = 5x61
MemReshYodNunDaletAleph---(865 w/f, 255/815 & 251/811); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted".
ShinDaletAleph---to thresh out.
DaletShinAleph---to shed, to pour out; to water.
--outpouring, ravine, water gully.
ShinBetGimel---to freeze; to draw or gather together; to compact.
AlephShinDalet---to sprout, be fresh and green; first shoots, tender grass.
ReshHayTzaddiYod---oil; pr.n. "Shining".
KafLamedMemHay QofMemAyin---(785 w/f); the king's valley.
HayLamedReshAyin---the foreskin.
306 > 9306 -306 = 2x32x17
HayShinAleph---to be firm, to heal.
---woman; female; wife; (see ShinAleph301, for Qabalistic discussion).
ReshQofDaletBet---pr.n. "Stabber".
ShinBetDalet---to stick or glue; honey (of bees or grapes); syrup, must.
ReshTzaddiVauYod---a fashioner or framer; a potter; a statuary; maker, creator (of God).
ReshVauPehKaf---a cup; hoar-frost.
ReshSamekhVauMem---band or bond; pr.n. "Correction", (301).
---correction, chastisement; learning, instruction (resulting from discipline).
AyinVauTzaddiQofMem---an angle or corner, a nook.
307 > 10 > 1307 -63rd prime
ShinVauAleph---to be strong or manly, to support.
HayAlephReshQofAleph---to cry out; proclaim; summon; read aloud; name; to happen upon.
NunVauNunReshAleph---(957 w/f & 301/951); noisy or murmuring.
HayReshQofBet---a searching or inspection.
ShinDaletGimel---to heap up.
QofReshZain---to scatter, to sprinkle,. to dust.
NunVauMemReshBetTet---(957 w/f); pr.n. "Good is Rimmon".
VauNunYodMemAlephYod NunAyinMemLamed---(957 w/f); in order that they may believe.
308 > 11 > 2308 -308 = 22x7x11
ReshZainAyinLamedAleph---pr.n. "God is Helper".
HayShinAlephBet---a bad smelling plant, a weed.
ReshQofVauBet---a herdsman; shepherd.
ShinVauBet---to turn white, to pale; to change color, pale, blush; to be disappointed, come to shame, be deceived; fail in function or purpose; disgrace.
---to be bad.
ReshYodTzaddiChet---an enclosure, a home; grass; a leek.
YodReshTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Blooming".
ReshQofChet---to dig; to search, examine, explore (by mining), to search out, to make a survey of; to examine, to taste; to test; a searching out; a secret, the inmost or deepest part; unsearchableness (of God ='s God's works and plans).
TzaddiYodReshChet---(1118 w/f); a cut, slice.
MemYodNunReshChet---(868 w/f); pr.n. "Double Cave".
QofReshChet---to grate or gnash; to grind the teeth.
ReshChetTzaddiYod---pr.n. "Splendid".
VauReshBetAyinLamed---to his opposite (bearing), straight forwards.
ReshChetSamekhMem---traffic or trade.
LamedAlephReshZainAyin---pr. n. "God's help".
309 > 12 > 3309 -309 = 3x103
ShinVauGimel---mound, lump, clod.
NunVauMemReshDaletDaletHay---(959 w/f); pr.n. "Hadad is High".
HayTzaddiVauReshChet---a sharp threshing sledge.
310 > 4310 -310 = 2x5x31
HayDaletShinAleph---outpouring; gully, ravine.
ShinVauDalet---to tread out, to thresh; to crush; to spring; to trample to pieces.
ShinBetChet---to bind on; to bind up; a healer; to saddle; to shut up, restrain, rule.
HayDaletGimel ReshTzaddiChet---pr.n. "Village of Luck".
BetShinChet---to bind or weave; to combine, to think; to count for or as; to impute; to invent; to regard; girdle; artificer.
ReshQofYod---to be heavy; to be dear, precious, costly; to be worth; grave, calm; preciousness, value, price; honor, magnificence; weight; treasure.
QofReshYod---to spit; to out forth leaves, sprout; to become green; what is green; greens, herbs; greenness, verdure, foliage.
ShinYod---existence; substance.
ReshYodPehKaf---a strong one; a young lion; a village.
ReshKafMemNun---to be sold; to be delivered up; to sell onself; to be sold; to be addicted.
ReshAyinMem---nakedness; privy part; empty space.
MemYodNunPehTzaddiMem---(870 w/f); hidden things, treasurers.
TzaddiYodTzaddiAyinNun---(1120 w/f); a thorn-hedge, thicket of thorns.
MemYodPehKaf YodQofNun---(870 w/f); clean of hands (innocent in one's doings).
NunReshSamekh---(960 w/f); to pierce or penetrate. --- an axle or pivot; a prince or chief.
MemReshAyin---(870 w/f); naked or stripped.
---to bind or combine; to be crafty or wily.
ReshMemAyin---to bind or collect to contain..
---a sheaf or bundle; an omer (dry measure of 3 1/2 quarts).
311 > 5311 -64th prime
ShinYodAleph---a man; a strong one; gentleman; a male; a husband; man, a person, men, mankind, inhabitants, citizens, warriors, subjects; people; relations; any one, somebody, each; (see ShinAleph301, for Qabalistic discussion).
KafReshTzaddiAleph---(791 w/f); to press together; to form.
LamedAyinBet ReshVauGimel---pr.n. "Sojourn of Baal".
ShinAlephYod---to despair, to give up, forsake.
HayAyinVauTzaddiQofMem---chisel or gouge.
HayReshVauSamekhMem---tradition (especially orthodox doctrine, contrasted with HayLamedBetQof)
312 > 6312 -312 = 23x3x13
YodReshMem YodNunBet---perverse children.
---the occident or west; the place of sunset.
ShinDaletChet---to be bright, fresh, new; to be polished or sharp; the new moon, new mood day, 1st of the lunar month; month.
ShinBetYod---to dry up; to wither; to be drained; to fail, to put to shame; to feel ashamed; dry.
LamedAyinBetReshYod---pr.n. "Baal Contends".
BetShinYod---to take a seat, to sit; to be seated; to wait for, waylay; to remain; to dwell in, inhabit.
ReshBetAyinMem---a passing over; a ford; a mountain-pass or gorge.
BetReshAyinMem---exchange of wares, barter; wares; market or mart.
MemYodReshBetSamekh---(872 w/f); pr. n. "Two Hills", a city near Damascus.
ReshBetAyinMem---from beyond.
313 > 7313 -65th prime
YodShinBetAleph---pr.n. "Father of Gifts", (323).
ShinYodGimel---dust, clod.
HayShinChet---to hush, to be silent; to be still, quiet.
314 > 8314 -314 = 2x157
ShinYodDalet---to tread out, to thresh; to crush threshing; threshing time.
ShinVauChet---to flee, to make haste; to be eager, excited; to be addicted.
ReshVauSamekhChetMem---want, deficiency; need, poverty.
ReshDaletAyinMem---a weeding-hook, hoe.
MemYodReshDaletSamekh---(874 w/f); arrangements, order.
315 > 9315 -315 = 32x5x7
DaletVauDaletShinAleph---pr.n. "Stronghold".
ShinYodBetGimel---stiffened or frozen thing; ice; crystal.
HayBetShinChet---pr.n. "Combination".
ShinVauTet---to fly, to dart, dash (upon prey).
HayReshQofYod---splendid one, a star.
BetAlephBetShinYod---pr.n. "Father's Seat".
HayShinYod---to be, exist; to have being or firmness.
HayReshYodPehKaf---pr.n. "Village".
HayMemReshMemLamed---in pretense, falsely; fraudulent wealth.
HayReshAyinMem---a cave or cavern.
---clearing, clear spot.
HayAyinReshMem---pasture or feed; pasture-ground; feeding-place (of wild beasts).
LamedAlephYodReshDaletAyin---pr. n. "God's flock".
HayReshMemAyin---pr. n. "Submersion", Gomorrah (one of four cities sunk in the Dead Sea).
NunGimelSamekh BetResh---(965 w/f); chief of the rulers.
HayMemReshAyin---guile or cunning; prudence.
---a heap.
316 > 10 > 1316 -316 = 22x79
GimelShinYodBetAleph---pr.n. "Father of Wandering".
HayYodShinAleph---support, foundation.
BetVauShinChet---pr.n. "Thoughtful".
ChetShinChet---to be needful; to have need.
ShinBetDaletYod---pr.n. "Honeyed".
QofVauReshYod---green thing.
HayVauHayYod YodReshChetAleph AlephLamedMem---to fill up after the Lord (to follow Yahweh fully).
ReshVauAyinMem---nakedness or penis.
TzaddiQof NunVauAyin---(1776 w/f); crime of the end (i.e. fatal).
MemVauReshAyin---(876 w/f); naked; barely clad, ragged; half dressed.
---sly or crafty; prudent, sagacious.
317 > 11 > 2317 -66th prime
ShinYodDaletGimel---a stack or shock (of sheaves); grave mound, tomb.
HayShinDaletChet---a sharp or new sword; pr.n. "New Built".
ShinTetChet---to beat, pound.
HayShinBetYod---the dry, dry ground, the dry land.
ShinAlephVauYod---pr.n. "Yah Supports".
ReshAyinZainMem---smallness, fewness.
AyinReshZainMem---a place sown, a field.
HayBetReshAyinMem---the west, westward.
318 > 12 > 3318 -318 = 2x3x53
ReshZainAyinYodLamedAleph---pr.n. "God is Help".
ShinYodChet---to hasten; haste; hastily, speedily.
LamedAlephAyinReshZainYod---pr.n. "God Will Sow" or "God Will Scatter".
ShinChetYod---to unite; race, family.
BetVauShinYod---pr.n. "He Returns".
ChetShinYod---to fail, sink; the sinking (stomach at hunger).
HayAyinGimelReshMem---rest or quiet.
MemYodReshYodChetNun---(878 w/f); the nostrils.
LamedAlephYodReshZainAyin---pr. n. "God's Help".
319 > 13 > 4319 -319 = 11x29
HayShinVauChet---pr.n. "Haste".
TetShinYod---to stretch out.
AyinVauGimelReshMem---rest, resting-place.
BetAlephVauMem ReshAyin---Moab's city (capital of Moab).
320 > 5320 -320 = 26x5
ReshZainNun YodNunBetAleph---diadem-stones (crown jewels).
ReshYodQofYod---dear, precious; weighty, difficult; noble, eminent.
ChetBetShinYod---pr.n. "He Praises".
YodShinYod---pr.n. "Gift", the father of king David.
MemSamekhReshKaf---(880 w/f); to eat off, devour.
ReshTzaddiLamed---to keep or guard.
NunDaletAlephReshZainVauBetNun---(970 w/f); pr. n. "Nebo the Chief Ruler" (a general of the army of Nebuchadanezzar).
ReshAyinNun---to growl or roar (as a young lion).
---to stir, to shake.
---roughness (of voice); puberty; youthfulness or youth.
---a shaking out or scattering; straying or scattered flock.
---boyhood or youth.
SamekhReshSamekh---to extirpate; to castrate.
MemReshYodAyin---(880 w/f); pr. n. "Watchful".
---naked or stripped.
ReshYodMemAyin---a swath or heap; a sheaf or bundle.
YodReshMemAyin---pr. n. "Sheaf-like", a king of Israel.
ReshNunAyin---to be young or vigorous; pr. n. "Manly".
NunReshAyin---(970 w/f); pr. n. "Watchful".
321 > 6321 -321 = 3x107
YodShinYodAleph---pr.n. "Manly".
ShinKafAleph---coil up; roll up.
KafShinAleph---(801 w/f); to bind, to knit together.
---string; testicle, sexual use of testicle.
HayShinVauYod---pr.n. "Yah Presents".
LamedAlephPehReshYod---pr.n. "god Heals".
HayVauShinYod---pr.n. "Level".
AlephPehReshMem---treatment or cure; a remedy; restoration or health; deliverance; quietness, placidity (of mind or speech).
MemYodLamedLamedTzaddiHay VauSamekhNun---(881 w/f); the shadows flee.
322 > 7322 -322 = 2x7x23
HayYodVauShinAleph---pillar, prop.
ReshKafNun-NunBet---(972 w/f); a foreigner.
AyinNunReshBet---pr.n. "Field of Settlement".
YodShinDaletChet---pr.n. "New".
VauChetShinChet---need, necessity.
ShinYodBetYod---pr.n. "He Shares" or "Dry".
ShinAlephVauHayYod---pr.n. "Yah supports".
MemAyinBetReshYod---(882 w/f); pr.n. "People's Contention", Jarobam --- founder of the kingdom of Israel.
BetYodShinYod---pr.n. "He Restores".
ShinBetKaf---to tread, trample on, to subdue, to cleanse; to subjugate; to force (a woman), rape; to glow, to burn; to tread on, to leap on, to propagate; a footstool; a he-lamb, a young ram.
BetShinKaf---a he-lamb.
MemYodReshBetAyin---(882 w/f); passers by.
---pr. n. "Hebrews" (those descended from Eber, see 282).
---pr. n. "Crossings" or "Passes".
NunReshBetAyin---(972 w/f); pr. n. "Passage".
323 > 8323 -323 = 17x59
YodShinYodBetAleph---pr.n. "Father of Gift"; (313).
ShinVauTetChet---pr.n. "Warrior".
NunYodGimelReshSamekh---(973 w/f); pr. n. "Plotter" or "Subduer".
324 > 9324 -324 = 22x34
YodShinVauChet---pr.n. "Hasty".
NunVauReshSamekhChet---(974 w/f); want, deficiency.
DaletShinKaf---to cut in; to encroach; pr.n. "Encroacher".
PehDaletReshMem---(1044 w/f); persecution.
325 > 10 > 1325 -325 = 52x13
HayYodBetShinChet---pr.n. "Yah Regards".
HayYodShinYod---(331); pr.n. "Existence of Yah".
HayShinKaf---to be covered (with fat); to be sleek.
HayPehReshMem---treatment or cure; a remedy; restoration or health; deliverance; quietness, placidity (of mind or speech).
HayReshAyinNun---a girl; a young woman; a young wife; a handmaid or servant.
326 > 11 > 2326 -326 = 2x163
DaletVauHayShinYodAleph---pr.n. "Man of Fame".
PehReshHayYodLamedAleph---(1046 w/f); pr.n. "God of Harvest".
HayYodShinAlephYod---(332); pr.n. "Yah Heals".
YodVauShinYod---pr.n. "Level".
ShinVauKaf---to be sunburnt, to be swarthy or black; pr.n. "Sun Burnt", Ethiopia.
NunVauYodReshSamekh---(976 w/f); a coat of mail.
MemYodLamedYodLamedPeh NunVauAyin---(1536 w/f); crime of the judges (i.e. a matter for the courts).
ReshVauAyinNun---to be awaked or aroused.
ReshVauAyinNun---to be bared, to be uncovered or unsheathed.
MemYodReshVauAyin---(886 w/f); asses.
327 > 12 > 3327 -327 = 3x109
NunAyinReshZain---(977 w/f); seed herbs; pulse, vegetables.
HayShinBetKaf---an ewe lamb; sheep.
HayBetShinKaf---a she-lamb.
KafYodReshZainNunMem---(807 w/f); crowned ones, princes.
HayNunReshBetAyin---pr. n. "Passage".
328 > 13 > 4328 -328 = 23x41
BetVauTet-ShinYodAleph---pr.n. "Man is Good".
KafShinChet---(808 w/f); to be dim, dark; to be obscured; to hold, to withhold, keep back; darkness; obscure, mean; Shoel or Hades; misery; ruin; ignorance; wickedness.
ShinChetKaf---to conceal, deceive; to waste away, fail; lying, deceit; wasting, leanness; false, apt at deceiving.
HayPehReshGimelMem---a grasping; a clod.
MemQofNun ChetQofLamed---(888 w/f); to take vengeance.
NunVauBetReshAyin---(978 w/f); a pledge or earnest.
329 > 14 > 5329 -329 = 7x47
NunVauDaletChet-ReshSamekhAleph---(979 w/f); pr.n. "Sharp Disciplinarian".
MemYodHay ReshBetAyinBet---(889 w/f); in the land beyond the sea.
BetAyinResh YodZainMem---those exhausted by hunger.
VauNunBetReshAyinAleph---I will guarantee him.
330 > 6330 -330 = 2x3x5x11
MemYodReshAyinYod---(890 w/f); pr.n. "Forests".
KafReshAyinMem---(810 w/f); arrangements or orderings, preparations.
ReshTzaddiMem---to enclose or surround.
---straitness or distress.
TzaddiReshMem---(1140 w/f); to break or force in; to be forcible; to provoke or excite.
KafReshSamekhNun---(810 w/f); pr. n. "Eagle-like", an idol of the Ninevites.
YodReshAyinNun---pr. n. "Youthful".
BetYodReshChetNunSamekh---pr. n. "Wrathful".
ReshAyinSamekh---to rush on (as a tempest); to be agitated.
---a storm or tempest.
SamekhYodReshSamekh---castrated, a eunuch; courtiers or royal ministers.
MemYodReshYodAyin---(890 w/f); asses; cities.
LamedQofLamedQofAyin---winding or crooked, zigzag.
SamekhReshAyin---to be gritty or coarse.
331 > 7331 -67th prime
ShinYodKafAleph---pr.n. "Serpent".
ShinLamedAleph---pr.n. "to be strong".
MemYodReshPehAleph---(891 w/f); pr.n. "Fruitfulness".
LamedShinAleph---to be firm, pressed together; tamarisk.
VauHayYodBetShinChet---pr.n. "Yah Regards".
VauHayYodShinYod---(325); pr.n. "Existence of Yah".
AlephReshSamekhYodSamekh---pr. n. "Binder in Chains".
332 > 8332 -332 - 22x83
LamedShinBet---to bubble up, to boil, be cooked; to ripen; boiled, something boiled or sodden.
VauHayYodShinAlephYod---pr.n. "Yah Heals"; (326).
BetYodBetAlephHay ShinDaletChet---Nisan (older name of this month, see 170).
ShinBetLamed---to wrap up or cover; to put on or wear; garment.
ReshTzaddiBetMem---a fortification, citadel; gold ore; pr.n. "Rock Fortress".
TzaddiBetReshMem---(1142 w/f); crouching-place or lair.
NunVauReshVauAyin---(982 w/f); blindness.
YodNunBetReshAyin---be surety for me.
333 > 9333 -33 = 32x37
LamedBetShinAleph---pr.n. "God's Thought".
ShinLamedGimel---to sit, lie down.
HayYodBetShinVauYod---pr.n. "Yah Causes to Dwell".
334 > 10 > 1334 -334 = 2x167
PehMemVauReshChet---(1054 w/f); pr.n. "Snubnosed".
KafVauShinChet---(814 w/f); darkness.
YodDaletShinKaf---Chaldeans; Chaldea; astrologers; magician.
DaletShinLamed---to lick or suck; sap, juice, moisture; vigour; a moist or sweet cake.
ReshHayNunHay DaletAyin---as far as the river.
ReshVauChetYodMemAyin---pr. n. "Noble People".
335 > 11 > 2335 -335 = 5x67
ReshZainAyinHay NunBetAleph---(985 w/f); pr.n. "The Stone of Help".
YodNunYodSamekh ReshHay---mount Sinai.
HayShinLamed---to lick up or swallow.
HayKafReshAyinMem---arrangement or order; a row or pile (of wood); an array or line (of soldiers for battle).
HayYodReshAyinNun---pr. n. "Servant of Yah".
HayReshAyinSamekh---storm or hurricane.
336 > 12 > 3336 -336 = 24x3x7
YodShinVauKaf---a Cushite, Ethiopian; pr.n. "Sunburned".
ShinVauLamed---to press, to knead; to lick or eat; to be strong or raging; pr.n. "Force" or "Fury".
ReshVauTzaddiMem---pressure or distress; a seige; mound or circumvallation; a fortification.
MemVauReshMem YodMem---(896 w/f); waters of Merom (of a lake near the source of the Jordan).
TzaddiVauReshMem---(1146 w/f); a race or running.
337 > 13 > 4337 -68th prime
ShinVauLamedAleph---pr.n. "Wild Beast's Lair".
ReshVauTzaddiYodLamedAleph---pr.n. "God is Rock".
HayYodVauShinVauYod---pr.n. "Yah presents".
HayReshTzaddiBetMem---fortification, citadel.
338 > 14 > 5338 -339 = 2x132
ShinLamedChet---to enfeeble, relax, prostrate, overthrow; to be prostrate, to succumb; a nerveless or feeble man.
MemYodReshPehChet---(898 w/f); to be relaxed; weak, prostrate; to blow, stir up; to scatter, to shake or beat to pieces.
ShinVauBetLamed---clothing, a garment; splendid attire; the covering or scales (of a crocodile); a wife or spouse, the vagina.
ShinChetLamed---to whisper; a whisper, prayer; charm, spell; an amulet.
HayReshVauMem NunVauLamedAleph---(988 w/f); oak of Moreh.
LamedShinChet---to be bright; affluent; alert.
VauYodReshBetAyin-LamedKaf---all its coasts.
339 > 15 > 6339 -339 = 3x113
HayYodChetVauShinYod---pr.n. "Humbled by Yah".
ShinTetLamed---to smite or hammer; to sharpen by hammering.
340 > 7340 -340 = 22x5x17
ShinYodLamed---to press, to knead; to lick or eat; to be strong or raging; force or fury; a lion; pr.n. "Strong".
MemReshYodKafLamedMem---(900 w/f); pr.n. "King of Exaltation"
ReshMemSamekhMem---a nail.
TzaddiYodTzaddiHay HayLamedAyinMem---(1150 w/f); pr.n. "Flower Cliff".
SamekhMemReshMem---a treading down, a trodden thing.
QofReshMem---to rub or scour, to polish (metal); to be scoured; to sharpen (by rubbing); to cleanse.
---mash, broth or soup (what is bruised or broken).
ShinMem---pr. n. "Touch" --- of a people sprung from Aram.
MemYodReshMemNun---(900 w/f); pr. n. "Clear Waters".
ReshTzaddiNun---to watch or guard; to keep or observe (a covenant); to hide away.
---to shine, to be verdant
---a shoot or sprout; a branch; offspring.
ReshPehSamekh---to write; to count or tell; to be told or numbered; to recount, tell, declare; to celebrate (as make note with words).
---to be bright or brilliant.
---a writer or scribe; a military secretary; a general.
---writing (as an art); a writing (bill, letter, etc.); a book.
---a numbering, a census. (a possible root of the word HayReshYodPehSamekh335).
PehReshSamekh---(1060 w/f); to burn or consume by fire.
ReshVauDalet NunYodAyin---(990 w/f); pr. n. "Abode Fount", (well in Manasseh near mount Tabor).
ReshKafAyinNun---to be troubled or stirred.
NunReshKafAyin---(990 w/f); pr. n. "Troublesome".
ReshAyinAyin---to rouse.
341 > 8341 -341 = 11x31
ShinMemAleph---to pass away.
---yester-night; last night; night.
MemShinAleph---(901 w/f); to lie wild, waste, desolate; to be laid waste, be condemned; to be guilty, to transgress.
---fault, guilt; trespass; a trespass-offering.
(The traditional order of the three mother letters cited in the Sepher Yetzirah as the mode of the creation. This suggests a similar notion to that of designating Chesed as evil).
AlephReshQofMem---a calling together; an assembly or convocation; a reading.
HayReshVauTzaddiMem---a rampart, mound; a fortress, fortification.
HayAlephReshMem HayPehYod---fair-looking (man).
HayTzaddiVauReshMem---a running.
AlephShinMem---pr. n. "Firmness".
---debt or loan; borrowing; usury.
---a lifting or carrying, a burden or load; a lifting (of the voice), singing or song; an utterance of saying; a divine declaration or response, an oracle or prophecy; a contribution or tribute; longing; pr. n. "Burden".
--- (to be entered, Shin Aleph Mem as the Great Name from the S.Y.")
342 > 9342 -342 = 2x32x19
YodLamedShinBet---because of me.
MemShinBet---(902 w/f); to smell sweet, be fragrant; balsam tree; balsam scent; spice, spicery.
QofBetReshMem---a stall or stable (for fattening).
343 > 10 > 1343 -343 = 73
MemYodMemReshKaf LamedBetAleph---(903 w/f); pr.n. "Meadow of Vineyards".
MemShinGimel---(903 w/f); to gush out, to rain; to touch, to be tangible; an outpouring, gushing rain, heavy shower; rain; body.
NunVauReshPehZain---(993 w/f); pr.n. "Fragrance".
LamedChetNun ReshHayNun---the stream of a brook.
NunYodReshChetAleph-DaletAyin---(993 w/f); till afterwards, at last.
344 > 11 > 2344 -344 = 23x43
ShinMemDalet---to be quick, active.
ShinChetVauLamed---pr.n. "Enchanter" or "Juggler".
DaletReshPehSamekh---the place of exile.
DaletPehReshSamekh---burner, nettle.
345 > 12 > 3345 -345 = 3x5x23
MemShinHay---(905 w/f); pr.n. "Rich".
HayReshAyinMemLamed---on the west of.
HayReshQofMem---accident; event or lot.
---frame-work (in beams or joists).
---a cooling or refreshing.
HayLamedAyinReshMem---pr. n. "Earthquake" --- name of a place in Zebulon.
BetGimelShinMem---height or altitude; a high place as a refuge.
HayShinMem---to turn aside or depart (sunset).
---to draw out; pr. n. "Rescuer".
---pr. n. "water saved", Moses.
---a debt or loan.
HayReshPehSamekh---a book.
DaletVauReshHay NunYodAyin---(995 w/f); pr. n. "Panic Fount".
346 > 13 > 4346 -346 = 2x173
ShinYodBetGimelLamedAleph---hail, hail stones.
HayShinYodLamedAleph---pr.n. of a race in the west and of their land from which purple dye was taken; Hellas (Greeks).
HayMemShinAleph---trespass; trespass-offering; condemnation; idol.
ShinVauMem---to move away, depart.
---to feel or touch
ReshVauQofMem---a fountain.
HayAlephShinMem---a loan or debt.
---burning or conflagration.
---a desolation; desolateness or gloom.
347 > 14 > 5347 -69th prime
NunVauYodReshPehAleph---(997 w/f); litter, palanquin.
HayMemBetShin---pr.n. "Fragrance" of a city in Reuben.
QofReshZainMem---a sprinkler or basin (for sacrificial use); a wine bowl.
ReshVauTzaddiMemBet AlephVauBet---to enter into the siege, to become invested or blockaded.
348 > 15 > 6348 -348 = 22x3x29
NunVauReshTzaddiBet---(998 w/f); citadel, fortress.
ShinMemChet---to be sharp, bold, strong; to arm the loins; to arm oneself; five; loins, waist; a fifth, to tax one fifth.
MemYodReshTzaddiChet---(908 w/f); trumpeters.
NunTzaddiReshChet---(998 w/f); grape seeds; sour grapes.
MemShinChet---(908 w/f); to be bright, to be affluent; alert.
ShinVauBetMem---the parts of shame; penis.
BetShinVauMem---a seat; a site or situation; a sitting or session; a dwelling; a tarrying or stay; dwellers, inhabitants.
ReshQofChetMem---exploration, a hidden or deep place, inmost recess.
QofChetReshMem---remoteness, distance.
ChetQofReshMem---perfume, aromatic herb.
HayGimelShinMem---a misleader or deceiver.
---an error.
ChetShinMem---to streak or spread over, to paint; to consecrate by unction, to anoint.
---to measure or portion out.
349 - 16 -> 7349 -70th prime
VauMemShinGimel---pr.n. "Tangibleness".
HayShinVauLamedChet---overthrow, defeat.
ReshSamekhPehTet---general, captain.
HayAyinSamekh ChetVauResh---a rushing or violent wind.
350 > 8350 -350 = 2x52x7
ShinMemYod---to feel, to touch.
MemShinYod---(910 w/f); to be desolate, laid waste; to set or lay.
LamedShinKaf---to totter, to fail; to stumble; to be wavering or faint.
ShinKafLamed---to be obstinate.
HayLamedAyinMemLamed HayLamedAyinMemLamed---upwards upwards (ever higher), above, over.
KafShinLamed---(830 w/f); to recline or rest.
MemReshAyinMem---(910 w/f); nudity, naked person.
BetBetVauShinMem---pr. n. "Brought Back".
YodShinMem---silk or silk-garment.
ReshYodTzaddiNun---a saved or preserved one.
ReshQofNun---to bore or prick out.
ReshYodPehSamekh---a sapphire.
LamedKafShin---insight, awareness, intelligence. (In Qabalah, this term is used to identify a key word or "intelligence" for each of the 32 parts of the Tree of Life).
ReshYodPehShin---a possible root of the word HayReshYodPehSamekh, Sephira (335)
MemReshMemAyin---(910 w/f); pr. n. "Exalted Family", Amram the father of Moses.
MemYodPehAyinPehAyin---(910 w/f); the eyelids; beams or rays.
ReshPehAyin---to break, to crumble.
---to be strong or nimble.
---to be whitish or gray.
---dust, dry earth, soil.
---pr. n. "Vigour".
---vigour or nimbleness; a fawn or young deer, a gazelle.
PehReshAyin---(1070 w/f); to drop or distill.
---to be dark.
---to incline or bend.
---to break the neck; to destroy.
---the nape.
351 > 9351 -351 = 33x13
LamedPehReshMemAleph---pr.n. "Lesser Region".
ShinNunAleph---to be evil, dangerous, deadly (of incurable disease or wound, evil day, morally evil (of the heart).
YodSamekhReshPehAleph---Persians, Persia.
MemYodShinAleph---(911 w/f); pr.n. "Ishim" --- angelic order associated1 with the 9th Sephira Yesod,(81)(Ps. CIV, 4)
LamedKafShinAleph---a stringing together, a cluster, bunch.
NunShinAleph---(1001 w/f); to be obscure, dark.
---a window or lattice.
VauMemShinHay---to be laid waste, to be amazed.
AlephMemShinYod---pr.n. "Desolation".
AlephShinYodMem---pr.n. "Retirement".
HayReshVauTzaddiNun---a watch or ward.
AlephNunSamekhReshMem---pr. n. "Meritorious".
AlephShinNun---to remove, to stray.
---to lend money on usury; a lender or creditor.
---to forget.
---to lift up, raise or heave; to hold up one's head; to carry or wear; to bear sin; to take.
1G-K p. 92
352 > 10 > 1352 -352 = 25x11
AlephMemYodShinAleph---pr.n. "High", "Celestial" (name of a god).
NunQofReshBet---(1002 w/f); crushers, threshers; thorny plants.
NunShinBet---(1002 w/f); to be expanded, level; disgrace.
MemShinBetYod---(912 w/f); pr.n. "Fragrant".
HayQofReshZainMem---sacrificial bowl.
NunDaletAlephLamedBet KafDaletAlephReshMem---(1482 w/f); pr. n. "Moerodach is stout-hearted" --- of a king of Babylon.
LamedAyinBet YodReshMem---pr. n. "Contumacy to Baal" --- name of a son of Jonathan.
HayAlephVauShinMem---desolation or ruin (place of ruins).
BetShinNun---to blow or breathe.
NunNunAyin YodNunNunAyinBet---(1002 w/f); in my clouding clouds.
353 > 11 > 2353 -71st prime
BetYodShinYodLamedAleph---pr.n. "God Restores".
NunBetShinAleph---(1003 w/f); pr.n. "Thoughtful".
BetNunShinAleph---a window, lattice.
MemYodShinAlephBet---(913 w/f); bad grapes, wild grapes.
NunShinGimel---(1003 w/f); pr.n. "Fertile".
LamedGimelResh DaletAyinVauMem---tottering or weak in the feet.
HayChetQofReshMem---a spicing or seasoning; unguent-pot.
HayBetVauShinMem---a turning away or going back; backsliding, apostasy.
HayChetShinMem---for anointing; a portion.
ShinGimelNun---to come close, approach; to draw back, give place.
---to drive, urge on; to exact a debt of; to rule; to be pressed, harrassed; to harass one another; to be wearied, distressed.
GimelShinNun---to attach or seize; to reach, come up with; to overtake; to acquire.
354 > 12 > 3354 -354 = 2x3x59
NunShinDalet---(1004 w/f); to be fresh, thriving; to be or become fat; to anoint; fat, fertile; full of sap; rich, affluent, mighty; fatness, nourishing food; fertility; fat ashes.
MemShinVauChet---(914 w/f); pr.n. "Alert".
NunVauReshTzaddiChet---(1004 w/f); pr.n. "Blooming" or "Court".
355 > 13 > 4355 -355 = 5x71
HayKafShinLamed---resting place, a chamber or cell.
ShinYodBetGimelMem---pr.n. "Rendezvous".
HayShinVauDaletMem---a threshing; object threshed.
HayBetShinChetMem---thought or purpose; skilled work.
TetVauShinMem---an oar.
HayReshQofNun---cavern or fissure.
HayShinNun---to forget.
---to loan or lend (on interest, mostly at 1%); a creditor, usurer.
---to be desolate or waste; to lay waste.
---to lift or raise.
---the Achilles tendon.
HayReshYodPehSamekh---Sephira. (In Qabalah the name given to any of the ten principle parts or emanations of the Tree of life. Thought to derive from the word ReshPehSamekh (340), "to number" or from ReshYodPehSamekh (350) out of Ps 19, 1. Some also derive it from GR:sigma-phi-alpha-iota-rho-alpha-iota (822). The Sephiroth are thought of variously as "principles" GR:alpha-rho-chi-alpha-iota (712), as "substances" GR:upsilon-pi-omicron-sigma-tau-alpha-sigma-epsilon-iota-sigma, (1466) as "potencies", "powers" GR:delta-upsilon-nu-alpha-mu-epsilon-iota-sigma (710), as intelligent worlds GR:kappa-omicron-sigma-mu-omicron-iota   nu-omicron-eta-tau-iota-kappa-omicron-iota (538), as "attributes", as "entities" TawVauMemTzaddiAyin (606), or as "organs of the Deity" Mem-finalYodLamedKaf(100/660)).
HayPehReshAyin---pr. n. "A Fawn".
356 > 14 > 5356 -356 = 22x89
HayNunShinAleph---pr.n. "fortress".
ReshQofDalet-NunBet---(1006 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Dagger".
VauReshAyinAyinYod---to raise up (a cry).
MemYodReshSamekhVauMem---(916 w/f); bands or bonds; pr.n. "Correction" (masculine)(712).
YodShinVauMem---pr.n. "Withdrawn"; pr.n. "Patron".
ShinVauNun---to be ill or sickly.
VauShinNun---they carry.
BetReshAyin YodDaletAyin---till evening (exclusive).
357 > 15 > 6357 -357 = 3x7x17
ShinVauNunAleph---human being; man; mankind; the crowd; base men; pr.n. "A Man", Enoch.
NunVauShinAleph---(1007 w/f); darkness, gloom.
AyinGimelResh YodDaletAyin---during a twinkling (for a moment).
358 > 16 > 7358 -358 = 2x179
YodShinMemChet---(368758 & 768); fifth, a fifth part.
AyinReshPehChet---pr.n. "Priest of the Sun" --- a pharaoh of Egypt.
MemYodShinChet---(918 w/f); alert.
NunShinChet---(1008 w/f); to be bright, beautiful; splendour, ornament; a corselet. ChetYodShinMem --- smeared or oiled, anointed; anointed one (i.e. a king, in Greek GR:chi-rho-iota-sigma-tau-omicron-sigma1480); the Messiah, (GR:delta-Mu-epsilon-sigma-sigma-iota-alpha-sigma660GR:delta-Chi-rho-iota-sigma-tau-omicron-sigma 1484), the long expected king of Israel.
ShinChetNun---to hiss or whisper; to practice divination, to divine; to auger.
---to be hard or firm.
---a serpent; pr. n. "The Serpent" (name of a constellation and a king).
---incantation, augury, omen.
---copper or bronze.
MemYodLamedGimelResh HayKafNun---(918 w/f); smitten of feet, lame.
359 > 17 > 8359 -72nd prime
TetNunShin---to be sharp or thorny.
ShinTetNun---to stretch or spread out; to spread or extend; to scatter; to reject; to leave or allow; to let loose.
---to sharpen.
360 > 9360 -23x32x5
NunVauQofReshDalet---(1010 w/f); pr.n. "Hastener".
MemYodShinBetChet---(920 w/f); yarns, threads.
NunShinYod---(1010 w/f); to be sapless, withered, old; to rest, to fall asleep; to sleep; old, last year's; ancient; sleeping; pr.n. "Sleeper".
ShinMemKaf---to glow, burn.
SamekhPehReshKaf---cotton stuff.
LamedYodShinKaf---an ace.
ShinYodKafLamed---pr.n. "Obstinate" or "impregnable".
ReshTzaddiLamedMem---overseer or guardian
NunVauReshDaletSamekhMem---(1010 w/f); portico.
KafShinMem---(840 w/f); to drag or pull, to draw; to continue or prolong; to lay hold of; to sustain or cherish; to march.
---a drawing out, a sowing; possession.
YodShinNun---a debt.
TzaddiReshAyin---(1170 w/f); to shake or tremble; to fear; to frighten or terrify; to chase away.
361 > 10 > 1361 -361 = 192
KafTawTzaddiMem YodShinNunAleph---(1391 w/f); men of thy contention (as contending with thee).
AlephYodShinNun---a king; a head or chief (of a tribe or family); vapour or cloud.
362 > 11 > 2362 -362 = 2x181
SamekhShinBet---to tread down.
BetKafShinMem---a lying down (for sleep), a lying with (for sex); a couch or bed; a bier.
HayAlephVauShinNun---a burden.
363 > 12 > 3363 -363 = 3x112
NunShinYodGimel---(1013 w/f); pr.n. "Cloddy".
ChetVauTetShinMem---a spreading place (for nets, i.e. a drying ground).
LamedGimelResh NunYodAyin---(1013 w/f); pr. n. "Fuller's Fount" (well east of Jerusalem in the valley of Kidron, now called Job's well).
ChetLamedMemHay ReshYodAyin---the salt city.
364 > 13 #62; 4364 -364 = 22x7x13
QofReshBet-YodNunBet---pr.n. "Sons of Lightning".
NunShinYodDalet---(1014 w/f); pr.n. "Antelope".
MemYodShinVauChet---(924 w/f); pr.n. "Alertness.
VauYodShinMemChet---his fifty.
ShinVauChetNun---copper, bronze.
365 > 14 > 5365 -365 = 5x73
HayDaletNun HayShinAleph---a menstruous woman.
HayNunBetShinChet---pr.n. "Invention".
HayMemYodShinYod---desolations, devastations; pr.n. "Place of solitudes".
HayNunShinYod---pr.n. "Ancient".
HayYodShinNun---forgetfulness or oblivion.
YodBetNun-ReshGimelMemSamekh---pr. n. "Overthrower of Nebo", name of a Babylonian captain.
HayReshTzaddiAyin---an assembly or crowd; a religious assembly, a feast or festival (especially the 7th day of Passover or the 8th of the feast of Tabernacles).
366 > 15 > 6366 -366 = 2x3x61
YodNunShinVau---pr.n. "Strong".
NunVauBetShinChet---(1016 w/f); combination, reasoning; judgment, penetration; pr.n. "Alliance"; a contriving, device; a contrivance or invention (for war); engines or instruments of war.
NunChetShinChet---(1016 w/f); needful, necessary.
NunVauQofReshYod---(1016 w/f); greenish-yellow (the color of decaying vegetation); paleness, ghastliness.
VauNunShinYod---he or it is.
ShinVauMemKaf---pr.n. "Burning", Chemosh --- an idol or god of the Moabites.
MemYodHayLamedAleph ReshYodAyin---(926 w/f); city of Elohim (for Jerusalem).
TzaddiVauReshAyin---(1176 w/f); terror or horror.
NunVauMemReshAyin---(1016 w/f); the plane tree.
367 > 16 > 7367 -73rd prime
NunVauShinYodAleph---(1017 w/f); a manikin; pupil of the eye; the midst, the heart, center; darkness.
HayVauHayYod AlephShinMem---prophecy of Yahweh.
368 > 17 > 8368 -368 = 24x23
YodShinYodMemChet---fifth; fifth part; (358758 & 768).
KafShinChetMem---(848 w/f); darkness; in darkness; a dark place; a shade (dead spirit).
ShinChetSamekh---to be sapless, dry (as stubble or straw).
369 > 18 > 9369 -369 = 32x41
HayNunDaletBetShinChet---pr.n. "Thought of Judgment".
370 > 10 > 1370 -370 = 2x5x37
NunVauShinYodDalet---(1020 w/f); antelope, rock goat.
ShinNunKaf---to gather together, assemble.
MemShinLamed---(930 w/f); to shine, to be bright; opal; pr.n. "Conspicuous".
KafShinYodMem---(850 w/f); pr.n. "Retiring".
YodReshAyinNunMem---from my youth up
LamedShinMem---to rule; to rule over; to have power or right to do; a ruler or governor.
---to liken or compare, to propose (a parable), to use (a proverb), to use a by-word or an insulting comparison.
---a similitude or parable; a proverb; a poem or song (using parallel elements); a satire; an oracle.
---rule or dominion.
HayBetReshAyinHay LamedChetNun---brook of the desert (the Kidron).
MemYodReshAyinNun---(930 w/f); maidens.
NunReshAyinNun---(1020 w/f); pr. n. "Servile", a town in Ephraim.
KafShinNun---(850 w/f); to cut or stick in; to bite or sting; to vex or annoy; to lend on usury.
---recline or rest.
---usury or interest.
TzaddiYodReshAyin---(1180 w/f); terrible or mighty; fierce or violent; a tyrant.
QofReshAyin---to gnaw or bite.
ShinAyin---the Great Bear (constellation).
371 > 11 > 2371 -371 = 7x53
MemReshAyinSamekhAleph---(931 w/f); to scatter, to toss or whirl about.
NunVauTzaddiResh YodHayYod---(1021 w/f); "May it be God's will".
LamedAlephShinMem---pr. n. "Petition" --- of a Levitical city in Asher.
HayKafVauShinMem---a hedge.
372 > 12 > 3372 -372 = 22x3x31
ShinAyinBet---to tread down; to be valiant.
MemLamedShinBet---(932 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Peace".
ReshHayTzaddiYodHay YodNunBet---pr.n. "The Sons of Oil" --- kings and priests.
BetNunBet VauBetShinYod---pr.n. "His Seat at Nob".
NunShinBetKaf---(1022 w/f); a furnace.
LamedAleph AlephShinMem---prophecy of God.
ShinBetAyin---to spoil or rot.
BetReshQofAyin---a scorpion; a scourge.
BetShinAyin---to be bright or shining; to be green.
---growth or vegetation; herb or plant.
373 > 13 > 4373 -74th prime
AlephShinAyinBet---pr.n. "Valor".
ShinAyinGimel---to be tossed about, to be shaken, the shaking of earthquake; pr.n. "Earthquake".
374 > 14 > 5374 -374 = 2x11x17
HayChetLamedMem TzaddiReshAleph---(1184 w/f); a land of saltness --- said of a desert.
KafShinMem DaletYod---(854 w/f); to extend the hand with (to be a boon companion).
HayShinYodTetNun---tendril or twig.
ShinDaletAyin---to beat or pound.
375 > 15 > 6375 -375 = 3x53
LamedShinMemHay---dominion, might.
HayYodNunBetShinChet---pr.n. "Purpose of Yah".
HayKafShinNun---a cell or chamber.
HayShinAyin---to work or labor; to make, to form or construct.
---to be shaggy or hairy.
376 > 16 > 7376 -376 = 23x47
HayKafAyinMem MemReshAleph---(936 w/f); low-land Syria
NunShinVauKaf---(1026 w/f); pr.n. "Swarthland" --- eastern Africa and/or Ethiopia.
MemYodChetTzaddiNun ChetTzaddiNunLamed---(936 w/f); for ever and ever.
YodNunYodSamekh ReshBetDaletMem---wilderness of Sinai (the desert around Mt. Sinai).
MemYodReshVauAyinNun---(936 w/f); youth or childhood (figuratively of the early times of a nation).
ShinVauAyin---to hasten or hurry.
---to collect or gather.
VauShinAyin---pr. n. "Hairy", Essau the son of Isaac.
377 > 17 > 8377 -377 = 13x29
LamedVauAlephMemShin---the left hand; the left; north.
LamedAlephVauMemShin---pr.n. "Heard by God", Samuel (the prophet).
378 > 19 > 9378 -2x33x7
ZainNunKafShinAleph---pr.n. of a region in Armenia; a Jewish descendant of the Kazars; name applied by modern Jews to other Jews speaking a German and Eastern European Hebrew dialect.
LamedMemShinChet---bright metal; burnished copper; gold-brass.
ShinVauBetLamedMem---a garment; raiment.
AlephReshMemMem YodNunVauLamedAleph---the oaks of Mamre, the oaks of firmness.
HayAlephReshMemLamed DaletMemChetNun---pleasant for looking at.
ChetLamedShinMem---a sending forth; grazing place; business.
ShinYodChetSamekh---aftergrowth (what springs up spontaneously the third year after sowing).
379 > 19 > 10 > 1379 -75th prime
MemVauLamedShinBetAleph---(939 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Peace".
ShinTetAyin---to sneeze.
380 > 11 > 2380 -380 = 22x5x19
AyinShinYod---to be wide, roomy; to be well off, prosperous, to be free; broad or wide place, freedom; deliverance, salvation.
NunShinLamed---(1030 w/f); to tongue; tongue, nation.
ReshPehSamekhMem---number; fewness or numerableness; a recounting or telling; pr.n. "Number".
MemYodReshTzaddiMem---(940 w/f); Egypt, the Egyptians.
LamedShinNun---to draw or pull off; to reject, to cast off.
ShinYodAyin---constellation, Ursa Major.
LamedPehReshAyin---darkness or obscurity.
YodQofReshAyin---Arkite (inhabitant of the city Arka in Phenicia).
YodShinAyin---my maker.
381 > 12 > 3381 -381 = 3x127
PehShinAleph---(1101 w/f); to use magic.
---magician, enchanter.
AyinShinVauHay---pr.n. "Deliverance", --- earlier name of Joshua.
LamedAlephShinYodMem---pr.n. "Who is What God is?".
HayNunQofMem MemVauQofMem---(941 w/f); pasture country.
ReshQofBetHay DaletAyin---until the morning (exclusive).
VauHayShinAyin---his maker.
382 > 13 > 4382 -382 = 2x191
NunShinLamedBet---(1032 w/f); pr.n. "Searcher".
MemShinBetMem---(942 w/f); pr.n. "Sweet odor".
383 > 14 > 5383 -76th prime
PehShinGimel---(1103 w/f); to stroke, caress.
384 > 15 > 6384 -384 = 27x3
AlephPehShinGimel---pr.n. "A Caressing".
HayVauHayYod ChetYodShinMem---The anointed one or messiah of Yahweh.
385 > 16 > 7385 -385 = 5x7x11
MemShinVauTetLamed---(945 w/f); pr.n. "Hammered Men".
HayNunYodKafShin---pr.n. "Shechinah" --- alternate2 name for the 10th Sephira Malkut, (496). The primary significance is the Divine Bride or the feminine presence of the divinity. Shechinah is also associated with the spirit of the Sabbath.
HayMemShinMem---desolation; amazement or astonishment.
MemYodNunYodAyin HayPehYod-MemAyin---(1505 w/f); also fair of eyes.
HayYodShinAyin---pr. n. "Made of Yah".
2. G-K p. 92
386 > 17 > 6386 -386 = 2x193
HayPehShinAleph---a quiver, grasper, holder.
ShinAyinVauYod---pr.n. "Yah Hastens".
ShinVauAyinYod---pr.n. "Gatherer".
VauShinAyinYod---(390); pr.n. "Yah Makes".
AyinVauShinYod---pr.n. "He Delivers", Joshuah (see word play with AyinShinVauMem).
AyinShinVauYod---to cause to be at large, to deliver, to help.
NunVauShinLamed---(1036 w/f); the tongue; language, speech; nation; discourse; tongue-shape.
HayKafVauLamedMemHay ReshYodAyin---the city of the kingdom (the capital).
BetTzaddiAyin KafReshDalet---(866 w/f); idol-way, idolatry.
387 > 18 > 9387 -387 = 32x43
HayYodShinAyinBet---pr.n. "Work of Yah".
VauMemAyin-LamedNun PehSamekhAlephNun---(1107 w/f); to be gathered to one's kindred.
388 > 19 > 10 > 1388 -388 = 22x97
ShinYodMemLamedChet---hard stone, flint, quartz.
ShinPehChet---to flow forth; to be set free; to stretch or lay along; to be prostrate, weak, sick; to dig; to seek out; to veil, envelop, conceal; a device, a discovery; a spreading out; couch.
ReshTzaddiTzaddiChet---to blow the trumpet.
PehShinChet---(1108 w/f); to strip off; to make bare; to draw off, separate; to skim off; what is divided off; a flock.
ChetShinMemMem---an outspreading or extension
QofChetReshMemMem---from afar, at a distance.
389 > 20 > 2389 -77th prime
AyinVauShinYodBetAleph---pr.n. "Father of Succour".
MemVauLamedShinYodBetAleph---(949 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Peace".
ShinPehTet---to be greasy, fat; to be dull, stupid.
MemReshKaf AyinTetNun---(949 w/f); a vineyard is planted.
NunYodNunDaletAleph ReshBetAyinBet---(1039 w/f); on the other side of the Arnon.
MemYodBetReshAyinHay NunYodBet---(1599 w/f); between the two evenings (time for killing the paschal lamb and for offering daily evening sacrifice).
390 > 12 > 3390 -390 = 2x3x5x13
DaletSamekhChet BetShinVauYod---pr.n. "Kindness is Returned".
ShinYodAyinYod---pr.n. "Gatherer'.
YodShinAyinYod---(386); pr.n. "Yah Makes".
YodAyinShinYod---pr.n. "Saving" or "Salutary".
PehShinYod---(1110 w/f); to rub off; to make bare or smooth, to polish; to shine.
ShinAyinKaf---anger; vexation.
LamedShinKafMem---a stumbling block; an occasion of a fall or harm; temptation or enticement.
LamedAlephBetZainYodShinMem---pr. n. "God is a Deliverer".
MemYodReshMemNun YodMem---(950 w/f); waters of Nimrim (see also 340).
ShinMemNun---to communicate or disclose.
MemShinNun---(950 w/f); to blow or breathe.
ShinKafAyin---to wind or coil.
391 > 13 > 4391 -391 = 17x23
NunMemShinAleph---(1041 w/f); solitudes, wilderness; darkness.
AyinShinVauHayYod---(397); pr.n. "Yah is Judge".
HayAyinVauShinYod---help, deliverance, salvation; victory; welfare, prosperity; a saviour.
LamedAlephMemYodShinYod---pr.n. "God founds".
ReshAlephPeh MemAyin---(951 w/f); at or by the well.
HayLamedAyinMem MemVauResh---(951 w/f); pr.n. "The Inscrutable Height" --- an alternate title of the 1st Sephira Keter, TawReshKaf (620), as the highest of all Sephiroth. There is an indirect association of this title with Solomon.
392 > 14 > 5392 -392 = 23x72
AlephNunReshPehSamekhAleph---diligently, carefully, speedily.
MemYodShinBetMem---(952 w/f); penises (plural).
393 > 15 > 6393 -393 = 3x131
AyinBetShinVauHayYod---pr.n. "Yah is the Oath".
HayMemReshMem YodNunZainAlephMem---false balances.
MemYodBetAlephShinMem---(953 w/f); drawings (of water); wells, troughs.
394 > 16 > 7394 -394 = 2x197
MemYodMemDaletReshQof---(954 w/f); axes. (The Egyptian hieroglyph for "gods" is three vertical axes).
HayMemTetShinMem---a snare or trap; destruction.
395 > 17 > 8395 -395 = 5x79
HayMemShinNun --- a blast; breathing thing, animal; the mind or intellect.
AlephPehVauShinChet---pr.n. "Nakednes".
HayYodAyinShinYod---pr.n. "Help of Yah".
HayPehShinYod---a precious stone, jasper; pr.n. "Bald".
HayLamedShinKafMem---cause of offense, occasion of sin; ruin.
HayShinNunMem---pr.n. "Causing to Forget" --- of a son of Joseph and a king of Judah.
HayNunShinMem---second (in order or rank); twofold, the double; a duplicate or copy; inferior; the later or younger (as opposed to first born).
VauBetLamed VauAlephShinNun---his heart lifts him up (incites him).
---In Qabalah, the soul associated with Binah, sometimes used for all three of the Higher Souls associated with Keter, Chokmah, and Binah.

396 > 18 > 9396 -22x32x11
AlephHayLamedAleph YodDalet HayMemShin---pr.n. "God's Name", "His Name Who is God".
HayYodAyinShinVauHay---pr.n. "Yah Saves".
LamedVauShinKafMem---a stumbling block; an occasion of a fall or harm; temptation or enticement.
MemYodQofVauReshMem---(956 w/f); rubbings, cleansings (a course of purification).
TzaddiReshAlephHay-LamedAyin---(1206 w/f); on or above the earth.
397 > 19 > 10 > 1397 -75th prime
MemYodTetShinHay LamedBetAleph---(957 w/f); pr.n. "Acacia Meadow".
AyinVauShinVauHayYod---(391); pr.n. "Yah is Help.
NunVauAlephShinMem---(1047 w/f); deceit or trickery.
398 > 20 > 2398 -398 = 2x199
MemYodShinMemChet---(958 w/f); fifty; armed men, girded men.
PehYodShinChet---(1118 w/f); what is divided off; flock.
NunMemShinChet---(1048 w/f); splendid; wealthy, noble.
MemYodQofChetReshMem---(958 w/f); distant parts.
MemYodChetQofReshMem---(958 w/f); perfumes, aromatic herbs.
BetVauShinKafAyin---adder or asp.
399 > 21 > 3399 -399 =3x7x19
HayReshTzaddiVauTzaddiChet---a trumpet.
MemYodNunMemAyinNun YodAyinTetNun---(959 w/f); plantings of delights.

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